Take a break from all the weirdness on earth and look to the stars, and think about what weirder stuff must be going on there.
Take a break from all the weirdness on earth and look to the stars, and think about what weirder stuff must be going on there.
This is how bad the anarcho-tyranny has become, when even a former Clinton adviser is afraid that the US is becoming a totalitarian state under Covid lockdowns. And, it has all happened so fast, the elites must have spent many long nights planning this one.
It is interesting how the radical Leftists and Big Business are now marching in tune to each other. My theory is that both operate on collectivist communistic principles, Big Business exists as a corporate, non-individualist nature, a type of socialist creation, far from the liberalism of individuals. Thus, corporations have a distinct legal identity from the individual actors comprising them. That is why is was so easy for communist China to adopt corporate capitalism, since both have the same ontological structure, and oppose traditional liberalism of the free individual.
Just one month in office and Beijing Biden bombs Syria. Is that some kind of record? Anyway, bidden would not beware of who or what was bombed, being so senile and out of it; the Deep Staters simply push ahead with bombing who they want. And, why not, since the good men who do nothing, have let the election be stolen, doing well … nothing, just going back home as Trumpery told them. And still doing nothing, while Trump goes through the same boring routine. So, why care about who gets bombed anymore?
Our own Aussie Cory Bernardi has been thumping the globalist organisations, and the overseas alternative media has been loving it. Good for him.
The dangers of fructose have been emerging for some time. It seems that even many fruit juices, being so concentrated, have this same problem, and thus may not be much of an advance upon sugar. Best to eat the whole fruit, and in moderation.
We know we are at the end of the tether of Western civilisation, when people, the youth, become liker lab rats with their social media. Looks like B. F. Skinner may have got something right after all.
It must be terrible to be a Christian and be at a modern high school. Home schooling is certainly the way to go. Most home-schooled children I know turned out fine, better educated than schoolies.
A good video by survivalists Ferfal and Matt Bracken, commenting on the Trump speech that he will rise again. The point made is that he lost, even though it was by Democrat cheating. Ferfal comments on his huge ego and inability to put the nation first. There is no gesture of true greatness in this guy. The point is made that there is need to move beyond Trump, as he is controlled opposition.
History repeats itself, just as the US financed the USSR, as documented by numerous books by Antony Sutton, such as Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, now communist China is being given a leg-up, all by corporate capitalism.
The plethora of US gender agenda laws, in the new age of the Democrats actually are far from embracing equality, and in fact has ramifications that are contrary to woman’s liberty, and indeed, existence, as these posts makes clear.
Gordon Chang is a leading critic of communist China, and pulls no punches. He sees Covid-19, called the CCP virus, as a form of mass murder by China. Controversial, sure, but here is his argument:
Why would China buy Western academics, since they are so useless? Well, maybe I am too harsh, thinking of the Arts/farts. The sciences and technologies still are of limited use, so China will use them while it can, on its road to world domination. Then there is the propaganda aspect as detailed here:
Apparently senile Joe Biden has the nuclear codes, and other Demon-rats are worried. I do not know why these codes would not be safe with him, since I doubt whether he could work out how to use them. Still, if the Demon-rats want to enrich the world, why not just let antifa and BLM have them? What is there not to love?
Could China really be stooping so low, as the anal probe of foreign diplomats?
The UN shows its anti-white bias, when there is a clear threat to the world by Chinese aggression, as in the South China Sea, and all they can rattle on about is “white supremacy,” never defined or specified, but meaning, most likely, white people in general, and all populist movements. An evil globalist organisation indeed, with its own one world government agenda.
Is there any woke politically correct bs that Gates is not into? And the irony of a computer gurus funding a math is racist program.
I have been covering the dying sperm issue for some time. Once it was not discussed much by the mainstream media, but that is changing, as the problem gets chronic, and the future of humanity is at risk:
It was once common sense, but science is re-discovering that even friends are usually genetically similar, for like goes with like.