I love conspiracy theories, I even liked the Mel Gibson movie about that, and if there is a good conspiracy going, I am into it. Not too interested in UFOs though, being pretty much anti-tech, and anti sci fi, that’s Brian’s thing. Still, the way I think of it, influenced by the great man Eric Butler, is that there is the idiot theory of history, of just random events, or human have purposes and agency, and act with plans. If those with power plan and if there is secrecy to various degrees, well, bingo, it is a conspiracy; that is this simple man’s explanation.
It is even a conspiracy when the evidence is there for all to see through various sources if one searches, but is officially denied by the establishment, or ignored, such as the US 2020 election fraud. I call that, an open conspiracy, where the elites have got so cocky and in-your-face arrogant, that they just put up one layer of cover, and raise the rude finger. Anyway, I am rambling, but I have a retired professional philosopher of science here, Jim Fetzer, who hosts, I think, the Veterans Today website, to give a more robust, cogent defence of conspiracy theories, and he does a mighty fine job of it too!