Eternal Renting for Aussies Now, Thanks to Immigration, By Paul Walker

Recently visiting my old school down by the beach, I recalled that there were expanses of sand dunes, white and clean far back from the beach. In fact, the whole area has been developed now, and the old school that I did grade one in, has been knocked down. In its place are masses of flats, high rise, teeming with migrants. There are no White faces here, but back when I was a kid, I never saw any one like this. Now I am the one going extinct. But I did see one odd thing. Driving around to a place had not been for 65 years, I saw my father's old house. It was still standing and occupied; not much had changed except its decline, a symbol of Anglo culture. And there were masses of junk in the front yard, and some sort of odd ladder on the roof, with an unknown purpose. I did not want to see who lived there now. A sense of melancholy grips one in these existential immigration replacement times.

House prices are skyrocketing so much that Aussies are just renting. The coverage of this at this mainstream site:\

puts the spin on it with its opening story, of a single mother who loves renting: "I love the idea of being able to move based on our lifestyle at the time or because we want a change." But it is noted:

"According to the 2021 Census, the percentage of Australians who own their own homes is falling.

Census data showed that 67.5 per cent of all of Australia's private dwellings were inhabited by owners in 2021, down from 70.6 per cent in 1999-2000.

Almost one third of Australian households (31 per cent, or 3 million households) rent their home in the private rental market, a four per cent increase during the past two decades.

Many of them rent out of necessity."

And that is it the point. If some woman with a brilliant career wants to live the rent lifestyle, good for her. But the Australian dram of a quarter acre block has now gone. There is no question that the immigration cult has over the decades eroded this dream, as Big Business and the real estate industry have been all to keen to finish off this ideal. And old Anglo-Saxon buildings are being destroyed to make way for high raise techno-slums for the replacement population.

As James Reed constantly asks: how could generations of Aussies have let this happen? They are set to be swept into the dust bin of history, unless they wake up immediately. 



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