From the People Who (Probably) Gave Us Covid … By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is suspicious … the Wuhan Institute of Virology has assembled a monkeypox virus genome, which would allow the creation of a “contagious pathogen.” The study was published before the monkeypox, monkey business. The strain is “more pathogenic and [have] been reported to infect humans in various parts of the world.” There is no evidence yet of a release by the CCP, but we will see. At present the virus seems to be spreading through the gay community, which seems to bring back the scenarios of HIV from the 1980s. But, if the virus is genetically engineered or modified, we can expect that this will replicate the panic and freak-outs that were seen with Covid. Just to be sure, get your survivalist house in order.

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Brazil Stands Against the World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Treaty By Chris Knight (Florida)

At least one country, and it is not Australia and the US, that has taken a stand in opposing the World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic treaty. President Jair Bolsonaro said that Brazil will not be surrendering its national sovereignty  to this globalist organisation, one we must add, that is essentially controlled by the CCP. At least his country will not be facing lockdowns along the present Shanghai style, as the US and Australia will face in the near future.

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The Murky Lab Origins of Covid By Brian Simpson

Igor Chudov, a leading Covid vax critic has an article on the lab origins of Covid that he would like circulated, material without graphics below as a sample of this good work.  While a wee bit technical, the basic point is that there is a molecular fingerprint that gives the game away as a lab creation. There is first the HIV-originated Gp120 inserts in SARS-Cov-2, instrumental to Covid-19 infecting immune cells, similarly to HIV. While the mainstream scientists deny this is relevant, Igor shows that such a denial is nonsense. As well, Furin Cleavage Site in SARS-Cov-2 does not exist in other betacoronaviruses and is instrumental for pathogenicity. The probability of this all arising by chance is virtually zero.


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It’s Here – Monkeypox Quarantine! By Richard Miller (London)

What can I say; it is all so predictable? No sooner did monkeypox swing out of the trees of some bioweapon’s lab – and everyone is admitting how unusual the outbreak is for a disease that was once found primarily in bush meat, mainly rodents, not so much monkeys – and now there are lockdowns, not of the general population yet, but I will bet my monkey it will come. Song for today is by The Beatles, “Everybody’s Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey” (1968).

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The Plan of San Diego, for Euro-Whites, Everywhere By Charles Tylor (Florida)

From Critical Race Theory, the cultural attack and deconstruction of white identity, to the more aggressive measures of the Great Replacement by demographic swamping, something like the plan of San Diego, as described by Brett Stevens below, seems to be the defining quality of the West. No civilisation has survived this sort of racial suicide, and given globalism, if the West goes down, entities sacred to the Left, like CCP China will be swallowed up in the same chaos. So, what is it all for Dark Lords; universal nihilism, a grand death wish of the spoilt world weary?

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Woke Police Defend the Weight Challenged! By John Steele

I am in my late 70s, but train everyday out here in the scrub where I live with my tent and Cold Steel Wild West Bowie knife, eating mainly bush foods. I learnt from a full-blood Aboriginal, “Owen” back in the early 1960s, and the lessons stayed with me. I have never smoked or drunk alcohol, which I regard as racial poisons, toxins which my friend “Owen,” now an old man, says are part of a deliberate genocide of his people, something that the present woke Labor government will not touch with a ten foot woke pole, and I trust his judgement here. Anyway, that is a topic for another day.

Inner city elites generally do not get adequate physical exercise, but eat high fat, high carbohydrate processed food, with minimal fruit and vegetables. They like their chardonnay, and during the day, coffee loaded with sugar. Also, sugar coated grains. No wonder they get fat, and we should use that word with no regret, not to name or shame  any individual struggling with weight issues (they need all the support they can get), but to treat obesity as the health risk that it is. We do not help people by lying to them. Fat is really not fab, but dangerous.

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The Precipice of a Global Food Crisis By James Reed

The global food crisis, like that of the energy crisis, represent attacks by the technocratic elite to destroy the life-support system of traditional capitalism and private property by engineered crises. Even engineered crisis can be deadly. And the aim is nothing short of destroying capitalism so that a communist technocracy can be built along the lines proposed in the World Economic Forum (WEF) Great Reset to create their version of the New World Order. Biden has said that the Democrat’s “build Back Better’ project is part of the Great Reset. But to build back implies that what was there before was destroyed, and that is exactly what they are doing.

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Surely a Coincidence … Monkeypox “Preparedness Exercise” has Pandemic Start Date as May 15 2022! By Brian Simpson

Igor Chudov notes that there are some really interesting things merging about the present monkeypox business, which we are calling now “monkey business,” milking old monkey jokes for what they are worth, which is not much. What sort of monkey feels unwell? Gor-ill-as. Not good, but neither is the monkeypox preparedness exercise where a monkeypox pandemic was set to start on May15, 2022. And, blow me over, that is the exact day the media went into a monkeypox frenzy, like chimps fighting over bananas. Who were the participants? Same  people from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, China, CDC, that were with Covid from the beginning. So, maybe something big will come from this. Get prepared anyway folks, physically, mentally and spiritually, as you must in this battle of end times.


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Getting Vax Ready, Set, Go for Monkeypox with No Monkeying Around! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is more evidence of monkey business, over the monkeypox business. The Biden administration has already placed an order for 119 million doses of the monkeypox vaccine, even though there are only a few cases of infection in the US. They might as well just sign the cheques and hand the cheque book to big pHARMA. It makes as much sense.

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The Great Nuclear Fusion Embarrassment By James Reed

Don’t get me wrong, I like nuclear fusion as much as the next man. Some of my best friends are nuclear fusion fan boys. There are even “I Love Nuke Fusion” T-shirts … However, I did not know that this great energy hope for the future faces a major problem, apart from getting the thing to work, of lacking enough of the element tritium. This a rare and radioactive isotope of hydrogen. The nucleus of tritium (t, sometimes called a triton) contains one proton and two neutrons, whereas the nucleus of the common isotope hydrogen-1 (protium) contains just one proton, and that of hydrogen-2 (deuterium) contains one proton and one neutron. The radioactive material is decaying fast, and there is only 12.3 years before half of the present quantity remains. It decays into helium-3, so maybe that could be used instead, although much of that is in outer space. Nuclear life was not meant to be easy.


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The Left (Some of Them) See Collapse Too By James Reed

I have been following Left thinker Umair Haque, because I am an objective sort of fellow … no, just kidding, it’s curiosity. Collapse is already here, and it is spreading, he says. Systems are breaking down. Much the same thing is being said by conservative YouTubers, such as the Angry Prepper (who is Black) and Canadian Prepper (multiracial), so none of this is a white racist conspiracy. I have always thought if something is supported by people from different political spectrums, normally at each other’s throats, there may be some pearls of truth amongst the sands. Just ignore the climate stuff, and the absurd claim that the inflation wave is due to climate change rather than political forces, a few telling points are made. Overall, this is a fascinating study of all that I am concerned with, turned upside down. Opposing abortion, as was done for hundreds of years, and which other cultures like Islam mainly do, is written off as theocracy. It shows the mind of the Left, and why he is ultimately correct, that we cannot live together. A great divorce is necessary. So, friends, have a strong drink, and read on.


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Is Monkeypox Just Monkeying Around with Our Heads (or, Freedoms)? By James Reed

My bs detector is going to red and buzzing, like a cheap alarm clock, that has not been turned off and is extremely alarmed. Thus, while monkeypox, which would be an embarrassing thing to catch, is spreading throughout the West, and the beginning of a vast moral panic is starting, like Covid 2.0, maybe worse. It has be found that in March 2021, NTI partnered with the Munich Security Conference to conduct a tabletop exercise simulating a global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox used in a supposed terrorist attack using a pathogen engineered in a laboratory. Elsewhere on the blog we have covered another story where a European official has claimed that this is indeed an “unusual” strain, probably from a bioweapons lab, so the pieces of the nasty puzzle are coming together. Thus, we have all the ingredients of a top conspiracy here.


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The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Pam Geller nails this one, precisely; the US Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act has passed into law, predictably enough, the aim being to use the alleged white supremacism threat as a way of criminalising thought that the present woke communist regime does not like. Present laws already adequately deal with terrorism, being enacted since 9/11.  But as noted, “The greatest threat of domestic terrorism in American today is a corrupt federal government weaponizing its intelligence and law enforcement agencies against innocent American citizens that speak out against its tyranny.” That is what happens when the real “terrorists” run the country! Tyranny unlimited rules.

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Monkeypox Strain Doing the Rounds, Predictably Enough Cooked Up in Lab By Brian Simpson

Whoa! The monkeypox outbreak, according to a source at the European Centers for Disease Control seems to have come from a strain developed in a lab, and could be a spin-off of US bioweapons production in the Ukraine. A joint China-Russia task force are investigating the connection here. The U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) recently purchased 13 million doses of Bavarian Nordic’s Jynneo smallpox/monkeypox vaccine. However, the Health and Human Services (HHS) released a statement claiming the large order has nothing to do with the ongoing monkeypox outbreak. No, it is all just a surprising coincidence, nothing to see here at all. Any good detective should put two and two together here, and not be a monkey’s uncle.

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Baby Formula Genocide By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There are apparently masses of baby formula reserved for the border Great Replacers, but American babies can starve. Parents are frantic as babies get sick from lack of suitable nutrition, and internet search engines are not delivering results about alternatives to baby formula, or how to make it oneself. If this is not part of the genocide plan I will walk to China. And walk back with some baby formula.

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Money Men Ready for Chaos! By James Reed

Well, these globalist elites would know, having a hand in the system that has led to this crisis. Global banks and investment forms are predicting massive civil unrest as inflation, fuel and food shortages grip the West. According to the head of a “financial institutions group,” who remained unnamed no doubt to protect himself, civil unrest is inevitable. “There isn’t anything left in the toolbox of the existing financial system. We’ve run out of options. I can only see the situation worsening.” So, I suppose the remaining option will be for the establishment to use force, as was done in France and Canada to keep the peasant revolt down, if and when it occurs. The hope is that the lowly will go quietly into the darkest of nights, to be replaced, being fungible, like fungus, according to the Dark Lords.

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The Lies of Hunter Biden By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Hunter Biden tells lies, big ones. Like saying that he did not take millions from deals done in the Ukraine, and with communist Chinese, but which, as revealed by his infamous laptop, that the authorities seemingly have no interest in, did occur.  Others would be in prison, worrying about their safety, but under Democrat regime, the criminals rule the country.

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Davos Man Rides Again! By James Reed

The globalists are mega excited, with victories for communism in France, and now Australia, and the hope to steal once more the US election in November this year. They are meeting in Davos, and will feature people like James Bond style villain, World Economic Forum (WEF) founder, Klaus Schwab. It will have the usual manic globalist stuff, but a few secrets might be dropped about which plandemic will be off the production line, next. Stay tuned.

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The Australian Apocalypse: Labor and Green Riders of Armageddon By James Reed

Well, it all happened as predicted by anyone with their finger on the pulse, that the inner-city middle class put Labor in, because, well, that is how the pendulum of politics goes. And so, there will be more of the same vax tyranny that the Liberals gave us, and acceptance of any World Health Organization dictates. Along with that will be a move to the sort of open borders that the US Democrats and all Left favour for the Great Replacement, and all the woke politically correct things that have been put on hold, such as Constitutional change to embody white guilt blah, blah, and probably a return of hyper-race vilification legislation, going back to the Gillard proposals. It is all documented below in horrifying detail.


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Adverse Events During Pfizer Vaccine Trials in the U.S. Usually Reported as “Unrelated” to Vaccination By Chris Knight (Florida)

If it was any other drug or vaccine, it would have been ended at the trial stage. The following material details questions about adverse events during Pfizer vaccine trials in the U.S. usually reported as “unrelated” to vaccination. Pfizer conducted a series of vaccine trials at various locations in the U.S., including the New York University Langone Health Center, Rochester Clinical Research and Rochester General Hospital (Rochester, New York) and the J. Lewis Research, Inc. Foothill Family Clinic (Salt Lake City, Utah). The documents reveal that patients did suffer numerous adverse events during these trials. But, despite the occurrence of a wide range of adverse events, including serious cardiovascular events, almost none were identified as being “related” to the vaccine.

These serious yet “unrelated” adverse events included:

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