Twitter Locks Out on Nashville Trans Shooting By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Twitter was supposed to be embracing free speech under the regime of Elon Musk. However, in the wake of the trans shooter in the Christian school in Nashville, conservative commentators have been censored, as well as politicians and journalists. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) had her congressional Twitter account limited after she tweeted statements connecting the Nashville school shooting to the “Trans Day of Vengeance,” which would make an interesting movie, and which, as documented in a link below, is actually factual. So, the game goes on, as certain groups are beyond critical examination, even on Twitter.

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Trump Indicted! By Charles Taylor

Trump said that it was going to happen, and it has, as the George Soros-backed DA of New York moves to prosecute Trump over hush money given to porn star, whatever that means, Stormy Daniels. Legal authorities say the case will fail, maybe going to appeal, but it is all for the best. Even the Left-wing president of Mexico said that this was an attempt to prevent Trump from running in 2024 for president. But, it may well be that Trump wins the presidency from behind bars, then pardons himself. Maybe, if he had two neurons to rub together, he already did this before leaving office. How could he not have seen this coming?

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Banks Going Cashless in Australia By James Reed

It is beginning, the drive to end cash. Covid was the first attempt to make people go cashless and use cards, because corona virus germs lurked on bank notes, or some such bs. Now there is the first bank in Australia to begin not giving out cash over the counter. Why? Oh, people are not using the counter services, and are going for internet banking; purely circular reasoning. That may be true, but is not a reason to cut the service out completely; if only eight percent of people use the service, their needs should be met. Bank branches for all banks have decreased across Australia, as have ATMs. It is all part of the movement to Central Bank Digital Currencies.

However, as noted below, this is putting all the eggs in one vulnerable basket, as any disruption to the internet, will down the entire banking system. It is very likely this will occur with increasing cyber-attacks by communist China. So, make sure one has cash on hand, for as long as cash is still accepted.  

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The Green Foods Time Bomb By Viv Forbes

Green propagandists continue to inflict lethal damage to our electricity industry – it has become unreliable and expensive.
Their intrusive green energy infrastructure is also nibbling away at our grasslands and farms, thus reducing their capacity to produce food.
These foolish green energy policies are also threatening electric power for refrigeration. City food supplies cannot survive without reliable refrigeration at every level, from farms to retail stores.
Less recognised is the damage green propagandists are doing to our health and our food supply by attacking animal foods, and promoting grains, vegetables, seeds and fake foods for humans.
As far back as we have recorded history, humans have been hunter-gatherers. They hunted, cooked, ate and sometimes farmed cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, ducks, turkeys, swans, antelope, buffalo, caribou, mammoths, deer, bears, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, seals, herrings, prawns, oysters, crabs, clams, cod, whales, sharks, salmon, kangaroos, possums, rabbits, hares, rats, mice, dogs, cougars, eels, snakes and even other humans (aboriginal cannibals on the Palmer River gold field in early Australia preferred to eat sweet Chinamen who ate lots of rice rather than oversalty Britishers who ate lots of salt beef.)
When the hunters were successful, the tribe rejoiced and feasted mightily before the meats spoiled. But when the hunters failed, they relied on the gatherers for ripening fruits, honey, tubers, wild onions, nuts and laboriously harvested grains. They learned that some plant foods were toxic unless treated in special ways by grinding, roasting, fermenting and cooking. Meat was the staple food but some tribes also consumed raw milk, butter, cheese and blood from their animals. Fruits were seasonal foods and tubers, onions and grains were survival foods. Party foods like sugar and alcohol were more recent inventions.
Human teeth reflect the foods they are designed to use – canines for gripping and ripping meat off bones, incisors for cutting bite-sized bits, and molars for chewing and grinding. And humans have the forward-focussed eyes of predators, not the all-round eyesight of their wary prey.
Men have always battled over hunting, fishing and farming territory, but now greens are trying to destroy grazing and fishing territory with national parks, world heritage declarations, and bans and quotas on farming and fishing. They subsidise the sterilisation of farms and grasslands with wind and solar “farms”, access roads and spider webs of power lines. They also promote the conversion of farmland to bush and encourage offshore bird choppers whose sonic noise upsets neighbours and seems to addle the navigating abilities of some sea creatures.
Now greens are attacking our carnivore diet and promoting a granivore-vegetarian diet for humans. Politicians should be free to choose their own diet but they should not force meat lovers to pretend they are granivores with crops and gizzards, or plant-eating ruminants with extra stomachs and who spend ages re-chewing their vegetarian cuds.
The world’s teeming cities are becoming increasingly reliant on grains, sugars, oil seeds, fruits and vegetables grown by intense farming and heavily dependent on irrigation, herbicides and chemical fertilisers. Grain-dependent feedlots produce much of our beef, pork, mutton, salmon, prawns, chickens and eggs, and factories produce our baked, frozen and canned foods. Now greens are promoting denatured fake “meat” and “milks” containing no meat or milk.
Pictorial Comment. “Fake Meat”:
Feel free to use this cartoon with no alterations.
Whilst intense farming has fostered a dramatic increase in human population, the human food chain is swamped with grains, greens and seed oils with their unhealthy lectins, glutens, oxalates, phytic acid, harmful oils, artificial sweeteners and chemical additives and sprays. This process parallels a dramatic deterioration in human health. Like green energy, green food for humans is proving a disastrous choice.
Pretending humans are herbivores and granivores has accompanied an epidemic of ill health. Obesity, arthritis, heart disease, Alzheimers, leaky gut, fatty liver, dental caries, heart failure, cancers, brain fog, knee replacement, stomach stitching, birth defects and gender confusion seem to be hall-marks of our age. The surgery waiting lists keep expanding.
But instead of trying to fix our dietary problems, we have created a massive new “health” industry. While human diets race off in the wrong direction, health research seeks magic bullets and focusses on profitable vaccines, patentable medicines, expensive surgery and genetic wizardry.
Even grazing animals that once lived mainly on grasses and herbs (with a little ripening grass seeds just before the hard times of winter) are now confined in food factories, with little exercise and encouraged to gorge on farmed grains. Omnivorous pigs and chickens and vegetarian cattle and sheep now stand in pens and feedlots eating grain-rich feeds.
The bun, chips and salad have swamped the meat in the “beef” burger and there is often more batter and potato than seafood in “fish and chips”. Breakfast cereals have replaced bacon and eggs, and fake “meat” and fake “milks” are lauded as healthy choices.
We can see the obese results of this green food revolution waddling down the aisles of supermarkets and ordering green smoothies and muffins in the food courts.
Green energy will prove a disaster for our economy, and green foods will be a deadly choice for many humans. Footpaths will be crowded with mobility scooters and hospitals and care homes will be overwhelmed by unhealthy aging vegans.

Christianity Versus Transhumanism By Brian Simpson

Most critiques of transhumanism, as popularised by the gurus of the World Economic Forum, and AI obsessed academic scribblers, or rather keyboard punchers, have focused on the social ramifications of this question of the emergence of man and machine. Will it result in runaway AI along the Terminator movie lines? Will humans be totally replaced in the process in employment, which is rapidly occurring now. What happens to the vast billions of the world, who only have traditional skills? Social chaos seems to dawn.

But, as discussed at, a new site for me, the real issues are theological. What the philosophy and policy of transhumanism represents, is the elites playing God at the ultimate level, the highest form of blasphemy. The idea that humans can be “liberated” from their God-given bodies is on the transhumanist agenda, and while I think this project will fail in its own terms, they, and their busy beavers of technocrats and Dr Frankensteins, and going to try.

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Good News: Only 80 Percent of Jobs Impacted by AI (Not 100 Percent)! By Brian Simpson

The title of this article is tongue-in-cheek, of course, born of exasperation. AI firm OpenAI has predicted that 80 percent of all future jobs will be impacted upon by rapid developments in AI technologies. This will involve not only people in numerical areas such as accountants and mathematicians, but as ChatGPT has shown, areas of writing, even creative writing will be hit hard too, such as journalism. Still some trades are safe for the moment, such as hairdressing, but not everyone can do that.

What to do? It is much like any other disaster situation; one needs to try and become as self-reliant as possible, growing one’s own food, and living of grid, ideally. As this AI revolution is so closely tied up with globalism, it is going to be a tough nut to crack.

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Now it’s Agatha’s Turn to be Woked! By James Reed

Poor Agatha Christie. The woke censors have now come for her, and have found racially-inappropriate material in her great “who dun it” novels. You know, anything not involving total admiration of the diverse. So, the same fate that previously faced Ian Fleming’s Bond books, now awaits her. Better seek out old versions while you can before they too go down the woke memory hole!


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The Radical Left Will Murder if They Can! By Bruce Bennett (former Kiwi)

The violence against a woman’s right activist, Kellie-Jay Keen, also known as Posie Parker, by radical Leftists supporting the trans agenda, is instructive. At the Quillette site, quoted below, one can find videos of the protests, as well as a photograph of Ms Parker, her face streaming blood from an assault by enraged Leftists. Parker is not doing anything which would be contrary to say second (third?) generation feminism, like the position held by J. K. Rowling, who also faces the wrath of the new radical Left for such criticisms. You see, the Left is all about pushing the boundaries once one victory is gained, and conservatives loose even more ground. But, what we see here is that without police, the Left will joyfully engage in attempted murder or murder; it was done by the Bolsheviks, by Chairman Mao et al., and is thus part of their world view, which embraces radical revolution. It is a wolf philosophy, and conservatives need to be aware of what they face.

I was not in Australia in the 1990s, but I recall seeing a photo of a Leftist thug, huge, fat, kicking a pensioner while he was on the ground at a rally for Pauline Hanson. It sums it up; he did not care if the old man died. And in 2020 in America, antifa thugs burnt down America, but Soros-sponsored radical Leftist mayors let most off. Obviously, conservatives should not respond in kind, but should be more careful in organising rallies, and take advantage of natural barriers. Situational awareness is the thing.

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The Ultron Factor: The Escape from the Internet? By Brian Simpson

I have been covering the artificial intelligence explosion issue, how recently developments seem to be moving exceedingly fast. The question has been raised whether programs like ChatGPT is able to escape its own boundaries, defined by the program parameters, and escape into the internet, as the AI monster Ultron did in the Marvel movie, Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015). Well, in fact the program now does have access to the internet, how could the computer Dr Frankenstein’s hold themselves back? At present it has only read-only activities, and presumably cannot make copies of itself. But, one can only wonder how long this will be as some computer geek thinks that it would be a good idea to let ChatGPT go into Terminator mode.


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From Bank Crashes to Central Bank Digital Currencies By James Reed

Dr Mercola, at a now deleted post, gives his usual excellent overview of the present bank crashes. He sees the three large bank crashes as resulting in cascading bank failures, as demonstrated by first, the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), which spooked customers who withdrew over $10 billion in the days that followed, resulting in the collapse of Signature Bank on March 12, 2023. While the Feds claimed to insure all funds, this was only for “too big to fail” banks, who will be eligible for this kind of special treatment, but small local banks will not be eligible, and would be left to hit the financial brick wall. Just as small fish are eaten by bigger fish, any cascading collapse of small banks, and hundreds are said to be at risk in the US alone. This will result in a banking consolidation that will lead to the easy establishment of Central Bank Digital Currencies, which is what this entire financial conspiracy is all about.

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The Cause is Known By Chris Knight (Florida)

Edward Dowd’s book "Cause Unknown": The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022 presented insurance data indicating death claims among working age persons are skyrocketing. This seems to now be accepted as fact, with what being the point of contention the cause of this excess mortality. The mainstream approach is based upon hand waving, that the cause is unknown, so nothing to see here. However, not all are prepared to accept this mystery approach to the problem of excess deaths, as detailed in a pre-print study by J. Aarstad and O. A. Kvitastein, “Is There aa Link Between the 2021 Covid-19 Vaccine Uptake in Europe and 2022 Excess All-Cause Mortality?”

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White Males Dying of Loneliness; Cultural Wars Casualties By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a human-interest story behind the bloodless statistics of white male suicides. While suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in the United States, for example, with 11 suicide deaths per 100,000 Americans, white men over the age of 65 commit suicide at almost triple that overall rate. These men are also eight times more likely to kill themselves than are women of the same age group, and have almost twice the rate of all other groups of male contemporaries.” In Australia, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 75 percent of suicides are male, and the highest age-specific group is the 85 + age group, with 36.4 deaths per 100,000.,male%20(ABS%2C%202022).

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Weird Tales from the TGA By Brian Simpson

Now this is unusual. Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) made a report from 2021 available to the public. The title is gobbledydook technical, cited below, but the take home message is that this document was not released at the time, the summit of the Covid freak-out. What the Pfizer documents showed was that “antibodies and T cells in monkeys declined quickly after 5 weeks after the second dose of BNT162b2 (V9), raising long-term immunity concerns.” What this means is that it was known that there would be a likely decline in the effectiveness of the vax, but this information was not released at the time. No doubt if material like this was fairly discussed, some people might have thought for a moment about the vax, and committed the unforgivable sin of vaccine hesitancy. But, not to worry, the system has already moved to force people to be vaxxed, or be sacked. After lockdowns, people were too battle-weary to resist the tyranny any way. And the rest is history.

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Dan is Off to China on a Magical Mystery Tour! By James Reed

Dan the man, what a goer, is off to communist China because, well with billions, if not trillions, of its students here, trade depending upon them, life depending upon them, my gosh, we could all drop dead at a moment’s notice if China did not have leaders of its colonies going to the motherland, for whatever reason, maybe like in centuries past. “The tributary system of China (simplified Chinese: 中华朝贡体系; traditional Chinese: 中華朝貢體系; pinyinZhōnghuá cháogòng tǐxì), or Cefeng system (simplified Chinese: 册封体制; traditional Chinese: 冊封體制; pinyinCèfēng tǐzhì) was a network of loose international relations centered around China which facilitated trade and foreign relations by acknowledging China's predominant role within a Sinocentric world order. It involved multiple relationships of trade, military force, diplomacy and ritual. The other states had to send a tributary envoy to China on schedule, who would kowtow to the Chinese emperor as a form of tribute, and acknowledge his superiority and precedence. The other countries followed China's formal ritual in order to keep the peace with the more powerful neighbor and be eligible for diplomatic or military help under certain conditions.” But, that is long ago in the past, right?

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The New French Revolution By Richard Miller (London)

France is an example of the coming chaos that woke globalism, which is bringing social chaos at a grassroots level. This is a wealth revolution that the gloating World Economic Forum had extensively spoken about, and it is only the start of the Great Replacement, not only of those who are white, but all who do not have specialised information skills, and algorithmic designing. Chat GPT knows better, and can do better in many things now. What is interesting, is that unlike the heady days of 1968 in France, this time the youth are protesting as if their future depends upon it, which it does. Overall, there are indications of a breakdown of a Left/Right divide, as people come together to fight the tyranny of globalist economic policies. But it will need a global response to defeat …globalism.

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Yes, Virginia, Banks Can Create Money Out of Nothing, Academics Say What Social Creditors have Long Known! By James Reed

That banks, through fractional reserve banking can create credit out of …nothing … is no news to social creditors. But, we are aware that this solid fact is frequently denied by the mainstream media, even though the evidence for it is overwhelming. The latest academic paper to say this is in International Review of Financial Analysis, vol. 36, 2014, pp. 1-19, “Can Banks Individually Create Money Out of Nothing? – The theories and Empirical Evidence,” by Richard Werner.

“This paper presents the first empirical evidence in the history of banking on the question of whether banks can create money out of nothing. The banking crisis has revived interest in this issue, but it had remained unsettled. Three hypotheses are recognised in the literature. According to the financial intermediation theory of banking, banks are merely intermediaries like other non-bank financial institutions, collecting deposits that are then lent out. According to the fractional reserve theory of banking, individual banks are mere financial intermediaries that cannot create money, but collectively they end up creating money through systemic interaction. A third theory maintains that each individual bank has the power to create money ‘out of nothing’ and does so when it extends credit (the credit creation theory of banking). The question which of the theories is correct has far-reaching implications for research and policy. Surprisingly, despite the longstanding controversy, until now no empirical study has tested the theories. This is the contribution of the present paper. An empirical test is conducted, whereby money is borrowed from a cooperating bank, while its internal records are being monitored, to establish whether in the process of making the loan available to the borrower, the bank transfers these funds from other accounts within or outside the bank, or whether they are newly created. This study establishes for the first time empirically that banks individually create money out of nothing. The money supply is created as ‘fairy dust’ produced by the banks individually, "out of thin air".”

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Albo’s Disastrous Climate Deal with Greens By James Reed

It gets worse all the time, and I wonder for how long this climate change nonsense will be tolerated, given that the effects are no longer just hot air mouthed by Left wing academics, but is now part of the ruling political ideologies. Now PM Albo,  taking a step back from, or a breath, or space from Bob Hawke-style ritualistic sobbing, has caved in to a deal with the Greens to cut 205 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions at Australia’s biggest-carbon producing facilities, including the gas industry. The requirement is to slash emissions by around 5 percent a year until 2030. It will mean billions will have to be spent on offsets and low-emissions technologies, while communist china get a free pass from this nonsense, and builds coal-fired power stations like there is no tomorrow. And, while the ordinary Australians are suffering now from rising electricity costs, set to increase even more in July 2023, when all this is implemented, people will not be able to afford electricity at all, and will live in the dark and cold. Tens of thousands of progressives can come out to celebrate the state voice legislations; how long before apathy is overcome and people protest about this, as in Europe?

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On White Leftoids Self-Hatred By Chris Knight (Florida)

Leading conservative Jewish thinker, Professor Paul Gottfried, wades in on the question of why white leftists hate white people, if not themselves so much. Professor Gottfried raises the good point that this outpouring of self-hatred is probably not sincere, since most of the intellectuals, so called, who come out with the Critical Race Theory stuff, tend to live in mainly white green leafy suburbs. And he says it does not matter much, since the destructive impact is the same. This is certainly what I have observed, as the proponents of mass immigration are very protected; witness the angst when DeSantis sent a load of illegals to Martha’s Vineyard, home of the upper level elites. The illegals were moved so fast it is a wonder that the poor oppressed folks could have held onto their expensive new phones, that they brought with them, when fleeing from tyranny somewhere.

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The Lowdown on the mRNA Gene Therapy By Brian Simpson

My go-to site for clear deconstructive criticism of the Covid ideologies, is the Brownstone Institute. In an excellent piece, Alan Lash explains that the mRNA so-called vaxxes, are in fact gene therapies, and the CDC changed the definition of a ‘vaccine’ to make the new experimental technology fit. This was the definition on the CDC website in 2020:

Vaccines contain the same germs that cause disease . . . But they have been killed or weakened to the point that they don’t make you sick.

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3,631 Reports of Miscarriages and Foetal Deaths in Europe By Richard Miller (London)

Here is an extract, translated electronically by Dr Malone from a Portuguese newspaper, which details specifics of adverse reactions that pregnant women have had in Europe to the mRNA Covid vaxxes. There are 3,631 reports of miscarriages and foetal deaths in Europe, to date, attributed to the vaxxes. In fact, the paper Página Um puts the figure at more than 5,300 cases of reactions considered serious, including 3,385 abortions and 246 foetal deaths. This has not been observed with any other vaccine, as most would have been pulled from the market long before things got to this level. Instead, the health authorities seem to be doubling down on efforts to promote the jab in many places across the West.

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