The Great Reset and Technocracy By James Reed

Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum, has said, "The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.” As detailed by leading technocracy critic, Patrick Wood, the Great Reset is basically short hand for the creation of a technocratic social order, which Schwab himself describes as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which by using information technology, the internet of things, and artificial intelligence, along with genetic engineering, seeks to blur existing ontological distinctions of the past three “revolutions.” The aim, is to remake the world at a most fundamental level, one suitable to elites like Schwab.

“The Great Reset is a complex and far-reaching topic that has all too often been misunderstood or misrepresented. The globalist narrative claims that a Great Reset is inevitable, given the rapid advances in science, technology, and engineering, and that it is happening, must happen, in spite of human attempts to intervene and prevent it. As a result of the Great Reset, the globalists insist, almost every aspect of society, of the economy, and even of human identity will be disrupted and forever changed.

One frequently hears talk about disruptive technologies having the ability to upend existing products, processes, companies, and markets. Often overlooked, however, is the fact that, as Harvard Business Review notes, disruptive innovations have always originated in low-end or new-market footholds.[1] For instance, when expensive engine-powered buggies first appeared, they were not a threat to the horse and buggy, both of which were plentiful and cheap. The disruption came only when Ford Motor Company mass-produced the Model T at a price people could afford and willingly paid. Thereafter, the entire transportation industry was thoroughly and permanently disrupted.

Today, the original theory of disruptive enterprise has regressed to mean any shocking new thing that can be quickly capitalized while driving large competitors out of business. The traditional checks and balances that normally operate in a free market economic system have been thrown to the wind. The resulting feeding frenzy has bolstered belief of the Great Reset’s inevitability as well as the doctrine behind it.”



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