Woke Young Brits Who Would Ban the Bible! By Richard Miller (London)

The grip that Left-wing madness has upon the minds of the young is something under-estimated by Christian conservatives. If polls can still be trusted, one such poll found that almost a quarter of young British people would support banning the Bible if it had hate-speech in it. Of course, hate speech today is defined to mean anything contrary to present Left wing fanaticism, so by that definition one could find plenty in the Bible going against the present regime, and it is a mighty fine thing that it does.

It will be a major problem breaking this Left-wing grip. It reminds me of people who are in cults that need to be deprogrammed.


“Nearly a quarter of young Brits would ban the Bible if they felt its pages contained "hate speech," according to a poll.

Last month, polling group Whitestone Insights asked 2,088 U.K. adults if they agreed with the following statement: "Unless the offending parts can be edited out, books containing what some perceive as hate speech should be banned from general sale, including if necessary religious texts such as the Bible." 

Young people aged 18 to 34 were the most likely to agree with this statement (23%), followed by 35 to 54 year olds (17%). Over-55s were least likely to agree (13%). 

Lois McLatchie, of the Alliance Defending Freedom UK, expressed concern about the results in an appearance on GBNews. 

She said the U.K. only needed to look to Finland to see the consequences of "shutting down Christians." Former Minister of the Interior, Päivi Räsänen, was last month acquitted of hate speech charges for the second time after a four-year legal battle. She was criminally charged after tweeting a Bible verse on marriage and sexuality. 

"We may no longer be a majority Christian population here in Britain. That's even more reason to protect freedom of speech and belief for all," said McLatchie.Next

She said that worrying steps toward censorship had already been taken under the Conservative government, including the arrest of street preachers for quoting the Bible in public and pro-life campaigners being taken to court for praying silently in their heads near abortion clinics. 

"Censoring one type of belief because it fails to fit with the dominant orthodoxy of our day is no better than imposing the illiberal blasphemy laws of the Middle Ages.

"We need a robust defence of religious freedom from those who craft our legislation and we need to educate the 'be kind' generation on the truly hateful consequences of censorship before this type of thinking creeps further into reality."”








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