Why No Covid Crisis in Africa? Could it be Due to Lack of the Vax? By Brian Simpson

Leaving aside the rise of the new Covid variant, supposedly, Omicron, unvaccinated, under covid mandated Africa, seems to have done much better in the plandemic than the West, especially Europe and the United States. Various articles have given reasons for this, but the fact of natural immunity, from getting the disease, and fighting it off, as humans have done before vaccines, cannot be discounted. Well, the vaccine mad West does discount it, but with the possibility of adverse effects from the experimental mRNA vaxxes, with their waning potency and need for eternal boosters, natural immunity to a disease which has a high survival rate for most people, is the way a sane society would go. But, we live in an age of the induced mass psychosis of the Covid New World Order.


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The Covid Vax that Kills 200 to Save One! By Brian Simpson

The absolute risk reduction is a figure obtained by dividing the probability of an unvaccinated person getting a disease, by the probability of a vaccinated person getting the disease. Here is the absolute risk reduction for Pfizer/BioNtech (each group had over 18,000 people):

Injection Group: 8/18,198 = 0.04%
Placebo Group: 162/18,325 = 0.88%

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The Natural Protection of the Antibodies of the Old By Brian Simpson

This is interesting in our Covid vax psychotic world, with the establishment eschewing natural immunity to boost the profits of Big Pharma which now rules the world through medical biofascism. Research by Joelle Pelletier and Jean-François Masson, at Université de Montréal's Department of Chemistry, investigated whether natural infection or vaccination led to more protective antibodies being generated, and published their findings in the journal Scientific Reports. "Everyone who had been infected produced antibodies, but older people produced more than adults under 50 years of age," said Masson. "In addition, antibodies were still present in their bloodstream 16 weeks after their diagnosis." "But the result that surprised us the most was that antibodies produced by naturally infected individuals 50 and older provided a greater degree of protection than adults below 50, " said Pelletier."This was determined by measuring the antibodies' capacity to inhibit the interaction of the Delta variant's spike protein with the ACE-2 receptor in human cells, which is how we become infected," he added. "We didn't observe the same phenomenon with the other variants."


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Salt and the Brain By Mrs Vera West

Excessive salt, sodium chloride intake is a medical no-no, the intake figures dropping all the time for blood pressure control, but is not, I think, 1-2 grams per day. A study, published in the journal Cell Reports, examined how blood flow to the hypothalamus changed in response to sodium chloride intake. There was found a decrease in blood flow as the neurons became activated in the hypothalamus. "If you chronically ingest a lot of salt, you'll have hyperactivation of vasopressin neurons. This mechanism can then induce excessive hypoxia, which could lead to tissue damage in the brain," said one of the researchers. "If we can better understand this process, we can devise novel targets to stop this hypoxia-dependent activation and perhaps improve the outcomes of people with salt-dependent high blood pressure." Ok, I got the message without the neurology, limit salt intake, as it is one big factor in hypertension.


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The Case for Compulsory Vaccinations, Killed by Covid Omicron By Richard Miller (London)

An article in the tremendous Off-Guardian.org, makes the case that the emergence of Covid Omicron, kills off the case for compulsory vaccination. How so? The admission by the Big Pharma’s CEOs that the present vaccines may not work shows that mutations, which are occurring all the time, may escape present vaccines. Hence an arms race is established. There will need to be new vaccines, perhaps jabbed with the old ones, or a super-vaccine, one vaccine to rule them all. But this is going to prove extremely costly in the longer term and most economies will not be able to cope. We may well see the sacred healthcare sector, preserved over all else collapse. Well, look on the bright side, at least doctor-caused disease rates will go down radically!


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Life in the Covid Concentration Camps By Bruce Bennett

Here is US coverage, not mentioned in our Australian mainstream press, or not much, of life in the Covid concentration camps. I don’t think even Europe has gone this far yet, so it is an Aussie first in the tyranny stakes.


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Trump, Father of the Vaccine By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There is a problem lying at the intersection of nationalist politics and the anti-vax movement in the US. While there are strong criticisms made of the likes of Fauci, Trump himself is a major player, and got operation Warp Speed going, which sped up the normal processes of vaccine development and testing, as the name implies. Trump must therefore be seen as the major one to blame if the Covid mRNA vaccines blow up in his faced, like the cartoon cigar, and that looks like it is happening now. Time to abandon this buffoon.


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Mass Vaccination Fails to Stop Covid Transmission By Richard Miller (London)

While the call is being made by EU elites to mandatory vaccinate all of Europe with the mRNA spike protein jabs, statistics tell another story. A paper in the peer-reviewed medical journal, The Lancet, has shown that Covid infections are rising in the fully vaccinated. In Germany for example, the rate of cases among fully vaccinated individuals aged 60 and older has risen from 16.9 percent in July to 58.9 percent in October 2021. In Britain, the number of household contacts exposed to unvaccinated cases (23 percent) was slightly lower than the number exposed to vaccinated individuals (25 percent).


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Hellscape: The Covid Mandate Fascism of Lithuania By Richard Miller (London)

The Baltic country of Lithuania is a living illustration of how bad the social psychosis and mass hysteria of Covid can get. A living hell has been created for the Unvaxxed, something likely to be replicated across the world after the Dark Lords observe the results of this social experiment.


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The Lab Origin of SARS-CoV-2 By Chris Knight (Florida)

I have not seen much recent material on the lab origin of SARS-CoV-2, our beloved Covid-19, the interest has gone a bit cold with on-going tyranny taking centre stage. Still, here is interesting material, somewhat technical, discussing the significance of the furin-cleavage sites on the Covid virus. Influenza viruses do not normally have this, it is said, so something odd must have gone on, via gain-of-function engineering.


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The Sudden Deaths of Children After Covid Shots By Mrs Vera West

Just as peak athletes are dropping dead from heart attacks, often in the field while playing, now we are seeing the sudden deaths of otherwise healthy children under the age of 12, some from heart attacks. Here are some of their stories.


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The Covid Vaxxes and Heart Attack Risk By Brian Simpson

We have mentioned the study published by the American Heart Association before, but here is a non-technical summary from Natural News.com, who are very good at these things. The Covid mRNA vaxxes increase the risk of heart attack by 127 percent.


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The Covid Vaxxes and Lymphocyte Riot By Brian Simpson

Lymphocyte riot? That could not be good. Indeed, German pathology professors Arne Burkhardt and Walter Lang conducted ten autopsies of people, all over the age of 50, who died shortly after taking Covid-19 vaccines. A microscopic study of tissue samples of the deceased, revealed the occurrence of a “lymphocyte riot,” with a vast number of lymphocytes in tissues, including the liver, kidneys, spleen, and the uterus. These lymphocytes attacked the tissue in these organs, causing organ damage. While this is only a small sample of ten people, it does show the existence of a new issue of concern.


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Covid Mandates Go Mad: Banning Shopping! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is the shape of things to come: banning shopping. Today I found out that my doctor has banned all non-vaxxed people from visiting the clinic. Overall, not going there is a good thing, because now I will try and find a better doctor. But I will be putting in a complaint to the ethics department of the American Medical Association.


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Whoa! Chinese Communist Missiles in Shipping Containers; Does Customs Ever Look? By James Reed

Some ideas are so great that you wonder why no-one had thought of them yonks ago. How about the communist Chinese, who through the splendours of globalisation make everything, putting the occasional missile system inside one of those big steel boxes? Talk about jack-in-a-box!  Come to think of it, they could load up hundreds of nukes, and the globalised mad West would not know. We can’t complain if we are ultimately annihilated.


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Omicron: Here, There and Everywhere By Brian Simpson

Nations are falling over themselves in Covid panic about the new Covid variant, Omicron, which has already produced an offspring, a stealth variant. National borders are being slammed shut, in itself not a bad thing as it allows people to see that there is life beyond Great Replacement mass immigration. But it is too late, as omicron is here. Get ready for more of the same.


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Sexism and Racism Everywhere in Children’s Books, Diversity to the Rescue! By Mrs Vera West

Some Australian academics are concerned that popular children’s books in Australian and US day-care centres are promoting traditional views of the sexes, such that males and females primarily exist. Not only should the non-binary get centre stage, but the traditional view of sex and gender, held by most of humanity in the past, and at present, especially by people of colour in non-Western nations, should be deconstructed. It is just what academics do.


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Now There is a “Stealth” Version of Omicron! By Brian Simpson

Just while we were getting used to the moral panic around the latest Covid New World Order virus, Omicron, there is another one, a “stealth” version, like the bomber, that can slip under the bio-radar of the PCR test, which itself is notorious for generating false positives. It must be a pretty sneaky virus indeed to out spook the PCR. I wonder what new virus I will report on tomorrow? A new day, a new viral delight!


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552 Fully Vaccinated Oregon Residents Died of COVID, Half Received Pfizer Vaccine By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a story for the vaccine mad elites in Australia, who still hold to the idea, now rapidly crumbling, that having a Covid vax makes one, as a former lawyer friend put it “immortal.” Well, most Covidian fanatics are not that deluded, even in rhetorical flourishes, but they still hold to the idea that the vaxxes will prevent Covid. Surely at a minimum a vaccine that works, should prevent disease? But, as a counter-example, 552 fully vaccinated Oregon residents died of Covid and half received the Pfizer vaccine.


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Omicron, the Next Big Thing By Chris Knight (Florida)

Covid Omicron arose among fully Covid vaccinated patients in Botswana, and is now the object of covid psychosis among the medical technocrats around the world. Border closing and bans of people from Africa are now in force in many countries. This reaction, indeed massive over-reaction is occurring despite the fact that the cases in Africa are mild, no-one has died, and disease symptoms are less than some flues. It is interesting that this mutation arises right when many countries had reopened, perhaps so the variant could spread, and the events of 2020-2021, could be repeated once more.


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