Why Should Australians be Concerned about the Fate of the United States and United Kingdom? By James Reed (Melbourne) and Chris Knight (Florida)

As far as we know the Alor.org site is unique for Australia freedom movement sites for having commentators and social critics from both Canada, Europe and the United States, as illustrated by this very article. Chris lived in Australia, although originally from Florida, married an Aussie doctor, the ever-beautiful Abigail, and moved back to Florida. Charles Taylor, who also writes for the blog, but under various other names wrote for US nationalist sites, is Chris' father-in-law. So there are the personal connections.

We have covered the role of he US Deep state in promoting the Covid mandate agenda and lockdowns, and the role of the military in getting the mRNA vax through with emergency authorisation, by dumb Trump. We have covered how internet censorship ideologies now being rolled out in the UK and here in Australia, had an origin in US circles. The US is an intense breeding ground for every problem that we face. And if it is happening in the US, then Australia is not far behind. That includes gang violence; there was a report on the Adelaide TV news, that James' brother John based in Adelaide saw, where at a Kilburn home 10 gang bangers invaded a home, all armed with machetes. They were searching for a member of some opposite coloured gang, and not finding him although not injuring anyone there, smashed up property, including cars with their machetes. And that is not even Melbourne and Sydney, where gang violence and home invasions by coloured gangs is now common knowledge on the "streets," but not reported much in the media. We cover growing violence in the UK and US today at the blog.

And geopolitically James has covered the movement to World War III. The reality is that Australia cannot hide from this; it has for example a US installation at Pine Gap making that a potential target for Chinese or Russian nuclear hypersonic missiles.

In short, Australia needs to be aware of the global forces that could destroy us. Most other freedom movement sites do not provide this service, so if the reader is new here, spread the word, that this is the place to come each day!



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