Above the Law By Peter West

     Another example of how diversity is working in Australia, to produce … sheer magic, splendour … I need to dry the tears of joy from my eyes …

“A religious leader accused of illegal land clearing on a rural property used for religious prayer has claimed a Western Sydney council is infringing on his group’s religious freedoms by pursuing him over the allegations. Hawkesbury City Council has launched civil action against Dr Mustapha Kara-Ali and Diaa Kara-Ali in the Land and Environment Court, alleging they carried out illegal land clearing, earthworks and built gates, fences and driveways without seeking any of the relevant development approvals at a property in Colo, in Sydney’s north west. Mustapha Kara-Ali, a former member of then Prime Minister John Howard’s Muslim Community Reference Group and past postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University, is the Imam of religious guild Diwan Al Dawla. A letter he wrote to a council staff member, filed in the court documents, says the members of the guild live “separated from secular lifestyles to pursue a religious mode of worship and an ascetic lifestyle under an oath of self-sacrifice and dedication to the purposes of Diwan Al Dawla”.

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Praise God for “Toxic Masculinity” By Mrs Vera West

     The left, especially the feminist wing, enjoys demonising masculinity. For many academics in the Arts, it is their career, enabling them to get tax payer funded grants, and to write papers vilifying men, again on tax payers’ money, especially the men they vilify. This is known as digging one’s own grave.

     The above video by a pretty young lass puts the case that “toxic masculinity” is not solved by eliminating masculinity, but by producing better masculinity. Aggression and competition cannot be eradicated from men, without destroying them, and the quest for egalitarianism has led to numerous social problems, such as the flight of the father from homes, with children ultimately facing increased risks of depression and unemployment. The take home message is one dear to us, that we need more and better masculinity, not less. Along the same lines, we also need women to be real women too.

Letter to The Editor - In a time of gross cultural confusion we need prophets, not a rushed election

To The Age          Your editorial claim ("In national interest, let the people vote", 22/8) that Peter Dutton's "pitch is based on fear, not policy vision" implies that a responsible statesman cannot reasonably be motivated by both at the same time. He is, in fact, an intelligent and dynamic conservative who rightly fears that the political order of Australia is being steadily subverted by foolish idealists, the end result of such decline being likely to be submission to external nations, notably China, and a disastrous drop in the standard of living and quality of life for most Australians. For a century or more in our land the Left and the Right have been at war with each other. Now that war runs right down the middle of the Liberal Party. Nationally the Left is close to gaining power and radically changing the whole nature of our political order for the worse. In a time of gross cultural confusion we need prophets, not a rushed election.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Britain and South African White Genocide By Peter West

     With South Africa moving to steal the land of white farmers, the rest of the West is doing nothing. Well, no, not exactly, for Britain has come out and backed South Africa’s actions.

“Theresa May’s government appears to be backing the Soviet-style policy of “land expropriation without compensation” aimed at dispossessing South Africa’s white farmers. Breitbart London has seen a letter written by Harriet Baldwin MP, Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), to Sir Paul Beresford MP, who enquired what the government’s stance on the policy was on behalf of a concerned constituent. “The British government understands the need for land reform in South Africa”, Baldwinasserted, adding that they “welcomed” promises from President Cyril Ramaphosa that “the process of land [re]distribution would be orderly within South African laws” and be carried out “without negatively affecting economic growth, agricultural production and food security”. In a follow-up email to the constituent from the Africa Department (Central and Southern) of the FCO, also seen by Breitbart London and confirmed as “reflect[ing] Government policy on this issue” by the FCO newsdesk, the department confirms Theresa May is satisfied with having been told that “[the] process would be taken forward on a multi-party basis, through Parliament, and… within the bounds of the Constitution and carefully designed so as to avoid damaging food security or deterring investment”.

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Letter to The Editor - Recognition of the special place" of our indigenous peoples must distinguish clearly

To The Australian          It is a step in the right direction for our five former and current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social justice commissioners to have admitted that a national indigenous representative voice could be established without any change to the Constitution ("MPs told to get the job done on recognition", 22/8). Perhaps such a voice should also be self-funded rather than propped up by all the rest of us through government grants. Advocacy of "some form of recognition of the special place" of our indigenous peoples must distinguish clearly between affirmation of their past culture and history, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, definition of the status of their presently living members who must first be loyal Australians, honouring Queen and flag, and not would-be separatists misusing "land rights", ceremonial greetings at public occasions and an unnecessary and spurious flag.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Is it Time for the Man Burka? By Mrs Vera West

     Feminists and the Establishment support gender equality, and multiculturalism. Ok, then how about men wearing the burka …  is there any problem with this? A British man found out that there were problems a plenty:

“Joshua Winston – Where did the inspiration for the video come from?
Michael – I had been in a Facebook argument with some people about the niqab and faces being covered. I felt I had to make  a statement and do something about it. Either everyone gets to cover their face or no one does. It’s not just about niqabs and crash helmets. It’s about safety and security. There were also no signs outside of the bank saying that people with covered faces couldn’t enter, and yet I was tackled by the manageress.

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When Google Dies? By Brian Simpson

     Metaphorically speaking of course, and to introduce the topic of the end of Google, which I like to doodle as “Gooooooooogle,” as far-fetched as that now sounds.

“American thinker and economist George Gilder joined Breitbart News Daily this week to discuss his book Life After Google, which makes the case that the big data era led by companies like Google is coming to an end. Gilder started by explaining why the Google model cannot last forever. “Their great mistake is addressing the issue of security successfully. One of the reasons for free is because nobody wants to steal free stuff. So the burdens on security for the network are greatly diminished,” Gilder argued. “A free model doesn’t really teach you. Capitalism is based on markets and prices and relationships with customers who you have to serve and who have rights. This is how capitalist progress works.”

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Millennial Idealists Get Murdered: Not All Humans are “Kind” By Richard Miller

     It is poor taste to laugh or even be smug about other peoples’ misfortunes, even if they are stupid. Thus I never watch those so called comedy video shows which typically have people having accidents. They may not die, but often get hurt. I don’t see human misery as a joking matter. Nevertheless that does not mean that we cannot deduce lessons of life from the stupid things that some people have done, especially liberals who have a deeply flawed idealistic view of the world.

“Evil is a make-believe concept we’ve invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans.” An idealistic young American couple was killed in an Islamic State-claimed terrorist attack last month while on a cycling trip around the world. Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan, both 29, last year quit their office jobs in Washington, DC, to embark on the journey. Austin, who worked for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Geoghegan, who worked in the Georgetown University admissions office, decided that they’re were wasting their lives working.

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The Torture of Tommy Robinson By Richard Miller

     Conservatives need to understand that it is not a mere question of opposing some powerful Left fringe group, but rather, that the cultural Marxist pathology has now infected whole societies. For example, we may write profound pieces about the utter splendour of the legal system, but the reality is, that in countries like Britain, the system has become as tyrannical as anything that existed in the USSR. Certainly, things are not at the same scale of oppression as was seen when the USSR was at its full power, but all the pieces for such a system are now in place. The ideology of globalism and multicult-immigrationism, has updated old style Marxist-Leninism, merely bringing these demonic doctrines to the full gestation:

“In his first TV since being released from jail, Tommy Robinson told FOX News' Tucker Carlson about the conditions he suffered in a prison he likened to "Guantanamo Bay," notably how he could not open his prison cell windows because "excrement and spit" would be put through them. Robinson told Carlson he was put in the prison with the largest number of Muslim inmates in the U.K. after committing "contempt of court" by broadcasting a Facebook Live video of his commentary on the trial of a sexual grooming gang. The trial had "reporting restrictions."

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Why Is There This Press Bias On A Matter Of National Importance? By Nigel Jackson

     ‘The Age’ newspaper in Melbourne seems unwilling to publish any submission (letter or opinion piece) opposed to ‘indigenous’ constitutional recognition and/or the signing of a treaty. Is it afraid that the case against such change is too persuasive?

     On 14th July 2018 The Age published an opinion piece by well-known and very successful author Stephanie Dowrick entitled ‘Scandal at our nation’s heart’. It concerned alleged mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders by contemporary Australia. I at once submitted the letter below to the Letters Editor.

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Drought Proofing a Dry Continent By Viv Forbes (and friends)

     Earth is a blue watery planet. 70% of its surface is covered by oceans of salt water, some of which are extremely deep. These oceans contain about 97% of Earth’s water. Another 2% is locked up in snow, ice caps and glaciers. That leaves just 1% of Earth’s surface water in inland seas, lakes, rivers and dams. We have plenty of water, but not much to drink. In addition to these vast surface water supplies, water vapour is the fourth most abundant gas in the atmosphere, after nitrogen (76%), oxygen (21%) and Argon (1%). Moisture in the atmosphere varies from almost zero over deserts and ice caps up to 4% over the wet tropics. (Carbon dioxide is a miniscule 0.04%).

     Then there are the large and unmeasured supplies of hidden underground water – “renewable” water from rain soaking into alluvial sands and gravels; artesian water in deeper permeable rocks; hydro-thermal water associated with volcanic and igneous activity; and primary water originating deep in Earth’s crust which feeds many natural springs and is sometimes discovered in unexpected places in very large quantities. With this abundance of water, why do humans ever find themselves short of fresh water? Three reasons – insufficient water is conserved when it is abundant, too much water is wasted, and power costs make desalination unattractive.

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Christians Need Not Apply By James Reed

     First things first:

“The British government has admitted that no Christians were taken among the Syrian refugees flown into Britain recently, with the Home Office rejected the handful of non-Muslims selected for resettlement by the United Nations. Despite the persecution of Christians at the hands of Islamic extremists in Syria having been declared genocide by the U.S., the European Union (EU) and even British MPs themselves in a 2016 parliamentary vote, the 1,112 Syrians that Britain resettled in the first three months of 2018 consisted only of Muslims. The Barnabas Fund, an aid agency which supports Christians persecuted for their faith, obtained the figures via Freedom of Information requests after “a protracted tussle with the Home Office”, The Sunday Times reports."

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Hollywood Imploding? Or Just Licking its Wounds? By Chris Knight

     Hollywood has faced a challenge where some high fliers have been outed for making paedophilic jokes and remarks. That though has not disturbed the actors, who, unlike the ME Tooism hysteria, seem to have got behind the freakos that have made the remarks, demanding that said freakos be put right back in the driver’s seat:

     It is hypothesised that Hollywood will attempt to ride this one out, because the sexual exploitation of women is one thing, but the kiddy thing is just too much to deal with. Hence, soon, we will see the silence treatment, as the Dark Lords become more careful in one-line forums about their dark thoughts and fantasies. Far better to pump all of this, in various toxic forms, into film:

Let’s Not Forget Socialist New Zealand. Who? By James Reed

     A big hello to all our friends in socialist New Zealand, who face the same struggles which we do here. We have big Australia Mal, and you have the incumbent Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, leader of the New Zealand Labour Party,  who took office on 26 October 2017, and  is currently on maternity leave, and accordingly, Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters has become  Acting Prime Minister on 21 June 2018. I do not know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. We still are finding socialist absurdities such as this:

“New Zealand’s most violent and disturbed inmates will soon be able to walk on real grass, take sun baths and practise yoga in their cells as the country opens its first “humane” prison for maximum-security offenders. The NZ$300m prison has just been completed on the outskirts of Auckland and, when it opens, will be the only specialist facility for maximum- and high-security male prisoners in the country. The prison has been designed to operate as a “de facto mental health unit” as the number of mentally ill incarcerated men continues to soar.  New Zealand has one of the highest incarceration rates in the developed world, with Māori people accounting for more than 50% of all prisoners, despite representing only 15% of the overall population. Some 90% of prisoners have a life-long diagnosis of mental illness or addiction.

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Meat and Masculinity By John Steele

     Ha! I just knew it; eating meat is what red-blooded hairy chested men like me do, and it makes us sexy too, which explains my ever-popularity with the masses of women who also live hermit lives in make-do tents out in the wilderness of Victoria:

“Past research has highlighted links between meat consumption and masculine gender role norms such that meat consumers are generally attributed more masculine traits than their vegetable-consuming counterparts. However, the direct link between gender roles and men’s food choices has been somewhat neglected in the literature. Three studies conducted in Italy investigated this link between meat and masculinity. Studies 1 and 2 analyzed female mating preference for vegetarian and omnivorous partners, confirming that women preferred omnivorous men (Study 1 and 2), rated them as more attractive (Study 1 and 2), and felt more positive about them (Study 1) than vegetarians. Moreover Study 2 showed that the attribution of masculinity mediated this relationship, such that vegetarian men were considered less attractive because they were perceived as less masculine. Study 3 tested the relationship between the endorsement of food-related gender norms and food choices in a sample of Italian men. The results showed that men who perceived vegetarianism as feminine preferred meat-based dishes for themselves and expected their female partners to choose vegetarian dishes. Together, these findings show that gender role norms prescribing that men eat meat are actively maintained by both women and men and do in fact guide men’s food choices.”

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North Korea: The Missiles Remain the Same By James Reed

     If it sounds too good to be true, simply infer that things are always worse than one thought, because Murphy’s law rules the universe. Take North Korea, which many optimists thought had moved away from an agenda of destroying the universe to one of allowing its people to eat more than bark, graduating to grass. No, missiles are back on the menu boys:

“U.S. spy agencies are seeing signs that North Korea is constructing new missiles at a factory that produced the country’s first intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the United States, according to officials familiar with the intelligence. Newly obtained evidence, including satellite photos taken in recent weeks, indicates that work is underway on at least one and possibly two liquid-fueled ICBMs at a large research facility in Sanumdong, on the outskirts of Pyongyang, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe classified intelligence. The findings are the latest to show ongoing activity inside North Korea’s nuclear and missile facilities at a time when the country’s leaders are engaged in arms talks with the United States. The new intelligence does not suggest an expansion of North Korea’s capabilities but shows that work on advanced weapons is continuing weeks after President Trump declared in a Twitter posting that Pyongyang was “no longer a Nuclear Threat.”

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Letter to The Editor - Please do not approve the proposal to abolish the recitation of the Lord's Prayer from Parliament

To THE SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE ON PROCEDURE c/- Mr Richard Pye, Clerk of the Senate, Parliament House, Canberra

     Please do not approve the proposal to abolish the recitation of the Lord's Prayer from Parliament. My reasons are as follows:

(1) Most Australians are followers of a sacred tradition, though not all of these followers are adherents of Christianity. Therefore, Parliamentary proceedings are better commenced with a reading of this prayer than no reading.
(2) The text of the prayer is very inclusive. Although said to be a prayer used by Jesus, its origins are lost in the mists of the far past. It is a prayer that adherents of other faiths can participate in in good conscience. The prayer is a key part of Christian liturgy, but its text is not specifically Christian.
(3) The reading of the prayer does not in any way harm those who are atheists or agnostics; but it certainly encourages believers to do good rather than ill. It is thus in the national interest for it to be read.
(4) Contrary to so-called scientific claims, the universe and human existence remain profound mysteries. A people is wise to bow its collective head to the Invisible and Inscrutable even if unable to comprehend fully its nature. This is particularly so for parliaments, which represent peoples.
(5) The sentiments of the prayer are entirely admirable and would have the support of the great majority of Australians.

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Talk about Being Hoisted by One’s Own … Whatever By Mrs Vera West

We are seeing by the way paradoxes unfold the multiculturally diverse, gender fluid society beginning to implode. There can be no answer to such issues within the system as it exists:

“Zander Keig “was an outspoken radical feminist” prior to transitioning into a male and “spoke up often, loudly and with confidence,” the Washington Post reported. Then Keig made the transition — and life hasn’t always been easy being seen as a male. “When I speak up now, I am often given the direct or indirect message that I am ‘mansplaining,’ ‘taking up too much space’ or ‘asserting my white male heterosexual privilege,’” Keig, 52, told the paper. “Never mind that I am a first-generation Mexican American, a transsexual man, and married to the same woman I was with prior to my transition.” Keig — a Coast Guard veteran and now a licensed clinical social worker at Naval Medical Center San Diego — told the Post that workplace suggestions that angry or violent male patients were suffering from trauma or depression were often “dismissed or outright challenged. The overarching theme was ‘men are violent’ and there was ‘no excuse’ for their actions.” Keig added to the paper there has been a “significant reduction in friendliness and kindness now extended to me in public spaces. It now feels as though I am on my own: No one, outside of family and close friends, is paying any attention to my well-being.”

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The Fading of the City of Lights By Richard Miller

     Britain knows the score, having been well trained by its elites; but perhaps France is just a little behind, and needs some catching up:

“A trio of French soldiers on leave was arrested and face prosecution after they intervened to help a woman who was being robbed by a youth on the streets of Paris. The soldiers, who were said to have been drinking at the time, came across a woman in distress as she was being robbed of her mobile phone in Paris’s Saint-Ambroise metro station early Sunday morning, Le Parisien reports. The men, aged between 21 and 24, ran after the thief and caught up to him near the Boulevard Voltaire in the 11th arrondissement and confronted him. A source close to the investigation said the men attempted to retrieve the woman’s property but were met with resistance from the young man and a fight ensued. In the scuffle, the teen, who was found without any identification papers or an address, had one of his teeth chipped by one of the soldiers. Following an investigation by the Railway Network Squad (BRF), the three soldiers and the youth were arrested. “At the public prosecutor’s office, they did not agree on what to do,” a source close to the investigation said and added: “Some wanted to give them up to the military. Finally, a prosecutor’s assistant decided to prosecute the soldiers.”

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The Luxury of Living in Cars By Uncle Len, the Immobile

     Living in a shed, I have always been envious of my fellow homeless people who live in cars. Sure, you can’t get up and walk around, as one car liver said to me (someone living in a car, not his actual “liver”), but you can drive away, while this is a little difficult to do with a shed, but where there is a will there is a way.

“As the gap between the rich and the poor continues to increase, the middle class is steadily eroding.  In fact, I recently gave my readers 15 signs that the middle class in America is being systematically destroyed.  More Americans are falling out of the middle class and into poverty with each passing day, and this is one of the big reasons why the number of homeless is surging.  For example, the number of people living on the street in L.A. has shot up 75 percent over the last 6 years.  But of course L.A. is far from alone.  Other major cities on the west coast are facing similar problems, and that includes Seattle.  It turns out that the Emerald City has seen a 46 percent rise in the number of people sleeping in their vehicles in just the past year…

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