Mexico’s Wall; the West’s Open Borders By Charles Taylor

     As we all know, Trump’s proposed wall, which he never intends to build, has become the new Vietnam War symbol for a spoilt generation with too much time and money on their hands. Hollywood monsters and freaks,  arise to outdo themselves in poor acting to show fake  outrage, always looking to see how their performance goes down with their degenerate peers. But, who should pay attention to people who make money pretending to be somebody they are not? Isn’t that a paradigm case of mental illness?  For all of this sound and fury, especially from Mexico who consider it their divine right to conquer the United States by illegal immigration, Mexico is building its own wall:

“No shortage of Mexican officials and citizens have also been critical of POTUS Trump’s promises to prosecute all illegal border crossers and to build a “big, beautiful fence” all along the U.S. southwest border. Mexico’s newly-elected president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, or AMLO, was also critical of the border wall. Yet now he’s committed to building a virtual border wall, so to speak, along his country’s southern and northern borders. You can’t make this stuff up. In an interview with Bloomberg, AMLO’s incoming security chief, Alfonso Durazo, said he and his boss will be building a new border police force aimed at interdicting illegal immigrants from Central and South America that have long used Mexico as a land corridor to the United States. The idea is that the new force will act as a ‘wall’ to prevent illegal immigration, as well as drugs, weapons, and human trafficking into and through Mexico. “We’re going to create a border police force that will be highly specialized,” Durazo said in an interview. “They need to apply the law.” Yes, Left-wing America, even Mexico has laws against illegal immigration. Go figure.”

     The short of the long is, that any country that wants to survive needs border security. Otherwise, why should anyone slave away working to support a system that does not support you? 



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