Why Ban Books When You Can Simply Cancel Then? By James Reed

Amazon now is showing why critics of the monopoly concept from Lord Acton to Major Douglas, to Eric Butler, and Arnie Luks, have hit the nail on its rusty head. Amazon has become so big and powerful now, especially due to the Covid-1984 conspiracy, the president-destroying scam, that it just does what it likes, as Big Tech has done, the censoring of a president of the United States is a clear example. Here is a great rundown by Abigail Shrier, whom I know nothing about, detailing this.


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The Holes in the Mask Ideology By Mrs Vera West

Here is a common-sense argument against most Covid-19 masks, that the actual virus is smaller than the holes in the mask, so in principle it can get through. Maybe that intuition lies behind the wearing of multiple masks, but that claim too is in need of scientific evaluation.


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Vitamin C and Stroke Prevention By Mrs Vera West

A recent study has concluded that vitamin C, well known for its immune-support, also aids in preventing strokes.


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The Streets of London … Not Safe for Women at Any Age! By Richard Miller (London)

If you are female, you had better not venture out into the streets of London. This is something of an apocalyptic update on the song, by Ralph McTell, The Streets of London, where poverty was the main worry. Now, it has become a battle for survival.


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The Lunatic Lunar Ark! By Brian Simpson

Scientists, in their absolute wisdom, seeing the writing on the wall for mankind, we suppose, have moved beyond the classic ark seed vault on planet earth, and now are proposing to put one on the moon. Here is the take on this, then I deliver the obvious refutation:


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It’s Women’s Fault!!! By Mrs Vera West

You will not see the White Western feminists jumping up and down about this claim that women are to blame, in some sense, for their rapes!


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Picking a Bone about a Vegan Diet By Mrs Vera West

A study has found that a vegan diet could cause weaker bones:


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BLM Fatigue By Chris Knight

According to a recent poll, only 28 % of Whites believe that George Floyd was murdered. Time has ticked on a bit now, but George Floyd was the excuse for BLM burning, looting, and for some murders of Whites occurring, including one White woman who was killed for saying that all lives matter, but we have heard no more about that case. After all, she was White, and like ex-service woman Ashli Babbitt, who was executed by a Deep State agent on January 6 in the Capitol Building, White lives do not matter in this regime.


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Trump’s Rag Bag Army is Sure Taking its Sweet Time to Invade District of Corruption! By Charles Taylor

The Democrats have required the national guard to remain in the district of corruption for another two months, supposedly to protect those who stole the election from we, the people, seeking justice. Why, that just will not happen and they know it. This deployment of force was never about stopping any insurrection, but a show of force, to keep the plebs in line. In fact, hypothetically, if 70 million people did decide to act, there is not much DC could do anyway, but that is not how the ordinary deplorables of the law and order party operate, so DC is as safe as, well, whatever is safe today, I can’t think of anything at the moment. Oh, yes, as safe as Democrats stealing elections eternally.

Also, if there really was a threat of insurrection, then why keep the grunters there for only three months? Surely, they need to be stationed there for four years, and then, when the 2024 election is stolen, and every other one after that, forever, until this corrupt society crumbles into the dust of history. America becomes South America, then ceases to exist.

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Murdering America By Chris Knight

American Renaissance does a good job in keeping us up to date on the racial and crime statistics. Here is a recent piece on murder in America. The place is falling into Third World, South American levels in some places, and the future decline, unless American red states break away, is that the whole lot will be like this. It is a pitiful way for such a once great nation to end, but that, I suppose, is the nature of collapse.


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When Woke Becomes Tyranny By James Reed

Journalist Piers Morgan questioned the rave by Meghan Markle, which amounted to saying that the Royal family is racist, and since she is multiracial, she must be believed. To doubt this is contrary to the New Multicultural Inquisition.


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Fauci and the Amazing, Incredible, Wuhan Bat Covid Experiments By Mrs Vera West

There is a new book detailing some of the amazing adventures, of Dr Covid mask, Fauci, who really gets around, especially in Chinese viral labs:


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Cancelling the Traditional Family By Mrs Vera West

A very good article by US conservative Michelle Malkin, an American Asian, dissecting how the Left have deconstructed, no, nuked, the traditional nuclear family.


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The Bankruptcy of SCOTUS By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The libtard sites have said: look the US Supreme Court has tossed the election fraud cases, not even hearing them, therefore no election fraud, nothing to see here. But, that assumes a fair Supreme Court, and that is not what we have. At no point was any evidence of fraud examined. The court was motivated by political considerations, as courts are today, ceasing to be objective legal institutions, aiming to not upset the Deep State apple cart, and keep their bunny Biden in, come what may. Even if Biden stacks SCOTUS, and degrades it further, not that he really needs to, they deliver just what the Deep State want. The 2020 Us election clearly showed that the basic intuitions of society have been taken over by a hostile ruling elite, and even the ordinary deplorables should be able to see this now. But, they sit at home, as Trump told them, not even waiting to save their beloved country, a country now long gone.


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The Bankruptcy of SCOTUS By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The libtard sites have said: look the US Supreme Court has tossed the election fraud cases, not even hearing them, therefore no election fraud, nothing to see here. But, that assumes a fair Supreme Court, and that is not what we have. At no point was any evidence of fraud examined. The court was motivated by political considerations, as courts are today, ceasing to be objective legal institutions, aiming to not upset the Deep State apple cart, and keep their bunny Biden in, come what may. Even if Biden stacks SCOTUS, and degrades it further, not that he really needs to, they deliver just what the Deep State want. The 2020 Us election clearly showed that the basic intuitions of society have been taken over by a hostile ruling elite, and even the ordinary deplorables should be able to see this now. But, they sit at home, as Trump told them, not even waiting to save their beloved country, a country now long gone.


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Multicultural Graduation Ceremonies By James Reed

This is how things are handled at Columbia College, USA, and shows how far down the track the agenda is now.


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The Pathological Lies of the Political Class By Chris Knight

On the topic of Democrat degeneracy, this story is getting a bit of dust on it, but is still worth recording for our record; Democrats claimed to be in fear of their lives on January 6 Capitol protests, but some of those screeching were not even in the building. Talk about pathological liars!


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Covid Vax Certificates By Mrs Vera West

Beware of the next Covid-1984 move. While we still have to sign in to numerous places, such as gyms and other venues, the federal government is now uncorking plans for proof of vaccination certificates, which are stored and displayed on one’s smart phone, or as I like to call them, dumb phone. It is only a hop, step and a jump, why not even that, to require such certificates to be a prerequisite for participation in the game of modern Australian life. And for what? This was hardly the new Black Death.


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The Sociopath Society by James Reed

Years ago, before I knew about the Frankfurt School and their part in the Grand conspiracy, as discussed by Professor MacDonald, I read a book by one of the members, Eric Fromm The Sane Society, (1955), which I vaguely recall was arguing that capitalist consumer society was insane. No doubt he had his cultural Marxist agenda too, but there is a more modern case to be made for the insane society, because if any common thread unites the articles we do each day, it is how insane, alienated and oppressive the Left has made the modern world.

One of the results of our diseased system is that sociopaths are selected for to rule and flourish, and these monsters are everywhere today, especially in politics and the corporate world, maybe being one in every 25 people, as documented in the book, The Sociopath Next Door.

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Very Much Not Racist By James Reed

Not much racist, yeah, I like that, Prince William’s response to nasty Markle’s woke temper tantrum. Good king material there I think.


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