Once upon a time, before the internet, people read books, the Australian League of Rights had splendid bookshops. It was there that I first met Eric Butler, and went and had a beer and a steak sandwich with him, maybe about 1988. The bookshops were impressively stocked with every social credit book available, plus Eric’s own tremendous pamphlets. But, I was a biology teacher and interested in race, which I felt from university studies was being downplayed by the Boas constrictor of early cultural Marxism. And, there in the bookshop was the counter, the old-school books that the Left has removed from the university libraries.
One would be impressed by the massive tomes by L. A. Waddell. His masterwork of 646 pages was, The Makers of Civilization in Race and History, (1929, edition by Christian book Club). His thesis was common in that time, but was rejected by the rise of the Left after World War II, when Boasian cultural Marxism had been victorious. The thesis was that the Aryans, what we now call the Indo-Europeans, were developers of civilisations across the world. He said in the beginning of the book that the “Aryan” or “Nordic” race is “disclosed to be the oldest of all the civilised races and the parent of all the other civilizations.” (p. vii) He identified the Aryans with the Sumerians, being the same people, and argued that the ancient Egyptians, while Egypt was a great civilisation, were white, something Arthur Kempt has argued for more recently in The Children of RA, discussed at this site: L. A. Waddell, Egyptian Civilization: Its Sumerian Origin and Real Chronology and Sumerian Origin of Egyptian Hieroglyphs.