Letter to The Editor - In a long history that begins with the wisdom of Prince Alfred and the signing of Magna Carta
To The Age Yes, the British people have indeed reached a turning point ("Brexit election puts UK at historic crossroads", 2/11). However, it is nonsense to suggest that there is any danger of the UK "turning the English Channel into a new Berlin Wall." It is rather a question of whether, collectively, the British people have the insight and the nerve to avoid being further imprisoned within an EU that is busy, as the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights show, in erecting new walls to keep out traditional freedoms that have been rightly cherished by Britons in a long history that begins with the wisdom of Prince Alfred and the signing of Magna Carta. And remember, an entirely independent UK after a successful and genuine Brexit can still participate in European culture and trade with the peoples of Europe.
Nigel Jackson, Belgrave