The Ethnic Ties that Bind By Chris Knight

     Here is the latest thing driving libtards mad re Trump:

“A White House lawyer chosen by Donald Trump to serve on the federal appeals court previously argued countries were weakened by ethnic diversity. Steven Menashi, the president’s nomination for the Court of Appeals Second Circuit, wrote in an academic journal that “ethnic ties provide the groundwork for social trust” and “solidarity underlying democratic polities rests in large part on ethnic identification”. “Surely, it does not serve the cause of liberal democracy to ignore this reality,” he added in the 2010 article for the University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law.”

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Ears and Cotton Swabs By Mrs Vera West

     Do not clean your ear holes with cotton swabs. I did, but now, in horror, I have stopped:

“A woman's daily habit of cleaning her ears with cotton swabs led to a life-threatening infection in her skull, according to news reports. The 37-year-old woman, who is identified only as Jasmine, said she cleaned her ears every night with cotton swabs, according to the Australian magazine That's Life! But over time, she noticed she had trouble hearing out of her left ear, and finally went to the doctor. She was initially told she had an ear infection, and was given antibiotics. But her hearing problems remained, and she soon noticed blood appearing on the cotton swabs after she cleaned her ears. After a hearing test showed she had moderate deafness, she was referred to an  ear, nose and throat specialist. The specialist ordered a CT scan, which showed a horrifying condition: Jasmine had a bacterial infection that was "eating away" at her skull bone behind her ear, That's Life! reported. "You should have come to see me four or five years ago," the specialist reportedly told Jasmine. "You need surgery yesterday." Jasmine eventually underwent a 5-hour surgery to remove the infected tissue and reconstruct her ear canal. The surgeons told her that she had cotton fibers lodged in her ear, which had become infected.

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Burying Australia in People By James Reed

     Here are two good articles on the White genocide theme, with a focus upon Australia’s immigration agenda. The concerned blogger cites an article “We Should Take Migrants from More Nations,” which I have not been able to independently locate, so I delete reference to the alleged author. Anyway, the comments made are highly relevant:

“We are reshaping the composition of Australia without any debate or planning. … Many people I spoke to in Europe told me how much they admired our policy of stopping the boats. But what these supporters of our policies may not know is that alongside our tough policy of stopping a few hundred refugees coming by boat, there has been a massive official immigration program of almost 200,000 each year over the past decade that is changing the demography of Australia. And what most Australians don't know is that there has been an explosion in the number of people flying to Australia in visitor visas and then applying for refugee protection visas: up from 8547 in 2014-15 to a staggering 27,931 in 2017-18. As a result, Australia has more than eight million overseas-born residents or about 30 per cent of its population. The US has about 14 per cent, Germany 15 per cent, and other European countries have even less. I think we need a high migrant intake because we are still building Australia. Study after study has shown that it is good for our economy. And as long as people we admit are supportive of our democratic values and respect our laws, I am OK with that. But as I have argued, we must diversify our intake. If we want to retain social cohesion, if we want a truly multicultural nation, we should not have a concentration of immigrants from two or three countries.”

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Gender Agenda Overdrive By Mrs Vera West

     Readers need to have a look at the recent Volkswagen ad that was banned because of … well …sexism! The ad features a woman and a man in a tent on a cliff face, two male astronauts floating in a spaceship, a male para-athlete doing a long jump, but then in the final scene, a woman sitting on a bench with a pram. The VW races by, air rippling over her outfit, which for insane feminists would be symbolic rape, because … what is not?

“The new rules from the Advertising Standards Authority, which have only been enforced since June, state: "Marketing communications must not include gender stereotypes that are likely to cause harm, or serious or widespread offence." … Three people complained about the ad for Volkswagen’s electric eGolf vehicle as they insisted the advert had shown men engaged in adventurous actives while a woman was cast in a stereotypical care-giving role. Volkswagen said its ad was not sexist and that caring for a newborn was a life-changing experience about adaptation, regardless of the gender of the parent depicted. The German car manufacturer also stated that its advert made no suggestion that childcare was solely associated with women, and the fact that the woman in its advertisement was calm and reading could be seen as going against the stereotypical depiction of harassed or anxious parents in advertising. However, the ASA disagreed and said the advert presented gender stereotypes "in a way that was likely to cause harm and therefore breached the code." It said by allowing images to be compared between men "in extraordinary environments and carrying out adventurous activities”, with women who appeared "passive or engaged in a stereotypical care-giving role", the ad had suggested that stereotypical male and female roles were exclusively associated with one gender.”

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A Paedophilic Kingdom Buried in Concrete! By Chris Knight

     Wow, amazing coincidences happen all the time with the Epstein saga. Apparently just before his arrest he had a big cement mixer sent gift wrapped to his sex island. Now, Right wingers would say that this was to cover incriminating material under concrete for future generations of tourists, but for the Democrats … why … it must have been home renovations.

     One day, after the human race has died off, perhaps an intelligent race will land on earth in their flying frying pan, and zap the cement and examine the contents, as evidence that no intelligent beings lived on this planet.

Antifa: A Licence to Kill? By Charles Taylor

     Antifa can just do what it likes, as it is so “cool” with the establishment. Follow the links in the articles below, and watch the coverage via videos as these champions of the Left bash fascists, and anyone else like old people.

     Let’s see what we have here. Antifa attacking conservatives boarding a bus, spraying mace, hitting, kicking, breaking a bus window and spraying mace, hitting an old guy, death threats. They are busy! We do not know at the time of writing who has been arrested, but given previous treatments by the system, probably the people arrested were those bashed. In the future if protests are still permitted, I expect rifles to be handed out so that conservatives and Trump supporters can be shot, just like in the film, The Hunt! After all, that is where this is going.  Clearly, the Proud Boys need to abandon street protests because the system will never protect them, and just uses them as punching bags. If this took place in a country which still had national pride, like China, the police would deal with those committing acts of violence using giant electric forks, something out of Star Wars:

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Sugar-Loving Super Bugs! By Mrs Vera West

     I told you that sugar was bad for you; look who loves sugar:

“Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) is a bacterium that can cause a nasty spell of diarrhea and colitis for those unlucky to be infected. Now, researchers analyzing the genomes of various strains in Nature Genetics have discovered it is a millennia-long process of evolution that will see it separate into two different species. One of those species is particularly adept at evading hospital disinfectants and thrives on a sugar-rich Western diet. "This largest ever collection and analysis of C. difficile whole genomes, from 33 countries worldwide, gives us a whole new understanding of bacterial evolution," author Brendan Wren, a professor at the London School of Hygiene and Medicine, said in a statement. "It reveals the importance of genomic surveillance of bacteria. Ultimately, this could help understand how other dangerous pathogens evolve by adapting to changes in human lifestyles and healthcare regimes which could then inform healthcare policies." C. difficile is the leading cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea – "good" gut bacteria will fend off the bug in a healthy person but antibiotics extinguish "good" gut bacteria, leaving the patient vulnerable to infection. Because of this, the bug is frequently found in hospital settings. For the study, the team sequenced the genome of 906 strains, collected from humans and other animals as well as the environment. The researchers then compared the genomes from each strain to find that it is evolving into two different species. The emerging species (called C. difficile clade A) accounts for roughly 70 percent of the samples collected from hospital patients.

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Global Warming Elites Will Kill Us All! By James Reed

     Geo-engineering is the next big thing for the global warming cult, for if we can’t regulate greenhouse emissions in time, well there will need to be some high-tech solution, via changing the climate. Are you confident that the people who do not know how to solve any other social problem will be let loose to change the complex climate system? Yikes!

“The plan sounds like science fiction — but could be fact within a decade; every day more than 800 giant aircraft would lift millions of tonnes of chalk dust to a height of 12 miles above the Earth's surface and then sprinkle the lot high around the stratosphere. In theory, the airborne dust would create a gigantic sunshade, reflecting some of the Sun's rays and heat back into space, dimming those that get through and so protecting Earth from the worsening ravages of climate warming. This is not the crackpot plan of a garden-shed inventor. The project is being funded by billionaire and Microsoft founder Bill Gates and pioneered by scientists at Harvard University. Indeed, the plans are so well advanced that the initial 'sky-clouding' experiments were meant to have begun months ago. This initial $3 million test, known as Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx) would use a high-altitude scientific balloon to raise around 2kg of calcium carbonate dust — the size of a bag of flour — into the atmosphere 12 miles above the desert of New Mexico. This would seed a tube-shaped area of sky half a mile long and 100 yards in diameter. For the ensuing 24 hours, the balloon would be steered by propellers back through this artificial cloud, its onboard sensors monitoring both the dust's sun-reflecting abilities and its effects on the thin surrounding air. SCoPEx is, however, on hold, amid fears that it could trigger a disastrous series of chain reactions, creating climate havoc in the form of serious droughts and hurricanes, and bring death to millions of people around the world.”

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Computers are Killing Our Eyes By Brian Simpson

     One of the sacrifices made by the band of over-enthusiastic journalists here, who put in countless hours searching for juicy news, then writing and rewriting articles to get them, tasty and just right, is that we go blind most days. Just like our youth:

“According to the report released by United Kingdom-based eye care company Scrivens Opticians, the percentage of 13-16 year olds in the U.K. who need glasses has nearly doubled over the past seven years — from 20% in 2012 to 35% in 2018. Two-thirds of those teens were diagnosed as being myopic, or short-sighted. Researchers theorize that this significant increase in eye problems among young people is likely linked to excessive time spent staring at screens, which can lead to eye strain, shortsightedness, and blurred vision. In fact, the study also found that the average 13-16 year old spends around 26 hours per week staring at a smartphone, playing video games, or watching TV. Overall, optometrists from Scrivens say that much more research is needed to determine what all this screen time is really doing to teens’ eyes, especially in the long-term. “Children’s eyes continue to grow until early adulthood, and their vision is changing too,” comments Sheena Mangat, an optometrist with Scrivens, in a statement. “Because conditions such as short or long sightedness can happen gradually over time, neither children nor parents can ‘see the signs’, which is why regular eye checks are so important.” Additionally, the study found that it is no easy task for parents to pry their kids away from their screens; 73% of surveyed parents said it is a “challenge” to get their children to stop staring at some type of screen for a few hours.”

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Hey Leftoids, Protest This! By James Reed

     At the moment here in Melbourne, the socialist cubs have posters up, open borders or fascism. No grey areas here; you either let everybody in, or die the death of being a racist, the worst possible thing in the Left-universe. Quick, roll around on the ground, screaming for mercy from the mighty race police! But, wait, if these people are so opposed to walls, physical and metaphysical, what about walls in pc places like Africa?

“The tiny oil-rich central African nation of Equatorial Guinea is carrying on plans to erect a wall along its 183km-long border with Cameroon. The plans have sparked controversy with Cameroon authorities because of concerns about encroachment into Cameroon’s territory.  Equato-Guinean officials are said to have already erected milestonesto demarcate the line along which the border wall will be constructed. The move, similar of US president Donald Trump’s pledge to build the controversial US-Mexico border wall, has angered Cameroon’s government. It dispatched its army chief of staff at the end of July to the border town of Kye-Ossi for a situation report and stationed elite forces along the border. There has been a history of border friction between Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea. Tensions have been rising between the central African neighbors since Equatorial Guinea discovered oil in the 1990s. The smaller country has often blamed Cameroon for allowing illegal migrants from West and Central Africa, especially Nigeria and Cameroon, to pass through en route to Equatorial Guinea in search of economic opportunity. Eq Guinea officials seems to fear an influx of foreigners will weaken efforts to provide jobs to its citizens, majority of whom still live in poverty.

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National Socialism Chinese Style By James Reed

     There are a number of articles out there in internet land, putting the case that China with its state socialism, will destroy neo-liberalism. One need not embrace this full-blown communism to see the flaws of so-called free trade where there is no level playing field, and China does not play by the rules:

     What is interesting is that the case has been put that China is following a form of national socialism, socialism, but wrapped in nationalist rather than globalist values:

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When They Say “Russia,” They Must Mean “Google” By Chris Knight

     Although the narrative of the Left has shifted from the “Russian stole the election from Queen Hillary,” to “all whites are racist and must be replaced, only replaced is a conspiracy, unless we say it,” the evidence continues to pile up that what people should be concerned about is not Russia, but the Big Tech creeps at Google, an odd-ball name, but one that we should fear, like “ poisonous toad.”

“A Google whistleblower has gone public with claims of election manipulation and political bias, according to investigative journalism group Project Veritas, which posted a trove of over 950 documents provided by Google insider Zachary Vorhies, who says he has come forward because he “saw something dark and nefarious going on with the company and I realized that they were going to not only tamper with the elections, but use that tampering with the elections to essentially overthrow the United States.” Project Veritas has released yet another report about tech giant Google, this time a Google insider named Zachary Vorhies has gone public with claims that Google planned to tamper with U.S. elections. Vorhies turned over a trove of documents to Project Veritas and has reportedly given over 950 documents to the Department of Justice’s Antitrust division.

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China’s Immigration Policies Will Keep China a Yellow Country: Squawk! Racism! By Chris Knight

     It is inconceivable that any media elite in China would proclaim shock! horror! about China wanting to remain majority Han Chinese. But, in the US, Australia and the rest of the West, maintenance of white ethnic identity is utter racism. So how can what is good for China be bad for us? Let’s ask a politically correct liberal, shall we?

“Wednesday, MSNBC “Morning Joe” guest host Katty Kay echoed her remarks from a day earlier and suggested in wake of the proposed public rule charge, a  regulation where legal immigrants would be less likely to secure a permanent residency in the United States if they have used any forms of welfare in the past, that the Trump administration’s immigration policies are meant to prevent a “demographic change” in the country. According to Kay, the White House wants to keep America “a majority white country.” “It’s purely, isn’t it, about trying to keep America the way that this White House would like it to be in the face of demographic change and that is a majority white country and they know that that’s changing?” Kay asked PBS and network contributor Yamiche Alcindor. Alcindor argued government assistance programs were created as “bridges to the American Dream.” She added, “[T]he idea that now the government is saying, look, if you ever use these programs that were there for a bridge, we’re going to hold that against you, goes against basically exactly what these programs were made to do.”

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Over-the Top with the Law By Peter West

     If things are not tough enough for our farmers, then we have this nonsense:

“A farmer in the New South Wales Riverina is $4,000 out of pocket in legal fees after the load of hay he was transporting was found to be two centimetres over-width. The drought had forced Brendan Murphy, a farmer from Ladysmith, to supplement his income with off-farm work. The job he took on in July last year was transporting 40 bales of oaten hay from Tarcutta in the Riverina to Murrumbateman near Canberra. The hay had been loaded by someone else, and his task was to drive the truck and deliver it. The financial gain for Mr Murphy from the trip was to be $230. He was stopped by the NSW Roads and Maritime Service (RMS) at Coolac on the Hume Highway where the truck and load of hay was deemed by three RMS inspectors to be two centimetres over-width. Mr Murphy was informed by inspectors he could not move the truck until the load was within the 2.7 metre width tolerance. It measured 2.72 metres at inspection. He said one of the inspectors, in particular, was not sympathetic to his cause of delivering hay to drought-affected farmers. "He was not understanding at all. He had one thing in mind and just went straight after me and there was nothing I could do about it," he said.

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Observations from the Sydney Stabbing By John Steele

      Australians are in shock over the Sydney stabbing spree, which saw a young white sex worker brutally murdered:

     This incident shows the potential dangers of this profession, for not only do women face these threats from potential murders, but there is the daily threat of being beaten up. So, that is the first message from this. Reality says that there will always be sex workers, so the issue is how to help increase safety, and I don’t know how this would be achieved, but maybe someone will come up with a solution:

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Another Day, Another Nuclear Accident! By Brian Simpson

     Just in case you have not heard, there was a nuclear accident in Russia, but, nothing to worry about, have a vodka and toast President Putin, while eating raw potatoes:

“The failed missile test that ended in an explosion killing five scientists last week on Russia’s White Sea involved a small nuclear reactor, according to a top official at the institute where they worked. The institute is working on small-scale power sources that use “radioactive materials, including fissile and radioisotope materials” for the Defense Ministry and civilian uses, Vyacheslav Soloviev, scientific director of the institute, said in a video shown by local TV. The men, who will be buried Monday, were national heroes and the “elite of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center,” institute Director Valentin Kostyukov said in the video, which was also posted on an official website in Sarov, a high-security city devoted to nuclear research less than 400 kilometers (250 miles) east of Moscow. The blast occurred Aug. 8 during a test of a missile that used “isotope power sources” on an offshore platform in the Arkhangelsk region, close to the Arctic Circle, Russia’s state nuclear company Rosatom said over the weekend. The Defense Ministry initially reported two were killed in the accident, which it said involved testing of a liquid-fueled missile engine. The ministry didn’t mention the nuclear element. It caused a brief spike in radiation in the nearby port city of Severodvinsk, according to a statement on the local administration’s website that was later removed. The Russian military said radiation levels were normal but disclosed few details about the incident. News of the explosion set off in nearby cities and towns a run on iodine, which is believed to help prevent the thyroid gland from absorbing radiation. Norway said it had stepped up radiation monitoring after the incident but hadn’t detected anything abnormal. Southerly winds and the large distance between the border and the explosion make it unlikely that Finland will detect any radiation, Pia Vesterbacka, director at Finland’s Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, said by phone Monday. The authority hasn’t checked its air filters since the incident but expects to have results this week, she added.”

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After the West: The Iron Rule of China By James Reed

     I have been writing about the China thereat for so long I cannot remember, and before me, the great Eric Butler expressed his concern, back even before the internet, when everything was done in paper, something I miss, hating computers. But I digress, when my concern is this, the latest in the Andrew Hastie debate about China on the road to world domination, giving some background information:

“In earlier years Hastie had noted China's vast, global infrastructure project, the Belt and Road Initiative spanning at least 68 countries to date, and still in its early phase. But it didn't occur to him that this might be just a minor part of a much bigger Chinese strategy until he opened an email from John Garnaut early last year. Garnaut is an Australian former Beijing correspondent for The Age and the Herald. He'd been retained by Malcolm Turnbull to write a classified report on China's operations in Australia. Garnaut's findings so alarmed the government that it led directly to Turnbull's bill outlawing foreign interference in Australia, a bill Labor helped pass into law. The Garnaut report remains classified. But Garnaut did send Hastie something else he'd written. As Hastie read, it struck him like a thunderclap. We all know that China is vital to the living standards we enjoy every day in Australia. And we all know that our dominant trading partner is driven by an ideology that's alien to our own. But how many of us have taken the trouble to study that ideology? And especially to study it in the way that Xi Jinping is implementing it in the world's rising superpower?

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Precious Snowflake Ivanka By Charles Taylor

     Not only is there Jared working away at Trump, not that he needs much to crumble, but Trump’s spoilt sick princess daughter, Ivanka, has been an active force, working for basically Democrat leftist ideas. First, more refugees, now gun control. Anyone would think that she wanted her old man to lose the election and for some crazy Democrat to destroy what remains of America, while dear daddy is locked in a cage to perish.

“Ivanka Trump is reportedly calling members of Congress to feel out various gun control proposals and to figure out what needs to be done in order to get them passed. Axios reports that Ivanka “has quietly been calling lawmakers since the El Paso and Dayton massacres to gauge their openness to movement on gun legislation when Congress returns.” These calls reportedly included a conversation with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), who is preparing to reintroduce the universal background check bill he and Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) pushed after the Sandy Hook Elementary School attack. One of Manchin’s aides told Axios, “[Ivanka] was trying to get a sense of what bills are out there. She had him explain how they drafted the bill, where it stands and what changes needed to be made in order for it to pass.” The Washington Post reported Manchin saying Trump called him August 5 and “the two spoke again on [August 6], when Trump said he wanted legislation before September, when the Senate is scheduled to return.”

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Now The Epstein Evidence is Lost! Oh So Predictable! By Charles Taylor

     Chris and myself, both employing the paranoid logic of conspiratorialism, correctly predicted that Epstein, the 1 percenter who had a paedophilic sex island where he filmed other 1 percenters for blackmail purposes, also predicted that after Epstein’s death, that the physical evidence such as records and recordings would be lost. Guess what?

“Evidence of Jeffrey Epstein’s crimes and operations “may have been lost,” warned U.S. Virgin Islands Sen. Oakland Benta (D) in a Monday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Matt Boyle. “What’s going on here is what should have happened a long time ago,” said Benta of federal authorities investigating an island owned by Epstein. “As a result of all that has transpired, the federal government decided [to investigate] now, whether it’s too late or not — because there have been so many people on the island since Mr. Epstein has been incarcerated and, at the same time, there’s valuable information, evidence-wise, that we may have lost.” Benta added, “What’s going on is that they have seized the island, and they’re moving forward and doing, probably, what you call asset forfeiture, as far as securing what they can.” Elements of the U.S. Virgin Islands’ government were complicit in Epstein’s crimes, determined Benta. Benta remarked, “I do pray that once the investigation has taken place, as a result of so many people within this territory who are the leadership of this government, of this territory, hiding behind curtains as parasites, and … bringing young ladies to our shores from elsewhere and destroying their lives at will, with passion, without consideration for the child’s soul. And many individuals who participated in these acts are fathers themselves; they have children as well.”

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Say Goodbye to Your Meat and Your Lawn! Global Warming, Of Course By James Reed

     I have covered the proposed bans on meat eating by the climate change police, meaning that they want to take away your right to eat meat. Yes, no more steak ands eggs. But as well, don’t think that you can just go outside and enjoy your garden and lawn, as that too uses resources and has greenhouse gas emissions:

The New York Times is out with a new exposé on how lawn care is problematic, once viewed through the lens of social justice. Lawns are contributing to pollution and climate change, asserts narrator David Botti, and their origins are far from woke, in a seven-minute video on the history of American lawns. Botti says lawns are part of the “colonizing of America,” which transformed the landscape from “pristine wilderness” to “identical rows of manicured nature.” “These lawns come on the backs of slaves,” he continues, zooming in on a painting of George Washington in a field to highlight men cutting the grass with scythes. “It’s grueling, endless work.” “By the 1870s we also see American culture slowly start to embrace lawns for the privileged masses,” he states. The video explains that the perfect lawn is associated with being a model citizen, how the first sprinkler was invented in 1871, and about the advent of “so-called trade cards” that “advertised the hell out of lawn and garden products.” The Times also refers to the work of historian Ted Steinberg, who calls lawns the “outdoor expression of ’50s conformism.” To drive home the point, he inserts vintage footage of two women being interviewed in their yards talking about how they moved to their communities to live exclusively near other white people. Neither of them says anything about desiring, having, or maintaining a lawn. 

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