Oh, Sweet Irony of Ironies! By Richard Miller (London)

Collin Rugg, who I think is just an ordinary person like us, apologies if I am wrong about this, posted this item and film clip, about the latest globalists climate talkfest: “NEW: Private jets getting ready to leave for a ‘Climate Change’ conference in Dubai are frozen on the runway in Munich as 60% of Europe is covered in snow. Let me say that again: Rich people getting ready to board their gas guzzling jets to fly to a ‘Climate Change’ (formerly known as Global Warming) conference can’t leave because their planes are covered in freezing snow.”

I think that the powers that be, are trying to make an example here.

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All are Harmed By Charles Tylor (Florida)

Mike Adams has put the case that America may see medical martial law in 2024, which would be a convenient way of re-doing the election fraud that was done in the stolen election of 2024. But while he does not rule out the possibility of a new plandemic via White Lung Syndrome being the next global thing, there is still the issue of the harm done by the Covid vaxxes. He notes that over 50 percent of people who were Covid vaxxed are showing some signs of illness to various degrees. “Eight out of 10 jab recipients, especially including those who got at least one "booster" shot in addition to the primary series, are suffering complications that could end up disabling them.” Dr Peter McCollough says that anyone having had any number of Covid vaxxes, whether they know it or not has heart issues.

The prediction is that masses of people will fall ill to a disabling level, and they will be put into quarantine camps. Now, while this is possible what is more likely now is that that the cheaper approach will be taken, and people will be forced to lockdown at home under the home detention that was enforced during Covid.

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HomeKeeper: Giving One’s Castle to the Government By James Reed

Chris Wallace, Professor, School of Politics Economics & Society, Faculty of Business Government & Law, University of Canberra, has a paper at The Conversation.com, putting the position that given the economic crisis, the government needs to implement a policy to be known as “HomeKeeper.” This is based upon the JobKeeper program rolled out during the Covid plandemic. Here is how this will work:


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The Disease of Globalism By Chris Knight (Florida)

Another nice critical piece appeared at the American thinker.com, deconstructing the ideology of globalism, as embodied in the UN climate conference which will soon be delivering its next round of demands to government to obey. As noted, “No form of national government could be properly described as “democratic” or “representative” of the people if it takes its marching orders from the WEF, WHO, EU, or UN.  Globalism seeks nothing less than to create a planetary system of vassalage in which cultural practices, historic customs, religious beliefs, and national sovereignties are all subsumed under the all-powerful dominion of an insular ruling elite.  Speaking the most parseltongued form of “political correctness,” its propagandists denounce “imperialism” while building the most sinister empire the world has ever seen.   

After a century of coercive internationalism in which corporate oligarchs, central bank money-printers, and clandestine security services have conquered the world under an artificial olive branch and deceptive promises of peace, where are we today?  The global population has never been more unhappy.  Apparently, serving as meaningless chits for unelected globalists to trade and control has starved humanity of its zest for living.”

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UK Mask Mandates Now Admitted to have Never Been Evidence Based By Richard Miller (London)

Professor Dame Jenny Harries, now the head of the UK Health Security Agency, who was England’s former deputy chief medical officer during the Covid plandemic, recently testified during the UK government’s Covid inquiry. She admitted that there was no proof that face masks were effective in slowing or preventing the spread of the virus, and may in fact have aided in the spread of the Covid infection. Not only did masks lead to a false sense of security, so that measures such as social distancing may have been relaxed by people, but the masks could also concentrate the virus, increasing infections.

With the health authorities still using, and some returning to mask use, as here in hospitals, and in South Australian and Western Australian hospitals, it is long overdue for a public debate about the mask ideology.

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A Sample of the Globalist Mindset in Ireland By Patrick O’Grady

Here is what we are up against in Ireland, in the battle against the globalised multicult. Abul Kalam Azad Talukder is a Bangladeshi immigrant, and the first Muslim to hold a council position in the Irish city of Limerick. He said: “It is very shameful and they should get public punishment. I’d like to see them shot in the head or bring the public in and beat them until they die.” He was not referring to criminals committing horrendous crimes like stabbing five-year-old children, but to the protesters! No doubt the rest of the government at all levels may hold to similar views. Elon Musk was right, but not only the prime minister, but the rest of the elites hate the Irish people.


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The Battle for Ireland By Patrick O’Grady

American Renaissance.com has given a good outline of the present battle for the heart and soul of Ireland, which has been put into international focus with the protests against the immigrant who stabbed children, and the multicult government who ignores the significance of migrant crime, while persecuting white Irish who resist their tyranny.

As noted, Ireland has had many strong fighters for Irish freedom, and the idea of Ireland for the Irish, has been proclaimed. Ireland never had an empire, and did not engage in colonialism or imperialism, unlike the English, and our people are native to this land. We have the same right to exist as other peoples in say Africa, Asia and the Middle East. We therefore have a just cause, and the threats now against the Irish people are greater than ever. Mass immigration is part of our Great Replacement, and we must resist it or perish as a people.

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The Vax Harms that Biden Hid By Chris Knight (Florida)

Covid vax critic Dr Naomi Wolf has made the point that with respect to the deaths and adverse effects from the Covid vaxxes: “You can’t kill Americans … knowingly without the okay of the President because you’re literally burning up too much political capital. No one wants to be on the receiving end of having killed Americans when that crime comes to light without the imprimatur (approval) of the President.” The evidence that the Covid death march goes right to the top of the tree has been found by Attorney Edward Berkovic’ requests under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), for emails to and from Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, Sherri A. Berger, and Kevin Griffis (all CDC staff) between February 1, 2021, and May 31, 2021, that include the term “myocarditis.”

What was found was that 80 percent of the 46 pages relating to the White House and the executive office of the president were redacted, being blank pages. This was done for security reasons. So, what it says is that all along the White House and President Joe Biden knew about the harms the vaccines were causing, but instead of doing something about it, merely doubled down in pushing the toxins of Big Pharma. Note, that in the past, vaccines and other drugs were pulled from the market with far less injuries and deaths than from the Covid vaxxes.

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Cheap Migrant Labour Stifles Productivity By Richard Miller (London)

This item is relevant to both us here in the UK, and perhaps even more so to Australia, with its insane mass immigration program. Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves has said that the UK capitalists’ use of cheap migrant labour has lowered the productivity of the UK; it has meant that local capitalists have not made the needed investments in  productivity-enhancing technology, such as AI and robotics. She said: “productivity in Japan is pretty high. We went to this fascinating place when we were there, which was a factory making robots, but it was robots making robots. It was really quite something.

‘But that use of technology is quite exciting in countries like Japan, but I think we do have a lot to learn from it because our productivity growth has been very poor in Britain.

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Kunstler, on Where it Goes from Here By Charles Taylor (Florida)

James Howard Kunstler is from the Left, but his more recent writings provide insight to our side of politics. Kunstler was once a Democrat, but he seems appalled at Joe Biden, and who can blame him? He is also a critic of globalism, so while nothing new is said that we have not said, here are some confirming thoughts from what was once the other side of the lake, but in these strange times, some of the past divisions are disappearing.


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Covid Apocalyptics By Brian Simpson

The Covid years of moral darkness came into effect, not merely to aid in enriching Big Pharma, but to push anti-liberal democratic agendas, in the re-working of world order. As noted below at Brownstone.org, the breakdown of traditional civil rights was a necessary step to prepare people for what is the next big thing, war, mass killing and mega-death. The pieces are already on the globalist chess board for this.

But the point which needs to be added to the analysis, is that war itself serves a political purpose, and is one of the globalists’ methods of the re-arrangement of power. It will sort out exactly how their New World Order will operate, be in via the standard US model, or the new oppression-improved communist Chinese model. In the end it does not matter which horse wins this race, since the globalists own both horses and the whole race course!

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The Toxins in Masks; The Toxins of Masks By Mrs Vera West

With mask mandates back in force in hospitals in South Australia and Western Australia, it is timely to review the harms that masks do; the case against masks in terms of their inefficiency in stopping the transmission of viruses was documented by numerous studies. However, this debate has focussed largely upon the surgical masks people tend to wear.

The higher grade N95 masks are a problem as well, as wearers are exposed to dangerous levels of chemicals. A South Korean study has found that the chemicals released by the N95 masks occurred at levels eight times the recommended safety limit for toxic volatile organic compounds (TVOCs). These chemicals have been linked to cancer. The disposable blue masks contain up to 14 times the level of TVOCs. And, these are the masks that our governments forced us, including children, to wear for months on end. We do not know how this will end as the cancers may take many years to develop.

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January 6 Footage Released By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The January 6 peaceful protests about the stolen 2020 election have been used by the Biden administration as political weapon against Trump supporters. What has emerged from past released footage, that Tucker Carlson showed while on Fox, one of the factors leading to his sacking, was that authorities were actively in the crowds working to move the protests to the Capitol Building. New footage is set to be released that will do doubt confirm the Trump side.

But the question seldom asked, and one which has never been asked of Trump, is why he set up the mass meeting in Washington DC in the first place? For a time, I thought this might be a deal done with the Deep State to stop him from being prosecuted, but if that was so, they have clearly double-crossed him. More likely the man is not only a narcissist, but is also dumb, and someone like that is easy manipulated by the intellects in the Deep State. And they are likely to do it again.

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Gay Furry Hackers, Attack! By Brian Simpson

This item goes back a few weeks, but its moral is still relevant. The hacking group SiegedSec, a group describing themselves as “gay furry hackers,” succeeded in hacking the nuclear research hub Idaho National Laboratory (INL). They did not apparently do anything to cause a nuclear incident, but accessed employee data. The groups demanded: “We're willing to make a deal with INL. If they research creating irl catgirls we will take down this post.” That does not make much sense, but presumably it was not meant to. The group also hacked into NATO, leaking internal documents, as payback for human rights violations, presumably of the trans nature, but no-one is sure.

The question to be asked here is, if a group of gay furry hackers can do this, who else is out there, apart from state-based cyber-terrorists, thinking of ways to take down the grid, and even the internet? Today, millions could die due to some frantic fanatic working on a keyboard.

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Zero Net: Australian National Suicide By James Reed

Mr Viv Forbes has done great work deconstructing the insanities behind the climate change alarmist zero net mania, with its move to abandon fossil fuels, go all-out on renewables and embrace numerous other aspects of the theatre of the absurd, such as eating bugs and slugs. Below, Mr Forbes says that if the Left and environmentalists really want zero net, they should go all the way and embrace a whole range other zero nets. For a start, how about zero net immigration, zero net tourism, zero net growth of welfare, and all woke projects which only go to increase carbon emissions? I would add, certainly finishing off the international student education/migration scam would do more for carbon elimination, if that is what one wants, than all the dreams about renewables and bug eating.


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AUKUS and the Nuclear Hypocrisy of Communist China By James Reed

Communist China is engaged in a massive nuclear proliferation program. China at present has an estimated 410 nuclear warheads as of January 2023, an increase of around 60 warheads from 2022. However, China’s nuclear proliferation program is now underway, and the U.S. Department of Defense has projected that China could possess around 1,500 nuclear warheads by 2035. Yet recently China has objected strongly to the AUKUS agreement between the US, UK and Australia, where it seems that Australia acquiring nuclear submarines would give this country a nuclear capacity. For China that is nuclear proliferation. Talk about hypocrisy, but that is how they play the game. As climate princess Great would say: “how dare you”!

Australia needs to acquire full nuclear weapon capacity, and should have done this instead of the populate or perish mania of the post-World War II era, since what counts today in warfare is technology, not grunters, especially in an age of AI and robotics.

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Before the Shooting Starts: China’s Game of “Chicken” By Tom North

If the truth be known, China is already testing the waters for a kinetic engagement with Australia, as China is actively engaged in cyber-attacks upon Australia. Last week there was the sonic attack upon Australian navy divers, which the cowardly Biden, sorry, Albo government took on the chin, too scared, and too socialist, to object. Communist China has, apart from the ongoing harassment of Taiwan, conducted “risky behaviours” against Australian, Canadian, Philippine and US vessels and aircraft, including the use of water cannons, lasers and harassment manoeuvres.

As noted in the commentary below, it is only a matter of time before someone from our side gets tired of this game of oriental chicken and fires back. Then it will be on.

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Making the Irish into a Minority: The Great Replacement By Patrick O’Grady (Ireland)

Across the West, all migration-based nations face the replacement of the original White populations. The US will have a White minority in about 10 years, with many cities now majority non-white. The UK already has a majority non-white London, and other cites as well. Ireland is no exception. The government’s Project Ireland 2040, anticipates a population increase of one million over that period, if not more, given the present mass immigration levels. This planning indicates that the elites have already told the governments what will be done whatever side gets power. And while the White Irish population is declining, Project Ireland 2040 will not be promoting any increase in the native birth-rate. The people will be coming from Africa, Asia and the Middle east. It will really be the Great Replacement:

“The ‘Project Ireland 2040’ also brings up another possibly interesting issue. The Irish population is around five million. Of these five million, around 80 percent – four million – are indigenous Irish. Even if the indigenous population remains stable, then, of the six million people who (the Irish Government predicts) will be living in Ireland by 2040, around two million – one in three ‘Irish’ – will be an immigrant, mostly from Africa, the Middle East and Asia. However, were the indigenous population to decline because of the falling birth rate and a long history of native Irish emigrating to the U.K. and other English-speaking countries in search of new opportunities, then by 2040 more than one in three ‘Irish’ would be foreign born.”

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White Lung Syndrome By Chris Knight

Previously there were reports in China of children becoming seriously ill with what has now come to be called, “White Lung Disease,” caused by mycoplasma pneumoniae. In the past this caused only a mild lung infection, but what is circulating now is virulent, and thought to be resistant to many antibiotics. The infectious agent has now spread to both Europe and the United states, and here we in the US are seeing hundreds of very sick children. But in Amsterdam, the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research reported that 80 out of every 100,000 children aged between five and 14 were diagnosed with the respiratory issue last week.

This is taking the same path that Covid took in the beginning, only this time, people are getting seriously ill. And unlike Covid, this time it is children rather than the elderly. It is possible that this is yet another bug that escaped, or was tossed out the back of a CCP bioweapons lab; we do not yet know. But, as with Covid, it would be wise now to get prepared, as the authorities will go back to lockdowns if they panic, and they panic at the drop of a hat, or test tube.

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Army Spied on Covid Critics By Richard Miller (London)

This situation of government spying on citizens occurred in the United States under the Biden regime. Now it has been revealed that a special secret UK army unit spied on British citizen who were critics of the government’s Covid mandate lockdown policies.  This was a special military information warfare unit, using “non-lethal engagement and legitimate non-military levers as a means to adapt behaviours of adversaries.” The information that was gathered was then used by the government to counter criticisms.

What is disturbing in this was that a military organisation essentially conducted information warfare against civilians. It certainly violates liberal democrat conventions that the military is not to conduct operations against civilians of any sort of political nature. It shows how evil the government has become, being really the enemy of the people. Right across the West we really do have occupied governments.

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