Stop and Smell the Rosemary, While Drinking Pomegranate Juice By Mrs Vera West

     Here I will cover two things that we can do to increase out health, and they are simple. First, smelling the herb rosemary can improve memory:

“In 1987 the journal Planta Medica published the first study discussed here on the impact of rosemary on mice. This study was carried out by four scientists, and found that levels of the 1,8-cineole found in blood, and locomotion capabilities, were both elevated after the mice inhaled rosemary oil. Cineole is also known as eucalyptol, which is the compound making up most eucalyptus oils. Next came a study performed in 1998, conducted by the International Journal of Neuroscience. In this study, nine researchers from the University of Miami School of Medicine applied their curiosity to humans, rather than rats. They exposed 40 adults to several minutes of aromatherapy, some receiving rosemary, while the others received lavender, all while they worked on math equations. They discovered that those who received the lavender therapy were relaxed, but drowsy. And even though they did better with the math problems with the therapy, those with the rosemary therapy performed markedly better. They were far more alert and less anxious, as well as finished solving the problems much quicker.

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Do Orcs have Equal rights? Sure, Lord of the Rings is Racist! By Brain Simpson

     It was only a matter of time before Lord of the Rings, was proclaimed to be “racist,” since the movies created moral panic at the time for the chattering elites, having traditional Nordic themes. Now it is an all open attack:

“Sci-Fi and fantasy writer Andy Duncan claimed in a podcast that J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings books are racist, citing the negative perceptions associated with the evil Orcs. “It’s hard to miss the repeated notion in Tolkien that some races are just worse than others, or that some peoples are just worse than others,” declared Duncan recently on the Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy podcast. “And this seems to me—in the long term, if you embrace this too much—it has dire consequences for yourself and for society.” “In many ways President Trump is unique, but in many ways we have seen his like before,” he continued. “We have seen the forces that he has tapped into on the ascendency before… As Tolkien well knew, the war is never quite over, and it has a tendency to show up right there in your own hometown when you’re least expecting it.”

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Trump in Chains By Chris Knight

     Both Charles Taylor and I, covering the American scene, have spoken metaphorically about Trump ending up in chains. Now the chattering class are openly saying it:

“Actor Ron Perlman warned that President Donald Trump will soon be “in chains” for committing the “high crime of treason.”

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A Right to Surgically-Based Happiness? By Mrs Vera West

     Here is an interesting, thoughtful and heart-rendering article at the ever interesting, thoughtful and heart-rendering New York Times, on the transgender issue and vaginoplasty surgery, written from a personal perspective:

“My New Vagina Won’t Make Me Happy And it shouldn’t have to” By Andrea Long Chu

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The Fate of Trump and His Family: Total Annihilation By Chris Knight

     Liberal democracy, as it was known, ended in the fires of 1968, and the New Class have rolled in an era of anarcho-tyranny unlimited, iron-fisted repression of Western European Whites, with anarchy with respect to migrant-based crime against them. Websites such as Pam Geller show this with daily reports not covered in the mainstream press. Part of this anarcho-tyranny involves the Deep State hypocrisy of allowing Hillary Clinton to walk scot-free from her email mischief, but Trump’s daughter has been targeted for what the elites think is some sort of transgression. Thus, Trump’s family is now in the cross-hairs, metaphorically speaking:

“When two Republican members of Congress began formally questioning last week Ivanka Trump’s use of private email for government business, it was seen by people close to the White House as a sign of things to come for the president’s family. One of the Republicans was Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, which has conducted little oversight of the Trump White House until now. The other was Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, who previously led a two-year investigation into events surrounding the attack on American diplomatic outposts in Benghazi, Libya, focusing relentlessly on the role of Hillary Clinton. His most prominent investigation as chairman has scrutinized alleged anti-Trump political bias within the F.B.I. during its inquiries related to the 2016 presidential campaign. “That you now have Republicans investigating members of the first family is an indication of the perils ahead” for the Trumps, said Tom Davis, the former House Republican from Virginia who was the chairman of the Oversight Committee from 2003 through 2006.”

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Utterly Desperate South American Must be Given Jobs and Homes in Hollywood! By Charles Taylor

     The poor refugees that have approached our US border, only looking to enrich drab American culture, have had to resort to throwing rocks in response to the US government’s nervous gas attacks. What is this, Syria, Russia?

“On Sunday, hundreds of would-be illegal immigrants gathered at the U.S. border to make a massive contribution to the Trump 2020 re-election campaign. They chanted that they weren't bound by the idea of borders and laws ("We are not criminals! We are international workers!").  They hurled rocks at U.S. Border Patrol agents. They rushed the border itself, cutting holes in fencing and climbing walls. They forced authorities to use tear gas to protect themselves and turn back the mob. The San Ysidro Port of Entry was forced to close for more than five hours. In other words, they confirmed what President Trump has been saying for weeks about the caravan and what it represents. And, like clockwork, the president's progressive opponents have been answering his extreme rhetoric with their own.

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Silly Season Talk: Why Do wombats Do Cube Poop? What! By Brian “Santa” Simpson

     The silly season is beginning, Christmas decorations are up, and we are all getting ready to spend, spend, spend, plunging us into debt for most of next year, until it all begins agai, and again, and again, until things just explode. But, it is wonderful, eh? Now let’s look at those wombats, who do square poop. My, my, my, how do the clever little fellows do that, and does it hurt?

“Wombats are fossorial herbivorous Australian marsupials with the distinctive feature of producing cubic feces, which is unique in the animal kingdom. In the built world, cubic structures are created by extrusion or injection molding, but there are few examples of this feat in nature. We investigate how wombats produce cubic feces, through investigation of the structure and mechanics of two dissected alimentary systems of wombats--derived from veterinary euthanized individuals following motor vehicle collisions in Tasmania, Australia. In the final 8 percent of the intestine, feces changed from a liquid-like state into a solid state composed of separated cubes of length 2 cm. This shape change was due to the azimuthally varying elastic properties of the intestinal wall. By emptying the intestine and inflating it with a long balloon, we found that the local strain varies from 20 percent at the cube's corners to 75 percent at its edges. Thus, the intestine stretches preferentially at the walls to facilitate cube formation. This study addresses the long-standing mystery of cubic scat formation and provides insight into new manufacturing techniques for non-axisymmetric structures using soft tissues.”

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Letter to The Editor - The best road to a strongly united nation

To The Age        That some "Coalition and Labor MPs have backed an Indigenous 'Voice to Parliament'" ("Indigenous Voice wins MP backing", 30/11) does not mean that such a move, involving constitutional entrenchment, is in Australia's best interests or will ever win support in a referendum. Constitutionally, all Australians, no matter what their ethnic background, should be regarded as being on the same footing. That is the best road to a strongly united nation that will enjoy continued stability and security. The welfare of disadvantaged Australians, indigenous and non-indigenous, can be attended to sensibly and efficiently without any dangerous tampering with the constitution.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Australians will at such a referendum vote away their national stability and security

To The Australian        The newly released parliamentary report on the proposal for an indigenous "Voice to Parliament" apparently does not contain any convincing justification for entrenching such a Voice in the constitution ("Define powers and role of indigenous voice: Dodson", 30/11). What is the value of arguing whether the design of such a Voice should or should not come before a referendum is put, when there is no evidence that Australians will at such a referendum vote away their national stability and security in favour of an inequitable attribution of constitutional privilege to a tiny minority of citizens whose right to special treatment has never been effectively established?
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Meditations on Drinking Lead By James Reed

     Do you like drinking lead? It is not a silly question, because the ancient Romans drank wine from lead containers, and look what happened to them. Anyway, we Aussies have a similar problem:

“Australian households have been officially advised to run their taps for at least 30 seconds in the morning amid fears of lead poisoning from plumbing products. The alert was issued in July by enHealth — a standing committee representing federal, state and territory health departments, the National Health and Medical Research Council and the New Zealand Ministry of Health — but not widely publicised. While lead is rarely used in water pipes in Australia, it is still widely used in a “range of plumbing products” such as brass fittings. It can dissolve into drinking water “particularly where water has been sitting in contact with these brass plumbing products for long periods”. Lead exposure can cause a wide range of symptoms ranging from muscle pains, fatigue, abdominal pains, headache, nausea and vomiting to seizures and coma. Infants and children are especially vulnerable as lead can impair brain development.”

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An Aspirin a Day, May Not Keep the Doctor Away! By Mrs Vera West

     Many otherwise “healthy” people are taking a baby aspirin a day for cardiovascular health, but a study has questioned the benefits of this: J. J. McNeil (et al.), “Effect of Aspirin on Disability-Free Survival in the Healthy Elderly,” New England Journal of Medicine, October 18, 2018:

Information on the use of aspirin to increase healthy independent life span in older persons is limited. Whether 5 years of daily low-dose aspirin therapy would extend disability-free life in healthy seniors is unclear.

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Amy Wax Waxes it to “Em By James Reed

     When I first saw this article I thought it was the typical academic wanting to ban more things. But, this story has a wicked twist, as Professor Amy Waxx wants to ban the banners, in a delightful way:

“Here are her ideas, implemented as guidelines in her seminars and upper-level classes, lightly edited for clarity: No one can be heard to say, ‘I’m offended.’ They all have permission to be offended. But they just can’t express it. No one is allowed to accuse anyone else, in the classroom or out, dead or alive, of being racist, sexist, xenophobic, white supremist, or any other derisive, identity-based label. No slurs or name-calling. These don’t enlighten, educate, or edify. They add nothing. Give us an argument. Tell us why the other person is wrong. No one can complain to administrators—those officious thought police—about anything said in class. Finally, both the government and private donors need to rethink the lavish financial support for higher education, and especially for elite and selective institutions, which serve only a teeny-tiny portion of our population and which in many ways, I’m afraid, have become an anti-Western and anti-American liability. How can we get the rich to see that supporting elite universities today might not be the wisest and more fruitful uses of their hard-earned money? What we need is a list of alternative causes and alternative institutions and goals for their money that help ordinary, average, unspecial people who have been unduly neglected by our elites and our increasingly walled off from them.”

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Ukraine-Russia War Again By James Reed

     Here we go again. At least this time, as I write this, I am only 53 minutes behind the mainstream press in reporting. I am disappointed that Vlad the Lad Putin did not ring me up first to ask advice about the wisdom of opening fire on the Ukrainian vessels in the Black Sea, but, no doubt he has his reasons:

“Russia's coast guard opened fire on and seized three of Ukraine's vessels Sunday, wounding two crew members, after a tense standoff in the Black Sea near the Crimean Peninsula, the Ukrainian navy said. Russia blamed Ukraine for provoking the incident, which sharply escalated tensions that have been growing between the two countries since Moscow annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, and it has worked steadily to bolster its zone of control around the peninsula. Earlier in the day, Russia and Ukraine traded accusations over a separate incident involving the same vessels, prompting Moscow to block passage through the narrow Kerch Strait, which separates the peninsula from the Russian mainland. The Ukrainian navy said two of its gunboats were struck and Russian crews boarded and seized them and an accompanying tugboat. Russia's Federal Security Service, known as the FSB and which oversees the coast guard, said there was "irrefutable evidence that Kiev prepared and orchestrated provocations ... in the Black Sea. These materials will soon be made public."

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Can China Save Civilisation? By James Reed

     Although nationalist types like us are concerned about Chinese imperialism, really the fault lies with our local traitors and not the Chinese. I do not have any hatred for China, but rather shame and disgust about the corruption and weakness of “our” politicians. The same with immigration. Hating migrants is insane; it is the local politicians and Deep State machinery that should be despised. As Cicero famously said (well, not exactly from Cicero himself, but from an interpretation made by Taylor Caldwell in his book, A Pillar of Iron (1965)): “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But, the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” I am sure that Cicero would have agreed, even if he did not say it. Call it the pseudo-cicero quote.

     If the roles were reversed and I was in the position of the Chinese or the migrants, I would do exactly the same. It is just human nature, contrary to the lies of liberalism. So, that is the clear difference between us and some other groups, for we reject scapegoating the “Other” and see the real problem with our own Judases, the elites who rule us, and sell us off. That said, there is much to be said about the greatness of China, a greatness  we had but have lost because of cultural Marxism and degenerate Leftism. China seems to have survived and thrived despite the Marxist virus, and not degenerated to the level of politically correct diversity-decline. Feminism and the destruction of manhood is being held at bay, although the decadent forces from the West are at work to destroy what remains of  noble Chinese manhood:

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As An Engine Needs Fuel. .... So An Economy Needs Money By Peter Davis

     It is a sad fact very few people have any comprehension of how our "money supply" is created. Nor, its importance to a functioning National economy and the power exerted by those who control its flow into our economy. The objective of this brief paper is to try and convey those three criteria; How our money is created; its rate of distribution; and the control exerted by the private Reserve Banking system.

     In terms of simplicity, an internal combustion engine, together with its fuel supply, is an excellent illustration of how money functions in an economy ... Let us accept we possess an engine and we have some fuel. Providing we supply fuel in the correct air /fuel ratio the engine will run, thus performing our desired task. By increasing or decreasing the rate of flow of fuel/air we control the work performed, {the speed} of our engine; or, indeed, we stop the engine by turning off the flow of fuel.

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Australia should COP-OUT of COP-24 By Viv Forbes

     PM Morrison should make no new commitments at the COP24 climate-fest starting next week in Poland. We do not trust what politicians and officials are doing behind closed doors far from home. Nothing of benefit to Australian consumers, tax payers or business will come out of COP24. It will just extend the UN’s war on our cheap, reliable hydro-carbon fuels and the backbone industries that rely on them – primary industries, transport, processing and manufacturing. Australia is particularly vulnerable with no nuclear power, no geothermal power and limited hydropower. This war on reliable hydro-carbon fuels and the promotion of unreliable wind and solar power will increasingly deny our industries and consumers cheap reliable power. There is no justification for the War on carbon dioxide – there is no proof that CO2 drives global temperature and it is a delusion to believe that Earth’s climate can be tweaked by erecting windmills or putting taxes on carbon dioxide. COP24 will descend into a grab for cash, and Australia is one of the fat pullets they plan to pluck.

“Believing carbon dioxide is the planet’s climate control knob is pretty close to believing in magic.”
– Dr Richard Lindzen

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Big Just Got Bigger By John Steele

     Who says that dinosaurs do not still walk the Earth? There is going to be seismic events when two of the biggest steroid-soaked muscle men on Earth clash. The planet itself may shake.

“A bodybuilder branded “the scariest man in the world” has been signed up to fight an Iranian man mountain who has vowed to take on ISIS. Tribal tattooed Brit Martyn Ford has transformed himself from skinny wannabe cricket star to bodybuilder — and at 2.03m and 143 kilograms he makes a potentially mean prospect in mixed martial arts. But after signing up for Polish MMA organisation Konfrontacja Sztuk Walki (KSW), Ford is set to take to the cage opposite Iranian ace Sajad Gharibi, nicknamed the “Iranian Hulk”. The 1.85m hunk of muscle might be nearly 20cm shorter than Ford, but he weighs in at a whopping 178 kilograms.”

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Life in the Amazon Jungle By Brian Simpson

     Wow, I had a bad feeling every time I got a book from Amazon, that people must be working in cages like beasts. No, that is optimistic, because presumably even in a cage one can still, in the worst case, do one’s business as my mother used to say, however messy. But, at Amazon you better wear a nappy, and be snappy, and happy:

“Amazon warehouse workers are forced to pee in bottles or forego their bathroom breaks entirely because fulfillment demands are too high, according to journalist James Bloodworth, who went undercover as an Amazon worker for his book, Hired: Six Months Undercover in Low-Wage Britain. Targets have reportedly increased exponentially, workers say in a new survey revealed over the weekend, and as result, they feel pressured and stressed to meet the new goals. Workers who pick up products for delivery at a warehouse in Staffordshire, UK use bottles instead of the actual toilet, which is located too far away, Bloodworth reported. They are afraid of being disciplined for idling and losing their jobs as a result, he added. Bloodworth told The Sun in an interview that the warehouse resembled a prison or an airport, with high security scanners that check workers for banned items like hoodies, sunglasses, and phones, and other employees who pat down workers to check for stolen goods.

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The Persecution of Christians: New/Old Sport By Michael Ferguson

     It is not a good time to be a Christian if one wants to be persecution free, for outside of the West, which is getting nastier by the day, half a billion Christians across the world are persecuted:

“More than 60 percent of the world’s population of more than 7.5 billion reside in countries where the right to religious freedom is obstructed or denied. An estimated 505 million Christians face persecution for following their faith, a Catholic NGO Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) report indicated this week. “For simply belonging to the wrong religion, countless numbers of people have been killed; many others have disappeared and still more have been imprisoned indefinitely,” John Pontifex, the report’s editor-in-chief, said. On Thursday, a press release on the 14th edition of ACN’s Religious Freedom in the World Report, which this year covers all religions in 196 countries over a two-year period up to and including June 2018, declared:

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Termite Megapolis By Brian Simpson

     There is no political significance to this, but I found it interesting that termites could construct a termite nest the size of Britain:

“Researchers have discovered a gigantic complex of 200 million termite mounds in north-eastern Brazil, which may be up to 4,000 years old and covers an area about the size of Great Britain. Although visible on Google Earth, the conical mounds, some of which rise up to 10 feet high, are largely hidden from view at ground level in semi-arid, thorny-scrub forests, according to research published this month in Current Biology. "These mounds were formed by a single termite species that excavated a massive network of tunnels to allow them to access dead leaves to eat safely and directly from the forest floor," researcher and entomologist Stephen Martin of the UK's University of Salford said in a statement. "The amount of soil excavated is... equivalent to 4,000 Great Pyramids of Giza, and represents one of the biggest structures built by a single insect species." The mounds, more of which are still being built, came to scientists' attention when some of the lands were cleared for pasture in recent decades.”

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