Coming Up Fast: Australia’s Digital ID for 2024! By James Reed

 Here is a warning made by the US Dissent Right site The Australian federal government is moving full speed ahead with the launch of a nationwide digital ID system to be rolled out this year. This is but one of its policies for fully integrating Australia into the New World Order, with World Health Organization (WHO) international health regulations, and the pandemic treaty due for signing in May this year. The digital ID idea has been widely supported by the corporate class, who are just local reps of the global super-capitalists, as we saw with the Voice referendum, but this time the people are not being given any say about the digital ID, unless they rise up in protest.

There are good reasons for opposing this: "Digital IDs often involve the collection and storage of personal data, including biometric information such as fingerprints or facial recognition data. This concentration of sensitive data can be a tempting target for hackers and cybercriminals. A successful breach could lead to identity theft, fraud, or even blackmail. Moreover, there is the risk of unauthorized surveillance and tracking. Governments or other entities could potentially misuse digital ID systems to monitor individuals without their consent, infringing on personal freedoms and privacy." In short, this is one more assault upon privacy and liberty by Big Brother Government.

It is not too late to begin the fight against the digital ID, as was shown by the victory of European farmers against the EU climate mandates, but it does require mass opposition, and people need to get moving as time is short. Apathy leads to slavery.

"The Australian government is planning a nationwide digital ID launch, which is tentatively set for this year.

While it could be delayed for logistical reasons, it's clear that the government is fully intent on pushing a new digital ID agenda in the country.

Having first entered Parliament last year, the Digital ID Bill in Australia finished its final stage at the end of January, garnering input from business and finance groups. The country's authorities are currently communicating with the individual states.

An announcement from the Department of Finance revealed that the novel system would empower users to select their preferred digital ID provider for the accessibility of both government and private services. Private entities can apply for accreditation to provide digital ID services under the Trusted Digital Identity Framework (TDIF), which is the government's recognition framework.

As stated by an official spokesperson, the legislative step will set in motion the enlargement of the Australian Government Digital ID System to encompass state, territory and private sector organizations opting to participate.

The national digital ID will essentially serve as a comprehensive version of MyGovID that Australians currently utilize for the Australian Taxation Office, Centrelink and Medicare access. The strategy to retain other digital IDs issued by other state governments.

An individual user will have the capability to create a multipoint image on a device, to be validated against their passport photo or eventually, their driver's license. Officials state that users need only establish their credentials once.

Digital IDs often involve the collection and storage of personal data, including biometric information such as fingerprints or facial recognition data. This concentration of sensitive data can be a tempting target for hackers and cybercriminals. A successful breach could lead to identity theft, fraud, or even blackmail. Moreover, there is the risk of unauthorized surveillance and tracking. Governments or other entities could potentially misuse digital ID systems to monitor individuals without their consent, infringing on personal freedoms and privacy."



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