More on the Swedish War Zone By Richard Miller

     Need to do a quickie article on the horrors of the modern West? Do not have time for research, it simply has to meet the deadline? Well, Sweden comes ever to the rescue, with no end to degeneracy and cultural decline:

“The publicly-funded British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has woken up to Sweden’s bombing epidemic years after Breitbart News. In an analysis article titled ‘Sweden’s 100 explosions this year: What’s going on?’, the BBC acknowledged the epidemic of gang crime, gun crime, and criminal use of explosives which Breitbart London has been reporting for years — while the mainstream media scoffed and continued to hail the country as a Scandinavial left-liberal paradise. “Swedish police are dealing with unprecedented levels of attacks, targeting city centre locations [as well as heavily migrant-populated suburbs],” the so-called public interest broadcaster conceded. “This category of crime was not even logged prior to 2017. Then, in 2018, there were 162 explosions and in the past two months alone the bomb squad have been called to almost 30,” they reported. The report managed to avoid directly citing the immigration connection for over twenty paragraphs, however, and then only addressed the issue obliquely, observing that  “Swedish police do not record or release the ethnicity of suspects or convicted criminals, but intelligence chief Linda H Straaf says many do share a similar profile.”

That profile, according to Straaf, is “second- or third-generation immigrants” in “socio-economically weak areas” — what some would call no-go zones — but the BBC was quick to follow this acknowledgement with a quote from a left-liberal criminologist downplaying this reality: Amir Rostami says ethnicity rarely plays a big role in gang membership in Sweden. “When I interview gang members… the gang is their new country. The gang is their new identity.” However, Rostami did tell the BBC that the use of hand grenades in Sweden, in particular, is almost without parallel, “the only relevant comparison [being] Mexico, plagued by gang violence.” “This is unique in countries that pretty much don’t have a war or don’t have a long history of terrorism,” the academic admitted. Breitbart News received (erroneous) pushback for reporting that the prevalence of grenade attacks in Sweden is comparable to Mexico as long ago as 2017, years before the mainstream media in the form of the BBC appears to have finally acknowledged the scale of the crisis.”

     Even given this, the dope of a prime minster of Sweden still says that there is no link between the rise in violence from the gangs, and mass immigration. Of course, if he admitted it, the entire politically correct narrative of moral superiority would collapse before the Nordic population has been replaced.

“Journalist and former member of the Swedish Armed Forces, Kajsa Norman, discusses Sweden’s decline in her book Sweden’s Dark Soul, which was translated into English earlier this year. So far, it has received almost no press in the United States. The reason is obvious: Miss Norman exposes Sweden as an oppressive state of social democratic conformity that deals cruelly with dissenters. Miss Norman has a name for Sweden’s spiritual tyranny: the “Unimind.” The book begins with Saturday, August 15, 2015. On that day, thousands of teenagers gathered inside Stockholm’s Kungstradgarden Park for the pop-music We Are Sthlm festival. Billed as a safe, family-friendly event, the day turned sour when hundreds of young men — the vast majority were Afghan and Somali immigrants — began molesting any girl they could find. They held down some of the victims and shoved fingers into their vaginas. The police and private security detained at least 90 suspects, but let them all go. A middle-aged police psychologist named Hans decided to send Dagens Nyheter, one of Sweden’s major publications, a first-hand account. Even though Hans saw that the perpetrators were foreigners, his initial email to the newspaper said nothing about race because he feared he would “be branded a racist”. The story of the mass assaults was not made public until Saturday, January 9, 2016, nearly five months later. Fed up with the apathy of the mainstream media, Hans took his story to Chang Frick, an independent, Jewish-Gypsy journalist who first made a name for himself in 2013 by documenting riots in the immigrant-heavy suburb of Husby that the Swedish media ignored. Rioters shouted “Allahu Akbar!” and fought off firefighters with a hail of stones. Mr. Frick’s Nyheter Idag not only broke the news on what had happened at the festival; it reported that authorities had been covering up We Are Sthlm assaults for at least a decade.

As Miss Norman writes, a few independent media outlets later noted other facts about mass immigration: Young girls and women have been sexually assaulted in public swimming pools, parks, subways, and schools, and on buses. For many young people, this has been a part of everyday life, something one just has to learn to live with. In the 2016 Swedish Crime Survey, 14 per cent of 16- to 24-year-olds reported that they had been subjected to a sex offence [sic] that same year. In 2007, there were 12,563 reported sex offences [sic], including 4,749 rapes. By 2016, that number has grown to 20,284 reported sex offences [sic], including 6,715 rapes. The mainstream media reacted by accusing Nyheter Idag of xenophobia. They tried to cast the story as one of police incompetence, noting correctly that Swedish police officials barred officers from investigating the crimes. Months before the same accusation became common in the United States, the Swedish establishment accused Mr. Frick and his website of being a mouthpiece for Russian disinformation. This was not surprising coming from the elite media cartel. As Miss Norman points out, in Sweden, the media and the government have a close relationship dating back to the 1960s. Olof Palme, later to be murdered on the streets of Stockholm, spent his time as minister of education using television to “educate the population and convey the correct opinions”. Between the 1960s and early 1990s, publicly owned television networks provided the bulk of news and entertainment to Swedes. Most programs championed left-liberal causes, from anti-colonial movements to feminism. And in Sweden, public shaming and ostracism — punishments typical of a feminized society — are very powerful.

In many respects, Sweden is not like other nations. Miss Norman writes that “according to research projects such as the World Values Survey (WVS), no other country deviates more from the global norm”. Sweden is the least traditional country on Earth; in Sweden, extreme positions on sex equality, abortion, and families are common. The Swedish Unimind, which sees itself as the pinnacle of human achievement, does not permit deviation, but, as those who broke the silence about the We Are Sthlm assaults prove, the Unimind can be broken. Sweden’s Dark Soul is less about collapse due to immigration and more about how, for almost 100 years, the Social Democrats created a false utopia and millions of citizen sycophants. It is a vivid demonstration of the problems of unchecked central power. The first Swedish centralizer, King Gustav Vasa (1496 – 1560), nationalized the Lutheran church and created the first professional Swedish army and navy. This paved the way for the legendary Gustav II Adolf (Gustavus Adolphus) and the creation of the Swedish Empire. Until the late 19th century, long after the days of Swedish hegemony in the Baltic, “90 percent of Swedish taxes went to the Armed Forces”. Statism, heavy taxation, and enforced opinions combined to create today’s Folkhemmet, or “people’s home.”

Swedes practiced collectivism long before the Social Democrats came to power in the 1930s, but it was the SAP that re-engineered Swedish society by giving power to left-wing technocrats. In 1934, racial hygiene laws were introduced to perform sterilizations on the mentally disabled, chronically ill, and those with “undesirable character traits” such as promiscuity, laziness, and alcoholism. Alva and Gunnar Myrdal, who later won fame in Sweden promoting nuclear disarmament and the destruction of the nuclear family (Gunnar Myrdal also supervised the compilation of the hugely influential An American Dilemma), enthusiastically supported the sterilization of “anti-social” people. After two decades of eugenics, the Swedish state decided to promote itself abroad as a “moral superpower.” A large part of this morality was an open immigration policy. In 1973, Sweden took in refugees from Chile after the military coup that ousted Salvador Allende. In 1979, thousands more entered Sweden from Iran after the fall of the Shah. Despite polls indicating that a plurality of Swedish citizens did not want more immigrants, the state decided to purge the country of “superstition and ignorance”. In 1975, the Swedish Parliament wrote multiculturalism into law: “immigrants and minorities should decide for themselves to what extent they wished to be assimilated” .

Immigrants from Africa and the Middle East are four and three times, respectively, more likely to commit crimes than native-born Swedes. Sweden has a higher percentage of foreign-born citizens than almost any other country in Europe, and rape, bombings, and shootings have become common. The “moral superpower,” which gave $550,000 in aid to the Viet Cong and $443 million to the African National Congress, is destroying itself. As part of the Unimind, both the Social Democrats and the supposedly conservative Moderate Party parrot each other on the need to accept as many “migrants” as possible. The Unimind blames the patriarchy — not immigrants — for the rise in sex crimes. The Unimind believes that dismantling ancient Swedish tradition of free speech is more important than protecting the people or grappling with the truth. Sweden can be likened to a dictatorship of National Public Radio producers.Sweden has become a nation of materialism, extreme egalitarianism, with a culture of shaming. Although Miss Norman does note that the Swedish mindset can turn quickly, and that the nationalist Swedish Democrats are winning more votes, Sweden’s Dark Soul reads like an epitaph. In the United States, if demographic change continues and the Democrats become as powerful as the SAP, we will become like Sweden, though far more violent.”

     Sweden is simply to far gone, and people who do not want to perish as the country sinks under the waves of the cesspool of crime should flee now as refugees. This will could be the first of the coming big waves of white European  refugees.



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