Fires Expose Green Folly By Viv Forbes

     Green Folly locked up 11% of Australia in a tinder-box of bushfire fuel, much of which is now burnt or burning. Green Folly closed forest tracks and gates, expelled foresters and timber-workers and prevented property owners from removing flammable fuel from their own land and adjacent roads, parks and forests. Those responsible for these follies should face Class Action. Green Folly promotes electric vehicles but not one fire truck, dozer, water bomber, helicopter, ambulance or naval vessel ran on batteries. They all used hydro-carbon fuels - diesel, petrol or avgas. And with so many power lines down, electric toys could not have recharged their batteries anyway. Green Folly believed that widely scattered wind turbines, solar panels and their spider-webs of transmission lines would continue to produce power in gale-force firestorms and thick smoke. Many will be burnt. Blackouts are inevitable. Green Folly promotes “green” building materials like timber which adds fuel to fires while using fake CO2 scares to denigrate steel and concrete which won’t burn. For decades, Green Folly opposed every new dam proposal and wasted stored water on another Green Folly – “Environmental Flows”. Dams were emptied, farmers suffered, towns ran out of water, food prices increased and some fire-fighting water bombers had to take water from private dams. It was criminal Green Folly that babbled on about “the Climate Emergency” while they sponsored forest conditions that caused agonizing deaths for so many innocents - residents, firefighters, live-stock, koalas and other native animals, birds and insects. Australia cannot afford any more Green Follies. Politicians must stop sacrificing Australians on the Green altar.

The Environment and the Dissent Right By James Reed

     I have been hammering environmentalism in my columns, even though they run across the page, this year, but others from the Dissent Right think that there is a role for environment issues, while I am happy living surrounded by nothing but concrete, which is really a rather sexy substance, once your face hits it enough, from drunk encounters:

“It was not by chance that the modern conservation movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was founded and led by men such as Theodore Roosevelt and Madison Grant who possessed a strong sense of ethnic identity. Although the Left took over the environmental movement by the 1960s, an ecological perspective is inconsistent with the Left’s global universalism whether animated by neo-liberalism or neo-Marxism. Instead, there is a natural congruence between ecology and the particularism of the Dissident Right, an ideology that never loses sight of man as a biological entity belonging to a specific ethny or race requiring certain physical and cultural conditions to survive and thrive. The Dissident Right emerged in opposition to conventional American conservatism that has failed to conserve much of anything. We want to conserve the genetic heritage of our European-American people, the best of our cultural legacy, and the physical environment that promotes our health and wellbeing. Our environmental concerns include both natural ecosystems and the manmade physical and social environments. Humans, with their comparative lack of instincts, need the support of cultural institutions such as stable families, communities, and states. In lieu of innate behaviors Homo sapiens requires the guidance from these institutions for beneficial socialization.

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Feminism and Genocide By Mrs Vera West

     Many here do not like the writings of Affirmative’s Colin Liddell, all that much, but what I have read in his critique of feminism really hits the mark, straight to the point, on target we like to say. Feminism in the West is the philosophy of white genocide, no conspiracy, it is embodied in the ideology, a demographic death camp:

“What happened in the West was simple: Men started hating women, and women started hating children. In other words the natural order, which underpinned our hi-tech society, disintegrated. Women are no longer prepared to sacrifice themselves for children—even the two or three needed to keep things on an even keel—and men are no longer willing to sacrifice themselves for such women, especially when the divorce courts will gut them financially. MGTOW is the zeitgeist and incel the ambience. Of course, the Left have nice names for what is essentially a genocidal process—"female empowerment" and "pro-choice" spring to mind. Yes, you go, girl! ...Straight to the graveyard of your race and civilisation! The poison of feminism doesn't just affect blue haired cat lady freaks, who refuse to shave their shaggy armpits because it's "natural"—as if they ever cared about anything natural! It cuts across all of society, effecting even sensible, happily married women.

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Poetry Reading with the PC Pope By Peter West

     The Pope has taken to reading poems in his tireless defence of Islam:

“The indefatigable apologist for Islam Pope Francis on Monday issued yet another mea culpa to Muslims, saying: “A scene from The Song of Roland comes to me as a symbol, when the Christians defeat the Muslims and line them up in front of the baptismal font, with one holding a sword. And the Muslims had to choose between baptism or the sword. That is what we Christians did.” Was it really? The Song of Roland is actually a work of fiction, a French epic poem loosely based on the Battle of Roncevaux Pass between Muslim invaders and Christian defenders in the year 778. As The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS shows, in the eleventh century, three hundred years after the battle, The Song of Roland appeared, describing the heroism of Charlemagne’s nephew Roland, who is leading the rear guard of Charlemagne’s forces and is caught up in the Muslim ambush. Roland has an oliphant, a horn made of an elephant’s tusk, which he can use to call for help, but he initially declines to do so, thinking it would be cowardly. Finally, Roland does blow his horn. Charlemagne, way ahead of the rear guard, nonetheless hears Roland’s horn and hurries back, but it is too late: Roland and his men are dead, and the Muslims victorious. Charlemagne, however, pursues and vanquishes the Muslims, and captures Saragossa. Thus the legend. The Song of Roland was enormously popular and inculcated in the Christians who sang and celebrated it what came to be known (in the European Middle Ages) as knightly virtues: loyalty, courage, and perseverance, even in the face of overwhelming odds. These were virtues that would be needed if Europe was to hold out against the ever-advancing jihad.”

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Banning Martial Arts Now By John Steele

     The movement to ban martial arts, and leave ordinary deplorables defenceless against home invaders, knife attackers, you name it, is on. The Fight Prefect channel has been removed, for who knows what reason … oh, it debunked nonsense.

     The US state of Virginia is moving ahead of the wave with an implicit banning of martial arts, showing that the elites never stop at just guns, they want the deplorables crushed like insects under the jackboot:

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The End of Women By Mrs Vera West

     Feminists have cheerfully proclaimed the end of men:

     However, with artificial wombs, the shoe could be on the other foot:

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“We intend to step back as ‘senior’ members of the Royal Family.”

     The decision by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to seek a measure of privacy in their lives and that of their son, Archie, has come as no real surprise as this is something that has been in the air for some time.  The intense media intrusion into the Duchess’s family and unexpected criticism of the Duke over jet travel whilst promoting environmental policies would have undoubtedly have firmed their decision. The statement by Buckingham Palace is an indication that the Queen does understand their quest for privacy and is doing everything possible to accommodate them.

Statement by Buckingham Palace on discussions with The Duke and Duchess of Sussex
Published 8 January 2020

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“Ok Boomer”; Boom Goes the Boomers By James Reed

     Talking about my generation, the boomers, I was going to add a link to the band The Who singing, but suddenly the thought of seeing such a boomer band made me have an attack of GERDS, so I did not. Still, the young generation is getting mighty sore about the boomers, who had bled the planet dry. If there was global warming, which there is not, these are the people to blame and shame:

“For a long time now, the cross-generational dialogue between baby boomers and millennials has been built atop several recurring themes. Boomers — the generation born roughly between 1946 and 1965 — scoff that millennials expect “participation trophies” for doing the bare minimum. Millennials say boomers are “out of touch.” Millennials (born roughly between 1980 and 1996) are “killing” once-stable industries like cereal by saving money, spending less, and “eating avocados.” Boomers have “mortgaged the future” in exchange for hoarding wealth while also voting to end necessary social programs. Millennials would rather complain about student debt than buckle down, work hard, and “get a job.” If anything, teens have been subjected to even harsher rhetorical maligning. Members of “Generation Z,” born roughly between 1996 and 2015, are portrayed as addicted to their phones, “intolerant” of their elders, and stuck in a “different world” thanks to the internet.

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Chinese Labour Camps … but the Australian Left are Silent By James Reed

     Everybody know that I love China, in a funny like of way, but I am not a big fan of concentration camps at all, even of less concentrated camps. I don’t even like concentrated soup, or even concentrating too hard myself:

“A leaked 400-page document released by the New York Times reveal new details about how the Chinese have organised the mass detention of more than 1 million people from its Muslim minorities, including the Uyghurs and Kazakhs.

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Christmas has been Cancelled … Too Much Carbon Emitted By James Reed

     I think that it is time that I give up, and since the communist Chinese government does not want to pay me I guess I will become a high priest of the new climate change religion. What’s that? All the high priest positions have been long filled, even after the departure of Al Gore’s gory mass. Can I be a low priest then? How low do we go? Well, Thanksgiving has been cancelled by the Eco-maniacs, so now get ready for the attack on Christmas:

     Do long URLs increase carbon emissions, too? And look, I finally discovered how to cross out things: climate change. How good is that? If only it was magic.

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Man-made Wildfires in Australia By Viv Forbes

     No one should be surprised that our bush is ablaze and our cities are smothered in smoke. For decades now we have been locking up land, banning burn-offs and encouraging eucalypt fire-trees. On a hot day, the blue haze on distant timbered hills is highly-flammable eucalypt oil vapour, waiting for a spark. The Australian landscape of open forests and treeless grasslands was developed and maintained under an aboriginal regime of continual small fires. This was followed by planned cool-season burn-offs by European graziers. But a few decades ago this safe black and white fire regime was replaced by green-worshippers who continually expanded the area of locked-up protected parks (now over 11% of Australia). Then they peppered private land with protected-vegetation fire havens, and hampered undergrowth clean-ups and burn-offs. This created many tinder boxes of eucalypt fire-trees waiting for a spark. The spark could be a fearful landowner seeking fire protection with a risky/belated back-burn, a thrill-seeking arsonist, a dry-lightning strike, a careless cigarette butt, a power-line problem or high-flying burning embers - and an unstoppable fire storm is inevitable. Centralised management of bush-fires and National Parks has failed totally. Locals and neighbours are better at managing fires and park land. Posturing politicians and uniformed fire generals should confine themselves to posing for photos, baking scones and boiling billy tea for fire-fighters. And Greens should serve on the fire front.

Republicans Now Seek to Bypass People’s Voice

     The new proposal by republicans to void the referendum process and have the state and federal parliaments vote on the succession when the Queen passes (Annika Smedhurst Telegraph 8/12/19) is fraught with legal complexities and will not work. The proposal, promoted by Labor MP Julian Hill, is typical of the sort of system that will exist under a republic where the voice of the people will be muted with politicians reigning supreme.

Philip Benwell
National Chair
Australian Monarchist League

Letter to The Editor - The "constitutional recognition" situation could be laughed off as Gilbertian if it were not also a sinister assault on our hitherto successful political order

To The Australian          Aboriginal Mick Gooda claims that "you can't have a treaty unless it's based on the truth" ("Fears for treaty if LNP takes control: Gooda", 9/12). Well, the truth is that all current attempts to establish treaties with Aboriginals are ethically built on sand and are clearly against the interests of most Australians. Another truth is that the so-called "eminent panel" of which he is a member is in no way adequately representative of Australians as a whole. Mr Gooda also wants a "truth-telling" operation whose outcomes are to become "an essential part of the school curriculum". Whose truth, I wonder. It sounds more like a propaganda drive such as the Soviet communists used and George Orwell satirised so memorably. In Victoria only 2,000 Aboriginal Victorians out of 30,000 who were eligible participated in the state's improperly constituted elections for the "First People's Assembly". Meanwhile Mr Gooda wants "multiple treaties" as well. The "constitutional recognition" situation could be laughed off as Gilbertian if it were not also a sinister assault on our hitherto successful political order.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

More Water Bombers? No - Fight Fire with Fire

     In a furious firestorm with high winds, extreme temperature and big loads of dry fuel, water bombing is usually just wasting water and avgas. In hot winds, water will evaporate quickly, embers will start glowing and blowing, and soon the fire will be raging again. And with few dams getting built, and much stored water released to irrigate the oceans, where will they get the water? Too often they will steal it from private dams, leaving prudent landowners with inadequate water in a drought. Water can extinguish house fires, and protect homes and towns, but is useless for raging forest fires. The only solution here is to fight fire with fire – back burning from the wide cleared tracks which should protect every park, forest and property. The best fire insurance is to keep tracks and firebreaks clear and conduct regular cool-season burn-offs, especially in National Parks. And stop creating fire hazards by locking up more land. Don’t blow money on more water bombers – we need more back-burning, more boots and tyres on the ground and more graded tracks. And we should build more dams.

  Viv Forbes, Washpool, Qld 

Letter to The Editor - The European Union of jailing Holocaust revisionists is an affront to the principle of free speech

To The Australian          Janet Albrechtsen sounds very authoritarian in her criticism of Jeremy Corbyn's attitude to Jewish interests ("UK rejects descent into chaos", 14-15/12). Opposition to an alleged Jewish "banker cartel" and disagreement with the currently accepted understanding of the Holocaust do not necessarily involve hostility to Jews generally. These attitudes may be justified as rejection of high-level self-interested manipulations by extraordinarily powerful financiers and reassessment of the nature and extent of Nazi Germany's mistreatment of Jewish persons between 1933 and 1945. Albrechtsen's reference to a definition of anti-Semitism that is "globally respected" can also be challenged. There is very considerable intellectually based opposition, worldwide, to the current trend of treating the Holocaust as a kind of ersatz religion whose dogmas may not be challenged. Moreover, the present practice in the European Union of jailing Holocaust revisionists is an affront to the principle of free speech, yet Albrechtsen ignores this wickedness completely.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic 

Brexit Done – Now for Clexit By Viv Forbes

     Thanks to Boris Johnson, Brexit will now occur. And thanks to Donald Trump, the US will exit the destructive Paris Climate agreement. And the UN alarmists made little progress at the big climate-fest in Madrid. It’s now time for Clexit (Climate Exit) - the great climate escape from all UN/IPCC alarmism and entanglements. Australia should join this rush for the exits. Australia is a huge island continent whose prosperity was built on mining, farming, grazing, transport, hydro-carbons and cheap reliable electricity. Australians have much to lose from the UN/Paris shackles, carbon taxes and globalist agenda. The war on coal, oil, gas, diesel, cattle, exploration and mining has harmed Australia’s backbone industries resulting in reduced prosperity, lower tax collections and more Aussies on welfare. The Kyoto forest lockups have sterilised useful private land and the promotion of unreliable wind/solar energy is destroying industry, jobs and electricity reliability. Sensible Australians will suddenly revolt and, like Jeremy Corbyn, the Turnbull/ALP/Green/ABC climate alarm choir will find they are singing the wrong tune. Like Brexit, Clexit is now inevitable. The burden of climate alarm costs and energy disruption ensure that western democracies will dump it. The sooner it is scrapped, the lower the cost.

Letter to The Editor - Life will be safer and more pleasant if their nations readopt a sensible conservatism

To The Age         What Peter Hartcher discusses as the contemporary success of "right-wing populism" ("The pragmatic populists", 17/12) can perhaps be better seen, on a much greater time scale, as the beginning of a return to public order. The thousand year rule of Catholic Christianity was gradually overthrown by a reform movement that began with Protestantism and ended with a Marxist collectivism that rejected the sacred completely. Unfortunately, while the reform movement freed us from an inquisitorial "orthodoxy" that contained major misunderstanding of the Jesus story, it also unleashed a variety of modes of selfishness that have greatly damaged human society. It has also been utilised by financially powerful globalist elites intent on extending their influence. In the face of this disaster ordinary people are beginning to recognise that daily life will be safer and more pleasant if their nations readopt a sensible conservatism, which will include a wisely articulated moral code based on awareness of the sacred underpinning of all human history.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

National Parks are Bushfire Havens By Viv Forbes

     Too many recent headlines say: “A fierce new bushfire is burning in the XYZ National Park. Nearby residents should prepare to evacuate.” Neglected, overgrown, weed and log infested, un-grazed, unburnt, government-protected parkland is a danger to all neighbours. All it needs is a fire-bug, a fearful neighbour attempting a too-late back-burn, or a lightning strike, and a wildfire is inevitable, especially when the weather is hot, dry and windy. Wild-fires will not stay in their National Park. Never before in Australia’s long history of black and white occupation have such large areas of bush been quarantined from annual burn-offs, cultivation, slashing or grazing. Four policy changes are needed to fix this problem: Firstly, a reduction in the area of land locked in national parks and reserves, and an end to “protected” vegetation on private land. Secondly, repeal of the sneaky state/commonwealth conspiracy that created the Kyoto protected “forests” on private land. Thirdly, regular cool-season burning of all national parks and private bush. If it will burn in the cool season it should be encouraged to burn at appropriate times. Otherwise it will support a fierce un-planned wildfire once the hot dry winds blow. Fourthly, greater local autonomy on pre-emptive burns or back burning. Only experienced local landowners and fire wardens can say:
“Today after 3.30pm is our best chance to have a burn-off with reasonable safety.” Most of the huge bushfires that burn homes and kill forests are man-made national disasters, fed by excessive fuel loads, magnified (but not caused) by drought, and turned into wildfires by hot dry winds. Trying to blame carbon dioxide, a non-flammable plant fertiliser, for today’s wildfires is yet more Flannery fiction.

Letter to The Editor - The government has hitherto, in this context, shirked its duty to govern for all living Australians

To The Australian        Paige Taylor's full-page and thoroughly one-sided discussion of plans for an Aboriginal voice to be enshrined in the constitution ("The voice of reason", 20/12) could more aptly be titled "The voice of treason". This campaign makes no sense unless it is understood as a semi-clandestine attempt to prepare the way for the division of Australia into two nations. Marcia Langton, a very privileged person who has been the recipient of government largesse, wrongly claims that Australians having Aboriginal ancestry have been "consistently excluded" from their citizenship entitlements. If we are thinking reasonable entitlements, this view has been amply exposed as false by Keith Windschuttle and other commentators. The government's senior advisory group is unrepresentative of the views of Australians as a whole. The sooner it is disbanded the better. The government has hitherto, in this context, shirked its duty to govern for all living Australians, not just a few whose right to claim special treatment has been hotly contested and rightly so.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Perhaps we need to review our whole philosophical orientation

To The Age        It is well known that too much of a good thing is not good at all. Waleed Aly has correctly diagnosed this problem as manifesting in current modes of the presentation and digestion of news within our political order ("News and the apocalypse", 20/12). He notes that news too readily becomes disposable entertainment, even a sedative when really a wake-up call is needed. He laments a consequent public loss of meaning, loss of the ability to effectively comprehend and act on major political problems. An important solution he touches on is the need for a slowing down of the whole process. Traditional societies understood that it takes a very long time for a human person to acquire the wisdom that is needed for fruitful management of new challenges to public security and national well-being. These societies were hierarchical and aristocratic, not egalitarian or democratic. Perhaps we need to review our whole philosophical orientation.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic