Covid “Orgies” in New Zealand!! By Michael Ferguson

I read the article about ultra-Left communist PM Ardern saying that Tinder “liaisons” are back, up to 25 people. Tinder is all about people hooking up for sex, so she really was alluding to “orgies.” The dirt was on a TV show. I watched the clip, and she was giggling like a school girl, having told her first filthy joke. But the real dirty joke is what the Covid mandates have done to my former country, New Zealand, gutting small business. Yet, it is here in Australia too, as we are only so painfully aware. I do not know why, but I once used to like horses, but now feel somewhat nauseous whenever looking one in the face.

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5G Tech and Covid: A Connection? Maybe By James Reed

This one got me excited, which is hard to do nowadays in Covid culture. But is there a connection between 5G technology and Covid? A study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) proposed that wireless communications radiation, including 5G, may contribute to COVID-19 symptoms. There were two main findings: (1) a statistical correlation between Covid symptoms/mortality and area-specific WCR intensity and 5G; and (2) the overlap between WCR effects on the body, and Covid symptoms. It would be a long bow indeed to claim that Covid is a product of 5G, since Covid occurs in places lacking 5G, but 5G may contribute to ill-health aiding the spread of this and other diseases.

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Fact Checking Facebook! By James Reed

Facebook in recent court proceedings has argued that its fact checking, you know the annoying stuff, are not factual but “protected opinion.” So, will they stick by their guns, and have their fact checks, fact checked? Or will they now say; this is our protected opinion, but Zucky, and fellow extra-terrestrials from a place far, far away, does not like this.


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Covid Vaccinated People Happily Shedding Spike Proteins as They go their Merry, Masked Way, Socially Distancing All the Way! By Mrs Vera West

The mass vaccine tyranny continues. One common theme still pushed is that the Covid vaccines offer “protection,” not so much talk of “immunity” now, but “protection.” But, if the vaccinated still can get Covidded, as countries with almost complete vaccination but surging Covid infections, indicate, what is the “protection” offered? A less severe infection, maybe, paid for by the probability, however low, of an adverse vaccine reaction? And, vaccinated people can still spread the disease. So, is this “protection” too?

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Starvation in Sunny Queensland; This is a Warning to Us All! By Paul Walker

And so it begins, with  Queensland supermarkets, pharmacies and other essential businesses now having the ability to mandate vaccination and exclude unvaccinated people, if the report cited below is correct. This is the same sort of tyranny seen in parts of Europe, now here in Oz, a country which in recent times has turned its back upon the freedoms fought for by the ANZACS.


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South Australian Health Staff Resisting the Jab, but Apparently, Not the Universities By James Reed

My long-time rivalry with South Australia, which flowed through various articles, a dig at my brother in Adelaide, is over. We are all in this together. Thus, I note with interest the relatively large numbers of South Australian health sector workers who have taken leave, after refusing the Covid vaxxes.

My nephew sent me an email indicating that two of the three South Australian universities are moving to have no jab, no attendance policies; it is under discussion now, probably rolled in early next year before semester 1. That is supposed to protect everyone. But wait a minute! If you are vaccinated, you are protected, and immune. So, it is the unvaxxed needing protection. Shouldn’t a better policy be to ban the vaxxed from universities to protect the unvaxxed, as we know that the vaxxed can still transmit the disease? Obviously, the policies are absurd.

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Portugal has the Highest Vaccination rate in the World, but has Returned to a “State of Calamity” with Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Mandatory Testing to Enter Certain Establishments By Richard Miller (London)

If the Covid vaccines worked, then why is Portugal, the most highly vaccinated country (for its size), on Earth, reimposing the Covid mandate restrictions? The vaccines were supposed to be “magic bullets,” returning the world to pre-Covid. Clearly, for various reasons, discussed elsewhere, not so.


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UK Public Health Data Shows that the Vaccinated are Not “Immune” By Richard Miller

UK Public Health Data shows that over the past four months the double / triple Covid vaccinated population have accounted for 6 in every 10 Covid-19 cases, 7 in every 10 Covid-19 hospitalisations, and 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths. So much for immunity, yet the establishment does not reflect upon this and reach the rational scientific conclusion that the vaccines are failures. That case can be made scientifically, but in terms of social control, the entire plandemic verges on the miraculous in destroying past freedoms, which were already under threat. Hence expect more of the same unless people push back hard. Those still alive, and able, that is. The pure bloods.

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Did Covid Omicron Another Lab Creation by the Covid New World Order? By Brian Simpson

Barring some leak, we do not know the definitive answer to this question, but there are some biochemical clues, Dr Mercola points out in a now deleted post, reproduced with his blessing below. Omicron seems to be occurring in the already vaccinated, liking multiple vaxxed, indicating that this variant of SARS-CoV-2 evolved due to evolutionary pressure by the vaccine mania. But there are other considerations indicating a lab origin. “The closest genetic sequences date back to mid-2020. It doesn’t seem to belong to any of the evolutionary branches that have emerged since. Omicron has 25 nonsynonymous and only one synonymous spike mutation compared to its most recent common ancestor, AV.1. Were it a natural occurrence, that ratio ought to be somewhere between 25 to 50 and 25 to 100. There’s no precedent for this oddity occurring in nature. There is, however, precedent for this in lab-leaked pandemics.”

It seems that there would be good reason for another plandemic at this point to reinforce the totalitarian gains that the Dark Lords of Pure Evil, who rule the world have made. And, there are lower-level reasons as well, such as the plandemic has, according to research by the Paris-based World Inequality Lab, produced vast global wealth inequity. Now about 2750 billionaires control 3.5 percent of the world’s wealth, up from 1 percent in 1995, with the fastest growth being since the plandemic. In most of the world the richest 10 percent control about 60 to 80 percent of the wealth. That these elites have not been harmed by Covid, while small business has been devastated, is to my mind, super-suspicious. (Source, minus conspiracy opinion by me: Australian Financial Review, December 8, 2012, p. 12)

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This Week’s US Covid Vax Deaths and Adverse Reactions By Brian Simpson

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the primary federal-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S., released new data showing a total of 946,463 reports of adverse events following Covid vaccines were submitted between December 14, 2020, and December 3, 2021. This included a total of 19,886 reports of deaths, an increase of 354 over last week, with 150,946 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same period, up 4,226 compared with last week.

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Mad Vaccine Disease! Prion Alert! By Brian Simpson

Steve Kirsch, who has an informative Covid vax information site, puts the case that the Covid vaxxes cause prion diseases, human equivalents of Mad Cow disease. I think that there is anecdotal evidence for this, given the level of social psychosis that has gripped once, near-sane society. The “new normal” makes lunatic asylums of the past look like Ivy League universities. And, of course, to finish the metaphor, the mad now run the asylum.

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Covid Shots Cause Increased Susceptibility to Covid! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Imagine getting a tetanus shot, and becoming more, not less susceptible to tetanus. Well, that is the allegation made by a former Pfizer employee, Karen Kingston, who has internal briefing documents to substantiate her claims.

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The Abnormal Rise in Newborn Deaths By Mrs Vera West

As the mainstream media notes, there has been an abnormal rise in deaths among new born babies. Of course, the mainstream has not pointed the finger at the sacred Covid vaxxes. However, various sources, mentioned below are indicating that the mothers have all been vaxxed. This could well be the start of a vaccine-induced fertility catastrophe.

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Simpson’s Statistical Paradox and UK Covid Vax Mortality By Brian Simpson

Simson’s paradox in statistics, is not really a paradox in the sense of genuine antinomies like the logico-semantical paradoxes (“This sentence is false”), but a surprising result. An association in contingency tables which is significant in each of two contingency tables may not be, or could even be reversed, when the two tables are combined. As statistician Mathew Crawford argues in the material below, there are objections to Covid vax critic Alex Berenson’s analysis of the UK All-Cause mortality data, which Berenson argued showed that the vaxxed are dying at 2-3 times the rate of the unvaxxed. The case is made, not easy to summarise, that Berenson commits Simpson’s paradox in the analysis of the data. However, a re-analysis shows that the vaccines are killing more people than they save, even if the actual rate proposed by Berenson is too high. There is still a compelling case against the Covid vaccines.


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The Festering Splinter of Electoral Fraud By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While mainstream sites dismiss any claims of 2020 US electoral fraud as mere conspiracy, 61 percent of Republican voters, 13 percent of Democrats and 29 percent of voters not affiliated with either major party, believe that Joe Biden cheated to defeat Donald Trump. This alone shows that the US is a torn country.

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Endless Covid Shots: Israel By Richard Miller (London)

Folks, don’t think that it is all going to end with what, two jabs, or is it three? No! Look at what is happening in other jurisdictions, as that will soon be happening in Australia. Israel is advocating endless jabs.

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The Dreaded Ivermectin By Brian Simpson

We offer no medical and health advice here, but only items in the public interests for information purposes. Ivermectin … the name makes many tremble here in Australia. No doctors dare mention its name. Still, once upon a time in Brazil, things were different.

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Will the “Untouchables” Soon Be in New Zealand? By Bruce Bennett

The Leftist New Zealand government is now moving to ban young people from smoking so to eliminate smoking. When the law comes in people aged 14 will never be able to purchase tobacco. Well, civil liberties arise, this all goes back to the mindset of the Prohibition of alcohol in the US from 1920-1933. It produced the entrenchment of organised crime in America. This may not be so dramatic in New Zealand, but there is no doubt in my mind that a thriving black market will arise. Also, older people will have limited purchases of smokes, so older folks will unload some of their purchases.

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Anarcho-Tyranny, Everywhere By Chris Knight (Florida)

A good article at Breitbart makes the case that the entire Julian Assange affair is a case of anarcho-tyranny. It has been defined by the Urban as follows: “ Anarcho-tyranny is a concept, where the state is argued to be more interested in controlling citizens so that they do not oppose the managerial class (tyranny) rather than controlling real criminals (causing anarchy). Laws are argued to be enforced only selectively, depending on what is perceived to be beneficial for the ruling elite.” Certainly, the treatment of Assange, with abuse of rights and torture, along with the CIA contemplating assassination for someone exposing the dirty secrets shows how evil the system is. We see the same pattern with so many things, with the Covid plandemic being even more blatant.

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Concern about Covid Vax Side Effects By Chris Knight (Florida)

The main concern of American voters, and I expect right across the West, is that those unvaccinated are so because of adverse reaction effects. Given the extensive literature on this, that is quite rational. And given the suppression of information by the mainstream media, it is good news that there is still some critical thinking out there.

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