Transgenderism Philosophy Deconstructed by Nobel Prize Winner By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

This is getting a little in the stale news category, but is still relevant, since the main stream media did not report on it. Biologist and Nobel Prize winner Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard gave what she believes is a scientific refutation of the transgender agenda. There are two sexes, biologically defined, “There’s the one sex that produces the eggs, has two X chromosomes. That’s called female,” she said. “And there’s the other one that makes the sperm, has an X and a Y chromosome. That’s called male.” People cannot change their gender, which is biologically defined, merely surgically and hormonally mask it.  

What about intersexuals, people with both male and female parts? True, they exist, but are statistically rare rare. However, this does not show that the general category of male/female fails, since the intersexual characteristics are defined using the male/female categories in the first place. The mere existence of intermediate colours on a spectrum, does not prove that primary colours do not exist. Micro-organisms that have qualities of plants and animals do not show that there are no plants or animals.

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Where is Herd Immunity? By Brian Simpson

Who remembers herd immunity, or, with respect to Covid, even immunity? It was supposed in the past that once society reached, say, 80 percent vaxxed, seen in those days as having ‘immunity,” basic protection for the population. But, the definition of a “vaccine” has changed so that mRNA gene therapies can become vaccines. As well, it has been seen that the Covid vaxxes are not good at stopping transmission, and thus are “leaky” vaccines. None of the countries that proclaimed themselves as champions of the vaccination, eliminated Covid, and in fact, have experienced robust Covid outbreaks. This is the mythology of the 21st century.

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The Covid Vax Trail of Death By Brian Simpson

The Society of Actuaries Research Institute (SARI) has released a new report indicting that Covid vaccine  mandates are a major killer of millennials. Since the vax rollout, some 61,000 millennials died as a result of being forcibly jabbed, or is it stabbed? Ex-Blackrock executive Edward Dowd has said about this excess death, that it is like another Vietnam war, democide, death by government. “The numbers are there,” Dowd says. “So we showed the millennial-age group saw a rate of change [of] 84 percent excess mortality in the third quarter of 2021. And boom, there’s the Society of Actuaries confirming my work and my partner’s work. There it is.”

The establishment is accepting that the excess mortality exists, but is attributing it to anything except the sacred jab, such as long Covid, suicide, even climate change. But scientific explanations require comprehensiveness, a non-ad hoc basis and simplicity. The Covid vax hypothesis meets these criteria, while climate change, for example, is ad hoc, and unsubstantiated. Climate change was occurring, the system supposes (but, of course, not us), long before the excess deaths, so it is unlikely to be an explanation.

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But, What is SEMI-Fascism? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Senile false president Joe Biden has got even meaner, for an old codger, and proclaimed with a fanfare that Trumper MAGA Republicans are “semi-fascist.” The spooks who write his bs never defined the term on his teleprompter. Nor for that matter did White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, whose main job seems to be radiating eternal wokeness, and never answering any inconvenient questions.  But, it is all good in the long term, bringing the dirty pot of politics to a final boil.


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Dr Evil Jumps Ship By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Mercola comments on Covid king, Dr Fauci, resigning from his position as director of the US National Institutes for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Previously he said that he would remain there for some time, but then there was this sudden move. Clearly, he is smelling the wind, and fears that the Republicans will be coming after him, and I think in one interview he said this. And, he is right. But, the issue is whether the system will pursue him, given the level of corruption from the executive to the judiciary. Still, it would be good for morale to see something happen, and the various legal eagles from or side are onto it.


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Poo to Peer Review By Professor X

Here I am, a professor in a totally woke university and over-the-top hyper-woke department, sending off this article to, and loving it! Now, one of the leading bits of bs of academia is peer review, which always reminded me of dogs sniffing each other, if I may be somewhat rude, and unacademic for a moment. Peer review received its grand refutation during the Covid plandemic, when first, almost all mainstream medical academics got behind the bat soup hypothesis, because China would come under scrutiny otherwise. In private they doubted this, but still pushed the line to protect “China’s science,” as one medical academic put it. And, it is today, only a handful of brave renegade doctors who are dealing with the greatest medical crime in history, at the price of personal de-registration. In short, peer review presupposes that the “peers” are not corrupt, and will objectively assess data, but given that most researchers hold to the line that “he who pays the piper, calls the tune,” don’t expect any mainstream searching critiques of Big Pharma. Peer review fails for the very good reason that the peers are as corrupt as the original researcher. It is one of the reasons that there is a “replication crisis.”


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Starlink to Fall from the Skies By James Reed

Chinese military researchers are advocating that Elon Musk’s Starlink satelites be destroyed. "[A] combination of soft and hard kill methods should be adopted to make some Starlink satellites lose their functions and destroy the constellation's operating system." This is according to five senior scientists in China's defence industry, led by Ren Yuanzhen, a researcher with the Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications, under the People Liberation Army's (PLA's) Strategic Support Force:  Stephen Chen, South China Morning Post, May 25,2022. Two methods will be used, targeting software, or simply shooting the satellites down. The claim is that the satellites could be used for military purposes, but the real goal is to eliminate competition as China seeks a monopoly of space, and for its own military purposes.

I am getting pretty tired of this sabre-rattling, as I believe most of Asia, especially Japan now is.

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Woke Labor Renews Republic Push By James Reed

The woke Labor government of Albo has begun its push for the Republic, essentially moving on this once they get the indigenous Voice referendum through, they hope. The timing will be the supposed second or third terms, with the death of the Queen. The usual arguments, relationships with Britain have changed with Australia being Asian, and all the stuff Keating trotted out. As a matter of principle this needs to be hit as hard as anything Aussies have faced; we must not let the New Class get their grubby hands on the constitution. If the Voice referendum can be knocked over, this will take some of the wind out of their sails. Economic collapse will do the rest, as with an Asian World War III. So, yes Albo, times have changed, and are changing faster than your paradigm yet recognises.

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Dropping like Flies By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The pilot’s union at a major US airline reports a 300 percent rise in long-term disability claims this year among its members, who are nearly all vaccinated. But, that is just the tip of a very big Covid vax iceberg, as the article headlines below indicate. We are in the greatest medical disaster in history.

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Roll Up, Roll Up, for the Magical Covid Omicron Jab! By Brian Simpson

Are you losing track of all the jabs the faithful must take? I sure am. And now there is another one, Moderna’s bivalent Covid vaccine, which will target the Omicron version. Well, sorry to break the bad news, but probably most people have had one variant of Omicron or another by now, so this will strictly be for the dedicated, who will jab up anyway.

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The Great Covid Double-Standard By Chris Knight (Florida)

World tennis great Novak Djokovic is unable to travel to the United states to destroy everyone in tennis. White House woke White House Press Sec. Karine Jean-Pierre was asked by Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy, why the tennis star was banned, but masses of unvaxxed illegals pour into the US? Naturally, she dodged the question. But, if she was honest she would say, well, it is the Great Replacement, so get used to it. Next question, sheeple!


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Solomon Islands: Turning CCP Chinese By James Reed

This is significant. The Solomon Islands is moving into the CCP orbit, and has now suspended all US naval visits, no doubt under orders from their new CCP masters. Oh well, when China war takes place they can’t say they did not pick a side. And, as far as I could work out, the Solomon Islands have no standing army or navy, let alone air force.

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Covid Vax Dangers for Pregnant Women By Mrs Vera West

The Covid vax establishment insists that the Covid vax shots are wonderful for pregnant women and their unborn babies. But recently releases Pfizer data, done by court order, reveals that the miscarriage rate among women whose pregnancy outcomes were known was a horrendous 87.5 percent, and could be higher still, as Pfizer did not record or report pregnancy outcomes for 238 of the 274 women known to be pregnant during the trial. As of August 12, 2022, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting (VAERS) database listed 4,941 miscarriages post-COVID jab; but for comparison, the foetal death reports for all other vaccines reported to VAERS in the last 30 years is 2,239. So the assumption that the vaxxes are safe for pregnant women, needs revising before more disasters occur.

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More on the Excess Deaths Controversy By Chris Knight (Florida)

Edward Ring has reported on the phenomenon of excess deaths in America, and other jurisdictions, deaths way above the usual expectation. This is a tragedy whatever the cause. Of course, this involves taking official data at face value, so matters are likely to be much worse. While there is no direct proof that the vaxxes are at work, as the excess deaths correlate to the Covid vax rollout, and occurs across nations, where there are differences in other possible causes, such as climate, Sherlock Holmes would conclude that the chief suspect is the vax.

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Lo, the Coming Collapse By James Reed

Nothing new here, we have covered it before, but Mike Adams gives an all-out angst-ridden expression of the West at its end. The big question is how all of this can be defeated, or is the collapse a necessary thing for re-birth, creative destruction of a world that has rotted to the core?

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Trump: The 2020 Election was Stolen! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Trump has posted on Truth Social this gem: “So now it comes out, conclusively, that the FBI BURIED THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP STORY BEFORE THE ELECTION knowing that, if they didn’t, ‘Trump would have easily won the 2020 Presidential Election.'” 

“This is massive FRAUD & ELECTION INTERFERENCE at a level never seen before in our Country. REMEDY: Declare the rightful winner or, and this would be the minimal solution, declare the 2020 Election irreparably compromised and have a new Election, immediately!”

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The Great German Toilet Paper Crisis! By Richard Miller (London)

Here is a real European crisis; Germany is facing a toilet paper shortage due to the energy crisis. It was suggested by some Greenie politician that to save water, and energy, Germans don’t shower, but use a face clothe. Well, I wonder what The Greenie answer is to a shortage in toilet paper? No, I shudder at the thought. In fact, I will buy a few large packs of toilet paper today ready for when this happens in London.


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The Ashley Biden Diary is Real, So What about the Sexual Abuse Allegations? By Abigail Knight (Florida)

The arrest of those trying to flog off the Ashley Biden diary indicates that this thing is real. But, what then about the allegations of sexually inappropriate showers she had with Joe Biden, now president? Just imagine if the roles were reversed and it was Trump! There does not seem to be any move at all for an investigation, indicating that the Democrats have special privilege, perhaps not white privilege, but special all the same!


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The Controlled Demolition of Europe By Richard Miller (London)

What is happening is just like the apocalypse in various sci fi movies, but for those movies there is always a natural cause. While droughts are natural, almost all of the disasters we are seeing are not, but are globalist elite caused, from the Ukraine disaster, to inter-connected food and fuel crises. Of course, these all feed into the mass migration machine, producing a perfect storm of catastrophes, designed to bury traditional Western society and values. We all desperately need to see the extent of this most evil of plans to begin an effective fightback. It is the 11th hour, indeed.

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Behind the CDC Covid Mandate Back Flip By Chris Knight (Florida)

What is going on with the 180-degree turn taken by the CDC, which now is taking a reasonable position on Covid, that individuals have the personal responsibility to decide for themselves, “which prevention behaviors to use and when (at all times or at specific times), based on their own risk for severe illness and that of members of their household, their risk tolerance, and setting-specific factors.” The CDC has abandoned its former discriminatory position between the vaxxed and unvaxxed, “COVID-19 prevention recommendations no longer differentiate based on a person’s vaccination status because breakthrough infections occur.” This is probably a strategy to deal with the problems that the Democrats will face in the November mid-terms, even with electoral fraud. But, perhaps, they are preparing for a massive backlash if the depopulation hypothesis proves correct.

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