Hundreds of Thousands of Americans Sought Medical Care After Covid-19 Vaccination: CDC V-Safe Data By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is the latest Covid vax injury shock, horror. The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), sued the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), for the release of Covid vax injury  reports which were made to the CDC’s V-safe program, a new vaccine safety monitoring system to which users can report issues through smartphones. It was found that around 782,900 people reported seeking medical attention, emergency room care, and/or hospitalization following Covid vaxxes vaccination, with another 2.5 million people reported needing to miss normal activities after getting the vax. If this does not indicate that there is something wrong with the entire paradigm, nothing does.

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Nuclear Doomsday Looms; Attack from the Ocean Depths? By James Reed

This item was reported last week, and I have not found any update. It was reported that Russia has deployed the largest submarine in the world, which can carry up to eight nuclear-armed drones. Each one of these weapons of mass destruction is designed to be launched, then to lurk off a coast line until detonated by satellite. Then a nuclear bomb 6,000 times more powerful than the one dropped on Hiroshima would create a radioactive tsunami, destroying coastal cities, and making the area radioactive for centuries. These drones are silent, and unstoppable. That is what World War III will be like. Living in coastal cities in the US and Europe is not a great idea.


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Sweden’s Dark Winter By Richard Miller (London)

The insanity of the globalist agenda to make the Ukraine part of NATO, hide the secrets that they have buried in the Ukraine, and destroy Putin in the bargain, is having its ramifications felt. Sweden, for example, is set to face an energy crisis this winter. With the Green lobby and associated Leftists, having pushed the country into the orbit of sacred renewables, and anti-nuclear, a dry and windless Autumn has reduced power supplies, as renewables are showing how unreliable they are. Then there is the effect of sky rocketing inflation, making fuel costs expensive for the average Swede, who is a migrant from warmer lands, now set to learn the true meaning of weather diversity and climate multiculturalism. The cold, and collapsing economy may even lead to some of the diverse returning to warmer pastures. The remaining white liberal Swedes will be reside themselves.

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Feeding Poor African Kids Worms, But Not “Racist”! By James Reed

Despite all the bleeding heartism from white liberals about racism in Africa, Big Harma has used this population as a testing ground for various vaxxes and meds in the past, and there is a substantial literature on this. So, it is perhaps no wonder that there was reluctance for Africans to consume an experimental mRNA vax. And, in a forthcoming article comparing African and Australian responses to the Covid thing, Africa can be seen to have done better, with less vax.

But that being said, the next big thing of the globalists, having turned the majority of the West into lab rats, is to eliminate traditional diets involving meat, and replace them by insects. This is said to be to lower the carbon footprint, but I speculate that it is just another expression of power over the masses, the same mentality found in people who torture little animals. As detailed below, the insect diet is now being tested out upon poor African children, under the guise of aiding their nutrition. What kind hearts the Satanic globalists have!

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BLM Founder’s Way of Using Retail Therapy to Deal with White Racism By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This material is from the great New York Post, which is delivering some hard-hitting investigative journalism, looks bad for the controversial Marxist co-founder of Black Lives Matter, who recently completed tens of thousands of dollars in renovations at her luxurious Los Angeles home, such as building a new plunge pool and backyard sauna. However, people should not be too hard, since there is so much white privilege around, especially seen in struggling white families who are set to lose their homes, and who at present can hardly get enough food, that some luxury is needed by rich BLM to deal with the stress of white racism which is everywhere, dripping down the walls. After a hard day of racist abuse, your average BLM dude needs to relax in a nice steaming sauna, and plunge pool. It helps with the pain of living in a totally white racist society. Or, so they say.


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Biden Regime Protection from Hunter Biden Backlash By Charles Taylor

The Biden regime is getting ready for the big backlash over the Hunter Biden laptop revelations about the Biden crime family. But, having taxpayer’s money to burn, $ 265,000 will be spent on damage control, and that is just the start. It is but another example of the Democrats, who are the symbol of decadent corrupt woke liberalism, covering up, and exhibiting heir contempt for both truth, and justice. People of good conscience could not vote for them, which explains why so many dead people, directly from hell, vote for them!

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Crimean Bridge Explosion By Richard Miller (London)

What should we make of the Crimean bridge explosion? The event can be seen on the internet, and it apparently involves a truck bomb. So, did the US do it? Possible, but one would have thought that they would have done a better job, even if using a missile was out of the question. Maybe it is a Russian false flag, to stir up the troops? It is still too early to know, and maybe we will not, as events kick on. But, things keep getting worse, as the pressure builds up to an inevitable explosion. There seems to be no other way.

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WA: Just When You Thought Covid was Over! By James Reed

I saw this tweet, and then astonished went to the video. I have not been able to confirm the information yet, so take this as unconfirmed. Still, it is important to investigate.

“Australia… Just when you thought Covid was over… new legislation introduced in WA allows “officers” to break into your home without a warrant, force people into a quarantine facilities, and force vaccinate against their will…”

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The Mind of Zelensky By Richard Miller (London)

President Zelensky of Ukraine is being held up by the Western chattering class as a hero, apparently not merely for his wonderous dancing performances in heels, which is, given that company, good reason to be suspicious. Zelensky did say that the West should launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike upon Russia, but later his aids walked back from that, saying he was mistranslated, which is bs. Clearly this dude would be open to a full-on nuclear war, he does not see beyond his own corrupt homeland. French social psychologist Charles Rojzman has caused a storm by questioning the mental stability of Zelensky, as detailed below. I agree, but I think the same objections can be made to Putin as well, and most Western leaders; the rule of psychopaths. Biden of course, leads the charge in the mental decline stakes, seeking out dead people, and frequently shaking the hands of invisible, non-existent people. It is a frightening, mad, mad world world, indeed.,_Mad,_Mad,_Mad_World

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The Logical Ramifications of Denying “White Lives Matter By Chris Knight (Florida)

Let’s think about this as a problem in logic. “Black Lives Matter,” is taken as a sacred, perhaps now, necessary truth. Hence, the negation of this proposition, “White Lives Matter” is false, perhaps, necessarily false. Normally the negation should be “not- “Black Lives Matter,”” but not for the Left, who have defined things this way. Hence “White Lives Matter’ is racist, and given Leftoid semantics, as all racist statements, at least positive ones, are false, “White Lives Matter” is false. Therefore, White lives do not matter. And, that is precisely what the Great Replacement is all about, White Lives do not matter, and Whites must be replaced. Aristotle would weep.

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Behind the US Government Buy Up of Radiation Blood Meds By Chris Knight (Florida)

Following on from both Joe Biden’s nuclear Armageddon speech, motivated by Putin’s nuclear sabre-rattling it was assumed that the US government’s purchase of a drug, Nplate, used to treat radiation poisoning, and excess bleeding, was a response to an anticipated nuclear attack upon US targets. In itself, the expensive meds would only service a small number of people; it would be used for saving the elites, not the ordinary people, who would be left to die from radiation sickness. However, it has been suggested that the meds might also have a use in dealing with paediatric patients with immune thrombocytopenia, a blood disorder resulting in low platelet counts. We will not know how this pans out, especially if the big fire crackers are thrown, and then, Nplate shortages will not be on our minds.

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A Free Funeral with Your Vax! What is There Not to Like! By James Reed

Good news for everyone intending to die from the Covid vax shots! The government is thinking of you, showing that they care! If you die from the vaccine, you will get a free funeral! What is there not to like? But, wasn’t it the case in the past that getting a vaccine was supposed to prevent illness and death, not put you in a situation where you required a free funeral? Strange times, indeed.

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If Only I Could Remember the Name of that Disease … By Mrs Vera West

A Mid-Western Doctor, who always publishes challenging material on the medical profession, gives his take on why there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, including recent controversies over fraudulent research. The problem lies in part in the community acceptance of the amyloid plaque hypothesis, which has served as the basis for numerous Big Pharma drugs, which has been highly profitable, as they all are, but ultimate failures. In short, the problem with Alzheimer’s, which did not exist in the past, but does today, comes down to the toxic environments and life styles in which we are immersed, and combatting that is a major quest. We need to overcome both the reductionism of medicine and life.


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Chinese Covid Police By James Reed

Chinese police holding weapons at the airport of Xishuangbanna (Banna) prefecture to stopped tourists from boarding their planes, as the entire place was put under Covid lockdowns as only the CCPO can do. But, police with assault weapons is not restricted to communist China. My nephew recalls seeing Adelaide police patrolling with a type of rifle slung over their shoulder, obviously to intimidate the sheeple, who have been disarmed anyway, and live in a peaceful city, so it is not like Chicago.


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Silence of the Lambs … No, Doctors By James Reed

We have been covering the silence of the doctors issue here at the blog, regarding any issue having a critical focus upon the system-sacred Covid vaxxes. Ramesh Thakur, emeritus professor at the Australian National University’s Crawford School of Public Policy and a former UN assistant secretary-general, deals with the major issue, that of medical boards punishing doctors for speaking out. Where I would differ is that even if this was not the case, I do not see many Big Pharma-based doctors actually speaking out; a few might, but not many. Their entire medical training goes with the products of Big Pharma as miracle drugs to solve any problem, along with surgery. It would be a form of secular blasphemy to attack this system. Hence the vast majority of doctors act as legal drug promoters for Big Pharma. For example, I was at my GP and he said that he had just seen the Big Pharma rep, who gave him a sandwich and a bottle of wine. He had eaten the sandwich, and had to have a glass of water, as it was so salty.


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The Leaked European Medical Agency Emails and Pfizer By Richard Miller (London)

There has been a leak of European Medicine Agency (EMA) emails and other Pfizer-related confidential reports, prior to  the authorization of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine. As stated below, “By late November 2020, regulators including, US FDA, European Medicines Agency, Health Canada and the UK’s MHRA, were all aware of the significant loss of RNA integrity of the commercial batches (~55% mRNA integrity) of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine compared to the clinical ones (~78% mRNA integrity). This was classified by EMA as a “major objection” along with observed visible particles, which were classified as “impurities.”

A leaked 26 November PowerPoint presentation of a meeting between Pfizer-BioNTech and the EMA revealed how this major objection was shockingly ‘resolved’- the RNA integrity specification was simply lowered to 50%, therefore half of all mRNA molecules in the commercial batches were allowed to be truncated (not intact).” In short, as in the US and all other jurisdictions, the authorities did not do due diligence, as would be expected with other vaccines, and allowed al that we now see to unfold.

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Australia, a Hacker’s Paradise By Brian Simpson

Cyber experts, in the light of the Optus hack are sounding the alarm bells about how easy hacking is in Australia. Yes, but there are cyber-security issues going far beyond what we recently saw, and relate to national security. Thus, how secure is the grid from cyber-attack from people who really know how to do it, such as the Russians and communist china? What about EMP attacks? There is an American literature on this, much produced by the late Dr Peter Pry, but one can search in vain on the internet for ages and find nothing for Australia, indicating that the problem has not even been addressed. EMP and grid-directed cyber-attacks will be the first things done in world War III, which is coming up soon. The chaos will be predictably immense.


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Earth is not a Greenhouse By Viv Forbes

Warming alarmists claim: “Earth’s atmosphere acts like the glass in a greenhouse.”

This is false.

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Disgusting Flies By Mrs Vera West

Flies are dirty creatures. Even the worst of humans do not vomit on their food, before eating it, sometimes, if drunk, after. But, this vomiting is part of the fly’s digestion, and is how they spread disease, as you never know what they were feasting on before landing on your ham, cheese and vegemite sandwich. With the Aussie summer approaching … watch out!


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Spike Proteins and the Ovaries By Mrs Vera West

Dr Naomi Wolf has been great in raising concerns for women about the Covid vaxxes, which she sees as dangerous. The mRNA spike proteins do not stay at the deltoid injection site, but travel around the body, lodging in organs, such as the ovaries. The spike proteins do not leave the ovaries. Dr Wolf wonders if many of the eggs are even alive, and if so, what effects will this have upon genetics and consequent development? All open questions, which could lead to a future reproduction holocaust.

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