Behind the Voice: Malcolm Roberts Explains By James Reed

Malcom Roberts is doing a great job exposing the less than hidden agendas behind the Voice referendum and the deceptions of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister has gone to ground on issues such as the treaty, the South African-style Truth commission (which seems to be something of a woke inquisition), and reparations. Here is one to swallow: reparations that will be sought, a kind of white guilt tax, would be about one percent of GPD, around $ 20 billion, for starters.  It is all in the Uluru statement that the Prime Minister endorsed., as Roberts details. That there is no debate about this, is a deception perhaps greater than even the Covid scamdemic, and that is saying something!

“The Prime Minister has deliberately hidden his true agenda and contradicted his own statements regarding the #Voice with lies about the #UluruStatement and a #Treaty. He failed to tell Australians that without the constitutional change called the 'Voice' there is no national body of #Australians with which to sign a Treaty. On a radio talk show, he was asked if he would move on to a Treaty and he answered 'no'! Prime Minister Albanese has called for a Treaty on the record in parliament, and the Uluru statement calls for a treaty. His denials of his intention to proceed to Treaty is a lie too far. The fact is, PM Albanese is committed to implementing the Uluru statement in full. That is, the entire 26 pages of the Uluru Statement from the Heart that every Australian should read. Not the single solitary page passed off by the PM as the entire statement. Another lie. The Uluru Statement outlines a plan to divide Australia into two separate nations that closely resemble the #apartheid regime. Denying that he intends to proceed to treaty is a lie too far from PM Albanese. The statement calls for annual #reparations calculated as a percentage of our GDP which even at 1% could amount to $20 billion a year which as we all know would not reach those who truly need it. The real #aboriginal community look to a shared future of mutual respect and #equality of opportunity. The PM has lost the opportunity for that shared community because of his lies. Sentiments of respect and equality are missing from this elitist and divisive leader whose real intention has been exposed.”




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