The US Election of Demographic Replacement: Age of Tribalism Dawns By Charles Taylor

     The US elections went basically as predicted, with the Democrats gaining the House, but the Trumpster Republicans getting a firm grip on the all-important Senate, which unlike the Senate in Australia, has real teeth. This is therefore, overall a victory for Trump, but also a clear wakeup call, as even the neo-cons are saying that the Democrat victories were because of changing US demographics, that is, that the country is becoming majority  non-white, and quicker than academics predicted:

Bill Kristol

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Open Globalist Cultural War By Charles Taylor

     The Neocons may be worse that the Left, but at this late stage of degeneracy, who knows? What is clear is that there is now a clear division, not between Left and Right, but between the nationalist, who favour localism, and non-collectivistic policies, and the New World Order, generally communist/cultural Marxist globalists. These globalists range from the antifa types, right up to the vampire, raceless, faceless, super-capitalist class, that control the global economy through the black magic of finance. America is a clear example of the “great divide,” where 50 percent of the sheeple elected openly socialist candidates:

     During the election campaign, Fox News refused to run the Trump caravan ad:

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The Cult of Genderism By Mrs Vera West

     The Trump administration is throwing the politically correct into a tailspin, with its move to accept that there are only two genders, and that these are biologically defined. That means that there are not an infinite number of genders, as the radical Left proposes:

“Though it’s still a rumor, reports indicate that President Trump is planning to establish solid guidelines that define gender “on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable.” In other words, “male” and “female” would be the only genders allowable on the “spectrum,” restoring the true binary definition of sex that’s existed since the beginning of time. It’s common sense to those with the ability to think rationally. But to the Left, it’s discrimination and (fill -in-the-blank)-phobia. Anyone who subscribes to the notion that humans only come in two varieties, man and woman, is a bigoted, misogynistic, homophobic racist, according to the deranged Left.

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Letter to The Editor - There is nothing to fear from political action wisely deployed!

To The Australian        In defending Shakespeare from narrow-minded critics, John Carroll has provided a convincing psychological explanation of the anti-cultural behaviour of post-humanist individuals and groups currently attacking the Western European civilisation and its canon ("The Bard's big Q & A", 3-4/11). However, he makes a great mistake in asserting that the very basis of that culture is non-existent. There has been no "death of God" and Christianity still prevails. Nor is it true that "belief in God" has given way to "belief in humanist ideals". As for the "universals of goodness, beauty and truth", these have their basis in the sacred order on which humanists like Carroll have, in error, turned their backs - as do the "absolute standards" he gestures towards.

     Culture is not rooted in myth, as Carroll claims, but in a metaphysical reality that is approached through a faculty quite other than the logical reason: gnosis. His historical survey entirely omits reference to the writings of the great mystics such as Boehme and Eckhart. He also ignores the profound restorative work in metaphysics carried out by Rene Guenon, Ananda Coomaraswamy and their Perennialist school. It is from this blindness that he proceeds to unrealistic claims that "religion and politics are quite separate", that "politics does not belong in the classroom or the lecture hall”, that Western masterpieces are "apolitical" and "do not, collectively, point in any particular direction." They point to the Ultimate, and there is nothing to fear from political action wisely deployed!
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Jobs Not Mobs By Charles Taylor

     With the mid-term elections in a few days, trump has released two goal-kicker videos. One has some super-killer migrant who the Demoncrats let into the country, along with an interview from another migrant killer. The other video has one half on the jobs Trump has created, then the other half on antifa/Soros-funded anarchists rampaging. It is enough to make anyone who wants a job, and to live, vote Republican: 

The Mad Dog Left By Chris Knight

     This is a taste of what is in store as former White countries become non-white. The progressive Left are just a warm-up of what is coming our way, as we will soon see in South Africa:

“Steven Clifford, author and former CEO of the King Broadcasting Company and National Mobile Television, told PJM that the federal government should “prohibit straight white males from voting” in U.S. elections as a way to “save” democracy. “I think it’s the only hope for democracy in America and I will be leading a great movement to prohibit straight white males, who I believe supported Donald Trump by about 85 percent, from exercising the franchise and I think that will save our democracy,” Clifford said during an interview after speaking at the forum “Destroying the Myths of Market Fundamentalism,” which was organized by the Center for Study of Responsive Law – a group former independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader founded in 1968. Clifford, author of the book CEO Pay Machine: How it Trashes America and How to Stop it, urged Democrats to explain their policy proposals to voters rather than focus on the reasons they oppose President Trump.”

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Big Tech To Crash And then Everything Else By Brian Simpson

     We have been following articles about the coming economic crash, and how even the Murdoch press are speaking about economic Armageddon, and how one needs to become a “prepper”:

     Then there is the looming Big Tech crash:

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Jonestown: Socialism of the Apocalypse By Chris Knight

     I recall hearing on the radio at the time, the actual tapes left behind by fanatic Jim Jones, who led 900 Americans to commit suicide by drinking poison 40 years ago in Guyana South America. The tapes were chilling as Jones screamed as the most mad of mad men do. He did it for hours, totally crazed. And, reflecting back today, I hear that same level of madness and psycho-pathology in the globalists, and their grunter antifart puppets. As well, Jones got as far as he did because he was a utopian socialist:

“Jones was a pioneer in promoting what today we call multiculturalism. He insisted on making his congregation as diverse and rainbow-friendly as possible. He moved the Temple to California in 1965 and eventually ended up in San Francisco. Along the way Jones drew great acclaim in liberal circles as a humanitarian and social reformer. As Wikipedia noted, “Jones enjoyed public support and contact with some of the highest level politicians in the United States. Jones personally met with vice presidential candidate Walter Mondale and First Lady Rosalynn Carter. Guests at a large 1976 testimonial dinner for Jones included Governor Jerry Brown, Lieutenant Governor Mervyn Dymally, and Assemblyman Willie Brown, among others.”

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Caravan of Law Suits By Charles Taylor

     Not only do we have, among the caravan of illegals heading to the US border for compassion invasion, people who have openly stated that they are only there to take  US jobs, but now we find that some of them are even lodging law suits against the Trump administration, even before getting to Us territory! That has to be a bloody first; people allegedly soooo desperate, and yet someone has an interest to lodge a lawsuit, even before getting to the border!

“ [A] dozen migrants traveling by foot from Honduras to the U.S. to seek asylum filed a class-action lawsuit Thursday against President Trump, the Department of Homeland Security and others, claiming a violation of their due process under the Fifth Amendment. The Fifth Amendment states that, "no person… shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." A recent PBS report cited former Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who ruled in 1993 case that "it is well established that the Fifth Amendment entitles aliens to due process of law in a deportation proceeding." Twelve Honduran nationals, including six children, are listed as plaintiffs in the lawsuit.

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Where Your Tax payer’s Dollar Goes By James Reed

     Don’t worry, your money is going to a better place, a happier place, where it will no longer have to worry about the problems of this river of tears:

“News Corp is refusing to explain exactly how it will spend taxpayers' money more than six months after the Turnbull government granted Foxtel $30 million. While a funding agreement has been drawn up and signed, Foxtel and its parent company remain tight-lipped about which sports have benefited from the government handout. The broadcaster was eligible for the first instalment – worth $7.5 million – last month after the government signed off on its 2017-18 "strategic roadmap". Foxtel has been airing AFL Women's League games as well as women's softball in recent weeks. However, it is unclear whether taxpayer funds were used to obtain these broadcast rights. A Foxtel spokesman declined to comment and instead referred questions to News Corp, which owns a 50 per cent stake in Foxtel. A News Corp spokeswoman refused to specifically detail which sports benefited from the government's first $7.5 million grant but said Foxtel's commitment to women's and niche sports was evident.”

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Positive Personal Birthday Thoughts from President Trumper By Birthday Boy, Uncle Len

     My 80th birthday, and nobody remembered, including me, until I checked the calendar the day after. My God, I really am living on borrowed time, if you call this “living,” and “time” (perhaps there is some truth to the “universe as a computer simulation’ idea? ). Really I should not be surprised that nobody cares, because, well, I have no family, and no friends, unless the nice ethnic man, who does not speak much English (“English?” What’s that?) I rent the tool shed from is a “friend.” Anyway, the day after, the day after, President Crumpet sent me, what I take to be a personal birthday greeting, telling me that although I am surrounded by traitors and fools, I need to keep positive, whatever that means:

Donald J. Trump

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The Poverty of Australia By James Reed

     To appreciate what poverty can do to your spirit, it helps to be poor, not being able to pay bills, and not even getting decent food. Today the poverty line is set at $ 433 per week for a single adult, but for the same single, New Start only pays $ 275.10 per week. How then does one survive? As I see it, one does not, and is expected to go away and quietly rot, for they will replace you.

“MORE than three million Australians are living in poverty, including 739,000 children, according to a new report. That means about one in eight adults and one in six children are living below the poverty line. About half (53 per cent) of households living in poverty are relying on social security as their main source of income, the research by the Australian Council of Social Service and UNSW Sydney also shows. The report sets the poverty line as living on less than $433 a week for a single adult, or $909 for a couple with two children. On average, those living in poverty in Australia are missing that mark by $135 a week. While the majority are relying on social security, more than a third of households in poverty (38 per cent) are relying on wages. ACOSS chief executive Dr Cassandra Goldie says the findings should sway Prime Minister Scott Morrison to make ending poverty in all its forms his top priority. "The government argues that poverty in Australia is not the problem. They are wrong," she said.

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I’d Like to be President Too: The Return of Hellary By Charles Taylor

     Hillary Clinton just never gives up. She is back plugging for another presidential run in 2020. It is simply incredible, that with the email scandal, and all the other bad deeds, she walks free, and it is Trump that has become a scared man, looking over his shoulder. I suppose the US will just have to give up and let her in, because she is a woman, and must therefore be believed.

     Equally as incredible, the Democrats, who have openly advocated complete open borders for the US, are set to have, for the first time in a decade, a complete take-over of the House majority. The voters must have a complete death wish. You would think that poor Blacks would see migrants replacing them, but, no, they will still go Dumocrat, if they go at all. I wonder what will happen to all of the nukes during the inevitable Civil War 2.0? Buy some beer and peanuts and enjoy the final fireworks show.

The Sweet Rewards of the System By Charles Taylor

     What do you get from making all sorts of unsubstantiated allegations about rape, ages after the event, in a highly charged political context?

“Christine Blasey Ford, the California psychology professor who accused Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct 36 years ago, received a $1 million windfall and is receiving several requests for book deals after her testimony. RealClearInvestigations reported Monday that Ford’s 15 minutes of fame before the Senate Judiciary Committee in September has turned her into a millionaire, raking in an estimated $1 million from crowdfunding campaigns supporting her and several book deals since her testimony. Despite Ford’s windfall, several Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, including Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), said Ford had “nothing to gain” by coming forward with her accusations to the committee.”

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Is it Anti-Semitic to Criticise George Soros? Let’s Ask Israel By Peter Ewer

     A position has emerged that it is anti-Semitic to criticise George Soros, presumably on anything. How does one counter this? Does one go silent, or roll over and die? These are no doubt very good strategies. Or, we could ask Israel for an umpire’s decision:

“Israel’s foreign ministry has issued a statement denouncing U.S. billionaire George Soros, a move that appeared designed to align Israel more closely with Hungary ahead of a visit to Budapest next week by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Soros, a Hungarian-born Jew who has spent a large part of his fortune funding pro-democracy and human rights groups, has repeatedly been targeted by Hungary’s right-wing government, in particular over his support for more open immigration. In the latest case, Prime Minister Viktor Orban has backed a campaign in which Soros is singled out as an enemy of the state. “Let’s not allow Soros to have the last laugh” say billboards next to a picture of the 86-year-old investor, a campaign that Jewish groups and others say foments anti-Semitism.”

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China Prepares for War By James Reed

     We have been warned, not that our corrupt political elites and new class chatterers, here in Australia care much. At the first sign of trouble they will desert the ship, like rats do. The Chinese president has said that China is getting ready for war, and President Putin of Russia said previously that Russians are ready to enter heaven, while the West will not even have time to repent. Armageddon, indeed:

“Chinese President Xi Jinping has ordered the military to “prepare for war.” The Chinese nation’s military group that monitors the South China Sea and Taiwan are bracing for a bloody conflict over rising tensions with Taiwan, which also comes amongst a trade war with the United States that’s threatening to crumble the global economy. The Chinese president was quoted as saying it has become necessary to prepare for a war. “It’s necessary to strengthen the mission […] and concentrate preparations for fighting a war,” according to the Chinese president, who was quoted by state broadcaster CCTV on Thursday during an inspection of the Southern Theatre Command (one of the five war zones of China’s People’s Liberation Army) in Guangdong province.According to Sputnik News, Xi added: “We have to step up combat readiness exercises, joint exercises, and confrontational exercises to enhance servicemen’s capabilities and preparation for war!”

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The UN Plan to Put the Final Nail in the Coffin of the West By Brian Simpson

     The global conspiracy-based New World order, United Nations has said that Trump must let the caravan of illegals swarm into America, because, well, immigration is divine and no Western country has any rights at all. Something like that, only more deceptive:

“The UN Refugee Agency, though, is commanding Trump to accept the caravan of refugees, which some estimates now put at 10,000-strong. In an interview with Voice of America, a spokesman for the UN Refugee Agency said: Our position globally is that the individuals who are fleeing persecution and violence need to be given access to territory and protection including refugee status and determination procedure. And, if the people who are fleeing persecution and violence enter Mexico, they need to be provided access to the Mexican asylum system and those entering the United States need to be provided access to the American asylum system.”

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Trump on Transgenders By Mrs Vera West

     Trump is probably going to let the mass illegals from South America invade the US, as the Deep State wants cheap displacing labour, but Trump has made some squeaks about the transgender issue, which has thrown Hollywood social justice warriors such as Charlize Theron into a fit, you know, “human rights.”

“The Department of Health and Human Services acknowledged months ago that it was working to rewrite a federal rule that bars discrimination in health care based on “gender identity.” It cited a Texas-based federal judge’s opinion that the original rule went too far in concluding that discrimination based on gender identity is a form of sex discrimination, which is forbidden by civil rights laws. On Sunday, The New York Times reported that the agency was circulating a memo proposing that gender be defined as an immutable biological condition determined by a person’s sex organs at birth. The election-year proposal would define sex as either male or female, and any dispute about one’s sex would have to be clarified through genetic testing, according to the Times’ account of the memo.”

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The Battle Against Socialism By James Reed

     Although I am an Australian nationalist, under the influence of other journalists here, slightly younger than me, I am taking more of an interest in American politics, perhaps for no better reason than it is more colorful than Australian politics, and we are getting to see the issues that lie below the surface here in Australia, right out in the open there. Take the issue of socialism, one of my pet hatreds:

“As the Democrats drift further leftward into openly embracing socialism, House Majority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) warns the political battle ahead of the midterm elections just two weeks from now is no longer a traditional partisan battle. Instead it is one where the country must confront and reject extreme ideas from the left. “The debate today is different than the one we had before with Republicans versus Democrats on the size of what government can be,” McCarthy said in an exclusive interview on Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel on Tuesday. “You hit the nail on the head: It’s no longer Republicans versus the Democrats, it’s America versus socialism. The movement in this Democratic Party toward clear socialism, that’s what they’re doing on healthcare–government-run, it’s all government telling you what to do and when to do it instead of unshackling and unleashing the great powers of liberty and freedom.”

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Trump Says that He is a Nationalist; Media Go Mad Again By Chris Knight

     The gravediggers of Western civilisation have been exploding again because Trump said that he was a nationalist. Look, they argued, Hitler said that he was a nationalist, Trump said that he is a nationalist, therefore Trump is Hitler! That’s their logic for you. Here, read their bs in the posts below, and then I will destroy it:

     Now, let’s do a bit of basic logic to take their position apart. Hitler liked eating vegetables. Most peole like eating vegetables. Therefore, most people are Hitler! God likes some people. Hitler liked some people. Therefore, God is Hitler, or is it Hitler is God? Clearly the logic employed by the crazed libtards is, well insane. I mean, Australia Republicans when convenient roll out a nationalist argument against the monarchy, and they don’t have guilt about this. So, what gives in the world of bs and propaganda? Certainly not logic and reasoning.