The Pile of Corpses at the Wuhan Lab By Brian Simpson

When I first saw reference to the allegations of Donald Trump that there were dead bodies dumped outside the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and of the former US director of ­national intelligence that the first Chinese scientists to fall sick with Covid-19 are now missing, I felt that I needed to get a super-reliable source. And there it is, The, reporting this, so we know that the story is good and nutritious. Thus, it seems that the body dumping event took place in early as July or August 2019 which is five months before China admitted to the World Health Organisation there was an outbreak. It makes the lab leak hypothesise even more plausible.

“Donald Trump has made the explosive claim that there were dead bodies dumped outside the Wuhan Institute of Virology, while the former US director of ­national intelligence says the first Chinese scientists to fall sick with Covid-19 are now missing.

Those allegations – aired in the Sky News Australia documentary What Really Happened in Wuhan – follow separate claims from former secretary of state Mike Pompeo that intelligence suggested the first incident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology may have occurred as early as July or August 2019 – five months before China admitted to the World Health Organisation there was an outbreak.

The Australian can also reveal that the Wuhan Institute of ­Virology purchased a coronavirus testing PCR machine on November 6, 2019 in a spending spree that also involved beefing up its security, replacing its air-ventilation system and buying a new air medical waste incinerator. The spending spree kicked off on September 12, 2019 – the very same day that the ­institute deleted its virus database containing the genetic sequences of 22,000 coronaviruses.

The PCR purchase is contained in tender documents that were virtually expunged from the internet and recovered by cyber security firm Internet 2.0 and China analyst Luke McWilliams during an investigation for the book What Really Happened in Wuhan, the basis for the documentary.

The book details how the Wuhan Institute of Virology issued a tender for a “fluorescence quantitative PCR instrument” on November 6, 2019, offering to pay up to $US52,000.

The winning bid, from Wuhan Bai Lei Zhen Biological Technology, came in under budget, at $US48,000, a mere two weeks after the tender was issued on the Hubei Guohua Tendering Consulting website. The last time a PCR machine had appeared in the tender data was 2017.”

If all that is not suspicious I will walk to China. On second thoughts, maybe not, who knows what new bugs are lurking there!



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