America’s Race War: A Product of the New World Order by Chris Knight

The headline from Natural, proclaims that a full-on race war is in motion in America.
Mike Adams does not mince words:
“it is now obvious that American society is breaking down into social chaos characterized by racially motivated black-on-white mob violence. As much as I have repeatedly called for peace and unity among all citizens to realize the TRUE enemy is a corrupt, criminal government, there are still sectors of society where so-called "Black Lives Matter" rioters have become de facto Black Power terrorists who are deliberately hunting down and targeting white people for beatdowns and murder.”


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Angry White Male

In an article in The Australian by Jared Owens & Andrew Burrell

libertarian senator David Leyonhjelm is reported to have lodged a formal complaint before the Human Rights Commission under race hate laws for being publicly abused as an “angry white male”, contained in a column by Fairfax Media’s Mark Kenny.

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The Left and the Right and the Truth by Betty Luks


Mr. Aitkin’s OnLine article (15 August 2016) which prompted his  “Left and Right in Australian Politics" discussion reminded me of Geoffrey Dobbs’ article titled, “The Left and the Right and the Truth” written many years ago.

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To the Editor

Tony Abbott has bemoaned the fact that 'our Parliament prefers to tolerate over-the-top prosecutions than to upset thin-skinned activists' (The Age - 'Reflective Abbott reopens racial hate-speech debate', 13/8). Also regrettable is the lack of concern in ordinary, thoughtful Australians over the fact that honourable and informed dissidents can be wrongfully attacked under the present law. This in turn is perhaps an aspect of a greater problem here: the growing selfishness of individuals, which seems clearly linked to the diminution of religious observance.

Protecting disadvantaged persons from malicious abuse can be achieved without infringement of free speech. However, another roadblock to reform is the fear of both major political parties that they will lose key votes from minority groups if they defend free speech and that this could cause them to lose an election. The remedy to this situation is more outspokenness from citizens generally to defend dissident speech.

NJ, Belgrave Victoria


Not only do all Australians know about the Census disaster we would think: so does the rest of the world!  
But what we especially noted was taken from the Sydney Morning Herald:
Peter Martin
“A former head of the ABS described the grab for names as the “without doubt, the most significant invasion of privacy ever perpetrated by the ABS” – like an “Australian Card”.
Directed to actually conduct the census, and keen to extract some value from it, (David) Kalisch and his team (had) revived an idea categorically ruled out by his predecessor. Brian Pink had said no to retaining names...Names had always been retained for a short time in order to eliminate duplicates and establish the relationship between household members, but destroyed after checks, usually well before 18 months.
Appearing before the Senate economics committee...Kalisch said nothing about the plan to retain names and addresses. He made a short statement to "update the committee about our census preparations". Things were "on track" and momentum was building. A few months earlier he had told the committee things were coming along "beautifully".
...Information from the census on ethnic or religious backgrounds could be linked to information from the immunisation register to work out what type of families on what types of incomes were the least likely to immunise.
Criminal records could be linked to census records, if permission were given, to see what sort of Australians were convicted of what sort of crimes…”

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WA Liberals vote to remove ‘insult’, ‘offend’ from section 18C ...

ABC News, 13/8/2016

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Royal funeral for Romania's uncrowned Queen Anne by Nick Thorpe BBC News Eastern Europe correspondent

A royal funeral takes place in central Romania on Saturday for a queen who was never crowned and never served and yet still commands full state honours...

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Race Commissioner has blatantly prejudged Bill Leak over cartoon

Interesting links below, posted without comment:

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On the Same-Sex Marriage Plebiscite by Ian Wilson LL.B.

One important thing seldom discussed in the issue of the same-sex marriage plebiscite is that it is not necessary at all to permit a change to the legal definition of marriage because our High Court has already decided that the term "marriage", "when used in section 51 (xxi),… is a term which includes a marriage of persons of the same sex". This conclusion was reached in the High Court's decision on the legality of the ACT's "Marriage Equality (Same Sex) Act 2013" on December 12, 2013: Commonwealth v  Australia Capital Territory (2013) HCA 55.

As is common in constitutional law today, there was no concern about the intent of the original framers of the Australian Constitution and a progressive interpretation was adopted without any concern at all for the connection of the law to the Christian and Western tradition. Seeing the Constitution as a "living force" allows the High Court to adopt "progressive" and leftist positions on social and policy issues.

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A Declaration of War on a Unitary Australia by Ian Wilson LL.B.

In regard to Section 18 C: I quote from a letter to the Editor (The Australian, August 2, 2016, p.13), by Geoffrey Luck:

"Australia now risks descending into a state of two nations. The attacks which destroyed Brian Martin's ability to conduct the NT Royal Commission and the Pearson and Shorten demands for a treaty linked to the constitutional referendum represent a declaration of Aboriginal war on the tradition of a unitary Australia".

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The scientific money system for the automation age of abundance by Robert E. Klinck, M.A.

From the Scarborough Sun, December 31,1970, Page 3.
The scientific money system for the automation age of abundance
by Robert E. Klinck, M.A.

In comparison with most of the major political forces operative in the world today, Social Credit is a phenomenon of recent origin. Indeed, this month (1970-ed) marks only the fifty-third anniversary of the publication of the first article on the subject by its founder and authoritative exponent, the late Clifford Hugh Douglas.

Partly because he was less concerned with personal recognition for his contribution to analyzing the defects of modern social institutions than he was with actually correcting the defects, and partly because he was cognizant—and therefore, wary—of the nonsense which frequently flows from the pens of biographers, no comprehensive biography of Douglas has ever been written. Nevertheless, sufficient information about him is available to permit us at least to sketch his remarkable career.  Douglas, being of Scottish descent, spent his latter years in Fearnan, Perthshire.  He was born, however, in Stockport, Cheshire, England in 1879.

Various comments in his writings and speeches indicate that he regarded obtaining his higher education at Cambridge University as one of the less rewarding experiences of his life.

C.H. Douglas  M.I. Mech.E., M.I.E.E.
prophet of the age of abundance

He entered the profession of engineering, in which he acquired a considerable experience as a participant in major construction projects around the globe.

He was on the staff of the Westinghouse Company of America; in India he was Chief Reconstruction Engineer for the British Westinghouse Company; in  South America he was Deputy Chief Engineer of the Buenos Aires and Pacific Railway Company. Returning to England, he became Railway Engineer of the London Post Office Tube system  and was engaged in the construction of an underground railway between Paddington and Whitehall. After the First World War, he became a yacht manufacturer.

In the course of overcoming physical obstacles as an engineer, Douglas gained an awareness of the tremendous potential in modern technology for individual human emancipation. It was, in fact, during the First World War that Douglas made a discovery which was shortly to result in his grafting onto his eminent career as an engineer those of economist and philosopher, as well.

At that time, as a Major in the British Royal Flying Corps, he was despatched to the Royal Aircraft Works in Farnborough to unravel a production problem. Its solution necessitated his carrying out an intensive investigation of costing in the factory. Applying this novel approach to broader economic considerations with rigorous use of the method of scientific induction led him to an unexpected conclusion which for decades was to be an issue of heated controversy among economists. In brief, Douglas claimed to have discovered that in a given period of time the amount of purchasing power distributed to potential consumers of goods was insufficient to allow them to purchase the goods produced in the same time. This matter will be discussed more fully in a subsequent article in this series.

One early result of Douglas’s inquiries was the publication in The English Review (December, 1918) of an article by him entitled, “The Delusion of Super- Production,” in which he attempted to demonstrate the falsity of the proposition being advanced from all quarters after the war that the key to achieving peace-time economic stability and prosperity lay in substantially increasing manufactures. Douglas argued to the contrary: he contended that, so long as existing financial provisions were retained, such productive activity would merely aggravate a technical problem which would eventually inflict a severe economic reckoning on the population. Subsequent events proved in dramatic fashion the soundness of his prediction.

After the publication of “The Delusion of Super-Production” Douglas devoted an increasing amount of time to consideration of economic issues. Nearly forty years of age, he wrote Economic Democracy, the first of numerous books. So condensed and unfamiliar were the ideas expressed in this work that it required a whole series of even longer volumes to clarify his analyses and his proposals. Although steeped in a profound philosophy, these early works were primarily concerned with economic propositions. Later—during the 1930’s and 1940’s—Douglas turned his attention towards politics and the problem of how successfully to implement his principles.

However distinguished by consistency and precision of expression Douglas’s writings may be, what is most impressive about them is the amazing way in which their author is able to cut through misconceptions, irrelevancies and emotionalism to the core of problems. In this regard, Douglas was unquestionably gifted with a singular clairvoyance.

Included as highlights in his career as an economist were his testimony at the Canadian Parliamentary inquiry into Banking and Commerce in 1923, his delivery of a paper at the World Engineering Congress in Tokyo in 1929, and his statement of evidence before the Macmillan Committee (of Great Britain) on Finance and Industry in 1930. During an immensely successful world tour, beginning in 1933, Douglas addressed enormous crowds in Australia and New Zealand, where he also testified before a Parliamentary Committee on Banking. In Western Canada he gave evidence before the Agricultural Committee of the Alberta Legislature and, in Ottawa, testified before the Committee on Banking of the Dominion Parliament. Before returning to England in 1934, Douglas proceeded to the United States where he was guest of honour in Washington at a supper for Senators and Congressmen arranged by Senator Bronson Cutting. In 1935, at the invitation of King Haakon of Norway, he addressed the King and the members of a merchants’ club in Oslo.

Some indication of Douglas’s stature as an economist can be obtained from the tribute paid him by the brilliant English editor and economist, A. R. Orage. “His knowledge of economics was extraordinary,” wrote Orage, “and from our very first conversation everything he said concerning finance in its relation to industry—and, indeed, to industrial civilization as a whole—gave me the impression of a master-mind perfectly informed upon its special subject; after years of the closest association with him, my first impression has only been intensified. In the score of interviews we had together with Bankers, Professors of Economics, Politicians and Businessmen, I never saw him so much as at a moment’s loss of complete mastery of his subject. Among no matter what experts he made them look and talk like children.”

Beside the fact of his unusual intellect, do we know anything of Douglas’s character? Better to appreciate that, it is desirable to quote at some length from another writer, L. D. Byrne, who was not only a keen student of Douglas’s thought, but also his personal friend:

“Notwithstanding a mental stature unusual in any society, Douglas’s outstanding characteristic was a profound humility—a humility which was reflected in his writings and in his life. This is the one quality which set him apart from his contemporaries and ensured him a lasting place with the truly great men in the annals of human endeavour. Where others viewed the world in terms of mankind’s struggles and achievements, and society as the creature of man’s brain and behaviour, with the realism of the engineer and the penetrating spirituality of a Mediaeval theologian, Douglas saw the Universe as an integrated unity centred in its Creator and subject to His Law.

“It was the basis of Douglas’s philosophy, of which Social Credit is the policy, that there is running through the warp and woof of the Universe the Law of Righteousness—Divine Law—which he termed ‘The Canon.’ Just as the stars in their courses, the electron in relation to the proton and the behaviour of light are obedient to it, so all Life is governed by the Canon. Because of the higher  intelligence and free-will accorded to him, Man cannot rely on instinct to guide him in his adherence to the Canon. He must seek it actively, and to the extent that he finds it and conforms to it, he will achieve harmony with the Universe and his Creator. Conversely, to the degree that he ignores the operations of the Canon and flouts it, he will bring disaster upon himself. (emphasis-ed)

“It was inherent in Douglas’s writings that he viewed society as something partaking of the nature of an organism which could ‘have life and life more abundant’ to the extent it was God-centred and obedient to His Canon. Such a social organism would be the corporate expression of the lives and relationships of its component individuals. Within it, the sovereignty of ‘God the creator of all things visible and invisible’ being absolute, there must be full recognition of the sanctity of human personality, and, therefore, of the individual person as free to live his life and, within the body social, to enter into or contract out of such associations with others as, with responsibility to his Creator, he may choose.  And no person may deny to another this relationship to God and his fellow men without committing sacrilege.” (emphasis-ed)

Surely, reading this passage, we can sense the character of Douglas and the scope and depth of his philosophy.

The man died in 1952. 

What seems amazing is the extent to which Douglas’s thought has been simply ignored. In spite of his having been one of the most talented writers and brilliant critics of the Twentieth Century, one can scarcely find a mention of him in decades of indices to the London Times. And today, while their shelves are filled with tomes on the obsolete and hate-filled doctrines of Karl Marx, booksellers refuse to display the works of Douglas, whose philosophy, respectful of the individual, held promise of achieving social harmony and whose policy was to make the vast productive potential of modern industrial nations serve rather than dominate man, to give him economic security accompanied by greater freedom to exercise his initiative and develop his personality. Douglas maintained that his proposals would produce these results—and no one ever succeeded in seriously refuting his claim.


State-owned Chinese company buys John Holland - key provider for Defence Department in construction in $1.15b deal

John Holland is the Defence Department’s key provider of construction services, with contracts of about $570 million in 2014, according to the Australian Defence Magazine,which releases an annual report on defence contractors.

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THE CULTIVATION OF HISTORY by Hewlett Edwards - The Fig Tree 1954

There is a saying among the south sea islanders: Know the roots and you will know the tree.
Know the tree and behold! It will answer to your cultivation.

History is the endless record of experiments; a series that cannot be broken and of which there is never complete specification nor adequate separation from a multiplicity of similar operations.
The movement of events cannot be arrested for examination and analysis, history shows and must show approximation upon approximation. Within itself each event appears to be complete and completed, it cannot be undone; but, as a part of a series which is one whole, what is so indeterminate as an isolated event? It seems conclusive, yet it is always moving on to fresh conclusions.

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The Rules of the Universe Transcend Human Thinking by Betty Luks

My ego received some rather large dents when a couple of loyal readers contacted the editor complaining OnTarget for that week was ‘boring’.  After knocking a few of the dents out and recovering some semblance of equilibrium I thought a good deal about the matter and thought that I failed to get my message across as was intended.  So here goes… again.

The response is based upon an article which appeared in the OT Christmass issue of December 2004.

In “Releasing Reality” Eric Butler writes:
“One of the most illuminating statements made by C.H. Douglas, one which reveals his proper humility in the search for Truth, was that the rules of the Universe transcend human thinking, and that if the individual wished to live in a world of harmony, he should make every endeavour to discover those rules and obey them.”

It comes as a bit of a shock when one realises that at the last judgement Christ will judge us, not by our great exploits, not by our great ‘faith’ or ‘belief,’ not even for the number of convert ‘scalps’ we have ‘chalked up’, -- but by how we have treated our fellow man:
I was hungry and you fed me; thirsty and you gave me drink; a stranger and you took me in; in prison and you visited me… Inasmuch as you did it unto one of the least of my brethren you did it unto Me.” Matthew 25.37.

One could say that has always been God’s purpose and policy for the ‘fruits of the earth’. His provisions are there to feed and clothe and house mankind. Put simply they are a means to sustain and maintain Life. 

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Andrew Bolt's Blog:  "This is a political disaster. True, the buck should stop with the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and the Turnbull Government is not directly involved in the managed of this. Yet it will wear the political responsibility, and the price will be high."

Seems to me there are just too many bureaucrats running these systems.  Lots of theories but not much practical experience.

Reminds me of C.H. Douglas's comments on the International Bankers who think they can run the whole world:
Just because they deal in huge numbers within the banking system - they think they have the expertise to direct and run the whole world's other systems.

Reminds me of the joke about God giving this fellow permission to run the natural world for a year.  The fellow got everything right - except accounting for the wind.

Without the wind blowing the pollen and pollinating the flowers the trees did not bear fruit.  And guess what - no food to eat!

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Readers can be forgiven for mistaking Lady Susan Renouf with Lady Michele Renouf. It was in July of this year that socialite Lady Susan Renouf died of ovarian cancer at the age of 74 years. If one followed only the history/politics columns of the mainstream newspapers, one could be forgiven for mistaking this Lady Renouf with the second Lady Renouf known to Holocaust revisionists as a defender of free speech.

According to Wikipedia:
Susan, Lady Renouf : Born Susan Rossiter, 15 July 1942, Died 15 July 2016 (aged 74).
Her spouses were: Andrew Peacock (1963-1978, 3 children)
Robert Sangster (1978-1985)
Frank Renouf (1985-1998?, divorced)…

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Politicians Only Yield to Pressure

Australian people are having their debates and discussions stifled by the threat from the 'NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal for Homosexual Vilification' and the 'Racial Discrimination Act Section 18c' on several important political issues that will affect many generations to come: 'national security', 'immigration', the 'definition of marriage' and 'Aboriginal recognition in the constitution'. Paul Coleman in his book 'Censored: How European "Hate Speech" Laws are Threatening Freedom of Speech' shows the threat to free speech is not limited to locally grown authoritarians, but all the way up the halls of power.

Several important articles in the media report the problem of stifled debate.

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An anonymous correspondent has asked just who did the On Target journal refer to in its Vol.52 No.25 article “The Big Lies and the Long-Term Goals”.  As the article also referred to Josef Goebbels, Hitler’s “minister for public enlightenment and propaganda” one would have expected most readers to link such references to any and all such people and groups in this day and age.
In the 21st century such people and groups are not known as “ministers (with their hired underlings) for public enlightenment and propaganda”, they are now known as ‘spin doctors’ or ‘PR’ men (and women).  
In a recent conversation between Jonas E. Alexis & Vladislav Krasnov* (, it was disclosed the German magazine Spiegel once posed this dilemma to Solzhenitsyn:
“Your recent two-volume work “200 Years Together” was an attempt to overcome a taboo against discussing the common history of Russians and Jews. These two volumes have provoked mainly perplexity in the West. You say the Jews are the leading force of global capital and they are among the foremost destroyers of the bourgeoisie. Are we to conclude from your rich array of sources that the Jews carry more responsibility than others for the failed Soviet experiment?”
Solzhenitsyn responded:
“I avoid exactly that which your question implies: I do not call for any sort of scorekeeping or comparisons between the moral responsibility of one people or another; moreover, I completely exclude the notion of responsibility of one nation towards another. All I am calling for is self-reflection.”
Jonas Alexis asked Vladislav Krasnov: What is your take on the book?

Krasnov: I think Solzhenitsyn is absolutely right in saying that the book is not about “scorekeeping.” Its driving force is more akin to the program of “Truth and Reconciliation” that was implemented in South Africa after the end of the apartheid rule there. As to whether Solzhenitsyn is fair to the Jews, there is enough blame to go around for people of all nationalities and ethnic groups who participated in the Bolshevik Revolution, both inside Russia and abroad, including the USA. Again, the book is not about blaming but about understanding what had happened in order to avoid repeating the mistake.
Jonas Alexis - I would like to quote Solzhenitsyn:
“Every people must answer morally for all of its past — including that past which is shameful. Answer by what means? By attempting to comprehend: How could such a thing have been allowed? Where in all this is our error? And could it happen again?
“It is in that spirit, specifically, that it would behoove the Jewish people to answer, both for the revolutionary cutthroats and the ranks willing to serve them. Not to answer before other peoples, but to oneself, to one’s consciousness, and before God. Just as we Russians must answer — for the pogroms, for those merciless arsonist peasants, for those crazed revolutionary soldiers, for those savage sailors.”
This is indeed a brilliant answer to a thorny question. This is what makes Solzhenitsyn different from other writers in the twentieth century because he always brings a moral dimension to thorny issues. Would you not agree?

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The Law of Love

A favourite pastime of having to travel somewhere, is travelling through the countryside, rather than the city to get there.
As we recently drove through the meandering country roads, numerous times we needed to pass bike riders. At times there were double lines in the middle of the road designating crossing the lines was illegal, however the law has changed. Crossing these lines (in a safe manner) is now permitted whilst passing bike riders in order to ensure a safe distance is kept from the rider at all times.

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(presented as found without comment-ed)

Affordable Energy - Climate Science


Climate change has and will continue to be used as a political agenda by politicians and self interest groups or individuals for their own gain. We cannot allow scare mongering by people such as Tim Flannery, who make outlandish statements and are not held accountable. Climate change should not be about making money for a lot of people and giving scientists money. Lets know the facts and scientific evidence to make a well informed decision as to how best to look after our environment. 

Paying a carbon tax or an Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is not going to wave a magic wand and stop nature changing the climate change. It will only make it harder for Australian families and businesses to make ends meet. We can address real environmental issues with legislation. Hitting struggling families and businesses with another tax has been designed to make some people a lot of money. Don't allow yourself to be misled.