Elon On Kill List By Charles Taylor (Florida)

We are covering Elon Musk today, a globalist wolf in liberal sheep’s clothing. It is possible that discovering that he was on a Ukrainian kill list made him go soft on the stance he had taken that there should be a compromise peace deal. The elites are not wanting that, so Elon must have been told. He is even giving the Ukraine Star Link for free. I imagine pro-Russian sites like RT.com are blocked though. The globalist elites know how to play hard ball.


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Forget “Fight Club”: Brad Pitt’s Attack Upon Traditional Manhood By John Steele

Brad Pitt is one Hollywood actor who has given positive portrayals of traditional manhood, such as in the classic movie Fight Club (1999), which would never be made today in our woke, anti-male times. Now Pitt has come out swinging against traditional masculinity, wearing a skirt for publicity, and says that being a traditional man is ‘exhausting.” And, while he sees this negatively, he is right. It does take a supreme act of will not to sink into the mud of wokeness as he has done. Perhaps all this is a reaction to the allegation of domestic violence against him, something alien to traditional manhood, which is highly protective of women and children.


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Climate Engineering Scams By Brian Simpson

While so-called climate, actually weather events are attracting attention, and the Left are crying global warming and other nonsense, it is possible that the weather events are extreme. I do not think so, it just being the usual that occurs in the long run. But, some who reject the climate change hysteria still maintain that there is an active program of weather manipulation occurring. I am undecided, but have some information for readers to consider. The governments have been busy interfering with the weather for a long time, and it is possible that weather manipulation is merely one part of the present global war, just like cyber-attacks.


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Does Tomato Soup Improve Modern Art? By James Reed

Climate change freak-outers are up to it again, this time tossing tomato soup over Dutch Post-Impressionist artist Vincent van Gogh’s famous “Sunflowers”(1888/1889). The famous painting looks like something a Year 4 girl would do in art class, but it is famous. Tipping soup over the painting, actually covered in glass was a statement. Sure, but I think old Vinnie if he was here today would think the soup was an improvement. This was the guy who cut off his own ear to impress a prostitute, as the story goes. Other accounts have his as the result of a psychotic episode. Take your pick.


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The Indiscretions of the President By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

As a Christian lady, wife and mother of eight children, four of whom are daughters, I would be alarmed if the president did this to my daughter, or anyone in fact. It is creepy; disturbing. And if he does this in public view then what does this show about his mentality and personality?


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Post Vax Miscarriage Rates Up 50 percent; Fertility Down By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Here is a 30 second video of Kimberly Biss, MD an OB/Gyn in Tampa Bay, FL explaining what they’ve observed in their large practice, with fertility down, and miscarriage rates up 50 percent. There is nothing much here in the brief clip on the vax, but that stands in the background. It is consistent with masses of other evidence which has been reviewed at this blog, a one-stop shop on Covid vax criticism.


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Communist Chinese Penetration into Electoral Affairs By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I did an internet search of the Australian on-line papers that I could access, and did not find material on this story, so here it is, for your interest. Eugene Yu, a Chinese immigrant and CEO of Konnech, an election software company, was arrested “as part of an investigation into the possible theft of personal identifying information of [Los Angeles County election] workers.” Officials believed this “was stored on servers in the People’s Republic of China.” While this is one person, although influential, it raises the question about the extent of communist Chinese cyber interference in elections in the West. What is known about this? This is no doubt the tip of a very red iceberg.


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Even Elon is Not Safe from Globalist Attack By James Reed

This is worth noting. Even though, as I have argued, Elon Musk is broadly in full agreement with the Great Reset agenda, and the transhumanism of the world economic forum, he has a personality that conflicts at time with the establishment before they pull him back in line. We saw this with his claim that the Ukraine should pay for Star Link. Then he pulled back; no, now they get it for free. As well, he worried about being put on a kill list. So, the globalist can bring to heel even the richest man in the world. It is worth knowing what we are up against.


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Horrendous New Gain-of Function Covid Research By Brian Simpson

This is important and alarming news that is now circulating in the Covid vax critique movement. After all the controversies over gain-of -function research with SASR-CoV-2, it has been found that American genetic engineers are working on making Omicron more dangerous. While Omicron is in fact mild, the potential does exist by gain-of-function to make it deadly, and that is what this funded research aims to  do. The paradoxical idea is that if the virus mutates that way, which is unlikely, there will be a vaccine prepared for it. Well, after everything in the last two years, we all know where that will go.


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The Importance of Sleep for Activists, and All By Mrs Vera West

We do not offer health or medical advice as such here, not being doctors, so consider the following as mere common sense. In the battle to come, indeed, what is transpiring now, social credit activists leading the charge to save the human essence will need to get their beauty sleep to keep up the relentless struggle. I found the suggestions from the Epoche Times.com, not to be taken as medical advice quite helpful, as I have trouble sleeping worrying about the state of the world, and the misery that ordinary people are feeling.


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The Real Agenda of Elon Musk and Twitter By James Reed

It is hard to square someone who is on the one hand warning about the dangers of artificial intelligence, yet proceeds with AI-neuro research that if successful will bring about the very thing he warns against. So, Is Musk a free speech champion, eager to defend our rights? Dr Malone calls him out arguing that what Musk wants is to make Twitter into a one-stop shop for all e-transactions, which will make them bigger than Amazon. Everything from banking to humble shopping, controlled by one app. All the tyrannies of centralised control come to light, from security threats, to the entire system going rogue, as depicted in many sci fi movies. It is, in short, the next level of technocracy, fitting in perfectly with Musk’s broad technocratic, centralist agenda. At the end of the day, he is a World Economic Forum supporter, at least in philosophy:


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Not A Vaccine But a Gene Therapy By Brian Simpson

Not to scare anyone challenged by elementary science, but some scientific issues are important and impact upon public policies that have profoundly affected freedoms, so the issues need to be confronted. The Covid vaccine regime is one example, with legislation using the term “vaccine.” But is, for example, the mRNA technology in Pfizer and Moderna, actually a vaccine? There is a technical case against it, put below, so that the science buffs, which I hope are numerous, can read on in their ample leisure time. The point is, that the Pfizer “vax” does not fit the traditional definition. The US CDC recognised this, and simply changed the definition of a “vaccine.” It is a good question, which we will research as dedicated social credit detectives, whether this has happened in Australia, and whether this has been explored as a loop hole. My guess is, yes, but one never knows until checking. We will do it, and get back to you on that one.


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Letter to The Land By D. B. Smith

Dear Sir,

The letters keep coming to The Land warning of the dangers of relying on a vaccine or Electronic Identification Devices (EID's) for sheep and goats to prevent the spread of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in Aust. (See Dr P Carter letters Sept.29th and Geoff Davis Oct. 13th) The similarities in the outcomes of the FMD vaccine and the covid vaccine are ominous to say the least.

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“Floods & Droughts are Nothing New” By Viv Forbes

There is nothing unusual about today’s floods, fires, droughts, homelessness and hunger – they have always been part of the human story. But satellite technology allows us to track them better and our world-wide media revels in disaster-reporting, bringing tearfully tragic scenes into every living room, every night.Population growth means that more people are affected by weather extremes, but there is no evidence that floods and droughts are getting worse.

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Next: Climate Change Lockdowns By James Reed

With the outstanding success of the Covid mandates and lockdowns, at least from the tyrant’s perspective, the elites have moved on, or perhaps moved back to their earlier preoccupation with climate change, which promises even more tyrannies than Covid. The elites did notice that locking people in their cages did lead to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. Thus, along with taking away their cars, and red meat, then all animals products because of methane production, the final thing will be their freedom, then, the depopulation agenda will claim their lives. Unless, of course there is a grassroots revolt against this via people power etc etc.


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Tulsi Gabbard Jumps Ship By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Tulsi Gabbard was a Democrat, but has abandoned them, seeing them as part of the war-mongering US establishment who are urging war with Russia. There are few politicians calling this absurdity for what it is. Tucker Carlson has been raving about this absurd rush to nuclear Armageddon, but few others. It is beyond incredible when the consequences at worse could be the end of our world.


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I Will Miss Big Guy Alex Jones By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Fat angry old guy Alex Jones was colourful. But he has been hit by a court case over his allegations that the Sandy Hook massacre was a false flag, and did not happen. Unlike most other false flag claims, he claimed that there were no killings at all, not the more plausible idea that someone other than the given bad guys did it. Jones is bankrupt now. It is not legally certain what will occur; could he be imprisoned for contempt of court for the inability to pay? Could he get Infowars running from jail? The crims would love it.


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China bought Up Masses of PPE BEFORE Covid; The CCP Knew! By James Reed

This is major! It is smoking gun material. It has been found that months before the Covid outbreak in Wuhan communist China was restricting the export of personal protective equipment, and was buying up vast quantities of such material from across the world. That explains the shortages of PPE in the West when the Covid outbreak occurred. Hence, there must be a reason for such a frantic buy-up, which indicates that the CCP knew what was up.


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Joe Biden: Mad, and Bad! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is interesting, the beginnings of the mainstream media at long last turning upon Joe Biden, although it is only in the UK so far.  Associate Editor of The Telegraph, Camilla Tominey comments on Biden’s mental lapses, but says that beyond all that, Biden is a nasty pasty. Not only did he say that this Trump opponents, half of the US population were semi-fascists,” maybe fascists, he did the ultimate sin of snubbing the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) with the words “I’m Irish” shortly after the 2020 election. “These aren’t the sentiments of a ‘progressive’ politician but the rantings of an intolerant, stuck-in-his-ways old man who can’t abide anyone who disagrees with him,” Tominey observed.””


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Kaiser Permanente Discovers the Covid Vax Truth By Richard Miller (London)

Here is more evidence of the ill effects of the vaxxes. Insurance company Kaiser Permanente examined a sample of than 120,000 Kaiser enrolees who were tested for Covid-19 during Omicron. It found was that in 4 of 5 Omicron subvariants, by 150 days vaccination post-vax, efficacy had fallen into negative territory, and Kaiser’s thrice-vaccinated enrolees were more likely to get Covid than the unvaccinated.


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