What is Wrong with the Left … Do They Ever Grow Up? By Mrs. Vera West

 It is exciting times for Australian monarchists, as King Charles and Queen Camilla's plane touched down in Sydney. But Leftist Senator Lidia Thorpe was involved in an altercation with police, which led to her pulling off her shirt. Photos from the scene reveal that she remained clothed with some sort of singlet, throughout, so all good:

"A small group of protesters outside the Australian War Memorial in Canberra were told to move on by police.

Ms Thorpe, who is understood to have been part of the protest, was seen arguing with a police officer who held onto her shirt.

Ms Thorpe then pulled her shirt off and stormed away from the officer.

'Everything that we suffer in this country is because of that colonial invasion,' she said after the tussle.

Ms Thorpe has been vocal about her feelings towards the monarchy, and last year co-signed a letter urging King Charles to apologise for the effect of colonisation.

She along with representatives from 11 other countries signed the letter ahead of Charles' Coronation."

No doubt she might have preferred the country being settled by the imperial Chinese or Japanese, because some technological power would have settled this place, just like everywhere on the planet.

Then the Australian Greens are doing the usual tantrum:

"Greens deputy leader Mehreen Faruqi vowed to snub King Charles and Queen Camilla saying she would sit out of the parliamentary reception on Monday.

'The monarchy symbolises an era that should be left behind for good, not celebrated,' she said.

'It will come as no surprise that I will not be participating in any pomp and ceremony celebrating the monarchy, but I'd be happy to go to the airport to wish them a final goodbye in the hope that this is the last time the crown visits this country as rulers.

'Preserving the British monarchy is to preserve white supremacy and the systemic racist structures that were built by the Empire and persist today.'

Ms Faruqi is among several Australians unhappy with the visit from the royal couple.

Local republicans argue it is time to farewell the monarchy, and Indigenous rights groups lament it as a reminder of Australia's dark colonial past.

Placard-brandishing protesters gathered and royalists faced off near St Thomas' Church in North Sydney ahead of the service attended by the King and Queen on Sunday.

Pro-Palestine protesters and Indigenous rights activists unfurled Banners reading 'decolonise' and 'empire built on genocide'.

There were also chants of 'Always Was, Always Will be, Aboriginal Land'.

In response to a request to meet from the Australian Republican Movement earlier this year, the King said the decision to become a republic rested with the Australian people."

I sometimes wonder how these folk from the Left will really go given that the future of Australia looks at this point in time of becoming a colony of China.

Stop press, no sooner than I typed those words then a new story came down the wire:


"Senator Lidia Thorpe has interrupted King Charles address at Parliament.

She shouted: 'Not my king,' shortly after he addressed the house.

'You committed genocide against our people,' Thorpe said.

'Give us our land back.

'Give us what you stole from us.

'Our bones, our skulls, our babies, our people. You destroyed our land.

'Give us our treaties. We want a treaty in our country."

Well on the one hand she wants all non-indigenous to leave, I think, which now includes millions of non-White people, which I believe has a word for it, but she wants a treaty as well. So, if we all leave, I guess the treaty would be with themselves. Would this mob be able to feed themselves if most of Australia simply disappeared? I wish them good luck, and good hunting and gathering, in a return to tradition.




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