Bushfire Sense By Viv Forbes

     Australia is a land of deserts, droughts, floods, bushfires, flammable forests and fire-prone grasslands – these conditions have developed since the Holocene Warm Era commenced about twelve thousand years ago. All previous Australian bushies, both black and white, have recognised the key principle of fire management in Australia – you can have many small managed “cool” fires in early spring or a few unplanned disastrous “hot” fires consuming a heavy fuel load in hot dry winds in late spring. (Arsonists have other priorities and light their fires at these most dangerous times.) Every generation of Australians sees its fire disasters and the worst ones get names – “Black Thursday” in 1851, “Black Friday” in 1939, “Ash Wednesday” in 1983, and the worst to date “Black Saturday” in 2009. Not even an armada of expensive water bombers will stop these bushfires – at that stage fire can only be prevented or contained by fire. Good fire management disappeared as rural voters were outvoted by the green leafy suburbs. Urban greens thought we could prevent all fires and encourage wildlife by locking up more parks and encouraging fire-loving, oil-containing eucalypts and flammable weeds close to towns and dwellings. (Many native plants require fire to burst open their rock-hard seed pods.) Even more stupid are those who think politicians can control or abolish droughts and bushfires by banning the use of coal and oil in a futile attempt to lower global temperature. The sun, the oceans and recurring El Nino’s will dwarf all efforts of puny politicians. We need good fire and forest management and prosecution of arsonists, not costly climate distractions.

If Elizabeth Warren, False “Native” American Indian Wins By Charles Taylor

     Australians may not know much Elizabeth Warren, but if Trump is removed in a coup, she could well stumble into the role of president. This will impact greatly upon Australia, as the US gets a hardcore socialist president, backed by an insane political system and new class intellectuals and general bs “artists,” like the film and music world:

“Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan Chase says Warren "vilifies successful people." Microsoft founder Bill Gates says her proposals would imperil "innovation" and "capital formation." Writing in The New York Times, Obama adviser Steven Rattner describes a Warren presidency as "a terrifying prospect." Warren would "extend the reach and weight of the federal government far further into the economy than anything even Franklin Roosevelt dreamed of (and) ... turn America's uniquely successful public-private relationship into a dirigiste European-style system." "If you want to live in France"—where half the GDP is controlled by the regime—says Rattner, "Warren should be your candidate." What finally shocked anti-Warren liberals into action was her recent revelation of how she intends to pay for her "Medicare for all" plan. Warren's plan would require at least $23 trillion more in federal spending over a decade. Other experts say the added costs could run to $32 trillion, raising the U.S. government's share of the GDP by one-half and abolishing the private health insurance plans of 156 million Americans. "Many of America's global champions, like banks and tech giants, would be dismembered," writes Rattner, "Shale fracking would be banned, which would send oil and natural gas prices soaring and cost millions of Americans their jobs."

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Howell Woltz on the Great American Coup By the Recorder

     The following piece is by Howell Woltz, author of Justice Denied: The United States vs. The People, dealing with his own imprisonment by the US government, in a Soviet-style miscarriage of justice case, a bit difficult to briefly summarise, at least for non-legal folk like me, but take it that the title is correct, as the foreword to the book is by a leading legal US authority on these matters.

     Anyway, here is his take on the coup that is rising against President Trump, an essay which is now being reprinted at a number of sites. By way of disclaimer, We can do no better than to quote the original site: “While we can’t vouch for the veracity of all the claims here, this just rings true to me and connects a lot of very interesting dots. As usual, I caution you to “trust but verify.” If nothing else, it serves as a departure point for your own dot-connecting activities. The more independent analysis is conducted by all, the clearer picture becomes over time.”

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More on the Swedish War Zone By Richard Miller

     Need to do a quickie article on the horrors of the modern West? Do not have time for research, it simply has to meet the deadline? Well, Sweden comes ever to the rescue, with no end to degeneracy and cultural decline:

“The publicly-funded British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has woken up to Sweden’s bombing epidemic years after Breitbart News. In an analysis article titled ‘Sweden’s 100 explosions this year: What’s going on?’, the BBC acknowledged the epidemic of gang crime, gun crime, and criminal use of explosives which Breitbart London has been reporting for years — while the mainstream media scoffed and continued to hail the country as a Scandinavial left-liberal paradise. “Swedish police are dealing with unprecedented levels of attacks, targeting city centre locations [as well as heavily migrant-populated suburbs],” the so-called public interest broadcaster conceded. “This category of crime was not even logged prior to 2017. Then, in 2018, there were 162 explosions and in the past two months alone the bomb squad have been called to almost 30,” they reported. The report managed to avoid directly citing the immigration connection for over twenty paragraphs, however, and then only addressed the issue obliquely, observing that  “Swedish police do not record or release the ethnicity of suspects or convicted criminals, but intelligence chief Linda H Straaf says many do share a similar profile.”

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Climatism: A New Totalitarian Religion By James Reed

     For many years I have been writing that climate change has become something of a fanatical cult, which has now morphed into a new religion. Nobody paid attention to what I have said, because, well, I’m just an old loser, who drowns my sorrows for a lost life in cheap alcohol, but still, there are others, who are real people, saying the same thing now:

“Greta Thunberg, the teenager from Stockholm, is the prophet of a new religion sweeping the West. Call it Climatism. Like any religion worthy of the name, it comes with its own catechism (what to believe) and eschatology (how the world will end). Thunberg’s bible is the latest report of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which gives us 12 years to save civilization as we know it. We have prayed to the false gods of fossil-fired growth, runs Thunberg’s indictment. Guilty are the adults who have “lied to us” and given us “false hope.” But her children’s crusade—no-school “Fridays for Future”—will show the path to redemption. And so, the youngsters did. For September 20, the 16-year-old had managed to organize worldwide protest marches. From New York to Nairobi, from Asia to Australia, tens of thousands thronged the squares and streets of their cities, chanting: “You had a future, and so should we!” 2019 is the year 1 a.g., Anno Gretae. Of course, Greta Thunberg did not come out of nowhere. All new religions emerge from competing sects, as Jesus did in Jerusalem and Muhammad in the Arabian Hejaz. Why did she succeed so quickly, virtually in a space of months? An “innocent child,” muses Gerard Baker in the Wall Street Journal, “is an inspiring story that is very effective in offering role models and propagating the faith.” A guileless demeanor trumps reams of data and multiple regressions churned out by the IPCC. But it also helps that Greta has a flawless PR machine running in the background at all times.

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The best compromise would surely be to establish an independent Australian throne

To The Age         It seems, judging by David Crowe's analysis of the recent dinner in Canberra ("The great republican gulf", 29/11), that constitutionally Australia can best be symbolised by a limping kangaroo. The republicans are bedevilled by a major split on how a president should be elected. The monarchists are caught in an awkward position by having to support a head of state who lives on the other side of the world and is not really Australian. The country is split fifty-fifty on whether or not to go republican. To make matters worse, immigration since World War Two has made us "the nation of a thousand peoples", something good for culture and fine dining, but bad for genuine national solidity in times of peril. There is no easy way out of our invidious situation. The best compromise would surely be to establish an independent Australian throne, to be inaugurated by a young person of royal blood from the UK marrying an Australian and founding a new dynasty here.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

False News by Another Bucket Load By Chris Knight

     Here is one of those “gottcha moments” where President Trump shows beyond any shadow of doubt that the mainstream media are a bunch of lying so and so’s:

“President Donald Trump mocked Newsweek after they reported Thursday he spent Thanksgiving golfing and tweeting. In fact, the president was secretly traveling to Afghanistan to visit deployed American troops. “I thought Newsweek was out of business?” Trump wrote on Twitter, sharing a screenshot of the article and photos of him with the troops in Afghanistan posted by his son Donald Trump Jr.”

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Finger-Licking Mad Joe By Charles Taylor

     If Joe Biden beats Donald Trump for the crown of thorns in 2020 we are going to have a real weirdo in the White House, as old Joe does some very creepy things:

“Joe Biden bit his wife’s finger as she was speaking at his Democratic campaign rally in Iowa on Sunday, and the bizarre moment quickly went viral online. Jill Biden was addressing a crowd of several hundred people in Council Bluffs, and repeatedly gestured near her husband’s face. At one point, which was caught on camera from multiple angles, Joe Biden leaned in and lightly bit her right index finger. Jill Biden laughed off her husband’s behavior and carried on with her remarks. However, Twitter wasn’t ready to let it go. Turning Point USA activist Benny Johnson tweeted a video of Biden’s love bite, calling it “horrifying.”

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VFT Rises Again By James Reed

     I remember back the early 1990s there was a big move to make Australia part of Japan with the MFP Japanese city, and the Japanese financed Very Fast Train (VFT). Fast forward to colonialism today, I do not know the role that China money, the new rulers on the block will play, but we will soon see:

“Labor has promised to spend $1 billion buying land between Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane to build a future high-speed rail link. The investment would stop land along a 1750-kilometre corridor identified for a proposed bullet rail line from being swallowed by suburban sprawl, potentially adding billions in acquisition costs to a project expected to cost up to $114 billion. Australian governments have pursued visions of a high-speed east coast rail link since the 1980s. But the federal opposition’s $1 billion pledge would be the biggest financial investment ever made towards the concept. Anthony Albanese, Labor’s infrastructure spokesman, said the pledge “would end nearly six years of Coalition inaction and finally deliver progress on a project that will revolutionise interstate travel and regional development”. High-speed trains would travel at speeds of up to 350km/h and cut the journey time between Melbourne and Sydney, and Sydney and Brisbane, to as little as three hours, Labor said. Acquiring land along the corridor will require the help of state and territory governments, and Mr Albanese said a Shorten government would set up a high-speed rail authority to manage this. The authority would also work with the private sector, including overseas companies experienced in building and operating high speed rail, to make the vision a reality.

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Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor

Paul Starick (Advertiser Dec 6) correctly warns that South Australia is at extreme risk of domination from eastern States, regarding the Murray Darling Basin.  He explains our lack of MP’s on the federal scene will provide minimal resistance to any attack.
The real problem which has generated so much feeling among irrigators has been caused by over-allocation, combined with minimal inflow due to drought conditions.
The irony is the over-allocation has not meant over-use.  Much of the water entitlement is held by speculative investors.  Until they sell the water (at a high price) to an irrigator, the speculator’s water will flow past those who are keen to use it  -  if only it was affordable.
Emotion is running high and much finger pointing has failed to focus on the real problem.
Plans to decommission the barrages and build a lock at Wellington lacks a vision for the whole Murray Darling Basin.  River infrastructure from source-to-sea has provided a wonderful asset which must be retained.
Changes are needed but they must deliver unity  -  even if it requires recognition of less water being available.

Yours etc

  Ken Grundy
  Naracoorte  SA

What the World Needs Now … is Not Love but Mega-“Polluting” Coal-Fired Power Plants! By James Reed

     The more carbon pollution the better I say! If our enemies support it, then it is a methodological principle that we should oppose it, and no-one is as much a bug-eyed fanatic as me … not, that is not right, our opponents are more fanatical, have bigger bugged eyes, and are, to top it off just wrong! I don’t care what thousands of professors say: what would they know? They would not recognise the majestic beauty of a coal-fired power station if they fell down the sooty chimney of one.

“In recent months, emotional eco-activist Greta Thunberg who has become synonymous with the global anti-global warming climate change movement has made consistent appeals at the developed world, demanding an end to its evil, polluting ways. She even went so far as to sue some of the bigger carbon polluters in the world — Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, and Turkey — for violating her rights as a child by failing to adequately reduce emissions. And yet one nation has consistently escaped her steely gaze: China. Which is unfortunate, because whereas many of the nations that have provoked Greta's ire in the past have made concerted efforts to reduce their emissions, it is the world's biggest polluter, China, that has curiously evaded her anger. Hopefully that is about to change because as the FT reports, China is set to add an army of new coal-fired power plants equivalent to the EU’s entire capacity, as the world’s biggest energy consumer ignores global pressure to rein in carbon emissions in its bid to boost a slowing economy. Across China, a whopping 148GW of heavily-polluting, coal-fired plants are either being built or are about to begin construction, according to a report from Global Energy Monitor, a non-profit group that monitors coal stations. Putting that number in context, the current capacity of the entire EU coal fleet is 149GW, or the same as what China is about to add.

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The Great Replacement Behind Climate Change Agenda By Peter Ewer

     Here is an article arguing that to deal with the climate crisis people need to have fewer children. What people? Why, going from the photograph of Nordic/Northern European white children in the article, the implication is, whites. That is applying the same standard that the establishment applies to anything else, for consistency. Thus, predict what the response would have been if only African children were portrayed. But, in fairness, judge for yourself:

“The greatest impact individuals can have in fighting climate change is to have one fewer child, according to a new study that identifies the most effective ways people can cut their carbon emissions. The next best actions are selling your car, avoiding long flights, and eating a vegetarian diet. These reduce emissions many times more than common green activities, such as recycling, using low energy light bulbs or drying washing on a line. However, the high impact actions are rarely mentioned in government advice and school textbooks, researchers found. Carbon emissions must fall to two tonnes of CO2 per person by 2050 to avoid severe global warming, but in the US and Australia emissions are currently 16 tonnes per person and in the UK seven tonnes. “That’s obviously a really big change and we wanted to show that individuals have an opportunity to be a part of that,” said Kimberly Nicholas, at Lund University in Sweden and one of the research team. The new study, published in Environmental Research Letters, sets out the impact of different actions on a comparable basis. By far the biggest ultimate impact is having one fewer child, which the researchers calculated equated to a reduction of 58 tonnes of CO2 for each year of a parent’s life. The figure was calculated by totting up the emissions of the child and all their descendants, then dividing this total by the parent’s lifespan. Each parent was ascribed 50% of the child’s emissions, 25% of their grandchildren’s emissions and so on.”

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New Zealand; Land of Death By Mrs Vera West

     How ironic, New Zealand bans guns because of the tragedy, but passes a euthanasia/suicide law.

“In a 69-51 vote, New Zealand’s parliament has voted to pass the so-called “End of Life Choice Bill,” which would legalize both euthanasia and assisted suicide for people over the age of 18 who suffer from terminal illnesses that have the potential to end their lives within six months. The controversial legislation recently passed its third and final reading in the New Zealand House, and will now have to be voted on by referendum in New Zealand’s upcoming 2020 General Election. In other words, the general New Zealand public will be the ultimate deciding factor as to whether or not the End of Life Choice Bill officially becomes law. Under normal circumstances, when a bill passes its third reading by the Queen’s representative, the Governor-General would sign it into law through a process known as Royal Assent. But an amendment was added to the End of Life Choice Bill requiring it to go up for a final referendum vote, which is its next step. The only problem is that most New Zealanders don’t understand what the bill is about, and most of them mistakenly believe that it’s more innocuous than it sounds based on its name. According to reports, nearly three in four New Zealanders think the End of Life Choice Bill is about giving people the opportunity to simply turn off life support machines for the terminally ill. Some 70 percent think that refusal to be resuscitated will also be legalized.

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On Keating By Ron Bett

     Paul Keating is back, but when did he ever leave ?, beating the China drum. Here is some background reading for those who came in late, and this is all material in the public domain, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this writer or other staff here, who may hold less extreme, or more, over-the-top extreme views, we will not speculate, only report:

“Former Prime Minister Paul Keating might have to register on the Turnbull government's agents of foreign influence list because he sits on an advisory council for a Chinese government development bank, Fairfax Media understands. Sources have told Fairfax Media that a reading of the criteria of the government's new transparency scheme requiring agents of foreign influence to register on a public list suggests someone in Mr Keating's circumstances would have to seriously consider registering themselves. The former prime minister sits on an advisory council to the China Development Bank, a state-owned bank that raises money for large infrastructure projects. Mr Keating declined to comment on Wednesday. Under the scheme, which the government has stressed does not taint the people or organisations listed on it but merely lets Australians know who has connections to foreign powers, anyone representing foreign interests is expected to register. The head of the Attorney-General's Department will have powers under the new laws to judge whether someone who has not registered should be on the list. Someone who avoids registering when they should can be charged with a criminal offence. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said on Wednesday: "If in doubt, register."

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Close Down Parliament House Canberra?! On this One I am all with the Extinction Folk! By James Reed

     Well, I am impressed, and I do not impress easily. Imagine the ingenuity involved here, in coming up with a scheme to shut down the pollies in Canberra, by stopping them getting to their rat holes!

“Climate activist group Extinction Rebellion has threatened to blockade Canberra airport when parliament rises unless MPs meet its demand and begin to “shut down the fossil fuel industry” in the next two weeks. An ACT division of the group has written a letter to all federal MPs demanding that parliament also “legislate towards meeting net zero emissions” by 2025. “If you fail to do this by the last sitting day of parliament, we will give you a taste of the kind of disruption that you are inflicting on ordinary people across the world by failing to take action on climate change,” the letter said.  “We plan to blockade your route to the airport on the 5th of December.
‘‘You don’t deserve a smooth trip home from work if your work is ensuring the continued destruction of the planet.” Resources Minister Matt Canavan told The Australian the tactic was “straight from the Green activist playbook”. “They always resort to threats and blackmail when reason and debate fails,” he said. Labor’s resource spokesman, Joel Fitzgibbon — who holds the NSW electorate of Hunter where coalmining is a key industry — was also unimpressed. He warned that the demand for net zero emissions by 2025 would “destroy our economy”. “Their idealism is to be commended but a dose of realism would be a good thing too,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

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Should We Worry about Academics Working for Communist China? By James Reed

     It is hard to believe, but the modern Australian university could actually be indirectly helping the Communist Party of China, as incredible as that sounds, since very few Leftoids have been known to exist on Australian campuses:

“Dozens of partnerships between South Australian universities and Chinese institutions pose the threat that research could be used to undermine key defence projects, a report warns. There are ongoing top-level concerns about the Communist Party of China’s attempts to spy on the state’s warship and submarine programs. But the report, by The Australian Strategic Policy Institute, warns that at the same time, researchers might also be inadvertently helping the Chinese develop its military capabilities. It highlights the University of Adelaide and a 2016 project with the Aero Engine Corporation of China working on “superior rubber-based materials” for use in planes, cars and ships. The ASPI has created a website to track Chinese universities and their affiliations with the military, and is calling on universities and the Federal Government to protect themselves. The report’s author, Alex Joske, an analyst with ASPI’s International Cyber Policy Centre, says universities and governments must prevent any exploitation by rival militaries. The University of SA has 35 joint projects with China listed on its website, not all of which are active, while Flinders University lists 17, of which six are no longer active, and the University of Adelaide has 57, most of which are about educating Chinese students or in agriculture, medicine and engineering. A spokesman said no concerns had been raised about their researchers’ work. But Mr Joske argues funding pressures make universities more likely to enter partnerships that could compromise them, as the CCP pours billions into defence research. Universities have an obligation to “avoid recklessly harming human rights or national security”.

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Cultural War 2.0: Defend Colonialism, then Cop It By James Reed

     The way things are played now, is that controversial views, nay, anything that is politically incorrect, and the net gets bigger by the day, used to get protested against, maybe the authors bashed by Leftoid savages, but today, it is shut down before anyone much gets to hear of it, then they get bashed.  Oh, there are still the death threats:

“A controversial essay that offered a defense of colonialism and led to a revolt at Third World Quarterly has been withdrawn due to “serious and credible threats of personal violence” to the journal’s editor, according to a notice posted by the journal’s publisher, Taylor & Francis. The essay, “The Case for Colonialism,” was withdrawn at the request of the journal’s editor, Shahid Qadir, and in agreement with the essay’s author, Bruce Gilley, an associate professor of political science at Portland State University, the notice said. The publisher said that it had conducted a thorough investigation after receiving complaints about the essay and found that it had undergone double-blind peer review, in line with the journal’s editorial policy. However, the publisher’s notice continued, the journal’s editor received “serious and credible threats of personal violence” linked to the publication of the essay. “As the publisher, we must take this seriously,” the withdrawal notice reads. “Taylor & Francis has a strong and supportive duty of care to all our academic editorial teams, and this is why we are withdrawing this essay.” Backlash against Third World Quarterly was swift after it published the colonialism essay last month. Fifteen people on the journal’s 34-member board resigned, and a petition seeking a retraction drew more than 10,000 signatures. In the wake of the controversy, the author, Mr. Gilley, had asked that his essay be withdrawn. “I regret the pain and anger that it has caused for many people,” Mr. Gilley wrote last month on his website.”

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Letter to Greta

From Deb Newell 12 October 2019

  Dear Greta,

     You should feel very proud of yourself.  Your crusade against Climate Warming has taken you into the homes and schools of the world and to the United Nations.  At sixteen years of age this is a huge achievement.  I know that you are very, very worried about the current dynamics of what is a dynamic system.  Climate by definition is variable from one day to the next, one month/one season/one year/one decade/one millennia/one geological time frame…to the next. We now stand upon the shoulders of instruments that measure the temperature of the atmosphere, the oceans, the soils and deep into Earth’s crust to assess tiny changes in heat in a multitude of sites across this planet.  This capacity is very new, about 200 years of instrument design and ongoing adaptations allow us to  do this on a regular basis so when we read about the ‘hottest ever’ we must understand that ‘ever’ refers to about 200 years of readings from instruments of varying specificity and accuracy.  To collate this data we use techniques like homogenisation before feeding such modified data into the analytic phenomenon of the twentieth century – computer software.  This is new knowledge that can be mishandled.

     At your age I loved science.  Most of my family are in one field or another of science, so I was always encouraged to never accept what I was being told was ‘the truth’ as this is a dynamic (just like the climate) coloured by perspective.  Back then there was an American scientist who reached pop-star fame, travelling the world to talk  Science to theatres full of students.  His name was Professor Sumner Miller, and his message of intellectual enquiry was to constantly ask the question ‘Why is this so?’  For your own integrity now and into the future, please start asking ‘why is it so?’ to understand the complex systems that run the climate.  This capacity for critical analysis is what defines humans.  Many, overwhelmed by information, accept what they are told as it is easier.  Religions don’t take kindly to questioning, nor do fairy tales or prejudices, but science depends upon the power of scepticism, the power of proof by enquiry.  Don’t follow the easier path of acceptance.  Ask hard questions of the science and scientists that have captured the attention of the world, many scientific institutions and many scientific publications to confirm your own intellectual dignity.

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OOPs … There Goes Our Once Favourite Lesbian Critic of Feminism! By Mrs Vera West

     Like many conservative critics of feminism, I have used material from academic feminist critic of feminism, Camille Paglia. But each time I quoted her, I always wondered, would this be a double-edged sword? Of course, how could it not eventually be?

“Camille Paglia is a self-described libertarian feminist and is a professor of Humanities and Media Studies at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. For a number of years now, Paglia has been promoted by conservative pundits and media outlets as a sane voice of reason in the midst of an increasingly absurd and malevolent political climate. She is touted as being a renegade feminist, and as an unlikely ally who daringly opposes the most egregious excesses of modern feminist philosophy. YouTube abounds with videos dating all the way back to the early 90s of Paglia playing the foil to mainstream feminist currents. Paglia has gone on Fox News to speak with Tucker Carlson, who recommended her most recent book, calling her "one of the more interesting people out there". Breitbart recently published an article in support of Paglia, praising her as a renowned scholar, and applauded her criticism of "social justice culture on campus". Paglia is frequently promoted by Ben Shapiro's online news publication, The Daily Wire, often to showcase her most recent takes on the subjects of transgenderism, feminism, and campus politics.

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China Rules Us, Not the Political Parties … Does Anyone Care? By Michael Ferguson

     “Whether ancient Rome or the Soviet Union, collapse begins when productive citizens silently withdraw allegiance and decouple where they can. Further rot is expected and doesn’t disappoint. Freed from account, the regime collapses from its unsupported weight. In this sense, classic collapse is a secondary effect.” – Ol’ Remus, in his Yer Ol’ Woodpile Report blog.

     This is where deracination, political correctness, mass immigration and the undermining of traditional Australia leads; a stronger, homogeneous power simply wipes us up like split milk. How can anyone be surprised? It was the game plan of the Left from the beginning, and notice how quiet they are about this; not a pip on the university campuses here in Vic. about the China takeover; oh, that would be “racist.” Why, the Greens, enough to put one off even green vegetables for life, are falling over themselves everyday praising China, while China is the world’s largest carbon polluter:

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