Zombie Climate Change Viruses from the Ice! By Brian Simpson

It sounds like some horrible mish mash of a movie with a killer virus released from the ice. That is one take that has been given by a few climate change fanatics with the news that scientists, in their wisdom, have revived 48,500-year-old viruses found in the ice, or rather thawing tundra in Siberia. The revived viruses, although groggy, are still infectious, but not for humans, but target amoebas. Still, that has set the climate change fanatics off, claiming that climate change is melting the permafrost, releasing potentially dangerous pathogens.


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On the Spikey End of the Spike Proteins By Brian Simpson

Dr Ryan Cole has warned that the mRNA spike proteins, generated by the Covid vaxxes, can cause blood cells to erode the heart’s main artery the aorta. Dr. Cole has said, “That’s spike protein literally causing the lymphocytes to chew a hole in the aorta. This is the biggest blood vessel in your body, coming off your heart. When that ruptures, you’re gone in minutes.”

“So, that’s just another example of what deposited spike protein and the induced inflammation can do.” Grim stuff indeed. As yet there has been no solid program of reversing all of this, and maybe there cannot be. Hence the need to keep informing people of this information, to save who we can.

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The New World Order Agenda of Bill Gates By James Reed

Dr Mercola has given an excellent take on the agenda of Bill Gates. There has been so much written about this that it would take entire books to chart what he is up to. There is the vaccine agenda, and the claims of depopulation. Gates has proclaimed that a new pandemic, which will dwarf Covid, is coming. Then there are his buy ups of prime US farmland, done with the drive to put in place artificial meat, all to deal with some manufactured climate change crisis. Dr Mercola also details Gates' philanthropic endeavours, which work to make his organisations rich.


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Australia’s “Incredibly High” Excess Deaths By Mrs Vera West

Now even the mainstream media is covering the issue of the rise of excess deaths in Australia, 13 percent in 2022, above the expected mean value; an extra 15,400 people died in the first eight months of the year, according to analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data. Karen Cutter of the Actuaries Institute said that this was way outside the normal and needs investigation. However as observed at rebekahbarnett.substack.com  there  are 10 reasons why the official data on vaccine injury and deaths is unreliable, and things are worse than than ABS data:

  1. “Lack of education around side effects. Many injured report their doctors/vaccinators "googling" their side effects. This lack of education likely applies to coroners as well.
  2. Misinformation flowing from government and offical health sources. E.g.: assurances that vaccines can't affect menstrual health (subsequently, studies showed that they do).
  3. Prejudice against those reporting side effects. Categorising concerned patients or families of deceased as "crazy anti-vaxxers" and dismissing their concerns.
  4. Health professionals not wanting to appear "anti-vax", which would damage their reputations and possibly jeopardise their licence to practice.
  5. Most peri- and myocarditis injured who I interviewed were initially diagnosed as "anxious" and prescribed anti-depressants (for their myocarditis!). Similarly, misattribution of deaths to natural, unknown or other causes, such as in the case of Aseem Malhotra’s fatherand Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
  6. The autopsies required to establish causal links between vaccination and death are not being conducted.
  7. Lack of distinction between Covid, vaccine AEs, Long Covid and Long Vax.
  8. The very low bar for recording unexplained illness and deaths as Covid, or Long Covid related if a loose link can be established. This is manifested in both the attitudes of the health professionals who are predisposed to view Covid as a primary threat to public health, and in the minimal protocols required to classify events as Covid related.
  9. The very high bar for recording unexplained illness and deaths as vaccine related, even if a strong link can be established. This is manifested in both the attitudes of the health professionals who are predisposed to view vaccine critics as crazy and/or anxious, and in the multitudinous protocols required to classify events as vaccine related.3
  10. The AU reporting system is passive. Underreporting is a widely acknowledged bug (or feature, depending on your degree of capture by Big Pharma or your own ego) of passive surveillance systems.”


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Trudeau Bans Guns: Will Australia be Next? By John Steele

Canada under the son of Castro, maybe even a biological son, Justin Trudeau, first moved to ban handguns, then pushed through an amendment, banning almost all guns, even hunting rifles. There has been more pushback against this than occurred in Australia in 1996 under pretend liberal John Howard, but I fear that if something like this was implemented then the Covid-compliant sheeple would be even weaker than in 1996. That year marked my disappointment with the ordinary people in not taking a stand against tyranny, and we all know how the Covid story went.


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When Will Russia use Tactical Nuclear Weapons? By Richard Miller

Some argue that Russia will not use tactical nuclear weapons because of the fallout factor, the radiation going over Russia. It is a good argument, but not decisive. The attack will need to be timed correctly so that the winds are not blowing to Russia, but back to Europe. Or, the Russians will go to their vast underground bunkers, and sit it out, while all others die. The Russians and Chinese believe that nuclear war is winnable, let alone survival.


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China’s Star Wars Strategy By James Reed

The coming war with communist China, something China is eagerly preparing for, will not only be in the air, on the water, and on ground, but also in space. China, based upon the wealth given to it by the globalist economic system, is now building space-based weapons. According to a Pentagon paper: “The [People’s Liberation Army] continues to acquire and develop a range of counter-space capabilities and related technologies, including kinetic-kill missiles, ground-based lasers, and orbiting space robots, as well as expanding space surveillance capabilities, which can monitor objects in space within their field of view and enable counter-space actions.” A key weapon will be space-based kinetic weapons and lasers. And, the communists appear to be far ahead of the West, who has been more concerned with burying its culture and nation, rather than saving it.


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Chris Merritt on the Dangers of the Voice Referendum By Paul Walker

Chris Merritt, vice-president of the Rule of Law Institute of Australia, and a contributor to the Connor Court book, Beyond Belief: Rethinking the Voice to Parliament (2022), edited by Peter Kurti and Nyunggai Warren Mundine, has an excellent piece on the vagueness of the Voice referendum, which has been kept in secret by the government. As pointed out, the Voice will be able to examine all aspects of policies, and that will require an enormous bureaucracy, which is not being detailed or revealed. And, by constitutional changes, the woke courts, not parliament, will be controlling the Voice Body, or rather, being “advised” what to do. It really will be the end of Australia as we know it. Will this go the way as the same sex vote, with guilt of “racism,” thumped into the minds of the population over generations? Or will, at long last, the masses take a principled stand?


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Ancient Apocalypse By Brian Simpson

Before the Covid issue, and the accelerating breakdown of Western civilisation by the globalist new World Order, I used to write on issues of racial archaeology, to try and balance the bias, if not assault, upon white history. I have not seen the Ancient Apocalypse series yet, based upon the books by Graham Hancock, but hope to if I ever get time. As detailed in Ed Dutton’s review below, Hancock taps into research, that before world War II, commonly viewed whites, particularly Nordics as the creators of civilisation. There is evidence for most of Hancock’s claims, such as that the ancient Egyptians were white, but it is side-lined by the mainstream who now push the Great Replacement narrative that whites simply do not exist, except for the purposes of punishment. So, I say, good for Hancock.


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Why Doctors Love Covid Vaccinations? (Money!) By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

I can’t speak for Australia, having not found the equivalent data, but for America, by comparison, Dr Peter A. McCullough puts a strong case that it is the money, honey.


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Immigration and Crime in Europe By Richard Miller (London)

The Pope has compared illegal migrants to Jesus Christ, something to be quite offensive if taken literally. Take crime for example, something Jesus never committed. The sociological team of John R. Lott Jr and James Varney, have shown that the explosion of crime occurring across Europe, but notably in woke places like Sweden, is clearly linked with migration. Their data analysis confirms what others have said. For example, Sweden’s intelligence chief, Linda H. Staaf, told the BBC in 2019 that many of the perpetrators of crime share a similar profile. "They have grown up in Sweden and they are from socio-economically weak groups, socio-economically weak areas, and many are perhaps second- or third-generation immigrants.”

But, the elites want immigration like this to increase exponentially, so that the entire Third World is in Europe. Maybe Whites can then play musical chairs and go to the vacant Third World, while once-Europe collapses,  develop it, then because of universalism and guilt, give it all up again. Hands up who wants a Second Coming, sooner rather than later!

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Migrant Idolatry from the Pope By Peter West

“You shall have no other gods before me.” That is the first of the Ten commandments, and a mighty important one at that. Yet the Pope continues to compare today’s migrants, illegals, invading Europe with their designer shoes and mobile phones, as sharing the same conditions that our Lord Jesus Christ shared. That is simply ridiculous, but because he is courting favour with the globalists, the mainstream media, and even weak Catholics, do not call him out. And, here is some info on the mobile phones the illegals have:


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Senator Gerard Rennick on the Covid Disaster By James Reed

Here is my video of the day, as Liberal Senator Gerard Rennick,  of Queensland exposes the corruption of the Covid-19 vaccines, the Covid-19 vaccine trials, the lockdowns, and the Government's collusion with Big Pharma. I enjoyed his attack upon the Greens who while yelping about freedom and liberation and all that 1960s stuff, went right along with all of it. Senator Rennick expresses his disgust with the House for its compliance, and rightly so. Well worth a watch for those who think Covid is no longer relevant and it has all gone away.


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East Does Not Meet West on Great Reset By James Reed

So, it seems, there is a family dispute between Satanic globalists, between the Western camp and Eastern one. Both want the Great Reset, but differ on issues such as: (1) environment, (2) food production and delivery, (3) global currency, and (4) global governance. Thus, China will ignore the climate angst and movement to unreliable renewables of the West, and use hydro carbons to fuel its growth and destiny as number one. The West will cancel traditional farming and sources of food, eating bugs, or at least the ordinary punters, while China will increase traditional meat production and consumption. The West wants to continue with the dominance of the US dollar, but China and Russia are already moving beyond it. And, in short, China wants a Great reset in its own terms, which is at variance with the World Economic forum. It should be interesting watching the two bulls in the china shop rearrange the furniture of the world. There is a case that this battle alone will pull down civilisation, for it ensures at a minimum, world war.


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What Next? Free Tampons in Men’s Toilet of Ireland’s Parliament By Richard Miller (London)

I must admit, I was surprised that free tampons in men’s toilets did not occur sooner, which shows that the woke team are slipping, but, here it is now in Ireland’s parliament building, so expect this in a woke men’s toilet near you. Still, there are uses for tampons for men-men. These devices are excellent to use if one has a bloody nose and large nostrils, or some skin cut. Good also for soaking up ink, although not so much of that now with computers replacing the ever-delightful fountain pen. Ah, the memories of ink everywhere, back in my British private school days! The bullies prepared me for life today.


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The Voice Referendum: Orwellian Agenda Looms By James Reed

John Storey writing at the IPA (Institute of Public Affairs) site, warns us of the significance of legislation, the Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Amendment Bill 2022, that has been introduced into parliament on the indigenous voice referendum. In short the IPA analysis confirms the fears expressed by Senator

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, that the ever woke Labor government has now cooked the books so that taxpayer money can now be spent on its preferred option, the yes position. It has already been made public that there will be no booklet setting out the arguments for and against the referendums.

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Bursting into Flame; Odd Indeed By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This story came and went, and is very odd. The US secret service hired motor vehicles to protect Joe Biden and his family over the Thanksgiving holiday. The vehicles were returned, and one day later all burst into flame! Why were the vehicles being hired in the first place; surely there should have been special vehicles on tap and of course, for all five vehicles to burst into flame is beyond suspicious? But, that is where the story ends, and I could find no answers.


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The Plan to Destroy the West By Chris Knight (Florida)

The plan to destroy the West is in full motion. It is seen clearest in Europe and the United States, but most elements are present in Australia and will get worse over time. Energy independence, indeed energy resources in the form of efficient hydrocarbons are being cancelled, while communist China ignores climate change nonsense and surges ahead. Coal power generation has become totally toxic. And farming too, has become a form of climate pollution, with farming being cancelled across Europe, and the move is to do the same in the United States, because of drummed up fear of nitrogen. It is unlikely that the buy ups of farms by Bill Gates is for philanthropic reasons; more likely it fits his world view of technocratic food production and artificial meats. Open borders, electoral fraud, all of this is no coincidence, and fits into a globalist plan to replace the West and its people. To fight this, we first need to acknowledge that this Satanic plan is real, and it takes a bit for even seasoned veterans to get heir heads around it.


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George Floyd Protesters Get Payouts By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Remember the George Floyd protests, and the burning of America in 2020? How people who said that all lives matter got beaten up, one woman being killed, and we never heard the results of the murder investigation? And how while the peaceful protester on January 6, Trump supporters, are imprisoned and tortured, most of the antifa who committed crimes were let off? How does that sound for justice and the rule of law? Well, it gets worse. Twelve protesters received a combined $600,000 for injuries sustained during 2020 demonstrations over George Floyd’s murder. Nothing for the hundreds of people protesting a real violation of civil liberties, with the Covid lockdowns. Clearly, something is drastically wrong here.


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A Pandemic Reckoning By Brian Simpson

Dystopian Down Under (Australia) x The Stark-Naked Brief (UK), tow excellent sites, have put together a thought-provoking overview of Covid pandemic policies. The hypocrisy of the Western governments, who with few exceptions crushed basic medical ethics principles such as informed consent, and used force and blackmail, and imprisonment via lockdowns, backed by brutal police force, is in stark contrast to the “compassion” expressed for the Chinese protesters. But it is all on a continuum, and there is only a difference of degree between the lockdowns of say Victoria, and the more radical ones of China. And indeed, the father of the lockdowns, the now departed Dr Fauci, said that he got the lockdown idea from communist China, who he admired. And now, he disappears into the sunset, to enjoy his retirement.


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