
“Staff at Leeds Trinity's school of journalism have also been told to "write in a helpful, warm tone, avoiding officious language and negative instructions". Some blasted the move as "more academic mollycoddling" of the snowflake generation. An "enhancing student understanding, engagement and achievement" memo lists dos and don'ts - with "do" and "don't" among words frowned upon. Generally, avoid using capital letters for emphasis and "the overuse of 'do', and, especially, 'DON'T'."

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Mexicans Against Migrants: Libtard Heads Explode! By Chris Knight

     We see the same Camp of the Saints pattern right across the West; migrants charge the borders, and Leftoid social justice warriors defend them on the grounds of “muh racism,” “otherwise White supremacy.” Ok, we know all of that. But, what do these  morons say when it is not White people, but Brown people protesting against invading illegals? How do their one-dimensional brains cope? Answer; they immediately switch off much like extremist cult members, “when prophecy fails”:

“Mexican protesters took to the streets on Sunday to protest the growing influx of Central American migrants who have made their way to the border city of Tijuana. In the most recent protest, groups of Tijuana residents want to evict the migrants from a shelter where approximately 2,000 Central Americans are staying. The Tijuana government set up the shelter as the city witnessed a reported buildup of federal and state police forces while the numbers of migrants continue to climb. In two videos shared online by U.S. journalist Emily Green, dozens of protesters, some wearing wrestling masks and bandanas, can be seen marching towards the makeshift shelter.”

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Hey China-Loving Leftoids, Please Explain Chinese Homophobia! Gottcha! By Peter Ewer

     Here in Australia we have an institutionalised Asianisation lobby, which has now morphed into a make-Australia-part-of China lobby. There is an economic rationalist Right wing version of this, and a politically correct Left wing form. Different starting points, same destination.  Thus, consider the Left, who embrace, among other things, homosexualism, transgenderism etc. as fundamental to human nature, and human rights. I will not argue, but I want to know; what happens if the master nation, number one, does not agree with your other values? How do you deal with the conflict? Ignore it?

“A Chinese novelist has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for writing and distributing homoerotic novels, provoking widespread debate online over the severity of her sentence. The female writer, surnamed Liu, but more commonly known by her internet pseudonym Tianyi, was arrested in 2017 following the success of her novel "Occupy," according to reports in Chinese state media. The book was described by police in East China's Anhui Province as depicting "obscene sexual behavior between males" set to themes of "violence, abuse and humiliation." Despite being sentenced to 10 years in prison by a court in the city of Wuhu on October 31, Liu's case was brought only recently to nationwide attention after being shared widely online. The popularity of homoerotic fiction, dubbed "boys love," has soared in recent years in China, where a booming cottage industry of self-published authors churn out hundreds of new titles each month. Such is the success of the genre, that several titles have been adapted into film, including last year's popular web series "Guardian." Recently, Chinese internet giant Tencent also looked to capitalize on the trend with the announcement it had acquired two popular titles for adaption online.”

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The Rise of Western Dissidents By Michael Ferguson

     It used to be that the dissents were from the old USSR, some that we may not have even heard of, for simple acts like writing a book that the Party did not like. But, times have changed, and now the West begins to lose freedom, fast. Sure, we have all heard of the tyrannical treatment of Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, but closer to home we now have populist dissidents, who are being suppressed, hard, just the way the elites like it:

“Who would have thought that the highest court in Europe, home of the enlightenment, would uphold a case in which a woman was prosecuted for blasphemy against Islam? Who would have thought that Britain, the birthplace of liberalism and the free press, would ban an independent journalist from its shores for satirizing the same religion? Who would have thought that Germany, whose living memory of the totalitarian Stasi is just three decades old, would put its largest opposition party under surveillance? Just a few years ago, all three would sound far-fetched. But cases like these have become common as elites in virtually every western country mount a panicked attempt to contain the rise of populism (the goal, in the words of a Google executive, is to render it a “hiccup”in history’s march towards progress).

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Is the Burning of California Climate Change, or Divine Retribution By Charles Taylor

     The latest lost from the California fires, which still rage, is the complete destruction of the forest town ironically named paradise, which now looks like something out of Dante’s Inferno. Hollywood celebrity homes have been burnt, including:  Mylie Cyrus, Bruce Jenner, Khloé Kardashian and Kanye West, Lady Gaga, Orlando Bloom, Kylie Jenner, Gigi and Bella Hadid, Kendall Jenner etc.

     The intensity of the fire is being blamed on climate change blah, blah. Yet could it be that “divine retribution” is a factor here? Not in terms of a direct Sodom and Gomorrah punishment, but more along the lines that God has turned His back on those who have departed from the ways of righteousness? Last Sunday, my hell and brimstone Black  pastor here in Tallahassee Florida, preached exactly that. He loves Trump and often wears a Make America Great Again hat, and is an NRA member, and owns numerous AR 15 black rifles. It was a bit of a shock at first, but the message sunk in that divine protections against the myriad evils of the world can be withdrawn by those walking the treacherous path of globalist secular humanism. Sure, many innocent people died but the problem is that this is an inevitable flow-on effect.

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The Globalist Dark Conspiracy to Eliminate Me and You! By Bruce Bennett

     What would the “normies,” the good men and women who do nothing, do if they were told that there is a conspiracy or great plan to eliminate them, and their kind from the face of the Earth? Sure, they would never believe this because no matter how many times the government bites and tears their flesh, they believe in the system, that gives them a little food, less sex, but plenty of expensive drugs and alcohol to keep them “comfortably numb”:

     Anyway, here is Mike Adams in full flight on his pet theme, that the globalists are actively moving to kill us all, maybe even the migrants, whom I thought were to play the role of secular saints in the globalist theocracy. The plan first involves the use of AI to replace humans in all the jobs that we once had, and then the robots will be given the vote and programmed to vote commo, which is what the migrants do now. As robots are lower cost than migrants, it is natural that the soulless elite would move to replace them and us, on that ground alone. Then there is all of the environmentalist bs, which we know is all false news, every single drop of it:

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Mexicans Against the Immigration Invasion By Charles Taylor

     If one needs any proof at this late date that President Crumpet is powerless, consider that as America is being invaded by illegals, the troops which he sent to the border, to save the Republicans from bad losses in the mid-terms, are set to go back to the US, ready to fight more wars for the global elites, while America is set to become what Ann Coulter has called a Third World hellhole:

“U.S. troops will start heading home from their mission supporting Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents on the Southwest border this week, just as migrants are beginning to arrive, according to a report by Politico. Northern Command Commander Army. Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan told the outlet in an interview Monday that the first troops will start heading home in the coming days, since some units have completed the missions they were sent for. Some of those units include engineering and logistics units who were tasked with putting up concertina wire and other barriers along the border. Pentagon spokesman Army Col. Rob Manning told reporters on Monday that units in Texas were done hardening ports of entry. He said 11,426 meters of wire obstacles are emplaced.”

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Witches Rising on Broomsticks By Chris Knight

     Pay attention all ye Christians, for witchcraft is back, and going strong, too strong:

“A report in the Christian Post contends that the number of witches (and Wiccans) has dramatically increased since the 1990s, to the degree that there may be at least 1.5 million witches in the United States, which is higher than the 1.4 million mainline Presbyterians. "[T]he practice of witchcraft has grown significantly in recent decades; those who identify as witches has risen concurrently with the rise of the 'witch aesthetic,'" reported the Christian Post in October, citing data from Quartz, a Trinity College study, and the Pew Research Center. Between 1990 and 2008, the number of Wiccans in the United States grew from 8,000 to 340,000, according to three religious surveys conducted by Trinity College in Connecticut. In addition, the Pew Research Center reported in 2014 that 0.4% of the population -- 1 to 1.5 million Americans -- "identify as Wicca or Pagan."

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Universities Helping China, on Your Tax Dollars! By James Reed

     It appears that a sizeable number of Chinese students are government agents, which is not really all that surprising since China is, after all, a communist state:

     That being so, the next logical step is for the Chinese commo party to train its cadre in Australia, because, Australia has no national pride and just wants to disappear down the plug hole of history:

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The Climate Bunny of the Pacific Rim By Viv Forbes

     The new Saltbush Club has started a petition that urges Australia to exit immediately from the Paris Climate Agreement. Australia’s destructive war on hydro-carbon fuels waged by both sides of politics is doing great harm to Australian industries and households, making electricity more expensive and less reliable, damaging industry and job prospects, all for no climate benefits. The Climate Alarm tide has peaked. Firstly, the IPCC “science” has been shattered by a large panel of Non-government scientists and an extensive body of peer-reviewed literature. They reject most of the IPCC conclusions. Secondly, a large international group of scientists and business people from 16 different countries (including Australia) have joined the Clexit Movement which urges world-wide withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement and cessation of the costly war on coal, cattle and cars. Thirdly, the US government has repudiated the Paris Agreement, and proposals for a carbon tax were rejected by voters in the recent US elections. Fourthly, the growing BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India and China) have no intention of making meaningful cuts to their production of carbon dioxide. Brazilian president-elect Jair Bolsonaro has vowed to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Fifthly, the nations of Oceania and the Third-World-Network are keen supporters solely because they expect to get a big share from the enormous “Green Climate Fund” (to be filled by climate bunnies like Australia).

     Finally, hundreds of new modern coal-fired power stations are being built in many nations of the world, often using good quality Australian coal to power the manufacturing and refining industries which are being driven out of Australia because of its high-cost unreliable electricity. Our current energy/climate policies are making us: “The Climate Bunny of the Pacific Rim.”
  Viv Forbes, Washpool, Qld

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Crucifying Julian Assange By Michael Ferguson

     The Pope, if he could stop crawling to Islam for a few seconds, should make Julian Assange a saint, or at least let him wine and dine at the Vatican, and use their internet. But, instead, this champion of truth has been “crucified”:

“Julian Assange’s sanctuary in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London has been transformed into a little shop of horrors. He has been largely cut off from communicating with the outside world for the last seven months. His Ecuadorian citizenship, granted to him as an asylum seeker, is in the process of being revoked. His health is failing. He is being denied medical care. His efforts for legal redress have been crippled by the gag rules, including Ecuadorian orders that he cannot make public his conditions inside the embassy in fighting revocation of his Ecuadorian citizenship. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has refused to intercede on behalf of Assange, an Australian citizen, even though the new government in Ecuador, led by Lenín Moreno—who calls Assange an “inherited problem” and an impediment to better relations with Washington—is making the WikiLeaks founder’s life in the embassy unbearable. Almost daily, the embassy is imposing harsher conditions for Assange, including making him pay his medical bills, imposing arcane rules about how he must care for his cat and demanding that he perform a variety of demeaning housekeeping chores. The Ecuadorians, reluctant to expel Assange after granting him political asylum and granting him citizenship, intend to make his existence so unpleasant he will agree to leave the embassy to be arrested by the British and extradited to the United States. The former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, whose government granted the publisher political asylum, describes Assange’s current living conditions as “torture.”

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Every Man Needs a Keg of “Toxic Masculinity” By John Steele

     A common theme nowadays is that there is still too much “toxic masculinity,” and it must be completely eliminated to produce the New World Gendered society:

“The University of Houston-Clear Lake is blaming “toxic masculinity” for a variety of social issues. According to a report from Campus Reform, the University of Houston-Clear Lake is playing a documentary called The Mask You Live In about the effect of “toxic masculinity” on society. For the uninitiated, “toxic masculinity” refers to the belief that Western men have been conditioned into a set of beliefs about acceptable expressions of masculinity. Proponents argue that failure to “be a man” causes men to crumble and lash out at others, particularly women. The film argues that “toxic masculinity” is the reason why boys are more likely than girls to commit suicide, crime, and fail out of school. No, I don’t agree. Traditional manhood, which built the comfortable society that these types are now dismounting, has been under attack at least since the femo-commo revolution of cultural Marxisam kicked into full force. It is this undermining which has produced the problems that young men face, such a record youth and old men suicide. This tragedy did not occur in past eras.

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Old George does Not Like Old Borders By Richard Miller

     Just in case anyone thinks that we are running a George Soros conspiracy line, proof has emerged that he has had his wrinkly fingers deep in the migrant crisis:

“Billionaire investor George Soros has confirmed he wants to bring down Europe’s borders, following the accusation made last week by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Last week, Mr Orban accused Mr Soros – who was born in Hungary – of deliberately encouraging the migrant crisis. “This invasion is driven, on the one hand, by people smugglers, and on the other by those (human rights) activists who support everything that weakens the nation-state,” Mr Orban said. Mr Soros has now issued an email statement to Bloomberg Business, claiming his foundations help “uphold European values”, while Mr Oban’s actions in strengthening the Hungarian border and stopping a huge migrant influx “undermine those values.” “His plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle,” Mr Soros added. “Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”

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Death by Surgical Robot By Brian Simpson

     Here is a potential nightmare; one is booked for robotic surgery, which they say is better than that performed by a human surgeon. Then, after you are tied to the table, the robot goes mad and slices and dices you like a hamburger:

“A surgeon has described the tense atmosphere in an operating theatre as a pioneering robotic heart operation went catastrophically wrong. At one point one of the assisting medics had his arms knocked by the robot which was being used to repair retired music teacher and conductor Stephen Pettitt's heart valve, an inquest was told. Communication between lead surgeon Sukumaran Nair and his assisting surgeon Thasee Pillay was difficult because of the 'tinny' sound quality coming from the robot console being operated by Nair.”

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Toilet Plume? By Brian Simpson

     I was the unlucky one to draw the dirty  straw for this article, a real worrier, maybe not equal to the TPP or immigration, but still a concern to all public toilet goers, neurotically obsessed like me, with germs.

“We know fecal bacteria shoots into the air when a lidless toilet flushes — a phenomenon known, grossly, as a "toilet plume." But in bathrooms where such plumes gush regularly, where does all that fecal bacteria go? Into a hand dryer and onto your clean hands, perhaps. That's what a new study suggests. Researchers examined plates exposed to just 30 seconds of a hand dryer compared to those left in, you know, just plain feces-filled air. The findings: Air-blasted plates carried 18-60 colonies of bacteria on average, whereas two minutes' exposure to the mere bathroom air left fewer than one colony on average. What's more, the inside of the dryer nozzles themselves had "minimal bacterial levels." The results were published recently in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology.”

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Robbing Robin Hood By Bruce Bennett

     The latest version of Robbin Hood (2018), has a dopey White guy as Robbin Hood, and an American black, Jamie Foxx, playing the ultra-cool Little John, the best Little John of all time, historically accurate, as we all know that Robin Hood existed:

     Shame on you Errol Flynn for deceiving us, with your swash buckling sword play and all that!!

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Would the Deep State Nuke Itself in the Foot? By Chris Knight

     If Americans do not surrender their guns, so that they can be passively, or maybe actively genocided, what will the Deep State do? I had thought that a New World Order army could be rolled out, since many military and police, unlike those in Australia, who are totally cucked and deracinated, would resist. But, the other possibility is that the Deepers go deeper and just nuke everything! A recent blog-fest has uncovered this delightful solution to all woes:

“Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) defended a potential “assault weapons” buyback Friday afternoon, saying that if gun owners defy a legislative ban, “the government has nukes.” The exchange began with conservative Twitter commentator Joe Biggs responding to a story on Swalwell’s Thursday op-ed in USA Today, titled “Ban assault weapons, buy them back, go after resisters.” “@RepSwalwell wants a war,” Biggs wrote. “Because that’s what you would get.”

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Big Tech Interferes with Elections More than Russia Could By Chris Knight

     Forgive me, but whenever I hear about election interfering, I think of paedophiles doing the dark deeds that they do. You know, that includes these establishment types:

     However, while Big Tech has moved to censor everybody they don’t like, and the Democrats are still playing the record “Russia gave the election to Trump by exposing our dark and nefarious deeds,” in reality, Big Tech wanted Hillary Clinton in to push their globalist agenda, and worked at it:

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Is Pluto a Planet, or What? By Brian Simpson

     Aaaaaaah …. The news this week is as depressing as ever. That is why I have taken up an interest in cosmology, the universe outside of this planet. Maybe, just maybe there is some order out there … well, I know there is, because the starry nights show well the hand of God. There just must be a God behind it all … So, what about Pluto, a planet of not, that is the question?

“The reason Pluto lost its planet status is not valid, according to new research from the University of Central Florida in Orlando. In 2006, the International Astronomical Union, a global group of astronomy experts, established a definition of a planet that required it to "clear" its orbit, or in other words, be the largest gravitational force in its orbit. Since Neptune's gravity influences its neighboring planet Pluto, and Pluto shares its orbit with frozen gases and objects in the Kuiper belt, that meant Pluto was out of planet status.However, in a new study published online Wednesday in the journal Icarus, UCF planetary scientist Philip Metzger, who is with the university's Florida Space Institute, reported that this standard for classifying planets is not supported in the research literature. Metzger, who is lead author on the study, reviewed scientific literature from the past 200 years and found only one publication—from 1802—that used the clearing-orbit requirement to classify planets, and it was based on since-disproven reasoning. He said moons such as Saturn's Titan and Jupiter's Europa have been routinely called planets by planetary scientists since the time of Galileo.

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The Mafia and 9/11: Conspiracy Over-Drive By Chris Knight

     You know the usual 9/11 conspiracy theories. But, a while back I stumbled over the twisted steel girders of this one, that involves the Mafia. Who knows, maybe everyone got into the show:

“This scam begins by having an architect specify expensive materials, which are then “liberated” from the construction site by nefarious actors, and replaced with cheap imported varieties which are then approved by (bribed) inspectors. The criminals pocket the difference in cost between the high-quality materials and the inferior substitutes. Rumor had it that New York architects got wise to this and began to design buildings that used quite a bit more steel because they knew that the construction would involve materials a few grades below what was originally designated. That would keep the buildings aloft for the half-century required for all parties to escape prosecution. Not only that, but law enforcement was aware of the problem in the 1980s, revealing a wide breadth of afflicted construction projects. Says Thomas Galvin, former chief executive of the convention center and now president of Xerox Realty Corp:

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