Stop Climate Change? Stop Modernity!!! Celebrate Poverty!!! By James Reed

     When will the climate change madness end? Surely only with the complete shedding of Western techno-industrial civilisation.  The case in point, banning the humble sausage, one of life’s remaining joys, to be cruelly snatched from us by  … by … the climate change police!

“German legislators have proposed raising the sales tax on meat from seven percent to 19 percent to fight climate change and improve animal welfare. Research has shown that greenhouse gas emissions from livestock account for a higher percentage of total global emissions than the world’s 1.2 billion automobiles, a fact underscored by some German Greens who are pushing for higher meat taxes. A United Nations report from 2012 found that the earth’s cattle population generates more carbon dioxide than automobiles, planes, and all other forms of transport combined. Moreover, the cow pies they deposit and the wind they break produce a third of the world’s methane emissions, considered 20 times more detrimental to the environment. According to Germany’s Federal Statistics Office, slaughterhouses in Germany killed 29.4 million pigs, cows, sheep, goats and horses during the first six months of 2019. During this period, Germany produced 3.9 million tons of meat, led by pork, the primary ingredient in German sausages. “I favor abolishing the VAT reduction for meat and using it (the increased revenues) instead for more animal welfare,” said Greens agriculture spokesman, Friedrich Ostendorff. The idea of raising meat taxes would be to reduce livestock numbers — as well as their gaseous output — by discouraging people from eating meat.”

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The “Epstain” Conspiracy Continues By Chris Knight

     Normally the conspiracy line is taken by our side, with various folk talking about false flags and all that. But, the Epstein murder, no, it’s still a suicide, is so over the top that even establishment figures are setting back and asking why, as suicides in such cells are impossible, a former inmate of the same facility has said:

     Well, there is the best motive in the world, since Epstein had the dirt, literally, on the super-rich and famous. And the day before his murder, eh …suicide … 2,000 pages of material was released which implicated at least two Democrats.

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Epstein Found Dead in Prison!!! Whoaha, Who Doesn’t Believe in Conspiracies Now! By Charles Taylor

     Globalist paedophile Jeffrey Epstein has been found dead in his prison cell. Let’s just think about that for a moment, contemplating that he was not just trafficking teenaged girls but allegedly procuring eight year olds for dirty old 1 percenter elites to abuse:

     For those who came in late, Epstein had been running a sex island where the world’s rich and powerful got to have sex and related perversions  with underaged girls. He was arrested once, but a sweetheart deal was given, then he got re-arrested, and the island raided, with much allegedly incriminating material found. Epstein had allegedly attempted suicide in his cell, but most people think that it was a botched murder attempt. Washington Post reporter Carol Leonnig reported that Jeffrey Epstein told authorities someone tried to kill him in that previous incident. He was not protected from any sort of threat by moving into a more secure location. Oh, the elites finally got it right, and a convenient failure in the cameras, has led to what we are being told is a suicide. Two guards were both told to leave area three hours earlier for scheduled "maintenance."

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Hollywood’s The Hunt is about Killing People Like You and Me, But it is Not Race Hate! By Chris Knight

     You have to smirk at the sheer cheek, insolence, audacity … there is no English word summing it up, but other languages have it … of Hollywood, which right at the moment going full moral high ground about shooting, guns hate, all that stuff. It has in its bowels a movie about elites hunting down and killing for sport, deplorables, Trump supporters; The Hunt. Here is what I know about it:

“A new thriller by Universal Studios called “The Hunt” has been met with fury in the wake of two politically motivated mass shootings. The horrifying plot features liberal “elites” who go to a resort called The Manor where they are able to hunt down and brutally murder a dozen “deplorables.”

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Trump the Democrat President By Charles Taylor

     Present American politics is fascinating because it exposes the deep underbelly of hyper-corruption that is the modern state. People, the ordinary sheeple, believe a stated reality, that all sheep are like them. But, many sheep are simply wolves, who circle round and periodically feed off of the masses. Thus, the narrative goes that Trump is some sort of nationalist, who is striving to control border invasions, and create jobs for Americans. But the reality is that he has done more for a foreign country than America, not to say that this is bad in itself, and that place is not Russia, as the progressives say.  Then he tweets about having the largest legal immigration intake of all time:

"We want to allow millions of people to come in . . . We have to have legal immigration, not illegal immigration." 1:03 AM - Aug 8, 2019

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Training in the New Sport of Sheep Squatting! Time for Aussie Men to Get as Tough as the Siberians! By John Steele

     It seems that the noble art of sheep squatting is taken very seriously in Siberia, and has been practiced for 1,000 years. Recently, Swiss archaeologist Dr Gino Caspari, 32, won the southern Siberian sheep squatting contest, achieving 104 squats with a live sheep on his back.

     Now, this seems to me to be an even better sport for Australia and New Zealand, for we are sheep obsessed too. And, I do not think it would be hard to break the squat done by Dr Caspari. Even at my age, I can knock out 1,000 body weight deep squats, and with a barbell, did 100 kgs in one set, 100 reps., about a week ago, before being admitted to hospital. So, I will eat that record, and younger guys will be light years ahead, perhaps not even needing to go to hospital afterwards.

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Ethno-Masochism Unlimited By Paul Walker

     When you are a precious snowflake with wealth security, it is possible to climb to the high moral ground, and virtue signal. Oh, I hate my white privilege. How many academics have said this in lecture theatres across the West, including Australia today, then travelled home to comfort and security? All of them!

“Hollywood Actress Rosanna Arquette is apologizing for being born white, saying she’s ashamed of the privilege she believes her skin brings. “I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame,” the Pulp Fiction actor said on Wednesday. It’s not clear exactly why the award-winning actress, whose net worth is estimated at about $9 million, announced her shame for being white. But the Crashing star is certainly no stranger to outrageous statements.”

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Ann Coulter Demolishes the Latest Left Narrative By Chris Knight

     Here is a great article by the ever-brilliant beauty and brains, Ann Coulter, demolishing all the bs made by the new class about the present shooting debate. It is worth reading before it disappears in the cesspool of the internet:

“There were two horrifying mass shootings recently, but our media are fixated on only one — the one in El Paso, Texas — because the shooter, Patrick Crusius, issued a “manifesto” that contained some of the same arguments made by Trump about illegal immigration. Crusius began: “This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion.” Wait a second! Didn’t Trump use the word “invasion” to describe our wide-open border? Why, that makes him a co-conspirator in the white supremacist’s slaughter! Of course, if we believe the part of Crusius’ manifesto that talks about an “invasion,” I don’t know why we’re required to disbelieve the part where he says his ideas have nothing to do with Trump — or the part where he denies being a “white supremacist.” But those are the rules. A white supremacist, who committed mass murder in El Paso, made arguments that “echoed” those made by President Trump — and pay no attention to the avowed socialist and Elizabeth Warren-supporter who committed a mass shooting in Dayton later that day. The hunt is on to find anyone who has ever used the I-word about illegal immigration.

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Oh No! Now They are Destroying Once Green and Beautiful Ireland By Bruce Bennett

     Being Irish from my dear long departed mother’s side, the thought of the green and beautiful land of Ireland being worked over by the globalist death cult, is like a kick to the stomach. But, it is happening, and Ireland is set to “ban cars,” which is a bit different from the usual banning of guns, knives, rocks, sticks, free thought, and embrace the sheer magic of mass Third World immigration, as one headline has put it:

“Drivers will be forced off the roads in Ireland and the population packed into “higher density” cities under a long-awaited climate plan which will ‘revolutionise’ people’s lifestyle and behaviours, according to local media. “Nudge” policies such as huge tax hikes, as well as bans and red tape outlined in the plan, will pave the way to a “vibrant” Ireland of zero carbon emissions by 2050 according to the government, which last year committed to boost the country’s 4.7 million-strong population by a further million with mass migration. In order to avert a “climate apocalypse”, the government plans to force people “out of private cars because they are the biggest offenders for emissions”, according to transport minister Shane Ross whose proposals — which include banning fossil fuel vehicles from towns and cities nationwide — are posed to cripple ordinary motorists, local media reports. Launching the plan in Dublin, leader Leo Varadkar outlined his vision for an Ireland of ‘higher density’ cities consisting of populations whose lifestyles and behaviours have been totally transformed by ‘carrot and stick’ policies outlined in the climate plan. “Our approach will be to nudge people and businesses to change behaviour and adapt new technologies through incentives, disincentives, regulations and information,” the globalist prime minister said. “We are going to change how electricity is produced and consumed, how our homes and workplaces are heated; the way we travel; the types of vehicles we purchase; and how food is produced.”

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Gay People Kissing? Hungarian Hostility By Mrs Vera West

     This is utterly shocking:

“Coca-Cola has featured same-sex couples kissing in commercials over bottles of the major soft drink in Hungary. And politicians and conservative activists are furious. The ads have been splashed on billboards as well as the company’s Hungarian Facebook page. They show couples sharing a cold drink for the “Love is Love” campaign accompanied with slogans such as “Zero Sugar, Zero Prejudice”. A politician from the ruling Fidesz party as well as conservative media outlets have called for the drink maker to be boycotted.”

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Turmeric and Cancer By Mrs Vera West

     I have covered the issue of the health benefits of turmeric many times before, but there is a concise account of the anti-cancer benefits of turmeric, with an n=1 study, published in the British Medical Journal.

“Myeloma is a haematological malignancy which typically follows a relapsing-remitting course. While treatment can control the myeloma and improve quality of life for given periods of time, remissions generally become progressively shorter with subsequent relapses, and patients ultimately enter a final refractory phase. To help control symptoms and enhance quality of life, some patients use complementary therapies as an adjunct to their conventional therapy. Here, we describe a myeloma patient who started a daily dietary supplement of curcumin when approaching her third relapse. In the absence of further antimyeloma treatment, the patient plateaued and has remained stable for the last 5 years with good quality of life.”

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Is White Racism Responsible for Pre-Contact South American Hyper-Violence? By Brian Simpson

     The Left have established the narrative that Whites are responsible for violence seen in non-Western countries because … well… racism …colonialism. Yes, but what about violence that occurred in non-white societies before contact with the demonic whites, assuming that the laws of causality and the arrow of time still hold in a politically correct universe.? There is a problem for their narrative:

“A hieroglyphic inscription found in an ancient Maya city now reveals kingdoms making up this civilization waged extraordinarily destructive warfare much earlier than previously thought, a new study finds. These findings may shed light on what may or may not have brought about the end of the Maya empire, researchers said. The ancient Maya civilization encompassed an area twice the size of Germany, occupying what is now southern Mexico and northern Central America. At the height of the Maya empire, known as the Classic period, which stretched from about A.D. 250 to at least 900, perhaps as many as 25 million people lived in the region, potentially rivaling the population density of medieval Europe An escalation of violence may have also played a role in the Maya downfall. Previous research suggested that during the Classic period, warfare among the ancient Maya was mostly ritualized and limited in scope, with strict rules of engagement centered on procuring elite captives for tribute and ransom and minimal involvement of noncombatants.

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Fear Mass Immigration, Not climate Change By James Reed

     Europeans are not concerned much abut climate change, whatever that means but mass immigration is an existential threat, well, maybe that is exaggerating, but, still a threat:

“While climate change is growing in the public consciousness, migration is still the major issue for more EU citizens, according to the results of the European Commission's biannual Eurobarometer public opinion survey. Migration remains the top concern across the European Union, according to an EU public opinion poll, although the importance of climate change is growing. Thirty-four percent of respondents in the new Eurobarometer survey view immigration as the most pressing problem, down six percentage points from last year. However, the issue topped the list of issues in 21 member states, with Malta, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Slovenia and the Netherlands having the highest proportion of respondents ranking it most problematic. For the first time, climate change jumped to the second most important concern, with 22% of respondents mentioning it, according to the biannual poll conducted by the European Commission."

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Is mathematics Racist? Sure? Now Ban It! By Brian Simpson

     I once read a book by David Bloor, Knowledge and Social Imagery (1991), which I found in deconstructed state at a garage sale:

     This was an early work in the strong program of the sociology of knowledge arguing for a social constructionist view of mathematics. Well, that book seems mild by the wild west standards of today:

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Happy Shopping Experience: The War on Cash By James Reed

     Here is a personal entry into the coming war on cash, which I have discussed in another article; this is the sort of things that occur on the ground.

     The great tragedies of modern urban life is the loss of the corner stores where one related to the shop keeper, baker and butcher. These were destroyed by the Big supermarkets, coming in the 1960s. My father, who had a deli for one time, hated these multinationals with a passion. So, do I. End of disclosure.

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Sweden Rape… Eh… No… Feminist Trade Policy By Richard Miller

     Another look at the absolute absurdity that is Sweden, which by some miracle still exists. So, on the one hand we have feminist trade policies:

“Sweden plans to introduce a 'feminist trade policy' to ensure that female manufacturers, entrepreneurs and consumers benefit equally from trade policy. "Trade policy today benefits men more than women. Therefore, the government is now investing in a feminist trade policy that will contribute to the economic development of women and men to an equal extent," International Trade Minister Ann Linde wrote in an article published in Aftonbladet on Friday. She pointed to "inexplicable gender-coded differences in customs duties", which mean that products aimed at women typically have higher duties than those made for men. The feminist trade policy would also include a focus on gender equality in standardization issues, for example in vehicle safety. Linde states that women are 47 percent more likely than men to be injured in car accidents because safety standards are created based on male bodies. Another of the policy's aims is to simplify EU-wide trade in the service sector, which employs more women than men, in order to create more jobs and export opportunities, Sweden is well known for its feminist foreign policy, which was first launched when Prime Minister Stefan Löfven's centre-left government came to power in 2014 and includes international aid for reproductive health and promotion of women's rights globally.”

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But How Did He Do This? By Chris knight

     For lighter reading, a Florida dog owner pulled apart an alligator’s jaws to save his dog. The gator was a big one, 10-foot long. Their bite strength exceeds that of a bear. So, how was this done? Please explain, as the story does not. One would have thought that a news mag. would be interested in violations of the laws of physics!

Letter to The Editor - We should not fight fanaticism with a new anti-intellectual repression

To The Age        No, I don't like the sound of "a de-Nazification campaign" or the idea of banning public display of the swastika ("No more swastikas: ban these symbols of hate", 12/8). The various examples of a "swastika epidemic" cited by Dvir Abramovich are regrettable, but hardly amount to evidence of "an unprecedented surge in anti-Semitism in our nation that is frightening in its intensity." Some of the acts may have been committed by hooligans and social pests, rather than political fanatics; and Australia is temperamentally impervious to Nazism. More seriously, a legal ban would symbolise a total rejection of Nazism. It would link up with the current de facto censorship of revisionist historians. We should not fight fanaticism with a new anti-intellectual repression. Allowing free discussion of tyrannous regimes does not mean support for the wrongdoings of those regimes; but it does respect the humanity of all concerned.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

The Governor General Forgets What His Role Is! By Ian Wilson LL.B

     The ever-relevant and hard-hitting, Andrew Bolt is spot on with this one, as usual:

“I’ve been out of the country just two days. Did I miss the memo to tear up the important convention that our (unelected) Governor-General keep out of politics?: Governor-General David Hurley says Australia must move quickly to secure constitutional recognition of Australia’s first peoples through a referendum. Stay in your lane, GG. It is not your role to play politics. You are the constituional umpire, not a player. It is certainly not your role to take a partisan stand on such a very divisive political issue, and risk trashing your ability to perform your key function - as the ultimate impartial umpire in the event of a constitutional crisis. (By the way, I suspect you'll find most Australians are against you on constitutional recognition.) Will the Prime Minister have the will to advise the Governor-General to keep his nose out of this?”

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Are You Ready for Infanticide? By Mrs Vera West

     This seems to be the goal of the NSW government, which is desperately trying to catch up to parts of the UYS in terms of radical abortionism:

“What is the point of electing a Liberal government if all it does is implement a Labor-Greens agenda? This is the question all conservative voters in NSW should be asking today as the Berejiklian government plans to ram through parliament one of the most radical abortion bills on the planet. Not only does the bill allow unborn babies to be aborted right up until the moment of birth, but it forces any doctor with a conscientious objection to refer the patient to a doctor who will carry out the abortion. It’s astonishing that such a dangerously illiberal law would be backed by a Liberal government. If it becomes law, as it probably will since it’s supported by the Premier and Opposition Leader, the government will have betrayed the people who voted for it just four months ago. As furious Liberal backbencher Kevin Connolly points out, the first most MPs knew about this bill was when Health Minister Brad Hazzard appeared at a press conference on Saturday alongside left-wing independent Alex Greenwich, the inner-city protégé of Sydney’s worst-ever Lord Mayor, Clover Moore. Hazzard actually is co-sponsoring Greenwich’s terrible bill, with the support of ersatz North Shore Liberal Felicity Wilson, and Upper House LINO (Liberal In Name Only) Trevor Khan.”

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