China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has said that China is planning to build humanoid smart robots which will "reshape the world." "They are expected to become disruptive products after computers, smartphones, and new energy vehicles." US companies are also at work on this, to create walking robots that will be able to replace humans in manual labour jobs. However, the Chinese are the most ambitious here saying the robots will be up and walking by 2025. While that may be too optimistic, the writing is clearly on the wall of more job elimination, perhaps greater than ever anticipated.
Musk sees this as a good thing, which will free up people for leisure. That would be a good thing in principle if we had a Douglas social credit economy, but without that people are going to be simply abandoned by corporate capitalism, just as the Aussies now who are made homeless from the Asian-migration fuelled rental crisis, are being abandoned by the heartless political class. It is difficult to see what can be done here by us, using classical grassroots principles, since communist China will do what it wants. That will create an inevitable AI arms race. Consequently, we must evolve strategies to survive the short-term, and wait out this storm of madness.