International Bird Flu Summit; What are They Plotting? By Brian Simpson

Bird flu, if it becomes more readily transferable to humans, is thought to have a fatality rate of up to 50 percent of those infected. Thus, if there was a "pandemic" it would be many times worse than the 1918 Spanish flu (actually thought to be from China, but here are controversies about this, even if the death toll was due to the flu, rather than the overuse of aspirin).

The globalist health authorities have said the occurrence of a bird flu pandemic is a question of when, not, if. Given the conspiracies that have been uncovered with the Covid plandemic, it is wise to watch what the globalists are up to. Former CDC director Robert Redfield recently said that he believes that a bird flu pandemic is coming and that the death rate will be "somewhere between 25 and 50 percent"

"A bird flu pandemic is inevitable – and it's only a matter of time before it strikes, according to former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield.

Redfield's comments come amid mounting concerns over the detection of the virus in dozens of cattle herds across the United States and the first reported human death in Mexico.

In a recent interview with NewsNation, Redfield expressed his belief that a bird flu pandemic is a high likely. "I really do think it's very likely that we will, at some time," he said. "It's not a question of if; it's more of a question of when we will have a bird flu pandemic." He emphasized the significant mortality rate associated with the virus, with an estimation of a mortality rate of "somewhere between 25 and 50 percent," in contrast to the 0.6 percent death rate observed in the Covid-19 pandemic."

There will be an International Bird Flu Summit"be held in Washington D.C. from October 2nd to October 4th. The conference will be based around the scenario of an outbreak of a highly contagious form of bird flu, which presumably mutates from the present H5N1 variety, or more likely, is released from a bioweapons lab. One of the topics will be "mass fatality management planning":

  • Mass Fatality Management Planning
  • Surveillance and Data Management
  • Preparing Communities Strategies
  • Local Partnership & Participation
  • Delivery of Vaccine and Antiviral Medication
  • Medical Countermeasures
  • Socio-Economic Impact on Poultry and livestock Industries
  • Benefit-Risk Assessment: Public Health, Industry and Regulatory Perspectives
  • Prevention Education Efforts and Risk Communication
  • Command, Control and Management
  • Emergency Response Management
  • Business-Based Planning
  • School-Based Planning
  • Community-Based Planning

So, the elites are preparing for a great die off.It may be too late to get this plandemic rolling before the 2024 election, although stranger things have happened. Nevertheless, it would be a mistake not to take these warnings very seriously, and thus one should begin emergency preps and stock-ups, now. 



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