Cancel Culture’s Medieval Fanaticism By James Reed

Here is one of the few celebrities speaking out about cancel culture, the oppressive politically correct repressive ideology. But, for how long?

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The Assassination of Ashli Babbitt By Charles Taylor

False zombie president to be, Beijing Joe Biden, has commented upon the deaths of Trump supporters, which is more than Donald Cuck has done. He has said that if the people were BLM they would have been treated worse. How so, since they were murdered? At best the federal prosecutor is investigating where excessive force was used. Well, on video we saw her murdered by some Deep State agent, so how much excess is excess?

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Nature is Still Amazing By Brian Simpson

Despite social breakdown and the dysfunction of human society, nature is still wonderful. Flowers can detect bees buzzing around, and thus make their nectar sweeter.

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To the Editor of The Australian, 11th January 2021 from NIGEL JACKSON

Are we being given an option of being hanged or shot ("Indigenous Voice proposals leave room for open debate", 11/1)? A choice is being offered of a legislated voice or one given constitutional protection.  Will the consultation process allow opportunity and space for objection by those of us fundamentally opposed to the establishment of the voice in any form? This latest step in the path towards the constitutional division of this continent appears to be being forced on us in a thoroughly undemocratic way.

     Long ago Bob Hawke admitted that both major political parties (the ALP and the Coalition) had conspired to force on the country a change in immigration policy without allowing a popular vote on it. Similar unethical manipulation by a consensus of the parties is now apparent again.

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Why we must reject the proposed “Indigenous voice” in any form. We are being presented with a Trojan horse and invited to put our heads in a noose. NIGEL JACKSON

Aboriginal issues are being misleadingly used to fatally divide our nation and lessen its ability to stand up to protect its own interests in an increasingly dangerous-looking world. Australians need to call stop! Saying an emphatic no to the proposed ‘Indigenous voice’ can be a first vital step.

     Why should this be so? Is the interim council’s proposal not an ethically correct attempt to right past wrongs and be fair to an unjustly under-privileged minority? No it is not; and here are some of the answers to that position and its current agitators.

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Federation Failures By Viv Forbes

Colonial Australians voted for Federation for four key reasons – Defence, Foreign Affairs, Quarantine and the maintenance of Free Trade between States.

Our Federation is failing in all four areas.

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To the Editor of The Australian from NIGEL JACKSON, 9th January 2021

The proposed Indigenous voice ("Sun sets on old ways as Indigenous voice is heard", 9-10/1) is a Trojan horse and Australians are being asked to place their heads in a constitutional noose by approving it. The interim report is indeed "a further important step" in a process, as your editorial notes ("Giving voice to a long journey"); and the destination may be a fatally divided continent of two separate nations. That eventuality is entirely against the interests of most Australians.

     That the PM has said that the voice might eventually be "ultimately enshrined in the constitution" shows the danger involved in supporting the present model called for. 

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Nordics and Covid By Brian Simpson

Scandinavia has done well dealing with the CCP virus without the lockdowns, masks and other social control agendas. But there could also be a racial aspect to this, as Nordics seem to have greater resistance?

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Raping Across the UK By Richard Miller

With all the US chaos this item about the UK rape gangs, and how the Left have claimed that they did “nothing wrong,” has fallen from attention. But, it is another example of the tyranny of the Leftist regime, who support anything that brings out kind down. It was never about elevating the working class, but always about finishing us off.

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Covid-19 Vaccines and East Asians By Brian Simpson

This is a problem for the Left racial nihilists, there are no racial differences brigade, since it seems that the Covid-19 vaccines may be less effective on East Asians, ignoring the larger question of whether these vaccines are effective at all.

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The Angry Apes of the Left By Chris Knight

A great, fresh article by Peter Brimelow, who uses the metaphor of the angry apes in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey to describe their manic frenzy.

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Covid-19 Vaccine and Foetal Tissue By Mrs Vera West

What is the situation regarding aborted foetal tissue and coronavirus vaccines, something alternative health sites have been discussing? I do not know what the situation is with the coming Australian vaccine, but as usual Dr Mercola has an insightful analysis, debunking the standard arguments.

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Trump: The Treason, The Betrayal, All So Predictable By Charles Taylor and Chris Knight

So, the great Trump farce ends; he called all of his loyal supporters to Washington DC for the allegedly big moment on January 6, 2021; here he thought that sleazy Vice President Pence would do the right thing and call election fraud. 
But, Pence pronounced Biden the new Chinese puppet president of the banana republic of the once USA. Trump supporters got angry and in a classic historical revolt, stormed the Capitol Building. There they committed no violence, but a Deep State agent shot an innocent woman, a returned soldier, in the neck. Others were executed.
The footage may still be up on the mainstream sites, as at the time they blamed Trump supporters for the murder, but this soon was dropped.
Then we had Donald Cuck condemn the protests, even though no violence was committed, and as well, the protests were mild compared to those of the Left, where people were murdered and assaulted, and billions of dollars of property damage done, as America as burnt to the ground. Trump then left the riot, it is said, flying to a military base of loyal supporters in Texas, here to conceded the election, and condemned his supporters again like a traitor and coward. Biden never did this in 2020, but Trump is used to cucking and whimping.
As things stand today, Congress has not yet impeached Trump, but they will Monday, as sure as God made little green apples.
We imagine that Trump, who is obsessed with the art of the deal, did a deal to allegedly save himself and his rotten family. He is as deceived about this as he was trusting Pence to do the right thing. Biden's team are going to come after him, come what may, and no court will fail not to find him guilty of inciting the riot. The system will not let this pass, as the invasion is an assault upon the inner nest
of traitorous politicians, so there will be payback.
What will happen will be the imprisonment of Trump and his family, except for Jared, and the elimination of his business empire.
We feel that Trump deserves what he gets for the greatest act of deception and betrayal in human history. It is sad that some good men like Mike Adams are still believing that he is playing 4-d chess, and that he has not cucked.
Fortunately, Alex Jones has gone hard and has exposed Trump's pardons in his last days. Here is the site, too hot for us to quote on an Aussie website:
Thus, we enter the age of the Biden anarcho-tyranny, and the destruction of America, in favour of the Chinese New World Order. It is a whole new ball game, especially for a country like Australia, which now finds itself alone. As for the United States, it needs to move to the Great

Divorce, splitting the country up into red states and blue. How  this will be done is the next part of history.

Leaking Communists By James Reed

Chinese communists are everywhere, and the new false president of the disunited States could be counted as one. And, they are only getting started, so the 21st century is going to be far worse than the 20th.

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The Family of Trees! By Brian Simpson


Beyond The Secret Life of Plants, there now seems to be evidence that trees communicate to each other, in tree-like ways, as well as recognising their offspring.

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Nordic Transgender Protection By Richard Miller (London)

It will now come to a country near you, as Norway is criminalising hate speech, no doubt defined as any criticism, of transgender people, even made in private homes. Presumably family members will dob one in, or listening devices will be used.

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Beyond Little Green Men By Brian Simpson

According to a former head of Israel’s space program, UFO people have visited, and asked, politely, not to let us plebs know they exist because we are not ready. Ready for what? We have been so drenched in alien ideologies that we have no culture left, so what would it matter?

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From Amen to Awoman By Chris Knight

This is how crazy wokeness/political correctness is becoming, as it seems necessary to even alter traditional prayers.

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Great Leaking Covid-19 By Brian Simpson

Yet more evidence that Covid-19 is really the CCP virus. Why, even The Australian has put something up reporting these allegations.

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Covid-19 Vaccine and Erectile Dysfunction By Mrs Vera West

I imagine that many a man, drenched in hormone disrupting chemicals, is going to blame the Covid-1984 vaccine for failures in the bedroom. Sad, as Trump, remember him, used to say.

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