Stealing the First White Farms By Peter Ewer

     Following on from the news that the anarcho-tyrannical British government supported the new South African laws allowing White farms to be stolen (no compensation), comes the news that the Black south African government is moving ahead with its white genocide program. Yes, let’s have equality here; if this was by whites in history, academic elites called it ‘genocide’ so by parity of  reason, so should we.

“Government has begun unilaterally expropriating farms against which land claims have been lodged and where price negotiations with owners have stalled. Two game farms in Limpopo appear to be the first properties that will be expropriated without following a court process. The owners, who dispute the validity of the land claims lodged against their property, want R200m for the land, while government has offered them R20m. A letter written to Akkerland Boerdery, owners of a luxury hunting farm in Makhado in Limpopo, read in part: “Notice is hereby given that a terrain inspection will be held on the farms on April 5 2018 at 10am in order to conduct an audit of the assets and a handover of the farm’s keys to the state.” Mashile Mokono, head of the land reform office in the ministry of rural development and land reform, told City Press’ sister newspaper, Rapport, that the minister was committed to speeding up land reform. Mokono said that just this past week, Land Reform Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane signed another two final orders for expropriation in terms of section 42E of the Restitution of Land Rights Act, where negotiations have become deadlocked.

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The Great Liberal/Left Death Wish By James Reed

      A classic essay that should be re-read, from time to time, is “The Great Liberal Death Wish,” by Christian journalist Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990). Muggeridge took a stand against the idolisation of the Soviet Union when the USSR was high on the pop charts of the decadent Left, and he lost his job for it. But he did not back down. Here is a typical hard hitting statement from him:

“So the final conclusion would surely be that whereas other civilizations have been brought down by attacks of barbarians from without, ours had the unique distinction of training its own destroyers at its own educational institutions, and then providing them with facilities for propagating their destructive ideology far and wide, all at the public expense. Thus did Western Man decide to abolish himself, creating his own boredom out of his own affluence, his own vulnerability out of his own strength, his own impotence out of his own erotomania, himself blowing the trumpet that brought the walls of his own city tumbling down, and having convinced himself that he was too numerous, labored with pill and scalpel and syringe to make himself fewer. Until at last, having educated himself into imbecility, and polluted and drugged himself into stupefaction, he keeled over--a weary, battered old brontosaurus--and became extinct.”

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The Engineered Collapse of Venezuela By Chris Knight

     We have been covering the economic and social collapse of Venezuela, from socialist economics, which has led to events such as children fighting each other with machetes for the better garbage:

     Inflation is so bad that all one can buy for $ 4 million, is a small block of land with a burnt down house on it:

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Ann Coulter: Resistance is Futile! By Peter West

     Queen Ann Coulter has a new book, and we should mention it, since it pursues a theme that has been running through many of the US articles published at, namely, that the Left and progressives are suffering from Trump Hysteria Insanity Syndrome (THIS), causing a form of not foot and mouth disease, but foot in mouth disease. The book by Ann  is entitled, Resistance is Futile: How the Trump-Hating Left Lost its Collective Mind:

     Well, after reading it all, the extract wasn’t actually all that concise, but readers who have been following us know that the Left has been saying all matter of crazy things, being gut-sore that Trump stole the election from crook Hillary. The most amazing thing, is that so  much energy has been put into the “Russians released damaging material from Hillary’s camp,” as if that release is the problem. But, shouldn’t the debate have been about the actual damaging material? It is stunning that Trump did not go harder on this point. How can one steal anything from a crook, and with the level of illegal voting, the election was being stolen from Trump anyway.

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A Cook’s Tour of the Filleting of Mal Turnbull By Louis Cook

     I watched the play-out of Australian politics on TV the last two days with its predictable commentary from the ABC. However, I think it was a well planned event! The policy was ‘Turnbull must go’ and he was deposed, Dutton was never the planned person to replace him but the two who were elected Prime Minister and Deputy in that order. It was a charade played out for the gullible voter! Morrison and Frydenberg emerged as ‘the good guys’. The suspension of the House of Representatives was interesting in the performance of the Opposition they acted like they were goaded by a shit-stick.

     Then the ABC broadcast moved to the Senate around 2 pm ... what a performance by Senator Wong. Labor, in both Houses, were crying “What about the Australian people?” Well, blow be down, do they really care?!
The broadcasting of the Senate opened the way for Senator Hanson to deliver a ‘serve’ on the ‘self-serving’ antics of both parties. Bravo Pauline! Then Senator Bernadi had his say and it was an indictment of the Liberal Party and why he resigned. He warned much worse was in store for the Australian people in the form of Bill Shorten after the next election. Senator Hinch’s contribution added little value to the debate and after that I turned the telly off.

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The End of Patient Privacy By Charles Taylor

     Big Tech continues to move down the track of it tyrannical freedom-eliminating agenda, with the latest move being their play of seeking hospital and other health data:

“Google parent Alphabet, Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, and have launched a campaign for restrictions on data sharing between hospitals to be dropped. At the Blue Button 2.0 Developer Conference in Washington, D.C., the companies issued a joint statement against patient data sharing restrictions. “We are jointly committed to removing barriers for the adoption of technologies for healthcare interoperability, particularly those that are enabled through the cloud and AI,” the companies declared. “We share the common quest to unlock the potential in healthcare data, to deliver better outcomes at lower costs.” According to CNBC, the companies even proposed building tools “for the health community around a set of common standards for exchanging health information electronically.”    

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Who Speaks of Bias? By James Reed

     Two researchers investigated whether “people’s perceptions of the newsworthiness of events [are] biased by a tendency to rate as more important any news story that seems likely to lead others to share their own political attitudes.” The absolutely ground-shaking conclusion was reached that this was the case. Who would have thought that?

“Are people’s perceptions of the newsworthiness of events biased by a tendency to rate as more important any news story that seems likely to lead others to share their own political attitudes? To assess this, we created six pairs of hypothetical news stories, each describing an event that seemed likely to encourage people to adopt attitudes on the opposite side of a particular controversial issue (e.g. affirmative action and gay marriage). In total, 569 subjects were asked to evaluate the importance of these stories ‘to the readership of a general circulation newspaper’, disregarding how interesting they happened to find the event. Subjects later indicated their own personal attitudes to the underlying political issues. Predicted crossover interactions were confirmed for all six issues. All the interactions took the form of subjects rating stories offering ‘ammunition’ for their own side of the controversial issue as possessing greater intrinsic news importance.”

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The Fall of the Apple Turnover; Second Take By James Reed

     Thank God King Mal Turnbull has fallen. Morrison is marginally better, but the important thing here is that this is a symbolic victory. Turnbull combined the worst elements of the politically correct left and economic decadent right in one power packed package. He was bad on the Republic, big Australia, mass immigration and every other politically correct issue. However, where he excelled, as a liberal, was climate change, which he championed with the passion of a Greenie:

“Though Turnbull is a member of the Liberal party – Australia’s conservatives – his politics are very much at the squishier end of the spectrum. An arch-globalist, nicknamed the Honourable Member for Goldman Sachs (where he was a partner), Turnbull is fairly typical of the centrist, ideology-free conservatives who have tended to make the running in western politics in recent years. Indeed, when he first entered politics he seriously considered representing Australia’s Labor party (the socialists) rather than the Liberal party (the conservatives). Turnbull did not get off to a good start with Donald Trump. Shortly after the President’s inauguration, the two had a sticky phone conversation in which Trump refused to go along with a plan previously agreed with Obama whereby the U.S. was supposed to accept from Australia up to 2,000 economic migrants (mostly from Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan).

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Alcohol, James, is Dangerous at Any Level By Mrs Vera West

     Opposing alcohol consumption was the key issue that drove the temperance movement across the West, which my other was active in so long ago:

     However, today’s culture is so decadent that trying to curb alcohol consumption in a world where harder drugs circulate more freely than candy is pointless. For the time, the forces of darkness and absolute evil have won, at least the first round, but not yet the entire war.     Still, none of this refutes the original temperance attack on alcohol, that first, it is a moral poison, destroying rational self-control (“getting drunk” is that by definition), and secondly, the health effects, which science now confirms:

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Australia’s 30th Prime Minister - Scott Morrison Can we expect a new era or more of the same?

     Changing political leaders has become quite a frequent exercise during the last decade or so.  Whether it is changing the Prime Minister or Opposition Leader; it has been occurring since the Howard/Peacock swaps right through the Rudd/Gillard scenario.  More recently of course we have witnessed the Turnbull/Abbott/Turnbull case which was followed by the events this week which saw Mr Turnbull replaced by Mr Morrison. During the build up to these occasions, the media has a field day reporting the events including those behind closed doors. Not only do the media attempt to discover which candidate might make the best leader, but friends often ask politically minded people for their opinion.  They ask “What do think about candidate Smith getting the top job?”  Or perhaps, “Do you think candidate Brown would be much better than the present incumbent?”

     Answers include such characteristics as charisma; previous attitude to issues like same-sex marriage; monarchy; immigration taxes and power prices etc. Looking at the record book, we discover that in general there is very little change following a new face at the helm.  Sometimes there is no change at all. Prime Minister Morrison displays a ‘decent bloke’ image but what might we expect under his leadership? Mr Morrison has been a key figure in all the recent Turnbull policies which in many cases have not pleased the community.  Note too, that his Deputy Leader and new Treasurer, Mr Freydenburg has been involved in those outcomes. For Australia to advance to a genuine democracy it must regain its sovereignty.  The first responsibility of a Member of Parliament must be to his electors.  If he is not serving them, we must ask, who is he obeying?

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Now They are Banning Jewish Critics! By Peter Ewer

     My apologies if I am wrong, but I think that the leading critic of radical Islam, Robert Spencer, is Jewish, and the heroic Pam Gellner definitely is. Not that it matters; they do excellent work and tackle issues few others are doing.  But, even so, both of these brave journalists find themselves constantly vilified by the “racist” tag from the radical Left, who are ever eager to defend anything that is even vaguely multicultural. I understand too, that both get numerous death threats. Now the attacks have gone beyond the slur and the death threat, to a direct financial attack:

“Mastercard has reportedly forced funding platform Patreon to kick conservative author and “Jihad Watch” owner Robert Spencer off its site. “My name is April and I’m on the Trust & Safety team here at Patreon. I’ve been notified by Mastercard that we must remove your account from Patreon, effective immediately,” wrote Patreon in an email to Spencer. “Mastercard has a stricter set of rules and regulations than Patreon, and they reserve the right to not offer their services to accounts of their choosing. This is in line with their terms of service, which means it’s something we have to comply by.” “I have paid out your remaining creator balance of $475.22 to you via direct deposit,” the company continued. “I’m sorry for the inconvenience and frustration this might cause.” Yes, I bet you are “sorry.”

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Austria Fights the Deep State By Richard Miller

     The Deep State is deeply concerned, in fact it is working itself up into quite a “deep state,” about problem child Austria, which has been very naughty:

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Will Super Soldiers Keep the Slaves in Line? By Brian Simpson

     Advances in artificial intelligence, and biology are coming together to give military spin offs, as expected. On the horizon are super soldiers, just like Captain America, and even super dogs:

“According to documents from the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), the “primary emphasis of the USSOCOM Biomedical, Human Performance, and Canine Research Program is to identify and develop techniques… for early intervention in life-threatening injuries, prolonged field care, human performance optimization, and canine medicine/performance. The project will allocate $15 million on bio-enhancement studies which could result in soldiers with “enhanced physiological performance” that require a fraction of a normal night’s sleep, as well along with other “human performance optimization,” according to documents from the Defense Department.

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Letter to The Editor - It presents and celebrates as sacred the experience of true, romantic love

To The Age          Jewel Topsfield's otherwise comprehensive discussion of Giselle ("Truly, madly", 18/8) omits two important matters. First of these is Adolphe Adam's inspired music which unmistakably endorses the love relationship between Albrecht and Giselle. Second is the fact that Albrecht, as well as Giselle, is seen as a victim of a world insensitive to the need to honour true love. He is a hero, not a cad. Maina Gielgud is right to emphasise the holy nature of this ballet. It is not merely that it has "connotations of forgiveness and redemption" but that it presents and celebrates as sacred the experience of true, romantic love. Such love is not self-indulgence but a step towards heaven and a heightening of human nature.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Are We All Criminals? By Ian Wilson

     Conservatives are naturally law and order folk, believing in the rule of law, and trying to do the right thing. But, at least for the US, it has been argued that we, the people, are all “criminals,” breaking laws that people do not even know about, as argued by US attorney Harvey Silvergate in his book, Three Felonies a Day (2009).

“If you are an average American, then you are a repeat felon. In his stunning book, Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent (2009), civil-liberties attorney Harvey A. Silverglate estimates that the average person unknowingly breaks at least three criminal laws each and every day. Federal statutes and regulations have become so voluminous and vague that over-reaching prosecutors can target anyone at any time. They may think you are guilty, they could want leverage to force your co-operation, they may be vengeful, or they could be building their own careers; the motives are secondary. What’s primary is the clout and, in this, the federal bureaucracy of the United States now rivals the Soviet Union at the zenith of its power. Even if you are ultimately proven innocent, the ‘vindication’ will come after years of abusive prosecution during which your assets will be frozen, your family interrogated and, perhaps, threatened, your reputation smeared, your life left in shambles.”

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Letter to The Editor - The defence of traditional Australia combined with wise flexibility and alteration at a slow pace

To The Australian          Jennifer Oriel sensibly remarks that, as election time approaches, "the government needs to present a united front" ("Turnbull should go to future-proof his Liberals", 20/8); but how can this be done? A fundamental premise that still remains true is that the Coalition must function as a genuine, whole-hearted compromise between the Centre and the Right, as John Howard has never wearied of saying. Perhaps we need a new, comprehensive statement from the Coalition parliamentarians as a whole as to what are the main issues to be contested at the election and where they stand on these.  Five points in that statement could be as follows.

     (1) The holding of a referendum on the republic proposal only if there is clearly majority popular will for that. (2) The holding of a referendum on indigenous constitutional recognition only if there is clear public support for such. (3) An impartial and even-handed approach to the administration of any referendum. (4) Firm effort to widen the range of free speech while safeguarding the welfare of minorities. (5) Firm defence of Australian sovereignty and independence in the face of UNO and internationalist pressures. (6) An immigration policy that takes account of the wishes of all Australians and the ecology and climate of the continent. In summary: the defence of traditional Australia combined with wise flexibility and alteration at a slow pace. Let the ALP and the Greens then be seen as fools rushing in where angels fear to tread.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

The Drug of Sugar By Mrs Vera West

     I have come to believe that sugar is a drug, something that alters human behaviour, perhaps as dangerous as alcohol, if you are listening James Reed. The evidence for this continues to grow:

“Researchers unveil another alarming negative effect of eating too many foods high in fats and carbohydrates. In a study published in the journal Cell Metabolism, it was revealed that the reward center of the brain started to value and want more foods that contain high amounts of fat and carbohydrates, such as processed foods, than foods containing fat or carbs alone. This study supports the idea that such foods take over the body’s innate signals in regulating food consumption. A team of researchers from Germany, Switzerland, and Canada observed that foods that contain both fats and carbohydrates appear to signal their potential caloric loads to the brain through distinct mechanisms. The study participants accurately estimated calories from fat but were very poor at estimating calories from carbohydrates.”

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Catholicism and the Death Penalty By Peter West

     I have written previously about how the Pope’s present rejection of the death penalty should be acceptable to many, who are otherwise critical of his stance on immigration. But, the death penalty issue is controversial and there has been debates about the morality and theology of this for hundreds of years, with the best Christian minds being divided. It is foolish to deny this, as one Christian I spoke to did (there is no Christian case for the death penalty he said, and it just shows your prejudice!). This controversy continues to the present day:

“A group of 75 Catholic scholars have written an open letter to the cardinals of the Church asking them to intervene to put an end to the “scandal” of Pope Francis’ recent teaching against the death penalty. On August 2, the Vatican press office announced that Pope Francis had amended the Catechism of the Catholic Church regarding capital punishment, declaring it “inadmissible” and saying the Church “works with determination for its abolition worldwide.” In their letter published on August 15 in the journal First Things, the scholars—who include professors of philosophy, theology, law, and history from Catholic institutions around the world—state that God’s Word and the universal magisterium of the Catholic Church have always taught that “criminals may lawfully be put to death by the civil power when this is necessary to preserve just order in civil society.”

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Letter to The Editor - Perhaps the realities of living with a Moslem State within Australia might wake a few sleepy Aussies

     Pauline Hanson has called for Australians to be given a vote on our immigration intake. With good reason according to this story from the Daily Mail in the UK. "Muslim Imam Shaikh Mohammad Tawhidi has warned that an independent state within Australia is the agenda of radicals, according to an upcoming interview on Today Tonight. The Muslim leader, who has openly spoken out against ISIS and extremists,is interviewed on Seven'sToday Tonight and claimed radicals would 'create a country within your country'. The agenda is to create a country within your country, 'Imam Tawhidi told Today Tonight.” Perhaps the realities of living with a Moslem State within Australia might wake a few sleepy Aussies sufficiently to support her lone brave voice.
  David Smith, Inverell, NSW

China is Already at War! By James Reed

     Articles are appearing arguing a point that I have expressed for some time that China is already in war mode. The Pentagon has claimed recently that China is training bomber pilots to hit the US, something that the Chinese have denied, but it only stands to reason that they would be prepared. What does one expect from a super power aiming to be number one and rule the world: throw kisses?

     The CIA, whom we can trust with the family silver, they are so rock solid, just ask old Don Trump, have said that we are already in a cold war:

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