For the Left, Local Whites are the Problem, Not Migrant Terrorists! By Richard Miller (London)

With President Macron calling a snap election for France, the Left are active, and saying all sorts of remarkable anti-White things. Thus, far-Left leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon said as he set out the vision for the "New Popular Front" alliance, that "native French," meaning Whites, represent a "serious problem" for social cohesion. He was fully suppor...

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‘1 in a Billion’ Chance Covid Emerged from Nature, By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Covid lab leak hypothesis was examined at a hearing of evidence by US Senators. Although the attempt to get to the truth of the matter was tampered by communist China refusing to release data about the activities of the Wuhan Institute of Virology at the time of the Covid release, indirect evidence pointed to a lab release, the Senate inquiry c...

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Who is Winning the Trans Debate? By Richard Miller (London)

It would seem to be a cut-and-dry question about who is winning the transgender debate. Even 10 or 20 years ago, the idea of a legal protection for such people was not discussed in the mainstream, but now across the West, genderism is regarded as a protected property, like race. Thus, we have the march of trans women into women's sports, and laws t...

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Confronting the Coming Collapse, By John Steele

Michael Snyder has an insightful piece on the trend in the US of people going off grid in preparation for an anticipated disaster, or collapse. The super-rich, such as Zuckerman, have been at work getting up their lavish bug out locations for some time. But as detailed now, the prepper community is expanding, and is not restricted to the far Right ...

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The Europeans Mapped the World, By Brian Simpson

Some very interesting information is given in the below piece from our friends at, about the under-discussed European achievement of mapping the world. As noted, Africa was not discovered by the Africans, in the sense of having a total idea of the continent, as pre-Whites, there were just tribes that usually engaged in constant bat...

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Malcolm Roberts: The Latest Native Title Claim, By James Reed

The latest native title claim gives away 12,000 square kilometres of South East Queensland, over 220 kilometres from Bribie Island to Childers. Already well over 50 percent of the Australian continent has been given over to native title. Malcolm Roberts asks when will this end? Probably when 100 percent is given over, and it is sold off to communis...

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Russian Missiles in Mexico? Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This could ultimately lead to another version of the Cuban Missile Crisis, which almost led to nuclear war between the US and the former USSR. Mexico has never been a friend of the US, both historically and at present. Mexico engages in pushing illegal migrants onto the US, when it could easily stop the flow and send them back where they came from ...

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The Great Replacement Continues with Seniors Set to Suffer, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

In the Biden regime's latest attempt to steal the 2024 US election, the regime is granting over half a million illegal aliens "mass amnesty." They will all vote Democrat, as most illegals will do this anyway, to ensure that more of their race get into the country. But worse, they will be eligible for Social Security and Medicaid benefits. President...

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Ministry of Masculine Destruction: It is all About Undermining Manhood! By John Steele

 Tyler Durden, pen name derived from the pro-masculine movie Fight Club (1999), writes from the US about the meta-political ramifications of Jacinta Allan announcement that state MP Tim Richardson would serve as the inaugural Parliamentary Secretary for Men's Behavior Change. This is the first position of its kind in Australia. As we know, PM ...

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Social Media as a Mental Health Threat! By Mrs. Vera West

Psychologists Jon Haidt and Zach Rausch have done extensive psychological research on the harms that arise from social media, especially to children, who are mentally vulnerable. Social media is a major cause of mental illness he has argued: And he has a book on this theme: The...

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Racial Memories, Scientifically Established? By Brian Simpson

 This story was found in the Leftist The Guardian, so I am pleased to give a Right wing swing to it. The idea from the emerging science of epigenetics is that one can inherit lived experience from a previous generation, the presence of the past. This was shown to occur with mice in an experiment that established in the first generation an aver...

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Viktor Bout: Trump Could Advert World War III! By Charles Taylor

In a recent speech Donald Trump said that under the present political establishment, World War III is as close as it has ever been: "Under Crooked Joe Biden, the world is in flames, our border is overrun, inflation is raging, Europe is in total chaos, the Middle East is exploding, Iran is emboldened, Chi...

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The Covid Vaxxed, More Likely to Die, By Brian Simpson

B. Adhikari et al., published an article in the journal Frontiers in Immunology, where they reported on their discovery that fully Covid vaxxed patients were faced with an almost double risk of death, compared to those who were unvaxxed. In more technical detail, "Among COVID-19 patients, mortality rate was significantly higher among Vax vs. NVax p...

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The Haters of Ireland’s Hate Crime Bill, By Richard Miller (London)

The Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022, has generated an enormous amount of public criticism, especially in the light of the anticipation that the law would lead to the imprisonment of author J. K. Rowling, who is a leading critic of the trans deconstruction of women, but this is not likely to occur. The...

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Men Compared to Rodents; Men or Mice? By James Reed

At first, I thought this as the next feminist temper tantrum following on from the TikTok nonsense of whether a woman would prefer to be alone with a man, or a bear in the forest. Now it seems social media is full of comparing men to rodents, but not as one might think. The so-called men are Hollywood stars, most of whom I have never heard of, or w...

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On Banning Political Donations, By James Reed

It always struck me as a good idea to ban political donations. That would test the commitment of the major parties and begin to create a level playing field with the smaller parties. Let lab-lib get out and have chook raffles and the like. Wait, would that be a political donation? In any case, the South Australian government is proposing banning po...

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Yoga Teachers and Dog Handlers Given Immigration Priority Over Skilled Migrants! By James Reed

 A telling point was made by One Nation's Malcolm Roberts, relating to Australia's immigration Ponzi scheme, that is, the great scam. One of the arguments put by Big Australia is that there is an external skills shortage. Even if ever skilled worker on Earth, even the Milky Way galaxy, moved to this beaten land, there would still be a shortage...

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Suing Pfizer, By Brian Simpson

 There has been mention in the Australian media of a major US case, that of the US state of Kansas suing Big Pharma giant, Pfizer over its claims of the effectiveness of the Covid mRNA vax it produced. Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach said in a statement: "Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at...

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The Problem of Immigration, By Richard Miller (London)

A good article at the ever-sceptical, Daily Sceptic, details that immigration is a problem for national security and social stability across the West, despite short-term profits delivered to some profiteers in the economy, such as the sharks in the real estate business, worse by a thousand times than used car salesmen. But there is much more at wor...

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Australia Accepting Over 10,000 Migrants a Week to Reach Majority Non-White in Record Time! By Brian Simpson

Despite the Albo government attempting to hose down criticism of its mass migration Great White Replacement program, the globalist regime is accepting 10,000 immigrants a week, and be sure that most are not White, although no-one seems to mention this aspect of demographic ethno-racial replacement any more, with the end of White people in Australia...

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