The Issue of Due Process of Law, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Former President Trump's sentencing is coming up on 11 July, 2024, over the hush money business. What is unique in the tyranny about his case was the entire denial of due process, the fundamental procedures of fair judicial practice that have to be followed before a citizen can be punished by the state. These principles were in place from Anglo-Sax...

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Lawfare and the Fall of the Justice System, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Leftist have now made lawfare, using the legal system against anyone they oppose, common. It was first done by the various race hate laws, that were used to silent those who were raising issues unacceptable to the present multicultural fascist regimes of the West, that had replaced traditional liberal democracies. Things never stop at one point, an...

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The War Against God Will End Badly for the Godless, By Chris Knight (Florida)

J. B. Shurk, "The West's War on God," makes the point that the characteristic feature of modernity, and woke postmodernity too, is that God does not exist, or as the German 19th century philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) said, "God is dead," the transcendent has lost meaning and value for many modern people. From this moral and spiritual v...

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In Praise of Self-Determination, By James Reed

This item about the development of a new town, St. George, breaking away from the old parent city Baton Rouge, almost passed me by as just something about the US. But, thinking about the politics of the issue, and that the breakaway went to the Louisiana Supreme Court, indicated bigger issues; racial issues, I rethought this. It seems, in a nut she...

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The End of Progress: Take 2, By Brian Simpson

Dr. David McGrogan is an Associate Professor of Law at Northumbria Law School, and has written an article, "The End of Progress." I have written previously at the blog, yesterday in fact, about another article charting the same thesis, and given my take on it. The McGrogan piece considers the digital future with the thought experiment, that the mod...

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Diversity from Mass Immigration, Often Leads to Exciting, Vibrant, Cultural Exchanges! By Richard Miller (London)

This is an indication of how exciting multiculturalism from mass immigration is going to go across the West, now that it is universally accepted by the ruling power elites, that Whiteness needs to be replaced, and as academics from the Left have proclaimed since Marx was a boy in short pants. A recent event in Germany indicates that the road away f...

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Sanity Prevails as Drivers Abandon Electric Vehicles and Return to Petrol/Diesel, By Richard Miller (London)

This is happening in the UK, and I expect you will see it soon in Australia too. Owners of electric vehicles have got fed up with all the intrinsic problems of these things, and are returning to petrol and diesel vehicles. How this is being done is that the owners of electric vehicles, are not buying a new, or another electric vehicle after they ha...

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The Whiteness of the West, By James Reed

Bo Winegard, writing for the very interesting Aporia Magazine, boldly and bravely makes the case, which would not have been need to have been made in the pre-World War II world, that the West was created by White people, and sustained by them.Conservatives shy away from stating this now in opposition to globalist multiculturalism, and the deconstru...

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The Covid Plandemic Violated Human Rights, By Brian Simpson

 Leading dissent journalist Rebekah Barnett, who continues to do outstanding work keeping the flames of justice burning on the Covid vax issues in Australia, has outlined the well-known case to us of the extreme violation of human rights that occurred during the Covid years and the lockdowns. As she notes, apart from the heart-breaking cases o...

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The Limits of So-Called Green Electricity, By James Reed

Regional Australian communities are going to face power blackouts with the present push to renewable energy and the construction, with who knows how much carbon produced, of 10,000 kilometres of transmission lines. With coal foolishly being abandoned as a fuel source by Australia, but not China or India, by 2038, there will be a shortfall of energy...

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The Religion of Progress Breaking Down, By Brian Simpson

I have noted a couple of articles, in my travels, arguing that the religion of progress is breaking down, one by German academic blogger Eugyppius, being an example below. He makes the point that the ideology of "expectant progressivism," the idea that things are always getting better, "more just, more abundant, more enlightened, more advanced and ...

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It's Mainstream Now: Killer Covid Shots! By Brian Simpson

A scientific paper, "A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination," examined 325 autopsy cases and concluded that73.9 percent of deaths were either directly due to or significantly contributed to by the Covid-19 vax. The paper was originally at the medical journal The Lancet, but was removed within 24 hours, supposed...

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Big Pharma to Profit from the Draft, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Next to the medical establishment, the military were the most vaxxed segment of the population. Thus, for the US, and pretty much for Australia and other Western countries, the military number 98 percent vaxxed. That was a consumption of 6.5 million mRNA jabs for the US, with the resulting ill-health, and deaths. And getting the jab was mandatory. ...

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Macron’s Civil War Scare, By Richard Miller (London)

French President Emmanuel Marcon, who has in fear called a snap general election, has raised the fear that if the populist Right-wing National Rally or the Leftist-socialist New Popular Front win, civil war will erupt. This globalist is getting mighty worried, as he is now trailing in third place behind both the National Rally and the New Popular F...

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Diversity in European Jails, By Richard Miller (London)

As the elites tell us, diversity is a strength, the greatest strength, beyond technology and even nuclear weapons. Post-World War II Australia was based upon "populate or perish," as more non-Whites were seen as the answer to nuclear weapons. And diversity rules strong, even in European prisons. Of the 44,232 prisoners in Germany, 24,259 are foreig...

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Julian Assange; How “Free” is “Free”? By James Reed

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has agreed to a plea deal and has been released on bail from Belmarsh maximum security prison. He had paid $ 500,000 for a flight to the US territory of Saipan in the Northern Mariana Islands, to avoid the US mainland. A rather pricey flight indeed. What should not be forgotten here is that Assange aided the Trump c...

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End NATO or End the World! By Richard Miller (London)

Robert Kennedy Jr has said that NATO must be abandoned because it has moved the world closer to nuclear war than at any time since the 1962 Cuban missile crisis. According to Jacob Creech, who has the online name of"Clandestine,", writes: "WW3 Alert! "Russian MIL declare "terrorist" US responsible for dea...

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Climate Alarmism is Big Business! By James Reed

The blog, the "Bad Cat," is unusual, and may be a bit annoying to those of us from the old school who were brought up on the merits of grammar and proper capitals. He does not write using capital letters at all, apart from quotes, and I do not know why, but speculate, that it may be just his "thing" to distinguished the blog from others. Anyway, ca...

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The Issue of Bio-Computers, By Brian Simpson

Michael Snyder has covered an issue which has received very little discussion by conservatives. The Swiss AI corporation, Final Spark:, has allegedly been working with, and is advanced in the use of biocomputers, which make use of miniature human "brains," neural tissue, grown from stem cells, to aid in computing. The brains...

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Climate Change Alarmism: The Mythology Exposed, By James Reed

Ross McKitrick, Professor of Economics at the University of Guelph in Canada, although not a climate scientist, has still, because of his mathematical competency, contributed a considerable amount to critical awareness of the limitations of present climate science. For example, he teamed up with Stephen McIntyre, a mathematician, and they began an ...

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