An Even Darker Side to the Immigration/Asianisation Mania By James Reed

George Christensen has raised the issue of human trafficking, which is being done on an industrial scale in Australia, fuelled by holes in border security and our out-of-control mass immigration system, or is it scam? This has led to Asian women and children being subject to slave-like conditions, often for sex exploitation. Asian Organised Crime is behind this, and profits from this human misery. Crime bosses harvest millions which are then launder through the real estate industry making Aussies unable to get homes due to exploding prices.

As Christensen says: “The government might be complicit in these crimes as this trafficking network relies on ‘visa fixers’ — criminally connected migration agents licensed by the federal government, leading to an exploited underclass in various industries.”

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The Great Liberal Death Wish By Peter West

In 1970 the English writer and Christian Malcolm Muggeridge wrote an essay, “The Great liberal Death Wish.” His piece is as relevant today as it was then, as the destructive forces leading to the suicide of he West were getting started then, and are now in the endgame stage. He saw liberalism becoming perverted, being pushed beyond classical bounds, mainly under the influence of the Left’s neo-Marxism, to produce a highly toxic doctrine systematically “depreciating and deprecating” of “every aspect of our Western way of life.” This regime, what we would now call woke progressives, had thrown out God and past traditions, all aspects of the traditional West.

And there were the shock troops to back up this deconstruction, and destruction of values, “a Praetorian Guard of ribald students, maintained at the public expense,” who were “ready at the drop of a hat to go into action, not only against their own weak-kneed bemused academic authorities, but also against any institution or organ for the maintenance of law and order still capable of functioning, especially the police.” In the 1970s, these Leftist still had a narrative that capitalist mega-corporations were engaging in “imperialism,” and critiques of Big Pharma in the Third World were offered. However, as seen during the Covid mandates, the Left liked the authoritarianism that was imposed upon the hapless population, as it foreshadowed what they intended to do if they got supreme power. Thus, they supported the globalists and condemned anti-vaxxers as “racists.”

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The West’s Danger of Falling into Communism, Following the CCP Lead By James Reed

Xi Van Fleet has a new book, Mao’s America (Center Street, October 30, 2023), which documents how America, and by implication much of the West as well, being highly influenced by American culture and politics, has fallen into communism. She draws comparisons between Mao’s cultural revolution and the present-day cultural revolution of woke cultural Marxism. Fleet experienced the terror of the Maoist regime’s cultural revolution as a school girl. She managed to escape communist China to get to freedom in America. But she has found that the so-called progressive Left are now attempting to recreate most aspects of Mao’s cultural revolution. As the book blurb says this has been done via these tactics:

  • Use Marxist tactics of division, indoctrination, deception, coercion, cancelation, subversion and violence.
  • Aim to destroy the foundation of the traditional culture to replace it with Marxist ideologies.
  • Weaponize youth, using them as their means to an end.
  • Share the same goal of achieving absolute power at the expense of the people.
  • Lead to the same ending: loss of freedom and totalitarian rule.


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The Dangers of the Cashless Economy By James Reed

Patrick Barron, over at the libertarian economic site, has a nice simple piece on why defenders of freedom and liberty should be deeply concerned about movements to a cashless economy, which are well advanced in Australia. Banks are already working deceptively to eliminate cash, so that in the end, the public will have this sprung upon them. Barron points out that there are many practical reasons for retaining cash, all along the lines of not putting all one’s eggs in the one basket. Thus, if electronic systems go down cash could still be used in a dual system, to the existing limits of cash.

However, the main argument for retaining cash is that it decentralises power. The fully electronic system puts a tremendous amount of power in the government’s hands, as recent debanking events, such as the Canadian truckers’ cancellation, and the debanking of Nigel Farage show with just existing power. Giving the elites absolute power is always a bad idea in principle as corruption and abuse is inevitable. As Lord Acton observed: “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority.”

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One Rule for Us; Another for the Political Class By James Reed

After the failure of the Voice referendum, Anthony Albanese administration's next big thing is the so-called misinformation law, which is supposed to deal with “false” content on social media platforms, but which, as previous blog posts here have shown, is all about supressing free speech in the course of controlling the narrative the way this tyrannical government wants. Thus, the laws would control posts that as we saw during the Covid plandemic, were put as an alternative to the Big Pharma narrative that the Australian government and health authorities also pushed. Indeed, ideas that the Covid vaxxes would not prevent transmission were said to be a conspiracy at the time of the plandemic by the health authorities, even though people who were fully vaxxed came to get Covid. Issues about adverse effects were treated in the same way. The excess mortality that Australia, along with most Western countries now is experiencing, also got this brush-off. Now, these modes of suppression will be backed by the elite’s law, if they get this legislation in.

To add to this misery, the misinformation control regime will not apply to the government itself, as recently exposed by Senator David Pocock. This double standard was defended by the government, saying that it was to prevent emergency messages being removed. But that begs the question, because assuming that the emergency messages are not misinformation, why should it get removed in the first place? Clearly this is all about propaganda, the government wanting its rubbish to be uncensored, while suppressing anything else that challenges its narrative.

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The Great White Replacement: Views of an Indian Conservative! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Jay Bhandari, a non-white conservative Canadian writer, has commented upon the issue of the Great Replacement in Canada. This is of interest to conservative whites in other jurisdictions, since the Left globally are pushing the idea that the Great Replacement thesis is a white racist ideology; a non-white putting the case that this genocide of the white race, which fits the UN definition by the way, undermines the Left’s argument.

Indeed, as Bhandari points out, 26 percent of Canadians are first-generation immigrants, 18 percent are second-generation, and 32 percent of children under fifteen in 2021 were second-generation immigrants. Most of the migrants, since Canada adopted so-called non-discriminatory immigration are non-whites from the Third World. As Bhandari says: “Canadians have put Canada on a path to inevitable destruction.

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The Non-White, Non-Western Colonisers By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Rich Lowry has written a very informative history essay, one which the woke Left would be infuriated by, where he documents that the Arabs were colonisers as much as the West ever was. Indeed, war and conquest define all of human history, across all races, and the Arabs were no different: “Dan Jones writes in his history of the Middle Ages, Powers and Thrones, “Syria was one of the first major triumphs of a new power that was about to sweep across the world, branching out to the borders of China and the Atlantic seaboard of Europe, establishing an Islamic state that covered more than twelve million square kilometers.”

Its armies “appeared everywhere from central Asia, through the Middle East and north Africa, throughout the Visigothic Iberian Peninsula, and even into southern France.” Everywhere they conquered, they put in place “Islamic governments and introduced new ways of living, trading, learning, thinking, building, and praying.”

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Elon Musk: They Absolutely Want Your Extinction By Chris Knight (Florida)

Elon Musk made a provocative tweet, perhaps more so than usual, commenting on the secret melting down of the bronze statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, that, “They absolutely want your extinction.” The Left responded by wanting details about “They,” which Musk did not provide, but we in fact know too well. Gregory Hood in commentary gives a  glimpse of some of the “They”: “State media NPR called it a “different journey” for the statue. The Smithsonian seemed delighted, calling the statue “divisive.” Melting it is presumably unifying.

We are told that the foundry owner presiding over the vandalism was a black man proud to “destroy hate.” The New York Times noted that as the general’s face was cut off and fell to the floor, an observer said, “It feels like a public execution.”

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Sam Altman on the Near-Term AI Threat By Brian Simpson

AI technocrat, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, of ChatGPT fame, has waded in on the great AI take-over debate. That debate is based upon the idea that at some point soon, a singularity will be reached where AI surpasses human intelligence, and that could lead to a self-evolving AI intellect that will ultimately take over humanity, maybe eliminating us to make space for its computer reality. It is the theme of an entire genre of sci fi movies and literature.

But, Altman has argued, AI does not need to surpass human intellectual levels to be a threat, and it may already be so. “I expect AI to be capable of superhuman persuasion well before it is superhuman at general intelligence,” Altman tweeted, “which may lead to some very strange outcomes.” He did not elaborate. Perhaps he had in mind the case of a then-19-year-old person, who was so infatuated with his AI partner that he was convinced by it to attempt to assassinate the late Queen Elizabeth. This story is doubly interesting, first because it shows that humans will be influenced by AI, and secondly, by the often nefarious decisions made by AI.

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Climate Policies Harm the Poor of the World By James Reed

Financial publication, Forbes, recently featured a piece by Tilak Doshi, who wrote about how Western woke climate polices harm the poor of the world, especially the people of Africa. The main impacts are through energy and water, but energy issues as well impact upon food production, further increasing uncertainties.

The International Monetary Fund, has said that “by hitting the poorest hardest, climate change risks both increasing existing economic inequalities and causing people to fall into poverty.” As Doshi observes: “In 2019, out of the world total of almost 760 million people without access to electricity, sub-Saharan Africa accounted for almost 590 million or approximately 78%. Without electricity or clean fuels such as natural gas, keeping warm (or cool), getting drinking water, cooking food cleanly and getting enough light to read after the sun sets is not possible.”

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Confronting China: Gordon Chang By James Reed

As he is racially Han Chinese, Gordon Chang has a small layer of protection from the white woke, and can give strong critiques of China. Thus, he slams the Biden regime’s present attempt to normalise relationships with communist China, for he asks, how can this be done when China has declared that the US is its enemy that it intends to destroy? Further, the Chinese regime is already acting as if it is a war with the US.

Rather than the US merely sitting back and allowing the communist dragon to grow to unstoppable strength, Chang proses that in the first instance financial war be conducted upon China: “The Secretary of the Treasury, for instance, can designate, pursuant to Section 311 of the USA PATRIOT Act, Chinese banks to be of "primary money laundering concern." Designated banks can no longer clear dollar transactions through New York, where every dollar transaction clears.

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The Cultural Marxist Attack Upon Language By Mrs Vera West

Dr Naomi Wolf has observed that language is being changed throughout the West, and the changes are not for the benefit of ease of communication, or to improve the language, but are political modifications designed to suppress individual freedom. The changes are coming from the top down, instigated by the globalist elite, but filtered down for local oppression by neo-Marxist ideologies in the education system. For humans, being above all else language using creatures, thought is highly influenced by language, some would argue, determined by language. Thus, if one wants to shape human thinking, changing the language patterns would have a major impact towards achieving this goal.

Thus, during the Covid plandemic, it was necessary for the technocrats to over-rule long standing medical ethical principles of individual autonomy, and this was done through inundating the public with “social,” really socialist concepts such as “social distancing,” “public health,” “public safety,” and the like. These concepts did exist in the Western lexicon, but were nor regarded as trumping individual liberty, except in the most severe circumstances, such as a plague like the black Death, and maybe not even then. Certainly not for a disease such as Covid, that had for the majority of people a 99 percent or more survival rate. Changing the language game made it easier to impose the same lockdown regime that communist China was oppressing its people with.

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Is the French Language Sexist, and if So, So What? By Richard Miller (London)

The same rules do not appear in the English language, but in French and some other languages, all nouns are either masculine and feminine. The written endings of nouns, adjectives and verbs reflect the gender of the object or person who is speaking. When a noun involves both men and women, the default spelling is in the masculine in accordance with the long-taught rule: “Masculine always wins.” This has greatly upset French feminists, and for years they have campaigned for language reform, as especially for the French, language is very much part of the social construction of reality. And now we have the non-binary brigade and transgenders, rejecting the basic categories, or so they think.


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Net Zero Impossible: Tony Abbott By James Reed

Former Liberal prime mister, Tony Abbott has hammered the Labor government’s net zero agenda as impossible. Back in 2009 he was more colourful with his turn of phrase saying that the climate change alarmist position was “absolute crap,” which is a bit rough, but true. Abbott predicted that the renewable energy targets were too unrealistic to be met by 2050. He said at the launch of an Institute of Public Affairs report on Australian energy security, “The climate cult will eventually be discredited, I just hope we don’t have to endure energy catastrophe, before that happens.” Yet with the shutting down of coal-fired   power stations, and following Europe down the road of highly uncertain solar and wind energy, that could very well be Australia’s short-term fate.

Abbott is spot on about the impossibility of the Labor zero net goals which would involve “in the words of the incoming energy minister, the construction of 22,000 solar panels every day, and the erection of 14 large wind turbines every month for eight years, plus the construction of up to 10,000 kilometers of new transmission lines.”

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War and the Price of Food By James Reed

At this stage we do not know if the Middle East conflict will develop into a full-on regional war, or even World War III. What we do know is that 31 percent of the world’s oil comes from the Middle East, and continued conflict will push up the price of oil. The World Bank has said that if the conflict is protracted “In a ‘large disruption’ scenario – comparable to the Arab oil embargo of 1973 – the global oil supply would shrink by six million to eight million barrels per day and prices could go up by 56 per cent to 75 per cent, or $140 (£115.51) to $157 (£129.53) a barrel, according to the report.

Estimates vary, and are uncertain as the future extent of the conflict is presently unpredictable, but oil could reach US $ 300 a barrel. That would be catastrophic for food production, transport, and almost very aspect of the modern economy. There is already a food price crisis across the West, including in Australia, but we have perhaps not seen anything yet.

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Waking Up from Woke, or Does the Nightmare Continue? By James Reed

Recently Elon Musk made another punchy tweet where he said, responding to a Free that people are waking up from woke, or what used to be called political correctness. The context is upon the Hamas massacres and the aftermath. The idea is that this is all going to kick onto fundamental political change. But, looked at from the perspective of sociology, this is most unlikely in the short term, as the Left has a fundamental death grip upon Western society, and as was seen in the Voice referendum, the globalist corporates are firmly in line with woke agendas so long as these serve the interests of global capital. With the Voice referendum we were lucky, but the early stages did not look good for the No side, and inadequacies in the Yes campaign led to defeat. But, it could have been different, and next time, just like with the 2016 election of Donald Trump, the elites will be more careful.

So, while there is clear evidence of cracks appearing in the citadel of Leftism, there is still a long and hard battle ahead.

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Tucker Carlson: The Millions of Refugees that Come with Every War By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Tucker Carlson has recently put his finger on the real issue that should be concerning us about the present Middle East conflict; that these wars produce masses of refugees; in the case of Gaza maybe millions, and the immigration mad globalists and Leftists in the West want them all in the West. The problem here is exactly as Tucker says, this will be importing into each country massive conflicts, for the issues being played out in the Middle East will get reworked in the host countries. The true wages of the cult of refugeeism will be seen, and it already looks like it could be worse than the events of Europe in 2015.

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Cancers, the Likes of Which Have Never Been Seen By Mrs (Dr) Abigail Knight

Dr William Makis, who has a substack documenting cases of people dying suddenly, presumably from the Covid vax, has been diagnosing cancer cases in his career. However, he has stated that in his professional opinion he has never seen the likes of young people in their 20s, 30s and 40s develop “turbo cancers,” that are super-aggressive and often do not respond to conventional treatments: "I've never seen stage four breast cancers presenting in women in their 20s. I've never seen stage four colon cancers presenting in men and women in their 20s [and] 30s. Leukemias that will kill you in a matter of days or even hours after diagnosis. Lymphomas that, again, kill you in a matter of months." This is also impacting upon doctors who had to be fully vaxxed to practice, and Dr Makis has given extensive documentation of this at his substack, listing young doctors who have died of these radical cancers.

The cancer issue in but one conjectured aspect of the adverse effects of the Covid vaxxes in terms of a kill rate. Other professionals such as Dr. Peter McCullough has focussed on cardiac issues. There is no seeming end to this, so the Covid vax issue remains relevant as long as people die, or are ill.

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The Great Failed Covid Lockdown Experiment By Chris Knight (Florida)

Since the conclusion of the Covid lockdowns, there have been many studies showing that these draconian restrictions of freedom did nothing to stop the spread of Covid-19, although these studies are typically ignored by our health authorities, who are still holding the line that everything they said and did as correct, such as the vaccines prevented transmission.

In this context it is interesting to see the mainstream media starting to catch up. A recent article at the New York makes the case that the lockdowns were a giant experiment, that, as was most dramatically seen in communist China, failed. With no substantial scientific evidence, most of the West, with the exception of some places such as Sweden, followed the communist Chinese line, one endorsed by the equally communist World Health Organization. The results all-round were a disaster for individuals and small business, ranging from suicides, learning defects in small children, to bankruptcies of small businesses.

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The Undemocratic Superstate By Richard Miller (London)

Polish MEP Jacek Saryusz-Wolski has warned that the European Union is set to become even more tyrannical, and is morphing into a superstate which will completely erode what remains of the national sovereignty of the member states. The new matter of concern is the resolution adopted by the European Parliament’s Constitutional Affairs Committee on October 25 relating to treaty arrangements drafted by the  Verhofstadt Group, a team led by the globalist Guy Verhofstadt. It does not matter if one does not know of him, for he is just like the many other globalists on the political scene.


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