Le Pen did What She Could with Diluted Populism, But France is Finished By Richard Miller (London)

Le Pen put up a good fight with her diluted populism, but the globalist forces, possibly using electoral fraud, crushed her in the end. She will not investigate the fraud angle. But an analysis of the electoral results published below shows that it was mainly an election won by the most degenerate of generations, the Boomers. “Macron appears to have romped home thanks to solid support from people aged 60 and above, getting 71% of the "70 and older" age bloc. Macron, age 44 is married to a 69-year-old woman, so that might have had something to do with it.

Essentially this was an election won by boomers, most of whom are well-heeled enough to live far away from the multicultural "diversity" that they pretend to accept, while Marine's "nationalist" message was so watered down that Black island people halfway round the World turned out to vote for her!”

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Decidual Cast Shedding (Shedding the Uterine Lining), Genital Ulcers and the Good Old Vaxxes Again By Mrs Vera West

Women are certainly grasping the pointy end of the Covid vax pineapple. First, there is decidual cast shedding, which I had never heard of, and I was a nurse back in the day (seems like the 1800s now). Actually, I had, we called it uterine lining shedding then. The entire lining of the uterus is passed at once. “The My Cycle Story survey of 6,049 females found 292 reported cases of decidual cast shedding between May 16, 2021, and December 31, 2021. The results of the survey, which was conducted on social media, contrasted with the pre-pandemic period, where a total of 40 cases were found in the medical literature over the past 109 years.” Amazingly, this corresponds to the Covid vax rollout. And just as nasty is the rise in young girls, some as young as five years old, are developing genital ulcers due to Pfizer’s  mRNA vaccine. What will be the long-term reproductive effects of this? Is it one more jab in the depopulation agenda?


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Is Early Puberty Another Covid Legacy? By Mrs Vera West

At first, I thought that the phenomenon of early puberty being now observed was a product of the vax. However, the causes are unknown at present, but “experts” suspect it has to do with lifestyle changes related to lockdowns, such as stress, low physical activity, increased obesity, elevated exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the home, poor sleep, and an increased consumption of unhealthy, hormone-disrupting foods in the lockdowns. That is enough to disrupt anyone’s hormones!


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SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Can Elicit a CD8 T-Cell Dominant Hepatitis By Brian Simpson

There is as newly published scientific paper that gives evidence that the mRNA vaxxes can generate hepatitis. The infamous spike proteins, once mass produced by one’s cells from the gene therapy which the mRNA vax actually is, travel all around the body and do not remain at the injection site. As these cells express a foreign protein, the body’s T-cells attack these cells, destroying once healthy tissue. If the spike proteins have become imbedded in the liver, then, bingo, hepatitis.


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Election Time, is time for the Revenge of the Unvaxxed, the Forced Vaxxed, the Vax Injured and all Harmed by the Lockdowns … Make Labor AND Liberal Pay! Teach Them a Lesson They Will Not Soon Forget! By James Reed

First up for the AEC, electoral comment written and authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA. Whoa, political payback time, here we come! Diggers, a call to battle!


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The Great Australian Covid Deception By Mrs Vera West

This goes back a bit, but is still relevant. An open letter to Australia’s health regulators and politicians from the Covidmedicalnetwork.com, details the health authorities failure to investigate and tell the public of the dangers of the vaxxes. The complaints include investigations being too limited in scope, a refusal to consider reliable research showing the jabs are not safe, the already high rate of injuries and death, the failure to consider treatments from repurposed drugs, and a complete ignoring of the now established superiority of natural immunity.


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VAIDs and the Covid Jabs By Brian Simpson

This Covid vax adverse events situation could get even more serious. Dr. Elizabeth Eads, a Florida-based physician of osteopathic medicine, believes that within months we will see millions of vaccinated people develop VAIDs, Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency. This claim is based on her clinical experience. “Yes, we are seeing vaccine-related acquired immunodeficiency in the hospital now from the triple vaxxed,” Eads said. “It is a vax injury, and we are not really certain how to treat this. We are kind of throwing the kitchen sink at it. We are trying to use everything we can think of to boost up the CD4 and CD8 counts and reverse this collapse, this calamity of immune collapse. It’s very stunning.” True, this is only one doctor, but there are many other similar reports, and there is the factor that most doctors are controlled by the medical boards, and do not step out of the line drawn by Big Pharma, so whether Dr Eads is right is uncertain. However, if her claim is true, it is going to be hard for the average Big Pharma-fearing GP to continually cover this up.


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“Reports of Death after Covid-19 Vaccination are Rare.” Discuss By Chris Knight (Florida)

Mathematician Jessica Rose addresses the response that one’s GP is likely to give to you when pushing the vax, and you mention adverse effects, oh, sure they occur, but are rare. But my guess is that if pressed further for more technical detail, their narrative would collapse, and I suppose you would get kicked out of the clinic, while still having to pay their fee of course. Jessica Rose examines the US VAERS data, and concludes: “Let’s assume that the URF [under-reporting factor] is lower than the lowest estimate of the URF that’s been done to date. It was calculated from Pfizer severe adverse event data and applies to severe adverse events. Let’s go with 30. Nice round number. Let’s also use their quoted estimate of 13,434 COVID-19 product associated deaths in VAERS. This would mean that 403,020 people had actually died if we use an URF of 30. This means that their statistic becomes 0.07%. That means that 7 out of every 10,000 individuals who get injected die. If we use the actual number of deaths reported to VAERS which is 29,481 (this includes spontaneous abortions), the URF of 30 gives us 884,430 and a death rate of 1/1,000. 1 in 1,000 individuals injected will die. That sounds serious.” And, it is.


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Dr Robert Malone on the Lies of the Covid Narrative By Chris Knight (Florida)

It becomes clear to most people who are red-pilled on the Covid plandemic, that here are multiple levels of lies being forced upon a compliant population. But why, what lies behind this? Dr Robert Malone explains that the key unifying factor is the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum (WEF), which serves the agenda of the globalized hegemony of transnational capital. Covid-19 has been openly said to provide an acceleration to the Great Reset, the creation of techno-feudalism and the IT control of people, with technologies called “transhumanism.” This involves the genetic transformation of the human species into programmable, hackable slaves and ultimately the replacement of humans by cyborgs, thinking robots. In this diabolical scheme, the mRNA vaxxes, actually gene therapies, is a beginning step towards human elimination. Other Covid critics see this as moving even further with the vaxxes being depopulation mechanisms, which could prove to be true. Certainly, most of the human race has now ben stamped into drinking the Jim Jones Kool aid, so we will just have to keep our heads down, and wait and see how this dystopian movie ends. If all of this was put together in a film prior to Covid, it would have been unbelievable.


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Elon Musk Loves China! By James Reed

“Elon Musk and the Chinese Temptation,” by Peter Schweizer, details Musk’s love affair with communist China, which conclusively puts him, well, not on our side, but merely a typical modern globalist, despite a few token anti-woke things he might say. Musk openly praises China. This raises the issue of national security issues, given the technological advances made by SpaceX, and Musk’s business connections to China. "The concerns center on the potential for China to gain access to the classified information possessed by Mr. Musk's closely held Space Exploration Technologies Corp., including through SpaceX's foreign suppliers that might have ties to Beijing." Republicans at long last are starting to investigate Musk, and hopefully if they regain the House, will be able to get a full-on inquiry with legal teeth in motion. I will not be surprised with what they might find.



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The Genetic Engineering of SARS in the Past By Brian Simpson

This may be of interest to those pondering the origins of SARS-CoV-2, and why this virus mutates so fast. It seems that researchers were undertaking gain-of-function research back in 2010, the experiments being done with the original 2003 version of SARS. These researchers found a way to make this virus mutate faster, while still being robust. “ExoN” mutations such as nsp14-ExoN, made the virus mutate 21 times faster, and surprise, surprise, SARS-CoV-2 contains a mutated nsp14 from SARS. As Igor Chudov concludes: “certain bats, sitting in the caves 1,000 km away from Wuhan, purely by chance decided to follow the suggestion of the 2010 Baric article and modified the nsp14 ExoN genes in order to make their virus mutate faster — just for fun.” That is, of course, what the mainstream Covid narrative is committed to.


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Doctors Talking Frankly about the Covid Vaccines By Mrs Vera West

I was surprised to learn that there is a US doctors’ group, members by invitation only by another member, now numbering more than 20,000 doctors, each one vetted by the group’s administrators. With anonymity, doctors are able to express their clinical observations about vax adverse events, and especially how hospitals are reluctant to report these adverse events for fear of funding and grant cuts by Big Pharma. Thus, there is considerable dissent, but most of the dissenting doctors will not speak up as the medical boards are ready to squash them if they do, meaning the end of their career. How is that for medical scientific objectivity! Actually, from what I have seen of the medical profession over my long life, I am not surprised at all.


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A Scenario for Nuclear Genocide By James Reed

Harry J. Kazianis is director of defense studies at the Center for the National Interest in Washington DC and executive editor of their publishing arm, The National Interest. He outlines one scenario where the present Ukrainian-Russia war escalates into a full-on nuclear war, killing a billion people. The argument is based upon computer simulations that show that NATO would beat Russia in a conventional war, thus leaving Putin discredited as a failed leader. Rather than face this fate, he may escalate to de-escalate, using nuclear weapons, which is Russian policy now. That is likely to cross the line with NATO, who would respond in kind. What Putin has not really thought deeply  is where the radiation goes; winds look like they blow right into Moscow, so he will get to enjoy the fruit of his own bombs!


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“All Age Groups Under 80 Years Old have Virtually No Benefit from Receiving a Covid-19 Inoculation, and the Younger Ages Incur Significant Risk” By Brian Simpson

There is a new study by Kathy Dopp and Stephanie Seneff, entitled,  “COVID-19 and All-Cause Mortality Data by Age Group Reveals Risk of COVID Vaccine-Induced Fatality is Equal to or Greater than the Risk of a COVID death for all Age Groups Under 80 Years Old as of 6 February 2022.” This research has found that “all age groups under 50 years old are at greater risk of fatality after receiving a COVID-19 inoculation than an unvaccinated person is at risk of a COVID-19 death. All age groups under 80 years old have virtually no benefit from receiving a COVID-19 inoculation, and the younger ages incur significant risk.” That is the conclusion in a nut shell. Further “vaccine manufacturers neglected to calculate absolute risk reductions based on the prevalence or likelihood of a person developing symptomatic COVID illness.” So, given this, how can it justifiably be claimed that the vaxxes were known to be safe, as the fundamental epidemiological calculations of absolute risk, only the better-looking (for Big Pharma) relative risk figures were given? And, if the main conclusion is correct, the vaxxes are pointless anyway.


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The View of Putin’s War by Israeli Intellectual Yuval Harari By Richard Miller (London)

Hugh Fitzgerald reports on the view of Israeli intellectual Yuval Harari, that Putin has lost his war, whatever happens in the Ukraine. How so? The war is over the existence of the Ukraine people, and Putin has denied, in true communist form, that this ethnic group exists. However, the war has united the Ukrainian people was never before, reaffirming their sense of ethnic identity. “Putin won’t be able to hold it… There is no chance. With every passing day, he sows more and more seeds of hatred between Ukrainians and Russians — who didn’t hate each other before. They were family. This is hatred for generations. By his own hand, he is ensuring there is no chance of them uniting.” That is certainly true, but Putin is not really concerned about niceties like peaceful co-existence, since he intends to conquer the place by force of arms, and presumably maintain order at the barrel of a gun. Just the way the old USSR, which he misses, did.


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The Vax and Miscarriages: An Unfolding Tragedy By Mrs Vera West

One of the lesser discussed topics of Covid vax injuries is that of miscarriages. The mainstream narrative holds that there is no problem here, and there has been a gung-ho push to vaccinate pregnant women and everyone else, to increase Big Pharma’s profits. The successful Freedom of Information request, which both the FDA and Pfizer opposed in court, but lost, has yielded many revealing documents, including “Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports” describing events reported to Pfizer up until February 2021. This showed that more than 150,000 serious adverse event reports within three months of rolling out its COVID shot. Equally as revealing is Table 6 of the data on pregnant and lactating women who received the shots in the first few months of the rollout, which began December 11 2021.

Table 6 states that of 270 “unique pregnancies” that were in vaccinated mothers, “no outcome was provided for 238 pregnancies.” Hence there were 32 pregnancies with known outcomes. According to the Pfizer report, there were 23 spontaneous abortions (miscarriages), two premature births with neonatal death, two spontaneous abortions with intrauterine death, one spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and one pregnancy with “normal outcome.” Hence of 32 pregnancies with known outcome, 28 resulted in foetal death. Even one foetal death should have sent alarm bells ringing, but the watch dog, the FDA, was asleep at its post, and still is. as documented below, there are unofficial reports of a spike in miscarriages across maternity hospitals, who are loath to implicate the sacred vax. “There are 3,604 reports of spontaneous abortions, miscarriages, stillbirths, and neonate deaths on the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) through December 10, 2021. These include thousands of miscarriages and early pregnancy losses shortly after injection of experimental gene-modifying mRNA COVID vaccines; reports of babies that abruptly stop growing, or experience a stroke in utero; of malformed babies; a baby dying from an inflamed placenta; and a baby born fatally bleeding from its mouth, nose, and lungs. A surprising number of these reports note that there was no autopsy done and admit “no further information.” It’s as if public health doesn’t want to know what caused these babies to die.” That is an under-statement.

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Muscle Mass and Longevity By John Steele

Dr Mercola at a now deleted post, summarises evidence that resistance training, that is in short, lifting weights, is a core part of muscle-centric medicine. This field of medicine sees many diseases such as diabetes as based upon skeletal muscle insulin resistance. Resistance training unlike cardo training produces optimal results for longevity, and aids in disease prevention, as muscles interface with the immune system. As well, skeletal muscle is the regulator of your metabolism, and the basic site for glucose disposal, and a way of managing blood sugar levels.

It is never too late to engage on resistance training, after a doctor’s check-up of course. Dr Mercola is 67, and has a video where he deadlifts for, I think for reps, 370 pounds, and he says that he has now lifted 400 pounds! But one does not need to do that, or go to any extremes. Nor do I think do older people need an expensive gym membership, where they will feel out of place. The idea is to do body weight training such as push ups, chin ups say from a safe bar or sturdy tree branch, and squats. An old duffel bag full of rocks can serve for many exercises, such as arm curls. One is limited only by one’s ability to improvise. Every exercise one needs to do is covered on YouTube, just plug into the search engine “body weight training.” Every second day I do body weight squats in a continuous set of 500 reps usually numbering 2,000 reps. I also do calf raises, up to 10,000 reps, and I am 75! But after the medical ok, start off slowly because injuries are easy to get from going too heavy too soon, or doing too much. Just the other day, something went in my right calf muscle and I had to rest it for a couple of weeks. So, beware, train safe!

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Media Mind Control By Chris Knight

Public trust in the media is at an all-time low. The concentration of media power into six US companies, and even less in Australia, has meant that not only are inconvenient stories suppressed, but whole areas of concern are declared out of bounds. Immigration is one issue, for both the US and Australia. In general, anything that might challenge the Left-globalist agenda is not considered news. The Covid mandates and lockdowns are real hit-home examples as well. The adverse effects from the vaxxes, stories of vaccine injuries, did get some minor coverage, but mainly to hose down concerns. The narrative was that yes, adverse effects occur, but it is much worse without the vax, as we are dealing with a new Black Death. Clearly this is not true, as for everyone except the elderly and immune compromised, the survival rate is in excess of 99 percent. Again, the agenda is to support Big Pharma, who is tied up with the transnational investment companies who own it all. Hence the present drive to censor the internet, so that no opposition to their tyranny can exist at all.


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More on the Depopulation Agenda of Destroying Food Resources By Michael Ferguson

Shoot to kill operations of cattle are under way in Cape York. Cattle have wandered into national parks and the rangers who own surrounding land are not usually given any warning or time to round up the cattle. KAP member for Hill Shane Knuth has said “The department needs to communicate with landowners, who are rarely notified and often held up by government bureaucracy, sometimes waiting up to 50 days before they can obtain a permit to collect their branded cattle from national parks.”

“Cattle are continually shot before landowners are given permission to enter parks to muster their cattle, which is a huge economic loss to the region.” “It is quite obvious that this Government wants to drive pastoralists out of the region, so they can lock it up to meet their environmental agenda.” And that is spot on comment since the environmentalists have a general hatred of farmers, even though these urbanites still like to eat food.

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Fauci: You Use Lockdowns to Get People Vaccinated By Brian Simpson

Covid king Dr Fauci has said that you use lockdowns to get people vaccinated. That is certainly true; the Melbourne lockdowns almost drove people to the brink of insanity, equivalent to a self-funded solitary imprisonment, with some people being locked down in high rise flats, perhaps having even less freedom than those in solitary confinement in prisons. Sadly, many committed suicide. Of course, they would be open to being jabbed by an experimental vaccine, just to be able to breathe the “free” air again.  But this all shows the sinister nature of the whole thing.


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