The First Person in the World to get a Heart Transplant from a Genetically-Modified Pig has Died By Richard Miller (London)

Sad to hear, of course, but the first person to get a heart transplant from a genetically modified pig, has died. I suppose in this situation where the person was facing inevitable death, it was worth a shot, but there are many factors counting against success, including a heart from another species, and one genetically modified as well. Who knows what could go wrong, here? Also, as a Christian I wonder about the ethical ramifications of this direction in medicine. Is this what god really wants? Maybe not.

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Pfizer Vaccine Safety Concerns By Chris Knight (Florida)

With the latest drop of documents from Pfizer, has revealed that Pfizer reported to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) it was aware of 1,223 reports of deaths following the vaccine. The deaths, a subset of 42,086 case reports listing 158,893 adverse events, occurred between December 1, 2020, and February 28, 2021. One released document, “Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports,” states that the “magnitude of underreporting [of adverse events] is unknown.” “Due to the large numbers of spontaneous adverse event reports received for the product, the MAH (Marketing Authorisation Holder) has prioritised the processing of serious cases, in order to meet expedited regulatory reporting timelines and ensure these reports are available for signal detection and evaluation activity.”

The report continued: “Pfizer also taken a [sic] multiple actions to help alleviate the large increase of adverse event reports. This includes significant technology enhancements, [sic] and process and workflow solutions, as well as increasing the number of data entry and case processing colleagues.” Thus, the number of adverse events reported overwhelmed Pfizer’s expectations, yet Pfizer concluded, “The findings of these signal detection analyses are consistent with the known safety profile of the vaccine.” However, that optimistic conclusion is not consistent with the evidence of adverse effects. Through February 28, a total of 42,086 recipients (cases) reported 158,893 events, or adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine. Approximately 50 percent of these events were deemed serious and 1,223 recipients of the vaccine had a fatal outcome, with over 11,000  not recovering. Once upon a time, a vaccine having these results would have been shut down.

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The Red Pilling of John Campbell By Chris Knight (Florida)

Perhaps I am more ignorant that I thought, but I did not know who John Campbell, was until reading Steve Kirsch’s Substack. But it does not matter too much; this is an example of someone who was a guru of the vax, who has examined the Pfizer documents, and is shocked, especially by the ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST (AESI) document (aka the “5.3.6 document”). This has eroded trust in authority, as he puts it. And for becoming a critic, the mainstream narrative now labels him as a misinformation spreader.


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China Wins by Default as US Military Grinds to a Halt By James Reed

With the Left and greens happy about China having a military base in the Solomon Islands, news that the US is depleting its reserves of weapons over the Ukraine, should be alarming to all who see Australia’s survival dependent upon US military backing. We will not get to far throwing rocks and carrying wooden clubs!

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The German Media is Blaming the Swedish riots on the White Right Wing, as Well as the Extinction of the Dinosaurs! By Richard Miller (London)

The German media is blaming the Swedish riots on the white Right wing. Apparently, miles of video footage showing who was committing the violence can be ignored. Or, perhaps it is like the 2020 situation in America, where alleged BLM violence was blamed by the cognitively impaired elites on white racists, wearing clever masks. Yes, that must be it!

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Covid Injury Video Time By James Reed

“Anchored by several Australian broadcasts concerning the heart condition of footballer Ollie Wines, this compilation also includes videos of an airline pilot, a broadcaster and a billiard player, all of whom suffered side effects of COVID-19 vaccines.” Perhaps the message is slowly seeping out.

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Defund the Police led to Increased Black Deaths By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is the great irony confronting the Defund the Police Campaign of Black Lives Matter, which arose from the death of Saint George Floyd, is that there was a dramatic rise in Black Deaths. Hannah Meyers, director of the policing and public safety initiative at the Manhattan Institute, told Fox News Digital: "Certainly, the protests and riots mid-2020 after the death of George Floyd followed a pattern of spiking violence that we've seen following past viral police incidents, such as the deaths of Michael Brown and Freddie Gray. This pattern has been termed the ‘Ferguson Effect’: police pull back while violent crime spikes precipitously." “In 2019, at least 7,484 Black Americans were murdered. That number shot up to at least 9,941 murders in 2020, meaning there was an increase of 2,457 Black Americans murdered over the previous year.

The number of Black murders was also far higher than White murders in 2020. The FBI data shows there 7,043 White people murdered that year, meaning 2,898 more Black people were killed compared to Whites.”

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Is Globalism Really Dead in the Water, Floating with its Legs Towards the Sky? No! By James Reed

Frank Furedi, author of 100 Years of Identity Crisis: Culture War over Socialisation (De Gruyter), argues at, that we are seeing the twilight of globalism, the idea that the nation state is redundant, replaced by the values and polices of transnational institutions, such as the UN and WHO. But, he observes, the Russia-Ukraine War has knocked that ideology over, and many globalists agree, such as Larry Fink, the head of BlackRock, who says that the war “has put an end to the globalisation we have experienced over the past three decades.” While there is merit in this position, indicating a set-back for the globalist agenda in one respect, the argument has been made in this blog, following Dr Robert Malone and others, that this war is the next Big Thing after Covid, and while having surface anti-globalist aspects, still is in line with the general thrust of the Great Reset. It may be that the New World Order is one with an Asiatic basis, ruled by China, and not based upon hyper-liberal decadent values that now dominate the West.


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Does Anyone Remember the Working Class? By James Reed

Joel Kotkin, author of The Coming of Neo-Feudalism (Encounter Books, 2020), documents the unprecedented pressures, at least in modern times, now being placed upon the working class. While the elites push woke, politically correct causes, such as the gender agenda and climate change hysteria, the workers are concerned with base-line survival now, soaring energy, food and housing costs. As detailed below, this is being seen in the French elections with the rise of Le Pen, who, if things are fair (they won’t be), has a chance of becoming president, from the politics of anger and resentment. Remember the yellow vest protests, that may have died down, but not the anger which generated them. The working class has been forgotten by the elites, or rather, as seen in the case of the US,  defined as “deplorables,” to use Hillary Clinton’s term, to be replaced in the Great Replacement.

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Most Covid Deaths Occurred After the Rollout By Mrs Vera West

While the Covid narrative proclaims the vaxxes as “lifesaving,” as one glazed eyed Australian state premier called them, the US Millennial generation, aged about 25 to 40, experienced an 84 percent increase in excess mortality in the fall of 2021, according to former Blackrock portfolio manager Edward Dowd. Over 61,000 Millennials and record numbers of Gen-Xers died in 2021 alone, which Dowd described it as the “worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history.” This is more deaths than from the Vietnam War, in one year alone.

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Covid as a Globalist Weapon By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is some interesting information from Canada, where newly uncovered documents show that the totalitarian globalist Trudeau government used the Covid plandemic to move the country along the policy lines wanted by the latest visible evil globalist organisation, the World Economic Forum (WEF). The documents were obtained by Canadian independent media outlet Rebel News through an Access to Information Act filings, and consist of high-level briefing notes made to the then-Minister of Foreign Affairs and head of Global Affairs Canada Chrystia Freeland. Freeland accepted the UN Sustainable Development plans, of the 2030 Agenda: “Canada views the 2030 Agenda as a comprehensive framework for responding to and recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, and building more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable societies that can help to prevent and better withstand future crises and shocks.” In other words, becoming a slave to the globalist dictates of the New World Order.

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150 Percent More Adverse Vaccine Events since Covid Vax Rollout, than in the Entire History of the US VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) By Chris Knight (Florida)

We cover the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) US Covid vaccine deaths and adverse effects each week, which while vastly under-reporting cases by a factor from 41 to 100, does show that there  have been 150 percent more adverse vaccine events since the covid Vax roll out,  than there have been in the entire 32-year history of VAERS. The number of reports is at historically high levels and more deaths and adverse events have been reported than for any other vaccine in history. Surely that would cause alarm bells to ring, and our protectors of health would have been expected to have proclaimed this and raged against the vax. In fact, exactly the opposite from shrills of Big PHARMa.

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Dangers of the Covid PCR Test By Brian Simpson

This is not much discussed now with RAT tests available, but the PCR test for Covid has its dangers. As detailed below, the way it is generally used with a large number of cycles, generates false positives.  The CDC said that the PCR test cannot distinguish between SARS-CoV-2 and the influenza virus.

Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, also denounced its use as an unreliable diagnostic tool. “If you can amplify one single molecule up to something that you can really measure, which PCR can do, then there’s just very few molecules that you don’t have. That could be thought of as a misuse of it, just to claim that it’s meaningful,” said Mullis. “It doesn’t tell you that you’re sick. It doesn’t tell you that the thing you ended up with really was going to hurt you or anything like that.”

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mRNA Vaccines and the Biodistribution of Lipid Nanoparticles By Brian Simpson

In the beginning Pfizer and Moderna created the mRNA vaccine, but, all was not good. It was said by the health authorities that there was no problem about injecting mRNA into the body, as it would not spread throughout the body, let alone combine with the DNA. But the Japanese to their eternal credit were highly sceptical and requested a pre-clinical biodistribution study, done on an animal model. It was found that the vaccine did not stay at the injection site, but spread throughout the body, to the heart, ovaries and brain. Herein was the potential for the adverse effects that we are seeing reported. Dr. Byram W. Bridle, Associate Professor of Viral Immunology in the Department of Pathobiology at the University of Guelph, was at ground zero on this and has been a strong Covid vax critic. Here is an update on the biodistribution issue. The short of the long is that it was known from the beginning that the mRNA vaccines were problematic in this respect, and should have been never pushed upon a gagged and bound public.


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The Broken Vaccine Injury Compensation System By Chris Knight (Florida)

According to Dr Robert Malone, the Vaccine Injury Compensation System for Covid has failed, as yet has not paid out a single claim! So, this raises the very good issue of why people should take an experimental vaccine, actually for the mRNA vaccines, a gene therapy, when thee is no safety net?

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The Vax Strikes Again? American Pilot Bob Snow's Cardiac Arrest after Landing By Chris Knight (Florida)

Steve Kirsch covers the story of American pilot Bob Snow's cardiac arrest after landing. Some are thinking that at least 30 percent of US pilots will need to be disqualified due to vaccine injuries. That will also apply to air force pilots, further increasing vulnerabilities relative to commo China.

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Biden Administration Hands Space War Superiority to China and Russia … Easier to Just Surrender Now By James Reed

Thomas Lifton, is right, this is insane, but insanity is the defining characteristic of the Biden administration. Dropping out of the testing of anti-satellite missiles in simply a form of surrender, perhaps a death wish, certainly it indicates the the US elites are on the side of the CCP as their minds have been eroded by leftism.

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The Solomons-China Security Pact … but Not Secure for Us! By James Reed

Australians should be extremely worried about the communist China-Solomon Islands security pact, which will see the CCP establishing naval vessels on the island. How about nuclear weapons pointed at every Australian city? And, with this existential threat, we have the Greens  saying that such concerns are “racist,” as if that abused word kills the debate. These useful idiots also want Australia defence spending slashed. They effectively surrender to the CCP now. Anything here taken as electoral comment: written and authorised by K. W. Grundy 13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.


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Bad “Social Credit” in Italy By James Reed

Italy is moving to catch up with communist China in bad “social credit,” to be completely distinguished from Douglas social credit, which is exactly the opposite, and is in fact the antidote to it, like an anti-venom is to snake poison. And, poison it is, as a new app, “Smart Citizen Wallet,” is already active in Rome. At present citizens are rewarded for doing largely “green” woke activities such as recycling, using public transports, and managing energy well.  Privacy Network, an Italian tech company that specializes in digital privacy, stated on  their website that there are serious legal, ethical, and social implications of such apps. “These practices, if poorly developed or used, can lead to serious limitations on, and violations of, citizens’ rights and freedoms, as well as discriminatory practices, which are also achieved through technological means, such as ‘social credit’ systems (or social scoring).” It is the thin edge of a mighty thick wedge, that will bring in a full-scale CCP style “social credit” system of control. And, once it is in one test case, it will be transplanted to other countries, moving like a plandemic.

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Siccing the CIA on Trump: Corruption Unlimited By Charles Taylor (Florida)

By Charles Taylor (Florida) the corruption and evil are slowly coming out, but, what can be done? A recently released CIA memoranda has revealed that technicians behind the Alfa Bank hoax also tracked Donald Trump’s movements to devise another collusion conspiracy theory. It involved both the mining of proprietary information and sensitive data from the Executive Office of the President (EOP) and the apparent surveillance of Trump’s physical movements; yes, cyber-stalking. If this was done to Obama when he was in office heads would have already have rolled, but, hey it is Trump and conservatives, so the ruling Left can ignore it. No crime done by the Left deserves punishment in the weird inverted world of Leftist politics.

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