Trump: if the Shoe was on the Other Foot it Would be Treason By Chris Knight

     The weakness of President Trump was revealed yet again by his remarks about the Obama administration spying on his campaign, when he said that if he had done it, Obama and the Democrat thugs would have been after him for treason:

“President Trump ripped into Obama and his administration for 'spying' on his presidential campaign, claiming if the same had happened to the former president it would be considered treason, audio tapes obtained by reveal. In Trump's Enemies: How the Deep State Is Undermining the Presidency, authors Corey Lewandowski, Trump's campaign manager, and David Bossie, deputy campaign manager and part of the transition team, sat down with Trump for a 45-minute interview, covering a wide-range of topics, including the Mueller probe, fake news and his strained relationship with Obama. When asked if he believed Obama knew that his appointed CIA chief John Brennan and director of national intelligence (DNI) James Clapper were conducting surveillance on citizens, specifically members of his campaign, Trump said he believed the former president was aware of what they were doing. Trump responded: 'Personally, I think he knew. Yeah. Just remember what they did.

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The Banning of the Majestic Macron By Richard Miller

     French president Macron posing with well-dressed highly intelligent intellectuals, rocket scientists to be, but getting banned? Can we sort out this sorry story?

“The much-hyped photo of French President Emmanuel Macron posing with two bare-chested young men during his September trip to the island of Saint Martin is back in the spotlight. Social media users have revealed that the infamous picture of President Emmanuel Macron happily smiling next to a reported drug dealer and a middle finger-giving resident of Saint Martin is being censored on Facebook for violating the network’s rules against ‘nudity and sexual activity’. TWEET: ‘Imagine this: my post from 30 September with this photograph of #Macron was censored by #Facebook. My comment was: "Funny way to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Fifth Republic". Reason: nudity! These people are crazy”.

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A Dead Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush By James Reed

     We share a moment to reflect upon the legacy of George H. W. Bush (1924-2018), 41st president of the US. Yes, here was a true globalist man, who did his bit in continuing the New World order, and was not afraid of using that term, because things have gone swimmingly well for the globalists, and they could relax and stretch out a bit in comfort. Bush signed the Immigration Act of 1990, massively increasing Third World immigration to America. Eagerly he negotiated the free trade NAFTA agreement, but it was left to Bill Clinton, when he was not having sex with interns, to sign it into law. Then there was the Gulf War, war for oil. Overall, for a globalist he did well. For America, he did nothing but dragged the country down further. I leave you with the infamous New World Order video, old George at his globalist peak:

     Oh wait, what about the groping allegations? Silly me, I forgot about that:

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Hang ‘Em High? By Chris Knight

     Hang ‘Em High, is a 1968 movie starring Clint Eastwood, and a masterpiece compared to what goes down today. Speaking though of hanging, here is an item that illustrates the mind of the Leftoid chatterers, and what they would like to do, I suppose, since they do say it, and if the Right did, well, that would be “terrorism” wouldn’t it?

“Actress and Broadway star Bette Midler fantasized about President Donald Trump and his family being hanged “good and high” in a pro-Robert Mueller social media post Friday. “Trump Trump Trump Bob Mueller’s marching, Trump Trump Trump And here is why Trump Trump Trump He’s gonna hang you Hang the fam’ly GOOD AND HIGH!” Bette Midler said.

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Letter to The Editor - There is a rise in hectic fanaticism

To The Australian        It is a curious synchronicity that sees political forces attempting to stampede the UK into abandoning Brexit, while other such forces are trying to stampede the Australian people and our Liberal Party into severing links with anything that smacks of the "right wing" or conservatism. Let us hope that each people can keep its head and avoid self-destructing. In this context it is good that Tony Abbott is still buoyantly pugnacious ("Defiant Abbott says he could be PM again", 1-2/12). After the next elections he should be given a senior parliamentary role; but the Liberal Party will be wise to stay with Scott Morrison as leader to maintain stability and its “broad church” appeal. Meanwhile there is a rise in hectic fanaticism and excited triumphalism in the ranks of many on the Left. We should, like Abbott, not lie down meekly before it.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - We can learn from the UK experience not to be beguiled

To The Australian        Comments critical of Brexit by surgeons planning to leave the UK ("Workers' exodus signals end of a European dream", 4/12) illuminate one aspect of the tragedy involved in constitutional change: a clash of mutually incompatible idealistic dreams. Paolo Mueisan is "disappointed that the European dream of working and living in a borderless world has failed." Oncologist Alfredo Addeo says that a UK within the EU was for him "the prototype of multiculturalism and integration." Neither man shows any awareness of the historical fact that the British were incorporated into the EU by political dishonesty and trickery, notably that of Conservative prime minister Edward Heath. Nor do the two express any sympathy for the alternative dream held by the 52% who voted for Leave in 2016: resumption of an independent and free Britain and escape from a noxious bureaucratic tyranny. There is a lesson here for Australians: idealistic-sounding constitutional changes proposed for us by powerful lobby groups (the republic, constitutional recognition) may contain great disadvantages that would threaten our own traditional "Australian dream." We can learn from the UK experience not to be beguiled.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Urgent Notice: The Global Compact on Refugees By James Reed

     I did not know about this one, but along with the much-criticised UN Migration pact, there is also a UN Refugee Pact, set to be signed in Morocco on December 10-11. This one will extend the scope of a “refugee,” which is already elastic enough now to encompass basically any non-white wanting to come to the West to better themselves, as shown by the present Us caravan fiasco, to now embrace environmental and climate change “refugees.” This, will mean all non-Western people would have a right to enter Western countries, therefore demographically displacing them over night. Thus, the immigration elites of the EU hypothesise that, for example, Germany has a capacity for refugee absorption  of 274 million, and Sweden 440 million:

     Both countries would be demographically swamped, without even thinking about sustaining the environments. Media reports confirm that Australia is not going to sign the UN Migration Pact:

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UN Says “Murder” and “Suicide,’ “Human Rights”! By Peter West

     Immigration to formerly white countries by everybody in the multiverse, is a “human right,’ or is it now, “cosmic universe right.” But, what is not a human right? Murder? Suicide? Gasp! Maybe these are according to our overlords, the rightly negation named, UN:

“The United Nations Human Rights Committee drafted a memo saying that abortion and physician-assisted suicide should be universal human rights. The memo, or “general comment” on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, calls for abortion to be decriminalized everywhere. Nations and states should “not introduce new barriers and should remove existing barriers [to abortion] … including barriers caused as a result of the exercise of conscientious objection by individual medical providers,” it said. The committee that put forward the draft is headed by former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, according to Crux. Aborting an unborn baby was illegal in Chile until August 2017 when the nation’s lawmakers ruled to decriminalize abortion in the cases of rape, fatal fetal abnormalities, and when the mother’s life is in danger. Young people should have access to contraception as well as guaranteed access to post-abortion health care “in all circumstances, and on a confidential basis,” the draft also said, Crux reported. Stigma against abortion should also be discouraged, the draft noted. The U.N. Human Rights Committee successfully ordered the Irish government to pay Siobhan Whelan roughly $34,000 and provide her with psychological treatment in November 2017 to compensate for Whelan’s travel expenses in order to obtain an abortion. Whelan had traveled from Ireland, where abortion was illegal at the time, to the U.K. for the procedure. Whelan was the second woman compensated post-abortion on orders from the U.N.”

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China Speculates About US War to Put “Em Back in Their Place By Peter Ewer

     Well, I believe that James Reed’s new found love for China may have take a beating  when he considers the latest news:

“According to China's ambassador to the US, Cui Tiankai, China is going to this week’s G-20 summit hoping for a deal to ease a damaging trade war with the United States, even as he warned of "dire consequences" if U.S. hardliners - read the trade hawks led by Peter Navarro - try to separate the world’s two largest economies. Asked whether he though hardliners in the White House were seeking to separate the closely linked U.S. and Chinese economies, Cui said he did not think it was possible or helpful to do so, but warned that "I don’t know if people really realize the possible consequences - the impact, the negative impact - if there is such a decoupling." He followed up the surprisingly strong statement with an even more shocking comment, in which Tiankai went so far as to tacitly hint that the "lessons of history" suggest that if there is no deal, what comes next could be another great depression... and conventional war. "The lessons of history are still there. In the last century, we had two world wars, And in between them, the Great Depression. I don’t think anybody should really try to have a repetition of history. These things should never happen again, so people have to act in a responsible way.”

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Australian Immigration: Always Out of Control By James Reed

     Ha! This was behind a paywall, but one kind reader who supports the cause had a chook raffle raising the money for me to look at articles from The Australian, just like a real journalist, dripping with resources. Articles like this one:

“Liberal senator Dean Smith says Australians have not been listened to on population policy ¬development over the past two decades. Demands from a majority of Australians to put the brakes on immig¬ration levels in 1994 were ignore¬d by political leaders, who oversaw a 30 per cent blowout in population growth. Liberal senator Dean Smith is using figures from a 24-year-old parliamentary committee report to argue Australians have not been listened to on population policy ¬development over the past two decades. The West Australian senator, who led the campaign last year to legalise same-sex marriage, called for the re-establishment of the now abolished long-term strategies committee and for a popu¬lation inquiry to be prioritised. Senator Smith’s proposal came as cabinet minister Christopher Pyne argued that Australia did not have a “too-high population”, despite Scott Morrison confirming there would be a reduction in the cap of the permanent migration intake.

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The Revolt of the Yellow Vests By Viv Forbes

     For decades now, working people, tax payers and retirees have been battered by the Green elites who shelter in well-paid tax havens like the UN and Greenpeace. These Green elites have been supported by fellow travellers like the Clintons, Obama and Hollywood in America; Merkel in Germany; David Cameron, Prince Charles, David Attenborough and the BBC in UK; Macron in France; Gillard, Turnbull, Flannery and the ABC in Australia; the Trudeau dynasty in Canada; plus ranks of pious clerics, scheming oil sheiks, green energy speculators and guilt-stricken big business executives.

     This powerful elite has waged ceaseless war on the coal and nuclear power that provides cheap reliable electricity, on the farmers and fishermen who provide food, and on those who refine and manufacture things. They tax the diesel vehicles that provide transport and recreation for ordinary people and fill their suburbs and welfare rolls with imported “refugees”. They have captured their schools and universities that now provide more indoctrination than education. Green dogma infests the government media that people used to trust and is destroying the industries that once gave them well-paid jobs. But Jack & Jill Public are starting to fight back.

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Evil UN Migration and Refugee Pacts By Peter West

     While it seems that Australia will not be signing the UN Migration Pact, James Reed has raised the issue about whether there is a backdoor that has been created with the Un Refugee Pact, which is running parallel with the Migration Pact. Is this a UN/globalist strategy to get the Refugee Pact in, which is even more of a threat than the Migration one? I surmise that Australia is not signing the Refugee pact as well, but at this point I don’t know for sure. As time is running out, I hope everyone will contact Pauline Hanson, Fraser Anning, and their local MP to get an answer. Andrew Bolt might be worth sending an email to, as he has a fine skill of getting to the bottom of things. The UN Migration Pact is set to deliver 60 million Third world people to Europe over the next few years, as part of an ethnoracial, ethnomasochistic, demographic replacement program, even though they all could be helped in their homelands.

     As expected, hate speech laws will be tightened to criminalise any criticism of this replacement program, which just gives the game away. An article from the mainstream media, The Sunday Express, has the headline, “PC Gone Mad: Criticising Migration could Become Criminal Offence Under New Plan”:

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Ukraine-Russia War Again By James Reed

     Here we go again. At least this time, as I write this, I am only 53 minutes behind the mainstream press in reporting. I am disappointed that Vlad the Lad Putin did not ring me up first to ask advice about the wisdom of opening fire on the Ukrainian vessels in the Black Sea, but, no doubt he has his reasons:

“Russia's coast guard opened fire on and seized three of Ukraine's vessels Sunday, wounding two crew members, after a tense standoff in the Black Sea near the Crimean Peninsula, the Ukrainian navy said. Russia blamed Ukraine for provoking the incident, which sharply escalated tensions that have been growing between the two countries since Moscow annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, and it has worked steadily to bolster its zone of control around the peninsula. Earlier in the day, Russia and Ukraine traded accusations over a separate incident involving the same vessels, prompting Moscow to block passage through the narrow Kerch Strait, which separates the peninsula from the Russian mainland. The Ukrainian navy said two of its gunboats were struck and Russian crews boarded and seized them and an accompanying tugboat. Russia's Federal Security Service, known as the FSB and which oversees the coast guard, said there was "irrefutable evidence that Kiev prepared and orchestrated provocations ... in the Black Sea. These materials will soon be made public."

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Trump in Chains By Chris Knight

     Both Charles Taylor and I, covering the American scene, have spoken metaphorically about Trump ending up in chains. Now the chattering class are openly saying it:

“Actor Ron Perlman warned that President Donald Trump will soon be “in chains” for committing the “high crime of treason.”

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Do Orcs have Equal rights? Sure, Lord of the Rings is Racist! By Brain Simpson

     It was only a matter of time before Lord of the Rings, was proclaimed to be “racist,” since the movies created moral panic at the time for the chattering elites, having traditional Nordic themes. Now it is an all open attack:

“Sci-Fi and fantasy writer Andy Duncan claimed in a podcast that J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings books are racist, citing the negative perceptions associated with the evil Orcs. “It’s hard to miss the repeated notion in Tolkien that some races are just worse than others, or that some peoples are just worse than others,” declared Duncan recently on the Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy podcast. “And this seems to me—in the long term, if you embrace this too much—it has dire consequences for yourself and for society.” “In many ways President Trump is unique, but in many ways we have seen his like before,” he continued. “We have seen the forces that he has tapped into on the ascendency before… As Tolkien well knew, the war is never quite over, and it has a tendency to show up right there in your own hometown when you’re least expecting it.”

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Letter to The Editor - The best road to a strongly united nation

To The Age        That some "Coalition and Labor MPs have backed an Indigenous 'Voice to Parliament'" ("Indigenous Voice wins MP backing", 30/11) does not mean that such a move, involving constitutional entrenchment, is in Australia's best interests or will ever win support in a referendum. Constitutionally, all Australians, no matter what their ethnic background, should be regarded as being on the same footing. That is the best road to a strongly united nation that will enjoy continued stability and security. The welfare of disadvantaged Australians, indigenous and non-indigenous, can be attended to sensibly and efficiently without any dangerous tampering with the constitution.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

What is Australia doing in Poland? By Viv Forbes

     The climateers are celebrating their 24th annual shindig in Poland - COP24. Here are three questions for PM Morrison and his ministers:

Who represents Australia?
What authority have they got?
Will there be a report to the Australian people?
Australia should sign nothing, agree to nothing and signal its intention to withdraw from the Paris Agreement.
COP24 will produce zero benefits for Earth’s climate, but their goals are economically irresponsible.
The Paris Agreement they seek to enforce is negative for the Australian people, and for everyone not on the climate gravy train.

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Utterly Desperate South American Must be Given Jobs and Homes in Hollywood! By Charles Taylor

     The poor refugees that have approached our US border, only looking to enrich drab American culture, have had to resort to throwing rocks in response to the US government’s nervous gas attacks. What is this, Syria, Russia?

“On Sunday, hundreds of would-be illegal immigrants gathered at the U.S. border to make a massive contribution to the Trump 2020 re-election campaign. They chanted that they weren't bound by the idea of borders and laws ("We are not criminals! We are international workers!").  They hurled rocks at U.S. Border Patrol agents. They rushed the border itself, cutting holes in fencing and climbing walls. They forced authorities to use tear gas to protect themselves and turn back the mob. The San Ysidro Port of Entry was forced to close for more than five hours. In other words, they confirmed what President Trump has been saying for weeks about the caravan and what it represents. And, like clockwork, the president's progressive opponents have been answering his extreme rhetoric with their own.

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The Fate of Trump and His Family: Total Annihilation By Chris Knight

     Liberal democracy, as it was known, ended in the fires of 1968, and the New Class have rolled in an era of anarcho-tyranny unlimited, iron-fisted repression of Western European Whites, with anarchy with respect to migrant-based crime against them. Websites such as Pam Geller show this with daily reports not covered in the mainstream press. Part of this anarcho-tyranny involves the Deep State hypocrisy of allowing Hillary Clinton to walk scot-free from her email mischief, but Trump’s daughter has been targeted for what the elites think is some sort of transgression. Thus, Trump’s family is now in the cross-hairs, metaphorically speaking:

“When two Republican members of Congress began formally questioning last week Ivanka Trump’s use of private email for government business, it was seen by people close to the White House as a sign of things to come for the president’s family. One of the Republicans was Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, which has conducted little oversight of the Trump White House until now. The other was Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, who previously led a two-year investigation into events surrounding the attack on American diplomatic outposts in Benghazi, Libya, focusing relentlessly on the role of Hillary Clinton. His most prominent investigation as chairman has scrutinized alleged anti-Trump political bias within the F.B.I. during its inquiries related to the 2016 presidential campaign. “That you now have Republicans investigating members of the first family is an indication of the perils ahead” for the Trumps, said Tom Davis, the former House Republican from Virginia who was the chairman of the Oversight Committee from 2003 through 2006.”

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Darker Meditations By James Reed

     A riddle, based on a meme that I was sent. What is the difference between an ordinary thief and a political thief? The ordinary thief steals your possessions, your wallet, credit cards etc. But the political thief steals your future. And the political thief is chosen by you, as you dig your own grave. That is called, for want of a better word, “democracy.”