Close Down Parliament House Canberra?! On this One I am all with the Extinction Folk! By James Reed

     Well, I am impressed, and I do not impress easily. Imagine the ingenuity involved here, in coming up with a scheme to shut down the pollies in Canberra, by stopping them getting to their rat holes!

“Climate activist group Extinction Rebellion has threatened to blockade Canberra airport when parliament rises unless MPs meet its demand and begin to “shut down the fossil fuel industry” in the next two weeks. An ACT division of the group has written a letter to all federal MPs demanding that parliament also “legislate towards meeting net zero emissions” by 2025. “If you fail to do this by the last sitting day of parliament, we will give you a taste of the kind of disruption that you are inflicting on ordinary people across the world by failing to take action on climate change,” the letter said.  “We plan to blockade your route to the airport on the 5th of December.
‘‘You don’t deserve a smooth trip home from work if your work is ensuring the continued destruction of the planet.” Resources Minister Matt Canavan told The Australian the tactic was “straight from the Green activist playbook”. “They always resort to threats and blackmail when reason and debate fails,” he said. Labor’s resource spokesman, Joel Fitzgibbon — who holds the NSW electorate of Hunter where coalmining is a key industry — was also unimpressed. He warned that the demand for net zero emissions by 2025 would “destroy our economy”. “Their idealism is to be commended but a dose of realism would be a good thing too,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

“We all want more meaningful action on climate change, but net zero emissions by 2025 would destroy our economy and leave us literally in the dark. “We will not make progress on this issue until people stop promoting extreme solutions which achieve little except further divide our communities.” Extinction Rebellion linked its push to the bushfires that have claimed four lives and slammed the development of further coalmines and gas projects. “As we write this, there are 195 active bushfires burning across Australia, people’s homes and communities have been destroyed, some have even lost their lives,” the letter said. “Since 2005, ordinary people in Australia have lived through eight of the 10 hottest years in recorded history. “This is the result of climate change. “And what has your response been? “Continuing to subsidise the fossil fuel industry by $12bn each year, continuing to build new coalmines and gas projects and to crack down on activists who are fighting action on this crisis. “We are Extinction Rebellion Youth and Students and we are now giving you an ultimatum.”

The letter is promoted on the group’s social media pages, with the threat drawing an angry response from Liberal National Party MP Michelle Landry. A strong advocate for the coal sector, she holds the central Queensland seat of Capricornia. “I think they are an absolute disgrace and we are not going to be bullied by these students,” Ms Landry said. “I challenge them to come up and see the jobs that the coal sector actually creates in central Queensland.” “If they hate coal so much then ... let’s turn off their power for a few days. “And this garbage about net zero emissions by 2025 — do they want to go back and live in grass huts with dirt floors and thatched ceilings?” Ms Landry said the tactic of a blockade at the airport was aimed at creating maximum disruption for MPs who had worked hard all year. “People want to get home to their families,” she said. “It is wrong.” Fellow LNP MP Keith Pitt, who has also pushed for coal-fired power plants in Australia, also blasted the Extinction Rebellion threats. “I won’t be threatened by an email from an anonymous numpty from an organisation who are off on some ideological witch hunt with no real solutions,” Mr Pitt told The Australian.”

     I am not interested in the climate change nonsense, which is now boring me to carbon dioxide poisoning, which is a battle destined to lose as well … but the thought of slowing the black magic of our Canberra warlocks and witches up for even a moment is utterly delightful. But, I am afraid that these masters of the black arts will go from the airport in battle tanks, or bulldozers leaving nothing standing in their path, like they have done to this once great country. Or, else get out their ever-trusty broomsticks and fly.



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