October, 2024
The Shadow of the Shadow: James Howard Kunstler, By James Reed
Strange Times: Former CDC Director Supports Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr., By Chris Knight (Florida)
The Corruption of the Universities is Complete, By James Reed
A Nuclear Strike Upon London? By Richard Miller (Europe)
Germany: The Cost of Migrant Welfare, By Richard Miller (London)
A Period of Previously Unexperienced Chaos, By Charles Taylor (Florida)
Will Even the War Profiteers Benefit from World War this Time Round? By James Reed
The Secret Service Were Responsible for Trump Assassination Attempt, by Default or Design, By Charles Taylor (Florida)
Haitian Illegals Want President Trump Arrested and Jailed! By Charles Taylor (Florida)
The Codification of a World of Governmental Violence for the Creation of the New World Order, By Brian Simpson
The Seat of an Evil, Anti-Christian Globalist Empire, By Chris Knight (Florida)
Why Should Australians be Concerned about the Fate of the United States and United Kingdom? By James Reed (Melbourne) and Chris Knight (Florida)
The Middle East: Is the World Going Up in Smoke as Trump Said? By James Reed
Assistant Minister for Immigration, Matt Thistlethwaite: Migration, Little Benefit, with Many Costs, By James Reed
The Case Against the AI Singularity, By Brian Simpson
Record UK Immigration; Living Standard Crash, By Richard Miller (Europe)
Science has been Corrupted by Woke, By Brian Simpson
Eternal Renting for Aussies Now, Thanks to Immigration, By Paul Walker
Communist Chinese “Killer” Cars? By James Reed
The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR): The “Dangers” of “Whiteness” and “Europeanness” to the New World Order By Richard Miller (Europe)