Reports of excess deaths, unexplained, continue to mount up, and the material below gives a handy reading guide to some of the clearly weird events happening. While the individual stories of athletes collapsing on the field can be skated over, the insurance costs, have economic teeth and are real. Lincoln National the fifth largest life insurance carrier in the US is already under pressure, as noted below: ““From 2019, the last normal year before the pandemic, to 2020, the year of the Covid-19 virus, there was an increase in group death benefits paid out of only 9 percent. But group death benefits in 2021, the year the vaccine was introduced, increased almost 164 percent over 2020,” Crossroads Report explains.
“Lincoln National is the fifth-largest life insurance company in the United States, according to BankRate, after New York Life, Northwestern Mutual, MetLife and Prudential.”