Letter to The Editor - Critics of Jews in public forums have a commensurate duty to avoid giving unjustified and unnecessary offence

To The Australian        Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is right in principle that Jewish people, like all other religious and/or ethnic groups, should not be immune to public criticism ("Criticism of Jews 'is free speech'", 19/11). Moreover, questioning "the Holocaust death toll" is not unethical if it is based on evidence and reasoned argument and is not malicious. Jews and their friends should ensure that the term "anti-Semitic" is not misused to shut down open debate in areas where Jewish interests are involved. On the other hand, critics of Jews in public forums have a commensurate duty to avoid giving unjustified and unnecessary offence - and to balance negative comment by noting the wonderful contribution made by Jews to human culture and civilization.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

The US Would Lose against China or Russia By James Reed

     This is where it all leads; a concern with fighting the cultural wars and all matter of Leftist nonsense has weakened the US to such a degree that the military will be struggling against foes such as China or Russia

“The American military’s superiority “has eroded to a dangerous degree,” and U.S. ability to win a war against adversaries like China and Russia “is increasingly in doubt,” a bipartisan report commissioned by Congress to evaluate U.S. President Donald Trump’s defense strategy revealed on Wednesday, echoing other assessments. “U.S. military superiority is no longer assured and the implications for American interests and American security are severe,” the National Defense Strategy Commission determined after reviewing classified documents, receiving Pentagon briefings, and interviewing top officials from the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). Consistent with those analyses, Wednesday’s report found that the U.S. is facing a “crisis of national security,” especially if faced with a multi-front conflict, adding:

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Oh Sweet PC irony By Mrs Vera West

     The Vagina Monologues is a  famous feminist play, saying the usual crazy things that feminist say, especially about vaginas. But, times are now at peak absurdity, as it goes before the final fall. Now, one US university cannot have a performance of this feminist masterpiece (Ha!) because it is not “inclusive” being written in a time before the transgender thing was big:

“Eastern Michigan University canceled a production of The Vagina Monologues because it was not inclusive enough. Students protested that transgendered people were excluded from the production. Eastern Michigan University canceled a production of The Vagina Monologues this week after the community claimed that the show was not inclusive enough. Students specifically felt that the show was inappropriate because it does not include transgender women. In a statement, the university’s Women’s Resource Center said that the show was canceled because of the group’s commitment to empowering minorities on campus.”

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Caravan of Migrant Job Seekers By Charles Taylor

     The Leftist globo-progressives said that the caravan of illegals invading the US border were all oh so poor refugees fleeing from terror for … freedom. Only problem with this hypothesis is that the people themselves have not said it, and in fact admit that they are coming to get jobs in the sucker West:

“Central American migrants with a caravan of 7,000 to 10,000 members are admitting once again that they are not asylum-seekers, but rather economic migrants looking for jobs in the United States. In interviews with the New York Times and the Guardian, caravan migrants admit that they are not eligible for asylum in the U.S. — despite establishment media reports that the Central Americans are asylum-seekers. From the New York Times:

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Without America, France would be German By Chris Knight

     The battle between Presidents Trump and French globo president Macron continues. Trump has fought back against the Mac attack, saying that France would be speaking German today if not for the US war effort:

“President Donald Trump is hitting back a second time against French President Emmanuel Macron after calls for an E.U. “army.” This time he didn’t stop at one tweet. Early Tuesday morning, Trump tweeted, “Emmanuel Macron suggests building its own army to protect Europe against the U.S., China and Russia. But it was Germany in World Wars One & Two – How did that work out for France? They were starting to learn German in Paris before the U.S. came along. Pay for NATO or not!”

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Pope Francis Multicult Defender of Islam By Peter West

     The Pope, who welcomes the Islamisation of Europe, is going to Morocco, to strengthen Christian-Muslin ties. Why in the name of Heaven is this needed, when the Catholic church is in crisis?

     I suppose while there are multicult headlines, the media is not covering the sexual abuse crisis, and the Pope’s role in not adequately  addressing it:

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Mobile Phones Cause Cancer By Mrs Vera West

     Mobile phones irritate me, almost as much as the people who use them. Now there is strong evidence that such devices cause cancer, not that I would wish harm to irritating people:

“It’s something that’s been widely debated for years, and now scientists have ‘clear evidence’ that phone radiation causes cancer - at least in rats. Researchers from the National Toxicology Program found that radiation from phones using 2G and 3G caused male rats to develop cancerous tumours in the heart and brain. Dr John Bucher, who led the study, said: “We believe that the link between radio frequency radiation and tumours in male rats is real.” In the study, the researchers housed rats in special chambers, where they exposed the animals to phone radiation from the womb and through their lifetime.”

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Migrants lie? How is That Even Possible? By James Reed

     Thanks to Denis who forwarded this incredible story, from a site I had not heard of, which does not mean much because I have not heard of very much at all in this large and diverse, culturally rich world. Like lying migrants for example, who in the wildest stretch of their imagination, would even contemplate that migrants, who are all rocket scientists, if given half a chance, would lie?

“Documentary film-makers Lauren Southern and Caolan Robertson have released shocking new recordings in which the director of a major NGO in Europe told their undercover team how she teaches migrants to lie and pretend to be persecuted Christians to border police. Ariel Ricker, Executive Director of Advocates Abroad, was caught in the recordings admitting that the asylum process is simply theatre. “This is all like a big theatre production, everyone has a part to play and a refugee has to act the part of the refugee in trauma for the interviewers, but it is extremely difficult to do this because unless they are taught how to be this character, this actor, then they go about it usually the opposite way,” Ricker says. Ricker’s NGO, Advocates Abroad, provides legal aid to refugees and migrants seeking asylum in Europe. They have 380 staff members that are primarily involved in preparing refugees and migrants for their asylum interviews. In 2017, they worked with over 15,000 refugees. Southern’s team points out that they also recently campaigned with 12 British MPs to raise $100,000 in donations. In the shocking undercover video, Ricker also admits to teaching the migrants how to cry, to “act the part” of the “refugee in trauma” and even throw up to show extreme emotion.

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Letter to The Editor - We need a reduced immigration intake with priority given to European and Christian persons

To The Australian        Henry Ergas asks "what can be done to give our nation, and the patriotism it is owed, reinvigorated meaning in today's world?" ("Frenchman with a forked tongue", 16/11) The answer, which he shirks providing, is that we need a fundamental reversal of post-war immigration policy and a profound reform of the Christian sacred tradition. "Common descent or a common rootedness in ancestral soil" remain vitally important and potentially capable of restoration as drivers of national policy. Religious and ethnic solidarity are still the two most binding influences on national unity. We need a reduced immigration intake with priority given to European and Christian persons; but we cannot rely on an exclusivist theology that has become badly out of date as well as severely questioned by historical research into the early centuries AD.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Eventual complete absorption and subordination to a "European army"

To The Age        Your editorial on Brexit ("Britain cannot turn its back on the EU", 16/11) wrongly makes light of the clear verdict of the 2016 referendum which undoubtedly meant that a majority wanted a complete and fundamental severance of British sovereignty from EU jurisdiction. One of the most vital elements was precisely the need to throw off any subjugation to EU courts, for this would enable a vital restoration of free speech in Britain. Your language betrays you: British loyalists and their Australian supporters are smeared as 'little Englanders", who are "misty-eyed" and "jingoist". Meanwhile the globalist functionary Macron shows the kind of future that would lie in the EU: eventual complete absorption and subordination to a "European army".
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Smash the Paris Shackles By Viv Forbes

     A new lobby has called for Australia to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. Calling itself “The Saltbush Club” the group includes top scientists and engineers covering every aspect of the global warming/energy debate, as well as representatives from small business, big business, farmers and consumers. It challenges the whole idea of a consensus on man-made global warming, condemns the unjustified demonization of CO2 and denounces the baseless war on coal. Australia’s push to meet the Paris carbon dioxide emission targets is leading to higher electricity prices and unreliable supply. People think the Paris Accord is just about commitments to lower CO2. It is really about transferring wealth via the sticky-fingered UN to the so-called Less Developed Countries. It’s about advancing centralised UN control of people’s lives on a global scale. We must reject the UN Agenda which is crippling western industry with high-cost unreliable electricity, in a futile attempt to control global climate.
  Viv Forbes, Washpool, Qld

Viv Forbes is Executive Director of the Saltbush Club

Here Comes the Republic Again … There goes the Constitution (If We Let Them) By James Reed

     God is taking more time than I thought He would take, ending the tragicomedy that we call modern life (I have in mind Sodom and Gomorrah). So we enter the next cycle of madness where the elites tell us that a Republic is “nationalistic” and that we need an “Australian,” president, even though these same people want to Asianise Australia, are generally cucks for the Communist Party of China, and are total globalists. Could they be telling some fibs, just to get their demonic claws on the constitution?

“Australians will be asked to vote on a republic in a $160 million national plebiscite under a Labor plan that rejects a postal survey in favour of a public ballot to resolve decades of dispute. Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has signed off on the funding plan to ask voters a "yes or no" question in the next term of Parliament, without any funding for official campaigns for or against the change. The plan assumes the same cost as the federal government’s original plebiscite on same-sex marriage but is double that of the postal survey eventually adopted and run last year. The Labor spokesman on an Australian head of state, Matt Thistlethwaite, said the recent visit to Australia by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex would not hurt the case for a republic but the nation needed stronger political leadership to make the change. "I’m conscious that if you talk to the average Australian at the moment it’s probably not in their top 10 list of priorities and I understand that," he said.”

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Ungovernable America; A Coup Without Firing a Shot By Charles Taylor

     The stupid evil US party, the Democrats, have moved to conduct civil war by making America ungovernable without yet, “firing a single shot”

“The Democrats prepare a “subpoena cannon” aimed at over 85 people in President Donald Trump’s sphere. These subpoenas will not come out at once. Democrat California Rep. Adam Schiff, who will take over the House Intelligence Committee, told Axios that the committee will “prioritize what they view as the most pressing topics, which he says range from Trump’s potential business dealings with Russia to where things currently stand with North Korea.”

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Surgery in the Future: How to lose a kidney in One Easy Step By chris Knight

     This may be more common, as medicine becomes subjected to the same forces of decline as everything else:

“A Florida surgeon mistook a woman’s healthy kidney for a cancerous tumor — and inexplicably removed it during a routine back surgery, according to a report. Maureen Pacheco, then 51, checked into Wellington Regional Medical Center back in April 2016 to get the bones in her lower back fused in the wake of a car accident, The Palm Beach Post reported. During the operation, Dr. Ramon Vazquez spotted the organ — which he believed to be a tumor, declared an emergency and removed it, according to a lawsuit obtained by the paper that was settled in September. Pacheco never had a say in the matter, according to the lawsuit. And Vazquez wasn’t even the one performing the back surgery. His job was to cut her open so surgeons could perform the operation. “As you can imagine, when someone goes in for a back surgery, she would never expect to wake up and be told when she’s just waking up from anesthesia, that one of her kidneys has been unnecessarily removed,” Pacheco’s attorney, Donald J. Ward, told the paper. Florida’s Department of Health has since filed a complaint against Vasquez — saying he provided a “presumptive diagnosis of a gynecologic malignancy, lymphoma, and/or other metastatic disease.”

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Immigration Leads Inevitably to Boom! Boom! Boom! By Chris Knight

     The caravan of illegal invaders, said by the Left to be poor desperate people, had suddenly given rise to most of South America wanting to come to America, so that North America becomes South America. Then, I suppose, they will want to go to Europe and eat that, which I am not explicitly saying is a bad thing, just a thing:

“Five million poor Central Americans want to migrate into the United States’ communities and workplaces, according to a report by Gallup. The caravans of economic migrants moving northwards to the U.S. border “actually represent a relatively small fragment of a much larger group of people in their own region — and around the world — who say they would like to move to the U.S. if they could,” said Gallup. The five million number is one-in-three adults in Central America, the survey firm said. But average birth rate and family size in Central America are roughly twice as large as in the United States, so the migration of 5 million could lead to the birth of at least 5 million additional people after the migrants get jobs in the United States.”

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The Sign of the Beast, 666 and All That Jazz By Brian Simpson

     Don’t worry, with all of the information out there, the people will work out what is going down, and will take a stand, defeating the bad guys, and reigning in this age of plenty. The normies may not be lions of freedom, but they are at least pussy cats of liberty. Sure:

“Some of the  UK's largest companies are planning to implant their staff with microchips to “improve security” and restrict employees from accessing “sensitive documents,” sparking ethical concerns over such a move.
The Swedish firm, Biohax, which makes human chip implants, claims it is in talks with a number of the UK’s major businesses from the financial and legal sectors, to implant their employees with the devices, The Telegraph reports. Jowan Österlund, founder and CEO of Biohax who is a former body piercer, told the paper that his microchips, which cost £150 each, could help financial and legal companies enhance security. “These companies have sensitive documents they are dealing with. [The chips] would allow them to set restrictions for whoever,” he told The Telegraph. Österlund, who says he’s lined up one prospective UK company, with “hundreds and thousands of employees,” insists employers could offer this as an opt-in. “If you have a 15% uptake that is still a huge number of people that won’t require a physical ID pass.”

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The Amazing, the Incredible, Death of Stan Lee By Bruce Bennett

     Jewish comic writer,  Stan Lee, or his birth name, Stanley Lieber, along with artist, jack Kirby (real name Jacob Kurtzberg), created  many of Marvel’s major heroes and villains, in the 1960s “silver age’ of comics. There have been disputes over the years about who did what, with Kirby and Steve Ditko being bitter about Lee’s treatment of them. Both left Marvel; Kirby came back briefly then left again. Talk about job satisfaction. And, there were the law suits.

     Recently Lee’s world seemed to have been falling apart with a sexual assault lawsuit and other hassles of being rich. So, it was probably a good time to leave this veil of tears for warmer climates, maybe visiting super-friends from other dimensions.

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Hundreds of Consumers, Business people and Scientists say: “Get out of the Paris Agreement.” By Viv Forbes

     A new lobby group comprising scientists, farmers, consumers, small business and big business is urging both sides of Australian politics to put aside party interests and global agendas to focus on what's best for Australian business, workers, consumers and the environment. The Saltbush Club calls for Australia to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement and to cease financing or supporting the international bodies promoting it. It challenges the whole idea of a consensus on man-made global warming. Jerry Ellis, retired chairman of BHP, and Founding Chairman of the Saltbush Club says:

"It is clear that Australia’s push to meet the Paris carbon dioxide emission targets is leading to higher electricity prices and unreliable supply. We have lost the balance between working for environmental outcomes and working for economic outcomes. These things need to be balanced, and this balance is missing with the Paris Agreement. The world would be a better placed with strong economies generating money to spend on poverty, health, infrastructure and the environment."

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Blowing the Lid on the TPP By James reed

     Good to see Fraser Anning exposing the TPP for what it is, something that seems necessary in each of its rebirths:

Senator Anning blows the lid on TPP, UN Lima Declaration that sold out Australia

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Making Conservative White Women, Oh So Guilty By Chris Knight

     Here is yet another spin in the cultural wars; making white women feel guilty for following Trump. No stone must be left unturned:

“Trump supporters are not only deplorable, they also exhibit a “peevish, racist cruelty,” declares the Guardian newspaper Friday, which makes white women who vote Republican especially guilty. The 53 percent of white women who voted for Trump in 2016 bear out “the conventional wisdom that white women would rather choose the racism espoused by the Republican party than join in the moral coalition represented by men of color and other women,” writes Guardian columnist Moira Donegan in an over-the-top essay. While white men “support Republicans at alarming rates,” she states, white women should know better since they are themselves victims of sexism.’

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