Will Brit Spear Hollywood? By James Reed

Music princess Britney spears has apparently been treated bad by Hollywood and is now set to expose the rot that is there. That will be interesting, following the Harvey Weinstein event. I bet some Hollywood creeps are nervous, and they should be.


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US Covid Vaccine Data on Injuries to Youth, Updated By Brian Simpson

Here is my weekly update on US, not Australian, Covid vaccination deaths and injuries. Between Dec. 14, 2020 and June 18, 2021, a total of 387,087 total adverse events were reported, including 6,113 deaths.


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I am Disappointed; No Little Green Men Revealed by the Pentagon! By Brian Simpson

The long-awaited UFO report by the Pentagon, not to be confused with Satanic symbolism being just the shape it had to be, has been released, and it says, in short, that we have seen these things, and don’t know what they are. That’s mighty helpful, I could have written that up for nothing!


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Lights Out in Dubai, a Vision of What is to Come By James Reed


A fantastic piece of literature, well written, and alarming, by Alistair Pope, “A Dark Day in Dubai,” describing what happens in a modem city without electricity.  Of course, for rural folk it is no problem, just get out the Hurricane lantern, running on batteries now rather than old school kerosene with less fire danger around the hay shed. I have fond memories of power failures as a kid on the farm, where it was time to get out the Hurricane lanterns, eat by cooking on the wood stove, and story-telling. Sometimes Dad would BBQ meat on the wood-powered outside grill. But for urban areas, when the power is off, it is no happy adventure, as this piece shows. Life under the Green renewable energy will ring in this world.

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The Aborigines and the Constitution By James Reed


There is an excellent paper that all should read, by Lindsay Hackett, “Aborigines, The constitution and the Voice.” The abstract is reproduced below, and it is a high quality argument, that people need to beef up on before the Aboriginal referendum gets going, because our opponents have been working away, not letting Covid slow them down. I think it is about time we won something; I for one am sick of losing.

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Breaking Through or Breaking Down: Post-Vax Covid Infections By Brian Simpson

The data is from Israel, which has high vaccination rates relative to the rest of the World. Yet, it has been found that 90 percent of new Covid-19 infections were caused by the Delta variant, B.1.617.2 strain, and approximately one half of those infected were fully vaccinated. The country may need to go into another lockdown.


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Leftist Professors Want to Blow Up Conservatives! By James Reed

Well, it certainly all comes out in the open in the US university scene, where Leftist academics have recently written of wanting to openly murder their political opponents! It is an incredible double standard, since any sort of reply in kind by conservatives is met by the full force of the State. That is what life is like in a totalitarian cesspool, and Australia is not far behind, so I watch the curves, and report, diligently.


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Beijing Biden Regime Pushing Facebook to Censor Posts on Election Integrity By Chris Knight (Florida)

If the 2020 election was the fairest of the fair, as the Biden regime proclaims, why, oh why would they want posts on electoral integrity to be censored? One would be led to think that they really did have something to hide!


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The Chauvin Sentence and the End of the Rule of Law By James Reed

Looking at the Chauvin sentence from the safe space of Australia, it shows to my mind that the rule of law has ended in America, and that white human sacrifices are now needed to keep the Leftist mobs satisfied. That someone who was full of drugs, and may well have died that day, becomes a saint, is the tale of our times. The police could have had a mass strike in support of one of their own doing their duty, but no, they thought of their pensions. The readers’ comments at the blog below say it all, the disgust felt by many Americans about this whole affair. This erosion of the rule of law has been going on for some time, seen earlier in the James Fields case, defended by Ann coulter, but there are events like this almost every day, from what I can see from across the lake. The diverse will riot is one of their tribe is shot, no matter what is done, as the girl knife fight incident shows, and this one:


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Karen: Race Hate By James Reed

Hollywood has been conducting its own cultural war against conservative values for at least the post-world War II period, slowly working away to dismantle established values, as documented in the book, Hollywood versus America. Take the Western. High Noon is supposed to be a classic, but it has themes outrageous for Westerns of the 1950s, such as extra-marital relationships. Nothing like this in any John Wayne movie, but in the end that sort of Anglo-Western was eliminated, beginning with the Clint Eastwood spaghetti  ones, which seem tame compared to the TV series that had Leftists hunting down Trump conservatives, I forget the name. Now there is Karen, to stir up more trouble. Clearly Whites need to not consume this muck. Vote with the wallet.


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Straight from the Mouth of Dr Daszak! By Brian Simpson

This has been reported and quoted extensively on many sites, but here it is for you now, as EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak, who collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on research funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, says that there was manipulation of “killer” SARS-like coronaviruses carried out by his “colleagues in China.”  The National Pulse.com covered this:


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Here Comes the Super-Hero Vaccine! By Brian Simpson

This is probably one of the agendas behind the mRNA vaccines, to push the boundaries, rapidly, on human genetic manipulation. Now the transhumanists Dr Frankensteins, in all their myriad forms, are coming out of the wood pile.


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Are We Indigenes Yet? by Viv Forbes

No human race evolved in Australia - several different races walked, paddled, sailed or flew here over the past 60,000 years. Some displaced earlier arrivals, others mixed with locals. Some left rock art distinctly different from that of later arrivals and some destroyed or hid evidence of earlier tribes. Some were cannibals, most brought domesticated animals with them and all hunted native animals, sometimes to extinction. None can claim any moral superiority.

Visiting fishermen from Asia and exploring mariners from Europe added to the gene pool in this vast land. Negroid tribes were isolated in Tasmania when rising seas formed Bass Strait and others found refuge in the rainforests of North Queensland. Now a few claimed descendants of a few of these many tribes are seeking special constitutional recognition as “indigenes” and a “voice” to Australian Parliaments. This divisive proposal will do more harm than good.

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All the Covid Genes You Ever Need! By Brian Simpson

All of the genes necessary for the present Covid-19 virus were available at the Wuhan Institute of virology. That alone does not prove that the Covid-19 virus was constructed there, but it could have been, and is another piece of evidence to be reviewed with everything else.


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Early Career University Sex Workers! By Mrs Vera West

More craziness from the academics. Here is one who thinks that students should do sex work to get their way through university! The tragedy is that many are forced to, getting useless degrees and student debt, and their minds contaminated with woke nonsense. However, the metaphor of the universities as great houses of prostitution, intellectual prostitution, is not lost on me. That, these cesspools indeed are!


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The Great Replacement Right Across the West By Richard Miller (London)

This article from vdare.cm caught my eye, as it sums up what I have been writing about at this blog. It is good to see that one’s thoughts are not alone on such dark topics, so to speak. The Great Replacement of Whites, as an act of revenge for creating the modern world, is going on right across the West now. Here are the thoughts of a Venezuelan migrant who has seen the follies of multiculturalism.


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Whoa! The Great History of Racism and Transphobia! By Mrs Vera West

The present ideology is that racism is a product of modern White Western civilisation, and transphobia as well. Not so, here is material from the mainstream media refuting that, with an historical analysis. Of course, if one follows the Leftist strategy as defining “Whites = racism/transphobia” this does not follow, but by an arbitrary definition, anything can be established, such as “Leftists = mental illness.” See, easy, as Bertrand Russel might say, all the benefits of thief over hard work!


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Knock, Knock, Knocking on Kamala’s Door By Chris Knight (Florida)

Wow, Queen Karma wants the faithful to go knocking on peoples’ doors, and harassing them to get the jab! Next, will be the armed forces, now fully vaccinated on woke, smashing down doors, and stabbing those inside multiple times with syringes, like in the shower scene from the 1960 movie, Psycho, or the later satire in one of the National Lampoon movies, the banana scene. Maybe it could be arranged to have background music playing as well to add to the humiliation!


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The Tragedy of Utopian Thinking By James Reed

Pathological altruism of Whites is the subject of this video linked below, which is well worth viewing. It mentions Left wing women who ignored reality, believed the ideology and got raped and murdered, by their cherished subjects. This is not a “told you so” approach, but a warning, but I doubt even when heads are being severed, as occurred in one case discussed, that the Left would wake up, any more than people in a doomsday cult come to their senses in time, mindlessly drinking the poisoned Kool Aid. Only natural selection can solve the problem, and solve it, Nature will, but not the way materialist consumer slugs will want.


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The Plague of Wokeism By James Reed

I preferred the terminology “political correctness,” which could be easily traced to the writings of Chairman Mao, where correct ideas come from, the answer being, those he says are correct, praxis, bs like that, the Party partying on. Anyway, wokeism is about the social control of the Left, and it is spreading simply because Leftist power is spreading. That’s my simple take, but here is more for those wanting sophistication.


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