Modernity’s Doom? Is Progress at an End? By James Reed

Dr. David McGrogan is an Associate Professor of Law at Northumbria Law School, has published a controversial article, "The End of Progress," arguing for the idea of the doom of modernity, that the core proposition of modernist ideology, the inevitability of progress, is false. Modernity is the view that the traditional theological justifications ar...

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Electric Lemons: The Used Electric Vehicle Problem, By James Reed

One of the emerging economic problems with electric vehicles (EVs), which are supposed to save the planet from the climate change catastrophe according to environmentalists, is that the limited battery life of these vehicles is making them impossible to resell. After only a few years, the battery starts to lose charge, and may lose up to 12 percent...

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Pro-Babies Now Right Wing, So Right Wing I Am! By Mrs Vera West

This piece relates to a commentary in the Left journal, Politico, a few months back, which attacked the conservative "NatalCon" conference which saw population decline from the birth dearth as a threat to civilisation, as also expressed by a leading natalist, Elon Musk. This was seen by the Left as "racist," as such conservatives wanted to see more...

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The Deceptive CDC on the Harms of the Covid Vaxxes, By Chris Knight (Florida)

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials had found evidence that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines had caused multiple deaths, according to the Epoch Times. But they still stated publicly the received "safe and effective" mantra, that the Covid mRNA vaxxes had not resulted in deaths. The Epoch Times did invest...

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Aussie Renters Crushed by Population Growth from Mass Immigration, By James Reed

Two new articles have appeared at, which is the leading site critiquing the present mass immigration program and its disastrous effects upon accommodation, indeed, producing the worse accommodation crisis in Australia's history. The average rental price is a mind-blowing $ 600 per week, with over the past year to June 2024, ren...

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The Hope Accord for the Suspension of the Covid Vax, By Brian Simpson

The Hope Accord, reproduced below, has been signed by over 45,000 people, including doctors and healthcare workers. It calls for the immediate suspension of the Covid mRNA vaxxes: "A growing body of evidence suggests that the widespread rollout of the novel Covid-19 mRNA vaccine products is contributing to an alarming rise in disability and excess ...

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The “Biden May be Dead” Rumour, Strictly False Now, but with Elements of Truth, By James Reed

It seems that Joe Biden is still alive after making a brief public appearance boarding Air Force One: Previously, rumours raced across social media in the millions, that Joe Biden was dead:

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Secret Service Not So Secret, Not Much Service! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Go to Jimmy Dore, the comedian, who has gone from the Left to I think conservative, for an entertaining account of the Congress grilling of the now former Secret Service director DEI affirmative action special, Kimberly Cheatle, who has the word "cheat" in her name: I have never seen anyone grilled as mu...

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17 Million Deaths and Counting: Covid Vaxxes, By Brian Simpson

An article with the usual formidable academic title: "Spatiotemporal variation of excess all-cause mortality in the world (125 countries) during the Covid period 2020-2023 regarding socio-economic factors and public-health and medical interventions": by Denis G. Rancourt et al.:

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“Sociopathic Billionaire Man-Child Who Wants to Eat the World.” By Charles Taylor

The article title is from a media description of the billionaire technocrat who essentially created the likely next vice president, J. D. Vance., has a longish article giving the fine details of the movement of technocracy into the White House with J. D. Vance, as a likely vice president, for Trump. You may not know much about ...

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Straight to the Heart: The Covid mRNA Spikes, By Brian Simpson

A Japanese research team: has published a study in the journal ESC Heart Failure: They used advances made in biopsy techniques to show that the Covid mRNA vax can cause vaccine-induced myocarditis, heart inflammation. The biopsy technique, known as endomyocardial, is capable of identifying ...

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Australian Women, and All Other Women, Need to be Very Careful in France in the Paris 2024 Olympics, By Richard Miller (London)

The Paris 2024 Olympics is set to take place, but the influx of White women is leading to the local rapists, raping. The horror stories are below. After an Australian woman was gang raped by "five African-type individuals," it would be wise to be aware, and at least not get drunk, and vulnerable in public. That applies to male tourists as well, re ...

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The Statistical Con of the International Student Supermarket, By James Reed

The Australian government has boasted of the alleged $ 48 billion international student exports being one of the country's major money-spinners. But it is all smoke and mirrors as has shown in a number of articles, all covered previously at this blog. The ABS cooked up this figure from "an average spend estimate from Tourism Re...

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The Closing of US Universities: Something Needed Across the West, By James Reed reports on the phenomena of small US colleges and universities shutting down, at a rate of about one per week. There are various reasons for his, such as a slow dry up of federal money, but one clear reason is that enrolments are crashing because students are pessimistic about higher education. This stems from the lack of job security tha...

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Public Health and the Net Zero Ideology, By James Reed

Another insightful piece appeared at the Daily Sceptic, a fine blog, written by a public health insider about how the present public health philosophy fits, or does not fit in with the philosophical foundations of Enlightenment thought. The main focus is upon climate changed, but the same observations apply just as well to Covid and other forthcomi...

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No Toxicology Studies were Undertaken for Covid Vax, By Brian Simpson

It has been a while since we had some revelations about the corruption, fraud and negligence, and general going-on surrounding the Covid vax conspiracies. Dr Peter McCullough deals the story for today. At the time of developing of the vax, figures like Bill Gates said that "a vaccine is the only thing that will allow us to return to normal." Covid-...

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The Political Economy of Bug Eating! By James Reed

It is getting near my lunch time so this might be a good time to cover this one, about bug eating. Not that I will be eating bugs as the World Economic Forum proposes that I do to save the planet, as if a planet without meat eating is worth saving! No, even though I do not have much money, facing the cost-of-living crisis liked all poor Aussies, I ...

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The Leftist Attack Upon the English Language, By James Reed

It is the day job of the woke Left to find something to not only complain about, but to deconstruct because of "racism." In their world, it is racism, racism, everywhere until the last White person, including them, disappears from the face of the planet, leaving, who knows what. US academics are now proclaiming in an act of woke, that speaking and ...

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The Coming Anarchy has Arrived, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Journalist Robert Kaplan published what was at the time, a controversial article in 1994 in The Atlantic Monthly, "The Coming Anarchy: How Scarcity, Crime, Overpopulation, Tribalism, and disaster are Rapidly Destroying the Social Fabric of Our Planet." There was a follow-up book, The Coming Anarchy: Shattering the Dreams of the Post Cold War, (Vint...

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“Lord of the Rings” and the Right, By James Reed

The Left went into moral panic when The Lord of the Rings trilogy of movies was released. Here was something which was grounded in White European culture and mythology, following the books to a high degree. And here was a classic battle of good versus evil, of a threatened race facing seemingly insuperable odds, but holding steadfast, and after gre...

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