An Antidote for the Pope? By Peter West

     Forgive me, but as a lapsed Catholic, I reserve the right to be harsh on the ever politically correct Pope, as I do not go to mass in protest of this person.

“Pope Francis has further dug in his heels as the anti-populist pope, writing in the forward to a new book that organized citizens in action are the “antidote to populism.” In his forward to The Eruption of Popular Movements: The Rerum Novarum of Our Time, the pope waxes poetic, praising so-called “popular movements” as “a great social alternative, a profound cry, a sign of contradiction, a hope that ‘everything can change.’” Populism, on the other hand, the pontiff likens to “show-politics,” adding that in today’s political climate “fear is the means of manipulation of civilizations, the creative agent of xenophobias and racism, a terror sown in the peripheries of the world.” Francis has never attempted to conceal his scorn for populist parties, insisting the new populist wave is born of “egotism.” On that occasion, he also referred to an “antidote” to populism, speaking of solidarity, however, rather than popular movements. Solidarity is “the most effective antidote to modern forms of populism,” Pope Francis told European heads of state in March 2017.”

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The Danger of Cooking Eggs By Mrs Vera West

     This story goes to show that you cannot trust internet sites for cooking advice, because you might decide that it is safe to microwave eggs, which then blow up in your face, much like Leftist theory, which has nothing to do with this story, but I thought that I would throw it in anyway, as a metaphor, not to in any way make light of one person’s disaster.

“She said: “I googled to see if you could make boiled eggs in the microwave. “There are endless websites and YouTube videos which say you can. The one I read, though, was the set of instructions on recipe website, Delish. “It said that you could microwave the eggs as long as you add salt to the eggs in the water to prevent them from bursting. “The instructions then said to leave the eggs in the microwave for between six and eight minutes. Being cautious, I did six and took them out. “As I looked into the jug to see if the eggs were done, they went bang in my face. “It only happened as I took them out. The eggs were fine in the microwave.” Bethany was on her own at the time, so she called 999 while running cold water over her face, but her skin was already starting to peel away. She was rushed to the burns unit at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, where she received treatment including wet bandages over her face and was kept in overnight. Bethany says it’s unclear if the damage to her right eye is permanent. She added: “My eye has started to open and I can see, but it’s very blurry.” She’s been told she won’t have facial scars but to expect long-term skin discolouration. Bethany said: “As I splashed myself with water, I could see my skin peeling off. “It felt horrible, I was in total agony. I could feel my skin burning for hours afterwards — even while it was being treated in hospital. “I’ve never been so scared in my life — I was shaking and crying. The accident was, without doubt, the worst day of my life to date.”

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The Universities are Going to Get What They Richly Deserve! By James Reed

     The establishment line is that the universities bring in the big bucks; figures vary but the rhetoric is the same, $35 billion, you name it, your guess is as good as theirs:

     I am bored with this debate because I believe that societies need to move beyond the medieval university model of knowledge. So what if education can be flogged off to international students, just like farms and the rest of the country! With this mentality, with all that maters is a profit, sell off the entire country and everybody in as slaves. That should do the job! Anyway, there are dark clouds on the horizon for the universities, and I welcome it:

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LGBTQ + Guns = Conflict! By Mrs Vera West and John Steele

     A truly historical moment, for here is a joint article by two people who have never met, and probably never will. But, interests here intersect, those of gender/sex, and guns. In fact, John would like to, in the spirit of postmodern relativism, define his present sexuality and gender as simply “Guns.” Yes, non-binary, guns. And isn’t that a fair conceptualisation in a world where everything goes?

“Yet another subculture is emerging from within the ever-expanding Cult of LGBTQ: LGBTQs who like guns and want to better learn how to use them. The group “Pink Pistols,” which we’ve covered in the past, is making waves particularly within Seattle’s LGBTQ community for meeting with one another to discharge firearms at local gun ranges – something that, according to the mainstream media, is reserved only for Trump-supporting hillbillies from red states. “I had never touched a gun and I was kind of uneasy just touching it,” one 62-year-old LGBTQ by the name of Melissa is quoted as saying to CrossCut after visiting the West Coast Armory gun range in nearby Bellevue with her LGBTQ partner, Jan, for the first time. “You don’t know what to expect, and the first time it was like, wow, it was kind of exhilarating because you actually did it.” Melissa and Jan own guns and visit the West Coast Armory regularly, as they’ve been doing for the past year. But most of their friends don’t know this because, generally speaking, LGBTQs have been programmed to believe that all guns are evil, and that only evil Republicans own and use them. “Progressive people we know look at us kind of cross-eyed when we tell them we own a gun,” Jan says. Erin Palette, the national coordinator for Pink Pistols, says this is common among LGBTQs who break from the status quo and adopt a love for firearms. For most of them, it’s like “coming out” all over again – with all of the shaming, rejection, and even abuse that typically comes with it.”    

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Letter to The Editor - Each time we cringe, China squeezes the claws tighter

To The Advertiser, The evidence of Communist China’s influence in Australia has strengthened since books like “Silent Invasion” surfaced a couple of years ago. Our trade with China, whether it be exports of agricultural products, coal and iron ore or the university education multi-million dollar ‘industry’ we provide; we are clearly addicted to it.  No finger of criticism of China can be raised without a warning that, “we should be careful to not offend our major trading partner!” By example, witness the warning about China from Andrew Hastie which was quickly countered by Trade Minister Birmingham. Each time we cringe, China squeezes the claws tighter. It is ironic that former Prime Minister Tim Fischer, who died today, was a Vietnam veteran who fought in a bid to defeat the encroaching communist dictatorship; whilst today Prime Minister Morrison is in Communist Vietnam hoping to establish more trade and closer ties. Australia is becoming too dependent on communist nations to keep our economy afloat and our sovereignty is being compromised.
Yours etc
  Ken Grundy, Naracoorte SA

The Collapse of Civilisation 101 By Peter West

     Civilisations collapse when the elites become self-destructive in their greed and evil, and bingo, that is what we have today, in spades. This is outlined in this book, which I have not read, but luckily, someone else has:

Anne Glyn-jones, Holding Up a Mirror: How Civilizations Decline, (Imprint Academic, Thorverton, 1996).

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At last! A Good Word for Traditional Manhood By Mrs Vera West

     Here is Janet Albrechtsen commenting on the brave guys who managed to subdue the Sydney knife attacker. Isn’t this toxic masculinity according to feminism? And where would civilisation be without it?

“The conflation of traditional masculinity with the poorly defined “toxic masculinity” won’t stop bad behaviour because when words lose their meaning, they lose their punch. Take the Gillette ad, “The Best Men Can Be”, where Procter & Gamble tried to hijack this latest fad to turn a profit. Proving that consumers are not fools, it didn’t work. This month, P&G reported a net loss of $US5.24 billion ($7.73bn) for the quarter ending June 30. The company said men today like more facial hair. The company could have added that men today don’t like being told that masculinity needs to be redefined by a preachy razor ad showing a series of men behaving badly. While whoops of delight came from Jane Caro and Clementine Ford, more thoughtful viewers saw an advert with as much nuance as a lightning bolt from God. Perhaps Gillette’s next foray into “The Best Men Can Be” will include some vision of those brave men saving Sydneysiders from further violence earlier this week. It does no one any favours when gender is used as a cheap weapon, a stunt for ulterior motives. This week, for example, former foreign minister Julie Bishop fronted a camera, again, to talk about her time in politics, again, this time on Andrew Denton’s Interview program on the Seven Network.

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Why Was There a Dunstan at All? By James Reed

     There is another big story about Don Dunstan, the South Australian premier from the 1960s, who introduced so many politically correct policies into the quiet, rural state of Tom Playford:

     The real question to be asked is how did this happen? How could the people of South Australia have gone with it for the “Dunstan decade”? This was at the beginning and it could have been all nipped in the bud then. Then ask yourself why nothing has been done today, about anything.  For example, we are on the verge of defining cash as criminal, yet the sheeple do nothing:

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More On Becoming A State of the US By James Reed

     I have put the case for Australia becoming a state of the United States, primarily to prevent us being swallowed up by China. Here is an article which I cite in further support of my position, making the case that Australia cannot defend itself now. And don’t believe the Arthur Caldwell bs that we need more migrants. Technology can wipe out migrants with rifles in the blink of an eye, and this was true in 1947 too.

“Australia’s decision to buy 12 of the “most lethal conventional submarines ever contemplated” may actually leave it exposed to attack, according to an expert. When the Shortfin Barracuda was unveiled as the design for Australia’s new submarine fleet in 2016, there was excitement about its capabilities and the decision to build the vessel in South Australia. But one expert has now analysed the challenges facing Australia’s military amid the changing power dynamic in the region and believes Australia has invested billions in the wrong weaponry. Professor Hugh White’s book How to Defend Australia looks at the strategic risks Australia faces as China seeks to take its place as the dominant player in East Asia. He believes America will eventually withdraw from the region, which could leave Australia exposed and without the right technology to defend itself against rising powers including China, Indonesia and India. While America has suggested it is “here to stay” in the region, Prof White told it had not done anything to push back against China. “We need to think about how Australia can stand up for itself in an Asia that is not dominated by America,” he said. China has put a massive amount of money into its air and naval forces and now has nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine-launched ballistic missiles. Its nuclear weapons could threaten American cities if war broke out. “In a new Cold War, Americans would have to ask whether saving Taiwan from China — and preserving US leadership in Asia — would be worth losing Los Angeles and Seattle,” Prof White’s book notes.”

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Leftist Says We are Approaching Peak Totalitarianism By Peter Ewer

     In the world of the Left there are pop star like figures, that come and go. One hero at the moment is the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek. Now, if someone like this is saying that there is a growing problem with an approaching totalitarianism, then be afraid, be very afraid:

“Modern censorship is more dangerous than open totalitarianism, it being concealed and incorporated in our daily routine, says Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek, commenting on the insider leak detailing Google’s news blacklist. The intellectual told RT he’s not advocating for online anarchy, comparing it to snuff movies in hardcore pornography – some regulation should be in place to block harmful content on the internet, he says. But hiding political motives for suppressing voices online is what worries Zizek the most. “We all know we have to censor things at some level, but the main rule for me is that the process should be transparent. Not in the way – I’m talking about the developed West – it is done now, when all of a sudden somebody is prohibited and you are not even allowed to debate it,” Zizek explains. The “false choice” between politically correct censorship and radical liberalism is a trap, he believes. This week, conservative transparency group Project Veritas published documents it received from an ex-Google employee. The documents appeared to confirm that Google can boost or de-rank news sources based on a seemingly biased set of internal rules. Calling the practices “dark and nefarious” the whistleblower, Zachary Vorhies, also leaked a doc detailing Google’s “blacklist” that lists nearly 500 websites, including both conservative and leftist media outlets. Zizek believes the Big Tech's practice of blacklists and shadow bans could prove an opportunity for right-wing activists to show themselves as a group fighting establishment politics and targeted for their opposition. The philosopher thinks this tactic will actually backfire against liberals by giving “the new populist right a position where they can say: you see, we’re the true alternative, we’re the true oppressed.”

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Did Epstein Degrade A Young Woman before Expiring? The “Time Alone with Young Woman” Headline By Charles Taylor

     Could it be that the condemned man gets his last wish before execution, not a meal, but a tasty young woman before having his neck broken? Or even agreeing to break his own neck? The Epstein paedophile saga continues to deliver! No conspiracy theorist would ever have come up with this gold:

“The day after he was taken off suicide watch, disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein spent at least two hours locked up alone with a young woman, in a private room reserved for inmates and their attorneys, according to an attorney who was visiting the prison that day. "The optics were startling. Because she was young. And pretty,” said the visiting attorney, who asked that his name not be used because he didn’t want to create friction with the prison administration. He speculated the woman could be a lawyer—NBC News has reported that Epstein paid members of his team to sit with him in a room for eight hours a day for attorney-client meetings, allowing him to avoid his cell. The visiting attorney went to the Manhattan Correctional Center on July 30, a day after Epstein was reportedly taken off suicide watch and transferred into the Special Housing Unit (SHU). During the hours the visiting attorney was present, it wasn’t Epstein’s main lawyer, Reid Weingarten, or other named attorneys who visited him.

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The New York Times … Excuse Me While I Eject Matter from My Stomach Through My Mouth! By Chris Knight

     Once upon a time, in a world now lost in the mists of time, journalists reported news. That is hard to understand in our world where ideological manipulation and false news rule. Consider the New York Times, which is now dropping its “Russia stole the election from queen Hillary” narrative, to “Trump is a racist.” This is not based on evidence for some story, but is an agenda that the paper will pursue. So, this is the next level down in degeneracy from false news, manufacturing the news itself!

“President Trump slammed the "failing New York Times" on Sunday after leaked comments from executive editor Dean Baquet revealed that the paper is pivoting from the Russia narrative (which he described as being "a little tiny bit flat-footed") to 'Trump is a racist.' "The failing New York Times, in one of the most devastating portrayals of bad journalism in history, got caught by a leaker that they are shifting from the Phony Russian Collusion Narrative (the Mueller Report & his testimony were a total disaster), to a Racism Witch Hunt," Trump wrote on Twitter, adding "‘Journalism’ has reached a new low in the history of our Country. It is nothing more than an evil propaganda machine for the Democrat Party. The reporting is so false, biased and evil that it has now become a very sick joke…But the public is aware! The reporting is so false, biased and evil that it has now become a very sick joke…But the public is aware!"

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Mind Altering Drugs: Just the Thing for a Killing Spree! By John Steele

     The Left always ceases an opportunity to capitalise upon tragedies, such as shooting sprees, to push one of their agendas. Banning firearms has always been the thing globalist/communist regimes seek to do. Australia falls into that category, for an examination of our laws and social system, sees us as way down the track of state control over he individual in all aspects of life. Self-defence is the acid test example, where for Australia, lacking any right to weapons, women and weaker people have no effective self-defence, and are at the mercy of home invaders. The individual has been stripped of the rights which the average person in Viking society of 1,000 years ago just assumed constituted a free man. I do not consider the police, who usually arrive after the crime to fill out the reports, any sort of first line protection, and in any case, there is no legal duty of the police to protect individuals at all. That is my interpretation of the Victoria Police Act 2013, for example, and of case law in the US where the issue has been discussed: 

“8 Role of Victoria Police The role of Victoria Police is to serve the Victorian community and uphold the law so as to promote a safe, secure and orderly society. 9 General functions of Victoria Police (1) The functions of Victoria Police include the following— (a) preserving the peace; (b) protecting life and property; Authorised by the Chief Parliamentary Counsel Part 2—Victoria Police Victoria Police Act 2013 No. 81 of 2013 12 (c) preventing the commission of offences; (d) detecting and apprehending offenders; (e) helping those in need of assistance. (2) Nothing in subsection (1)— (a) confers on any person any civil right of action; or (b) provides any person with a defence to any civil action; or (c) otherwise affects any civil right of action.”

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I Hate E-Scooters! By James Reed

     I see people zipping around the street on these things, these e-scooters, and I am in fear. The other day a young punk crashed into me, knocking me down. He was off in a flash, not caring if I was bleeding or broken. Yes, e-scooters are a modern form of urban terrorism, and need to be stopped quickly so our footpaths are safe again for geriatric cripples like myself to crawl their way along, like decaying snails. Oh, these are not great for the environment either. Take note of this you punks, who think you’re oh so green while killing us old people:

“However, if you look a little closer, you’ll see that they aren’t quite as friendly to the environment as they might seem. A new study carried out by researchers from North Carolina State University has revealed that getting around on a scooter actually creates more greenhouse gas emissions per mile travelled than going by bus, moped, bicycle, or foot. It isn’t the scooters themselves that are the problem – it’s their materials and manufacturing, especially that of the battery, wheels and frame. On top of that, the companies that round up the scooters at the end of the day to charge them and put them back on the street are creating a significant impact in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. The researchers made their determinations by looking at the scooter models used for the first generation of Birds. After carrying out an analysis that examined all the emissions associated with every aspect of its life cycle, they found that materials and manufacturing accounted for roughly half of the global warming impact of the scooter. The lithium-ion battery and aluminum components are one part of the question; the scooters are also shipped out from Southeast Asia or China. A further 43 percent comes from the collection and distribution process involved in recharging the fleet, while less than 5 percent comes from the electricity that charges them. The finding that half of the scooters’ global warming impact stems from their materials and manufacturing is important when you consider the fact that shared scooters are often targets of vandalism and outright destruction, which means they then must be replaced.

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Sell Greenland? How About “Selling” Australia Now to the US While the Going is Good! By James Reed

     There comes a time when big decisions need to be made. Take Greenland for example, the land of ice.  Trump is considering buying it because of the Chinese threat:

“Speaking on the TV circuit on Sunday, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow confirmed that the US president is really mulling the purchase of world’s largest island: "It's an interesting story,” Larry Kudlow told Fox News Sunday. “It’s developing. We’re looking at it. We don’t know." He also reminded host Dana Perino that “years ago” another US President, Harry Truman, also considered buying the 2,166,086-sq-km island, 80 percent of which is covered with ice. According to Kudlow, Denmark - which incorporates Greenland as a self-governed territory - should sell it to America because “Denmark is an ally.” “Greenland is a strategic place… they’ve got a lot of valuable minerals,” he explained, and he is right: Danish surveys have found that the owner of the island would stake a claim to around 900,000 sq km of the continental shelf in the Arctic Ocean. And on Sunday afternoon Trump himself confirmed the report was legitimate when he said speaking to reporters that Greenland is "strategically interesting" and "we’d be interested, but we’ll talk to them a little bit. It’s not No. 1 on the burner, I can tell you that,” the president said. "It’s just something we’ve talked about,” Trump told reporters when asked about the idea. “Denmark essentially owns it. We’re very good allies with Denmark. We’ve protected Denmark like we protect large portions of the world, so the concept came up."

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The University of Melbourne Must be Immediately Bulldozed! By James Reed

     When I read this amazing stuff by some smart uni. guy I knew exactly what needed to be done:

“The University of Melbourne’s history pales into insignificance compared with the thousands of years of history and culture of the people on this land and the country in Arnhem Land. One of the key values at our university that we share with the great ancient cultures of this land is a tradition of respect for, and the nurturing of, knowledge. We value education as one of the most important things that a society can do for its people. I was pleased to lead a University of Melbourne group to attend Garma 2019, which included members of the Atlantic Fellows for Social Equity program. The Atlantic program is a great educational initiative shaping future leaders for indigenous communities. We cherish education and nurture it for the good it can do in every community. Few have put this better than a young Gumatj man speaking at Garma last year, Michael Yunupingu. Yunupingu is a student and his words about education are powerful. He said: “Education is the most powerful tool for breaking down barriers, and the only way we can adapt with the rest of Australia while maintaining our strong culture.” Education should be an ongoing process, where we can all learn from each other in different ways. In my short exposure to Garma, I have learned a great deal and now realise how much more there is to learn from indigenous culture.

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Nuke Mars? Only After Nuking the Earth! By James Reed

     The globalist elites are dead keen about terraforming Mars, making it into a new home for the elites, once earth is destroyed. That makes sense; destroy a perfectly good planet and then make another one from scratch, to destroy that one in time. The only problem is that conventional technology will not deliver a habitable Mars. So, what to do? If all else fails, nuke it from space, just to be sure:

“Nuking Mars is still on Elon Musk's wish list, it would seem. Four years ago, the SpaceX founder and CEO went on "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert" and discussed a strategy for making the Red Planet more livable: detonating nuclear bombs over its poles. The explosions would vaporize a fair chunk of Mars' ice caps, liberating enough water vapor and carbon dioxide — both potent greenhouse gases — to warm up the planet substantially, the idea goes. This terraforming concept is apparently still bouncing around in Musk's head, because on Thursday (Aug. 15), he tweeted, seemingly unprompted, "Nuke Mars!" A few hours later, he followed up with another tweet: "T-shirt soon."

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The Environmentalist Roots of Anti-Immigrant Bigotry By Charles Taylor

     On this freezing cold Melbournian Sunday morning, there was nothing much to refute until I came across this beauty from the Leftoid The Guardian, and the eternally poetic, politically correct New York Times.

“Recent mass shootings have been linked to ‘eco-xenophobia’ – part of a tradition that dates to America’s first conservationists. The environmentalist, white nationalist, and influential anti-immigration activist John Tanton died less than three weeks before the El Paso shooting. Tanton lived to see his movement shape much of modern US immigration policy, but not this latest violent turn. A hate-filled document allegedly linked to the man suspected of killing 22 people in El Paso on 3 August echoed the kind of rhetoric generally favored by the far right – and also had a decidedly environmentalist, Tanton-like bent. The document praised the Dr Seuss character the Lorax, who says he speaks for the trees, and complained about the unsustainable overuse of paper towels. It concluded that the best course of environmental action would be mass murder. A week prior, on an Instagram account reportedly linked to the alleged Gilroy, California, garlic festival shooter, he complained about migrant-driven sprawl. Months before, the Christchurch, New Zealand, shooter called himself an “eco-fascist”. Long before this violence, researchers warned of “the greening of hate”. From Tanton’s anti-immigration nonprofit network to some of today’s avowed environmentalists, across the political spectrum, overpopulation and immigration in particular has been blamed for environmental collapse for over 50 years.

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Letter to The Editor - Honouring of the clear verdict of the 2016 referendum

To The Age        Discussion of Brexit needs to be based on a clear grasp of priorities ("Leak reveals no-deal chaos fear", 19/8). Short-term disruption of lifestyle for many is less significant than three other factors which show that Boris Johnson and his Conservative government should be supported and Remainers yield the field gracefully. These are, in order of importance, the regaining of its sovereignty by Britain, the restoration of complete legal and judicial independence to the British people (meaning freedom from the quasi-totalitarian European Court of Human Rights) and the honouring of the clear verdict of the 2016 referendum (thus allowing genuine democracy to succeed).
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave

Letter to The Editor - Also very important is the sheer lack of equity in the whole concept

To The Australian        Chris Mitchell fails to provide a truly comprehensive report on the reasoning of opponents of Aboriginal constitutional recognition ("'Feel-good' SMH missing when debate on Aboriginal voice gets serious", 19/8). Opposition to an improper insertion of race into the Constitution is not the main issue, but, rather, the danger of serious political division on this continent in the middle to long term. With totalitarian China on the move, this is a life-or-death matter for the Australian nation. Also very important is the sheer lack of equity in the whole concept. Mitchell is no doubt right, however, to point out that those Aboriginal Australians behind this campaign will not "give up their aspirations" and "surrender". Nor will their non-indigenous supporters. It will be a long fight for us savvy Australians to maintain the integrity and unity of our fundamentally British nation; but we will not give up either; and we will win.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic