Letter to The Editor - European Court of Justice would still have a role and Britain

To The Australian        Jacquelin Magnay explores at length the possibility (she admits that it is not a certainty) that a no-deal Brexit would have grim results for many Britons ("Merkel works to shore up May deal", 24-25/11), but ignores the reality that the loss of Brexit and further absorption into the EU would have far grimmer results for the UK in the medium and long term. The situation is summed up in her admission that Mrs May's pseudo-Brexit deal means that "the European Court of Justice would still have a role and Britain would not be completely independent." For the British to reassert the importance of intellectual freedom as a fundamental of a democratic order, they must throw off the yoke of incipient tyranny masquerading as political correctness for which the EU soviet-like justice system is now notorious. What appears to be most important at this critical stage is for the Leave majority to find the right person to lead the nation "through the Red Sea".
 Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Openly Corrupt By Chris Knight

     The thing that I don’t miss about America is the open corruption, unlike here in Oz, where there is a little attempt to cover things up. In the following, all Australian readers need to know is that Schumer is a Senator, and a politically correct one at that:

“What does it take to friend a U.S. senator? If you’re Facebook, all you need is about $50,000 in donations – and a cushy job for the politician’s daughter. Facebook employees, including some at the top of its corporate pyramid, have helped fill Schumer’s campaign coffers – and he’s returned the favor by carrying water for the social media giant in Congress, according to a recent report. And Alison Schumer, the senator’s youngest of two daughters, works as a Facebook product marketing manager – which pays an average of $160,000, according to Glassdoor.com. “It sure looks hinky,” political strategist Susan Del Percio told The Post. “This is an industry that’s been trying for years to fend off heavy government regulation by actively cultivating relationships with senators and House members.”

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Letter to The Editor - We monarchists insist that a sacred monarchy is always superior

To The Age        Amanda Vanstone reasonably argues ("Shorten's republic road map will only set us back", 26/11) that Australians should seek to find a new unity and also a head of state that is completely our own. She uses these proposals to justify the republican cause; but in themselves they do not do that. Nowhere in her article is there any attempt to show that a republic would be better for us than a monarchy. Phrases like "a nation that has come of age" are mere rhetoric. We monarchists insist that a sacred monarchy is always superior in principle to any kind of republic; it has an accordance with truth, a dignity and an inspirational power that Australians will be wise to retain in one form or another.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Law Out of Control By Charles Taylor

     This story illustrates a point which I have been making for years in America, perhaps unpalatable to rosy cheeked, glazed eyed conservatives, that the globalist cultural Marxist left has taken over the ruling institutions of Western society, including law. Thus a judge that we have not heard of, over-rules an executive order of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, which was to block the illegal migrant invaders from seeking asylum:

     But, it gets worse, as a Federal judge has ruled that laws against female genital mutilation are unconstitutional!!! The Founding Fathers would be speechless; I am almost speechless:

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Told You So: North Korea Keeps its Nukes By James Reed

     Aaaaah … I thought it was too good to be true, and that we would escape nuclear annihilation too easily. North Korea is going to keep its nukes, and who says then the little guy who is dictator will not eat some rich food and suddenly get the urge to splurge:

“North Korea’s dictator, Kim Jong-Un, has decided to keep the nation’s nuclear weapons, despite promises to the Trump administration that he would begin denuclearization. It appears that a nuclear war threat is still lingering and could be the topic of discussion when president Donald Trump meets Kim early next year. According to The Daily Star UK, sources inside the Communist state have reportedly revealed its leader Kim Jong-un has no plans to surrender his nuclear weapons despite talks of denuclearization with Trump. Jiro Ishimaru of Asia Press International, revealed insiders have said Kim has been assuring his citizens he won’t allow North Korea to be vulnerable. “Even after Kim met with [U.S. President Donald] Trump, progress on a peace treaty has been slow,” said Jiro. “So Kim must feel the need to assure people domestically that he has no intention to let go of nuclear weapons.” Talks between the US and North Korea have not gone as smoothly as expected since Trump and Kim had their historic and landmark meeting in Singapore in July. Although the two leaders have agreed to a second summit in the US early next year, the schedule and agenda have yet to be set in stone. A high-level meeting to iron out details that was scheduled to have taken place on November 8 was canceled the day before without explanation. But it’s a safe bet that the US will be adding North Korea’s nukes to the discussion.

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Victory! Down Goes The UN Migration Pact! By James Reed

     One good thing is that the UN Pact on Migration looks like it is coming unstuck, and at least is over for us for the time, but no doubt the elites will try it again under a new name, a bit down the track, when they think no-one is watching.

“More nations are joining the exodus from the United Nations’ (UN) controversial compact on mass migration, with legal experts now standing up to raise concerns about the drafting of the document and what legal implications signing it might have for countries party to the pact. President Donald Trump was the first to pull out of the UN pact on migration in December 2017, a move which prompted howls of disapproval from both the mainstream media and globalist leaders. Yet several nations from all over the world have outright withdrawn from the compact since initially ratifying it in July, or have signalled their intent to do so, as states gain confidence in opposing fashionable but dangerous deals that are not in their own interests. In comments that cut across the grain of the usual business and practice of the United Nations, President Trump said at the body’s New York headquarters in September: “Migration should not be governed by an international body unaccountable to our own citizens. “Ultimately, the only long-term solution to the migration crisis is to help people build more hopeful futures in their home countries. Make their countries great again.”

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What! Hillary Clinton Wants Europe to Cut Immigration! (What’s the Catch?) By Richard Miller

     At the moment the chattering class has their frilly knickers in a knot (gender neutral frill of course, no sexism please), because a Latino media commentator, Anna Paulina, said in response to a question about the continual media presence of Hillary Clinton, that she was like “herpes”! Wow, did that stir up the pop, I mean pot, comparing the old girl to a lingering sexually transmitted disease. Sure, we Christians don’t talk crude like that, but remember, we are an absolute minority now, and thus we have to react to what happens in the establish, even if that means, as journalists, rolling in the manure.

     It seems Ana is a rare American, who although Latino, supports Trump, is pro-gun and wants to stop the South American invasion of North America. And, she is a soldier, and extremely pretty. Gasp! The Left has almost choked on this package and are moving fast to shut her down. Ann Coulter, a beauty with brains herself, once wrote something that no man would dare to write today, that many of the Leftist women are obese and unattractive physically and that this may impact upon their politics. Yes, I think that is cruel, but who am I to tell a woman what to say?  I really don’t know, but respect their opinion to state such shamefully  shaming things, because, following the US Democrats, women must always be believed.

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The Disappearance of Justice By Peter Ewer

     Paul Craig Roberts, a person  with a  triple barrelled name,  has hammered it home on the abuse of rights that Julian Assange has faced. Apparently Julian cannot even meet with his lawyers in the Ecuadorean embassy, and cannot go out for hospital treatment. Gee, one would have thought that the Deepers would have done something more movie-like, such as sending in a hit team, say a pack of rogue seals or sea lions, but no, they just want him to suffer and rot. That will teach anyone to let out, or rather not, let out  secrets:

“What has Assange done? He has done nothing but to tell the truth. He is a journalist who heads Wikileaks, a news organization that publishes leaked documents - exactly as the New York Times published the leaked Pentagon Papers from Daniel Ellsberg. Just as the publication of the Pentagon Papers embarrassed the US government and helped to bring about the end of the senseless Vietnam War, the documents leaked to Wikileaks embarrassed the US government by revealing Washington’s war crimes, lies, and deception of the American people and US allies. The allies, of course, were bought off by Washington and remained silent, but Washington intends to crucify Assange for the embarrassment and payoff expense he caused the criminal government in Washington. In order to assert authority over Assange, Washington is using the extra-territoriality of US law, a claim that Washington bases not on law but on might alone and uses to violate the sovereignty of independent countries. Assange is a citizen of Australia and Ecuador. He is not subject to US law. Even if he were, he has committed no espionage. The false equivalence Washington is trying to establish between the exercise of the First Amendment and treason shows how totally lost are the American people. The silence of the US media demonstrates that the presstitutes don’t mind losing the First Amendment’s protection as they have no intention of telling any truths.

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Sweden’s Descent into National Suicide By Richard Miller

     My hypothesis about why Sweden has been worked over in hyper-drive with self-destructive White pathology is that is represents a convenience genetic elimination of the Nordic gene pool by racial suicide. A people who have not invaded anyone since Viking times, over 1,000 years ago, now embrace the globalist cosmopolitan mantra, not held by countries such as China by the way, that their gene pool must be replaced at all costs. And, native Swedes will be a minority in what was once their own land in 10-15 years, making them happy, happy, happy:

     And yet, others such as Denmark, may be watching Sweden’s descent into chaos and taking action:

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Old George does Not Like Old Borders By Richard Miller

     Just in case anyone thinks that we are running a George Soros conspiracy line, proof has emerged that he has had his wrinkly fingers deep in the migrant crisis:

“Billionaire investor George Soros has confirmed he wants to bring down Europe’s borders, following the accusation made last week by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Last week, Mr Orban accused Mr Soros – who was born in Hungary – of deliberately encouraging the migrant crisis. “This invasion is driven, on the one hand, by people smugglers, and on the other by those (human rights) activists who support everything that weakens the nation-state,” Mr Orban said. Mr Soros has now issued an email statement to Bloomberg Business, claiming his foundations help “uphold European values”, while Mr Oban’s actions in strengthening the Hungarian border and stopping a huge migrant influx “undermine those values.” “His plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle,” Mr Soros added. “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”

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The Climate Bunny of the Pacific Rim By Viv Forbes

     The new Saltbush Club has started a petition that urges Australia to exit immediately from the Paris Climate Agreement. Australia’s destructive war on hydro-carbon fuels waged by both sides of politics is doing great harm to Australian industries and households, making electricity more expensive and less reliable, damaging industry and job prospects, all for no climate benefits. The Climate Alarm tide has peaked. Firstly, the IPCC “science” has been shattered by a large panel of Non-government scientists and an extensive body of peer-reviewed literature. They reject most of the IPCC conclusions. Secondly, a large international group of scientists and business people from 16 different countries (including Australia) have joined the Clexit Movement which urges world-wide withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement and cessation of the costly war on coal, cattle and cars. Thirdly, the US government has repudiated the Paris Agreement, and proposals for a carbon tax were rejected by voters in the recent US elections. Fourthly, the growing BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India and China) have no intention of making meaningful cuts to their production of carbon dioxide. Brazilian president-elect Jair Bolsonaro has vowed to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Fifthly, the nations of Oceania and the Third-World-Network are keen supporters solely because they expect to get a big share from the enormous “Green Climate Fund” (to be filled by climate bunnies like Australia).

     Finally, hundreds of new modern coal-fired power stations are being built in many nations of the world, often using good quality Australian coal to power the manufacturing and refining industries which are being driven out of Australia because of its high-cost unreliable electricity. Our current energy/climate policies are making us: “The Climate Bunny of the Pacific Rim.”
  Viv Forbes, Washpool, Qld

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Mexicans Against the Immigration Invasion By Charles Taylor

     If one needs any proof at this late date that President Crumpet is powerless, consider that as America is being invaded by illegals, the troops which he sent to the border, to save the Republicans from bad losses in the mid-terms, are set to go back to the US, ready to fight more wars for the global elites, while America is set to become what Ann Coulter has called a Third World hellhole:

“U.S. troops will start heading home from their mission supporting Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents on the Southwest border this week, just as migrants are beginning to arrive, according to a report by Politico. Northern Command Commander Army. Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan told the outlet in an interview Monday that the first troops will start heading home in the coming days, since some units have completed the missions they were sent for. Some of those units include engineering and logistics units who were tasked with putting up concertina wire and other barriers along the border. Pentagon spokesman Army Col. Rob Manning told reporters on Monday that units in Texas were done hardening ports of entry. He said 11,426 meters of wire obstacles are emplaced.”

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Letter to The Editor - Brexit is powered by a British idealism

To The Age        Waleed Aly describes Brexit as a "near-farcical saga" ("Wearing flag as a cape won't cut it", 23/11), but in reality it is more of a great national tragedy. It may be true that there is currently a fatal disconnect between the will of the people (clearly expressed in the 2016 referendum and upheld by the majority of Conservatives) and the majority of MPs in the UK Parliament (effectively representing powerful interests bitterly opposed to Leave). That does not mean that Brexit is "a form of fantasy" that "Britain could take charge of its own destiny." It means that globalist interests are determined to ride roughshod over the democratic interests of peoples. Brexit is powered by a British idealism that seeks to maintain the British way of life in the British Isles: Christianity, monarchy, intellectual freedom, the rule of law, a shared culture and tradition, respect for history. Nationalist politics will not die because, basically, it defends quality of life.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Crucifying Julian Assange By Michael Ferguson

     The Pope, if he could stop crawling to Islam for a few seconds, should make Julian Assange a saint, or at least let him wine and dine at the Vatican, and use their internet. But, instead, this champion of truth has been “crucified”:

“Julian Assange’s sanctuary in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London has been transformed into a little shop of horrors. He has been largely cut off from communicating with the outside world for the last seven months. His Ecuadorian citizenship, granted to him as an asylum seeker, is in the process of being revoked. His health is failing. He is being denied medical care. His efforts for legal redress have been crippled by the gag rules, including Ecuadorian orders that he cannot make public his conditions inside the embassy in fighting revocation of his Ecuadorian citizenship. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has refused to intercede on behalf of Assange, an Australian citizen, even though the new government in Ecuador, led by Lenín Moreno—who calls Assange an “inherited problem” and an impediment to better relations with Washington—is making the WikiLeaks founder’s life in the embassy unbearable. Almost daily, the embassy is imposing harsher conditions for Assange, including making him pay his medical bills, imposing arcane rules about how he must care for his cat and demanding that he perform a variety of demeaning housekeeping chores. The Ecuadorians, reluctant to expel Assange after granting him political asylum and granting him citizenship, intend to make his existence so unpleasant he will agree to leave the embassy to be arrested by the British and extradited to the United States. The former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, whose government granted the publisher political asylum, describes Assange’s current living conditions as “torture.”

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Universities Helping China, on Your Tax Dollars! By James Reed

     It appears that a sizeable number of Chinese students are government agents, which is not really all that surprising since China is, after all, a communist state:

     That being so, the next logical step is for the Chinese commo party to train its cadre in Australia, because, Australia has no national pride and just wants to disappear down the plug hole of history:

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The Rise of Western Dissidents By Michael Ferguson

     It used to be that the dissents were from the old USSR, some that we may not have even heard of, for simple acts like writing a book that the Party did not like. But, times have changed, and now the West begins to lose freedom, fast. Sure, we have all heard of the tyrannical treatment of Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, but closer to home we now have populist dissidents, who are being suppressed, hard, just the way the elites like it:

“Who would have thought that the highest court in Europe, home of the enlightenment, would uphold a case in which a woman was prosecuted for blasphemy against Islam? Who would have thought that Britain, the birthplace of liberalism and the free press, would ban an independent journalist from its shores for satirizing the same religion? Who would have thought that Germany, whose living memory of the totalitarian Stasi is just three decades old, would put its largest opposition party under surveillance? Just a few years ago, all three would sound far-fetched. But cases like these have become common as elites in virtually every western country mount a panicked attempt to contain the rise of populism (the goal, in the words of a Google executive, is to render it a “hiccup”in history’s march towards progress).

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Hey China-Loving Leftoids, Please Explain Chinese Homophobia! Gottcha! By Peter Ewer

     Here in Australia we have an institutionalised Asianisation lobby, which has now morphed into a make-Australia-part-of China lobby. There is an economic rationalist Right wing version of this, and a politically correct Left wing form. Different starting points, same destination.  Thus, consider the Left, who embrace, among other things, homosexualism, transgenderism etc. as fundamental to human nature, and human rights. I will not argue, but I want to know; what happens if the master nation, number one, does not agree with your other values? How do you deal with the conflict? Ignore it?

“A Chinese novelist has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for writing and distributing homoerotic novels, provoking widespread debate online over the severity of her sentence. The female writer, surnamed Liu, but more commonly known by her internet pseudonym Tianyi, was arrested in 2017 following the success of her novel "Occupy," according to reports in Chinese state media. The book was described by police in East China's Anhui Province as depicting "obscene sexual behavior between males" set to themes of "violence, abuse and humiliation." Despite being sentenced to 10 years in prison by a court in the city of Wuhu on October 31, Liu's case was brought only recently to nationwide attention after being shared widely online. The popularity of homoerotic fiction, dubbed "boys love," has soared in recent years in China, where a booming cottage industry of self-published authors churn out hundreds of new titles each month. Such is the success of the genre, that several titles have been adapted into film, including last year's popular web series "Guardian." Recently, Chinese internet giant Tencent also looked to capitalize on the trend with the announcement it had acquired two popular titles for adaption online.”

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No, You Can’t Associate with BaahArnie and the Other Spanish Sheep! By James Reed

     Civil liberty folk are rightly concerned that the Andrew government anti-association laws have passed the Lower House, and are unfortunately not heading to the outhouse, where they belong, but directly into law:

“The laws will give police excessive powers to issue ‘anti-association notices’, telling people – including children as young as 14 – who they can and can’t be friends with or spend time with. Human rights advocates, lawyers and community workers all say that these laws are an attack on our democratic rights and neither politicians nor police officers should have a role in deciding who people can and can’t be friends with. Ruth Barson, a director of legal advocacy at the Human Rights Law Centre, said that the laws are senseless, dangerous and a sign that Premier Andrews is pandering to Matthew Guy’s toxic law and order agenda. "We should all be free to decide who we spend our time with and who we want to be friends with. Every single Victorian should be worried about these laws because they're excessive and ripe for abuse. Such laws belong in a police state – not the connected, harmonious community that we all want Victoria to be," said Ms Barson. The new anti-association laws are fundamentally different to existing laws in the following key ways: 

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The Mafia and 9/11: Conspiracy Over-Drive By Chris Knight

     You know the usual 9/11 conspiracy theories. But, a while back I stumbled over the twisted steel girders of this one, that involves the Mafia. Who knows, maybe everyone got into the show:

“This scam begins by having an architect specify expensive materials, which are then “liberated” from the construction site by nefarious actors, and replaced with cheap imported varieties which are then approved by (bribed) inspectors. The criminals pocket the difference in cost between the high-quality materials and the inferior substitutes. Rumor had it that New York architects got wise to this and began to design buildings that used quite a bit more steel because they knew that the construction would involve materials a few grades below what was originally designated. That would keep the buildings aloft for the half-century required for all parties to escape prosecution. Not only that, but law enforcement was aware of the problem in the 1980s, revealing a wide breadth of afflicted construction projects. Says Thomas Galvin, former chief executive of the convention center and now president of Xerox Realty Corp:

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Migrants lie? How is That Even Possible? By James Reed

     Thanks to Denis who forwarded this incredible story, from a site I had not heard of, which does not mean much because I have not heard of very much at all in this large and diverse, culturally rich world. Like lying migrants for example, who in the wildest stretch of their imagination, would even contemplate that migrants, who are all rocket scientists, if given half a chance, would lie?

“Documentary film-makers Lauren Southern and Caolan Robertson have released shocking new recordings in which the director of a major NGO in Europe told their undercover team how she teaches migrants to lie and pretend to be persecuted Christians to border police. Ariel Ricker, Executive Director of Advocates Abroad, was caught in the recordings admitting that the asylum process is simply theatre. “This is all like a big theatre production, everyone has a part to play and a refugee has to act the part of the refugee in trauma for the interviewers, but it is extremely difficult to do this because unless they are taught how to be this character, this actor, then they go about it usually the opposite way,” Ricker says. Ricker’s NGO, Advocates Abroad, provides legal aid to refugees and migrants seeking asylum in Europe. They have 380 staff members that are primarily involved in preparing refugees and migrants for their asylum interviews. In 2017, they worked with over 15,000 refugees. Southern’s team points out that they also recently campaigned with 12 British MPs to raise $100,000 in donations. In the shocking undercover video, Ricker also admits to teaching the migrants how to cry, to “act the part” of the “refugee in trauma” and even throw up to show extreme emotion.

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